scholarly journals Top Coefficients of the Denumerant

2013 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AS,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Velleda Baldoni ◽  
Nicole Berline ◽  
Brandon Dutra ◽  
Matthias Köppe ◽  
Michele Vergne ◽  

International audience For a given sequence $\alpha = [\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\ldots , \alpha_N, \alpha_{N+1}]$ of $N+1$ positive integers, we consider the combinatorial function $E(\alpha)(t)$ that counts the nonnegative integer solutions of the equation $\alpha_1x_1+\alpha_2 x_2+ \ldots+ \alpha_Nx_N+ \alpha_{N+1}x_{N+1}=t$, where the right-hand side $t$ is a varying nonnegative integer. It is well-known that $E(\alpha)(t)$ is a quasipolynomial function of $t$ of degree $N$. In combinatorial number theory this function is known as the $\textit{denumerant}$. Our main result is a new algorithm that, for every fixed number $k$, computes in polynomial time the highest $k+1$ coefficients of the quasi-polynomial $E(\alpha)(t)$ as step polynomials of $t$. Our algorithm is a consequence of a nice poset structure on the poles of the associated rational generating function for $E(\alpha)(t)$ and the geometric reinterpretation of some rational generating functions in terms of lattice points in polyhedral cones. Experiments using a $\texttt{MAPLE}$ implementation will be posted separately. Considérons une liste $\alpha = [\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\ldots , \alpha_N, \alpha_{N+1}]$ de $N+1$ entiers positifs. Le dénumérant $E(\alpha)(t)$ est lafonction qui compte le nombre de solutions en entiers positifs ou nuls de l’équation $\sum^{N+1}_{i=1}x_i\alpha_i=t$, où $t$ varie dans les entiers positifs ou nuls. Il est bien connu que cette fonction est une fonction quasi-polynomiale de $t$, de degré $N$. Nous donnons un nouvel algorithme qui calcule, pour chaque entier fixé $k$ (mais $N$ n’est pas fixé, les $k+1$ plus hauts coefficients du quasi-polynôme $E(\alpha)(t)$ en termes de fonctions en dents de scie. Notre algorithme utilise la structure d’ensemble partiellement ordonné des pôles de la fonction génératrice de $E(\alpha)(t)$. Les $k+1$ plus hauts coefficients se calculent à l’aide de fonctions génératrices de points entiers dans des cônes polyèdraux de dimension inférieure ou égale à $k$.

2000 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-285 ◽  

This paper describes methods for counting the number of nonnegative integer solutions of the system Ax = b when A is a nonnegative totally unimodular matrix and b an integral vector of fixed dimension. The complexity (under a unit cost arithmetic model) is strong in the sense that it depends only on the dimensions of A and not on the size of the entries of b. For the special case of ‘contingency tables’ the run-time is 2O(√dlogd) (where d is the dimension of the polytope). The method is complementary to Barvinok's in that our algorithm is effective on problems of high dimension with a fixed number of (non-sign) constraints, whereas Barvinok's algorithms are effective on problems of low dimension and an arbitrary number of constraints.

2012 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AQ,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Yongwook Choi ◽  
Charles Knessl ◽  
Wojciech Szpankowski

International audience In a recently proposed graphical compression algorithm by Choi and Szpankowski (2009), the following tree arose in the course of the analysis. The root contains n balls that are consequently distributed between two subtrees according to a simple rule: In each step, all balls independently move down to the left subtree (say with probability $p$) or the right subtree (with probability 1-$p$). A new node is created as long as there is at least one ball in that node. Furthermore, a nonnegative integer $d$ is given, and at level $d$ or greater one ball is removed from the leftmost node before the balls move down to the next level. These steps are repeated until all balls are removed (i.e., after $n+d$ steps). Observe that when $d=∞$ the above tree can be modeled as a $\textit{trie}$ that stores $n$ independent sequences generated by a memoryless source with parameter $p$. Therefore, we coin the name $(n,d)$-tries for the tree just described, and to which we often refer simply as $d$-tries. Parameters of such a tree (e.g., path length, depth, size) are described by an interesting two-dimensional recurrence (in terms of $n$ and $d$) that – to the best of our knowledge – was not analyzed before. We study it, and show how much parameters of such a $(n,d)$-trie differ from the corresponding parameters of regular tries. We use methods of analytic algorithmics, from Mellin transforms to analytic poissonization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (08) ◽  
pp. 1335-1361
Özlem Salehi ◽  
Abuzer Yakaryılmaz ◽  
A. C. Cem Say

