to less prosaic representations. That five of the commentaries are positive in their evaluation of Neighbours, two neutral, and only one negative suggests the broad potential acceptability of the program to the US market (only one publication, the Wall Street Journal, has the kind of highbrow readership which might encourage its television critics to sneer at popular material such as soaps). The two textual features of Neighbours which do draw comment – the everyday, and the domestic and suburban – point to a crucial first feature of the US “mediascape,” in particular its “soapscape,” namely the preference for the exceptional, the non-domestic, the non-suburban. In US soaps, it is well known, the pole of melodrama exercises greater attraction than the pole of realism (cf. Geraghty 1991: 25–38) – in contrast to Australian and British soaps. These two textual aspects of Neighbours are a central theme of the US commentaries, combining under the rubric of the non-exceptional, the “realistic.” All the commentaries bar the sole negative one (Kitman 1991: 23) refer positively to Neighbours’ “realism,” often in contradistinction to the perceived artificiality of US soaps. Peter Pinne, the program’s executive producer, is twice quoted to just this effect (Goodspeed 1991: 22; Mann 1991: 28), while USA Today (Roush 1991: 15) applauds “how close the residents of Ramsey Street seem to our own suburban counterparts,” and notes that “its casual gossip and unexceptional lifestyle [are] closer to the early days of Knots Landing than to any current soap.” The redoubtable Wall Street Journal does not sneer, but praises a television version of middle- and lower-class life that is at ease with itself and singularly lacking in . . . the self-consciousness and discomfort that attends American television’s efforts to portray uneducated white working-class types . . . . [Its] characters . . . ought to be more recognisable to Americans than the peculiar beings that inhabit the worlds of our home-grown TV dramas . . . . [They] actually converse with one another in the way that people do – without declaiming or the rat-a-tat of one-liners, or recitals of a position on the latest hot social theme. If the beat of their daily lives is unhysterical – quiet, in fact – it is also eventful. (Rabinowitz 1991: 17) The Wall Street Journal takes a refreshing distance from the infamous “Greed is good” dictum voiced in Oliver Stone’s film, Wall Street! Given Neighbours’s atypicality in the realm of US soaps, its American reference points are either Knots Landing – which one British journalist described as “the nearest the Americans can bear to get to a soap about ordinary people” (Kingsley 1989: 226) – or US sitcoms (Kelleher 1991: 36; Rabinowitz 1991: 17). Buyer and seller agreed that its non-exceptional “realism” was one reason for Neighbours’s failure in the US “soapscape.” KCOP described it as “less raunchy than US soap operas, too wholesome” (Moran 1992). Its seller, Bob Cristal, added that

2002 ◽  
pp. 119-119
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
Rony Mahendra ◽  
Erwin Dyah Astawinetu

The research objective is to establish an optimal portfolio and know the difference between risk and return stock index portfolio candidates and non-candidates. Method used in the preparation of this research portfolio is the single index model, while the samples of this study are active world stock indices version of The Wall Street Journal during the period August 2012 - August 2016 and The Global Dow is used as the benchmark stock index. In establishing the optimal portfolio is used two perspectives: the Rupiah perspective and the U.S. Dollar perspective. The results showed there were three stock indices from the perspective of Rupiah and 8 share index menurutperspektif U.S. Dollar that make up the optimal portfolio, with the cut-of-pointsebesar 0,01393menurut Rupiah perspective and the perspective of 0.0078 US Dollars Based on the perspective of return expectations Rupiah obtained by 0.0258 with a risk of 0.06512. Berdarkan perspective of US Dollars, obtained return expectations at 0.0154 with a risk of 0.0292. From the test results showed that the hypothesis, the return on both perspectives there are significant differences between the index of the candidate, with a non-candidate. Then the risk of stock index, among the candidates, with a non-candidate, the Rupiah perspective there is no difference, but in the perspective of US Dollars, there are significant differences.Keywords: Single Index Model, candidate portfolio, optimal portfolio, expected return, excess return to beta, cut-off-point

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (105) ◽  
pp. 78-86

The article deals with the analysis of the balance of opinion in the newspaper, which is originally realized through editorial and op-ed genres. We analyzed 20 articles from “The Wall Street Journal” and “The New York Times” in the genres of editorial and op-ed about events in Afghanistan in August 2021, which were interpreted differently in mass media due to the role of the White House. The findings prove that in the context of new digital reality the op-ed has lost its original function of conveying alternative positions to the ones stated in the editorial; at the same time newspapers tend to advocate the positions shared by the political parties they have historically developed close relations with: “The Wall Street Journal” - with the Republican Party, “The New York Times” - the Democratic Party.

Quipukamayoc ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (27) ◽  
pp. 27
Ernesto Augusto Polr Falcón

Se plantea cuatro objetivos, los dos primeros relacionados al análisis de la información periodística que ofrecen los artículos publicados en la página del "The Wall Street Journal Americas" del diario El Comercio de Lima, Perú y de dos artículos también publicados por el mismo diario, como única fuente disponible de investigación, ya que no se cuenta con bibliografía del tema, ni separatas que hayan comentado alguna parte del problema de irregularidades contables. Se fija el marco conceptual y el marco metodológico del estudio, que incluye el método histórico y el método hermenéutico, para conocer las acciones pasadas y buscar su explicación, respectivamente. En el análisis del problema, se presenta un esquema histórico específico: con fechas, títulos de los artículos publicados y un resumen de cada uno de ellos -La información obtenida es verdaderamente muy interesante y se van descubriendo una serie de situaciones de irregularidades contables, de posiciones empresariales diversas y de acciones frente a la justicia-. Con este análisis, se precisan las causas que originaron las irregularidades contables y se canalizan por áreas para una mejor toma de conciencia y aplicación de futuras acciones concretas de cambios en el ámbito contable americano. Estos canales agrupan las causas profesionales, económicas, sociales y éticas. Es importante también, mostrar la definición del marco conceptual como una aplicación de la Teoría General de la Contabilidad, para llegar al marco conceptual del IASB (lnternational Accounting Standards Board) y a su análisis secuencial, que precisa las diferentes etapas de objetivos, hipótesis, requisitos, conceptos y criterios que sustentan la estructura de los estados financieros y la razonabilidad en la información que se entrega a los usuarios. Se exponen alternativas para reforzar el mayor conocimiento de los principios de contabilidad y la necesidad de eliminar el nombre de contabilidad creativa y sustituirlo por el nombre de contabilidad engañosa, que fija con exactitud su espíritu de engaño, de defraudación, de hacer trampas, etc. Las conclusiones de este artículo, plantean la necesidad de mejorar la imagen del Contador Público con un nuevo enfoque, llevándolo a practicar el juramento profesional al inicio de sus actividades en la profesión, siguiendo el ejemplo del Juramento Hipocrático de los médicos. Se enfatiza el mayor estudio de los principios de contabilidad, el mejor conocimiento de la normatividad contable vigente; así como de los principios de ética profesional.

Temática ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Bruno Washington Nichols ◽  
Pedro Chapaval Pimentel ◽  
Luiz Rogério Lopes Silva

Este artigo propõe uma análise da cobertura jornalística realizada na fanpage do The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) durante o período de prévias das eleições presidenciais estadunidenses. A pesquisa olha para a importância da mídia na construção da imagem pública dos principais pré-candidatos, Donald Trump (Partido Republicano) e Hillary Clinton (Partido Democrata), a fim de identificar a existência de viés favorável ou desfavorável. A metodologia utilizada consiste na análise quantitativa de conteúdo para avaliar as publicações realizadas entre os dias 01 de fevereiro a 14 de junho de 2016 que mencionaram nominalmente os dois pré-candidatos.  Sustenta-se a hipótese de que a confiabilidade conferida por todos os espectros ideológicos ao jornal não se apresenta com equidade no tratamento aos referidos candidatos. Os testes confirmam o favorecimento ao republicano. Palavras-chave: Comunicação Política. Crítica de Mídia. Imagem Pública. Eleições.

2021 ◽  
Maria Wiśniewska

The monograph of one of the twenty five most influential women in Europe (according to The Wall Street Journal) contains the analysis of causative factors of leadership and sources of social perception of the leader’s charisma. The author, using her own professional experience and multi-disciplinary scientific knowledge, provides two model and theoretical conceptions: the first one refers to general leadership, the second one to charismatic leadership. The hypotheses are confronted by selected cases of leadership seen as charismatic: of John Paul II, Lech Wałęsa, Margaret Thatcher and Steve Jobs.

1996 ◽  
Vol 98 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-129 ◽  
Carl E. Hunt ◽  
Mark S. Puczynski

A relationship between PWS and supine sleeping is theoretically plausible. Additional studies are necessary, however, to confirm that the incidence of appropriately defined PWS has increased, and that the magnitude and timing of this increase are consistent with the magnitude and timing of increasing supine prevalence. The recommended strategy to prevent any risk for PWS is to rotate the head position during supine sleeping and to use the prone position for supervised awake time. With the combined efforts of primary care physicians and parents, therefore, orthotic devices such as soft helmets or rigid head bands (The Wall Street Journal, Midwest edition. February 23, 1996) should rarely, if ever, be necessary, and surgery for PWS should never be necessary.

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