We present several new results and connections between various extensions of finite automata through the study of vector automata and homing vector automata. We show that homing vector automata outperform extended finite automata when both are defined over [Formula: see text] integer matrices. We study the string separation problem for vector automata and demonstrate that generalized finite automata with rational entries can separate any pair of strings using only two states. Investigating stateless homing vector automata, we prove that a language is recognized by stateless blind deterministic real-time version of finite automata with multiplication iff it is commutative and its Parikh image is the set of nonnegative integer solutions to a system of linear homogeneous Diophantine equations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 433-449 ◽  

AbstractPresburger arithmetic is the first-order theory of the natural numbers with addition (but no multiplication). We characterize sets that can be defined by a Presburger formula as exactly the sets whose characteristic functions can be represented by rational generating functions; a geometric characterization of such sets is also given. In addition, ifp= (p1, . . . ,pn) are a subset of the free variables in a Presburger formula, we can define a counting functiong(p) to be the number of solutions to the formula, for a givenp. We show that every counting function obtained in this way may be represented as, equivalently, either a piecewise quasi-polynomial or a rational generating function. Finally, we translate known computational complexity results into this setting and discuss open directions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 1115-1123 ◽  
Fatih ERDUVAN ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (01) ◽  
pp. 1540003 ◽  
R. Chandrasekaran

Farkas type results are available for solutions to linear systems. These can also include restrictions such as nonnegative solutions or integer solutions. They show that the unsolvability can be reduced to a single constraint that is not solvable and this condition is implied by the original system. Such a result does not exist for integer solution to inequality system because a single inequality is always solvable in integers. But a single equation that does not have nonnegative integer solution exists. We present some cases when polynomial algorithms to find nonnegative integer solutions exist.

1969 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-129 ◽  
Ian Anderson

Let s = s(a1, a2,...., ar) denote the number of integer solutions of the equationsubject to the conditionsthe ai being given positive integers, and square brackets denoting the integral part. Clearly s (a1,..., ar) is also the number s = s(m) of divisors of which contain exactly λ prime factors counted according to multiplicity, and is therefore, as is proved in [1], the cardinality of the largest possible set of divisors of m, no one of which divides another.

2011 ◽  
Vol 133 (3) ◽  
David B. Segala ◽  
Deanna H. Gates ◽  
Jonathan B. Dingwell ◽  
David Chelidze

Tracking or predicting physiological fatigue is important for developing more robust training protocols and better energy supplements and/or reducing muscle injuries. Current methodologies are usually impractical and/or invasive and may not be realizable outside of laboratory settings. It was recently demonstrated that smooth orthogonal decomposition (SOD) of phase space warping (PSW) features of motion kinematics can identify fatigue in individual muscle groups. We hypothesize that a nonlinear extension of SOD will identify more optimal fatigue coordinates and provide a lower-dimensional reconstruction of local fatigue dynamics than the linear SOD. Both linear and nonlinear SODs were applied to PSW features estimated from measured kinematics to reconstruct muscle fatigue dynamics in subjects performing a sawing motion. Ten healthy young right-handed subjects pushed a weighted handle back and forth until voluntary exhaustion. Three sets of joint kinematic angles were measured from the right upper extremity in addition to surface electromyography (EMG) recordings. The SOD coordinates of kinematic PSW features were compared against independently measured fatigue markers (i.e., mean and median EMG spectrum frequencies of individual muscle groups). This comparison was based on a least-squares linear fit of a fixed number of the dominant SOD coordinates to the appropriate local fatigue markers. Between subject variability showed that at most four to five nonlinear SOD coordinates were needed to reconstruct fatigue in local muscle groups, while on average 15 coordinates were needed for the linear SOD. Thus, the nonlinear coordinates provided a one-order-of-magnitude improvement over the linear ones.

2005 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AD,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Charlotte Brennan ◽  
Arnold Knopfmacher

International audience We consider words or strings of characters $a_1a_2a_3 \ldots a_n$ of length $n$, where the letters $a_i \in \mathbb{Z}$ are independently generated with a geometric probability $\mathbb{P} \{ X=k \} = pq^{k-1}$ where $p+q=1$. Let $d$ be a fixed nonnegative integer. We say that we have an ascent of size $d$ or more if $a_{i+1} \geq a_i+d$. We determine the mean, variance and limiting distribution of the number of ascents of size $d$ or more in a random geometrically distributed word.

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