single constraint
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2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
A. Mironov ◽  
V. Mishnyakov ◽  
A. Morozov ◽  
R. Rashkov

AbstractIn the recent study of Virasoro action on characters, we discovered that it gets especially simple for peculiar linear combinations of the Virasoro operators: particular harmonics of $${\hat{w}}$$ w ^ -operators. In this letter, we demonstrate that even more is true: a singlew-constraint is sufficient to uniquely specify the partition functions provided one assumes that it is a power series in time-variables. This substitutes the previous specifications in terms of two requirements: either a string equation imposed on the KP/Toda $$\tau $$ τ -function or a pair of Virasoro generators. This mysterious single-entry definition holds for a variety of theories, including Hermitian and complex matrix models, and also matrix models with external matrix: the unitary and cubic Kontsevich models. In these cases, it is equivalent to W-representation and is closely related to super integrability. However, a similar single equation that completely determines the partition function exists also in the case of the generalized Kontsevich model (GKM) with potential of higher degree, when the constraint algebra is a larger W-algebra, and neither W-representation, nor superintegrability are understood well enough.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 684-693
E.G. Okafor ◽  
P.O. Jemitola ◽  
O.C. Ubadike ◽  
M.T. Abba ◽  
G. Sule ◽  

The life cycle of most complex engineering systems is greatly a function of maintenance. Generally, most maintenance operation usually requires the removal of failed part. Disassembly sequence planning is an optimization program that seeks to identify the optimal sequence for the removal of the failed part. Most studies in this area usually, use single constraint matrix while implementing varied complex algorithm to identify the optimal sequence that saves time associated with carrying out maintenance operation. The used of single constraint matrix typically has the drawback of computer higher storage requirement as well as time consumption. To address this problem, this study proposes Multi-Level Constraint Matrix Ant Colony Algorithm (MLCMACA). MLCMACA efficiency was validated using complex aircraft landing gear systems in comparison with genetic algorithms. The result shows MLCMACA superior performance from the perspective of reduced search time and faster tracking of optimal disassembly sequence. Hence is recommended for handling of disassembly sequence planning problems.

Enang, Ekaette Inyang ◽  
Ojua, Doris Nkan ◽  
T. T. Ojewale

This study employed the method of calibration on product type estimator to propose calibration product type estimators using three distance measures namely; chi-square distance measure, the minimum entropy distance measure and the modified chi-square distance measure for single constraint. The estimators of variances of the proposed estimators were also obtained. An empirical study to ascertain the performance of these estimators was carried out using real life and stimulated data set. The result with the real life data showed that the proposed calibration product type estimator  produced better estimates of the population mean  compared to   and . Results from the simulation study showed that the proposed calibration product type estimators had a high gain in efficiency as compared to the product type estimator. The simulation result also showed that the proposed estimators were more consistent and reliable under the Gamma and Exponential distributions with the exponential distribution taking the lead. The conventional product type estimator however was found to be better if the underlying distributional assumption is normal in nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
Humberto Govoni ◽  
Fernando Bernardi de Souza ◽  
Robson Flávio Castro ◽  
José de Souza Rodrigues ◽  
Silvio Roberto Ignacio Pires

Abstract: Theory of Constraints (TOC) states that every system has a single constraint that limits its performance, on which improvement efforts should be concentrated. This paper compared, through computer simulation, several methods of identifying the capacity-constrained resource in the perspective of a process of continuous improvement. Six make-to-stock (MTS) production line configurations managed by the Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope (S-DBR) system were simulated, in which six improvement methods were applied, three of them based on the TOC literature, and their performance measured and compared in terms of cycle time and order fill rate. The results showed that, in balanced systems, improvements spread over all resources allowed better results, because, in this case, it is necessary to improve everything to benefit the overall performance. In unbalanced environments, on the other hand, the three methods recommended by TOC, which recommend efforts concentrated on the weakest point of the system, achieved superior performance, with emphasis on the strategy based on the level of utilization. In addition to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in continuous improvement and TOC, the research results show that managers should focus their attention on the resource with the highest degree of utilization to get better and faster performance gains.

2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 370-382
Jeroen van de Weijer ◽  
Firdos Atta

AbstractWe analyse two reduplication processes in Saraiki, an Indo-Aryan language spoken in Pakistan. The two processes are only minimally different: the first type involves total reduplication and the second type involves overwriting with an initial consonant (“fixed segment reduplication”). The goal of the paper is to expose the difficulties of analysing both processes in a single grammar, i.e. with a single constraint hierarchy in Optimality Theory: we finally opt for an analysis based on allomorphy for the second type, to capture the morpheme-specific nature of the processes involved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 71 (19) ◽  
pp. 5752-5763
Frederik J T van der Bom ◽  
Alwyn Williams ◽  
Michael J Bell

Abstract Root architecture is a promising breeding target for developing resource-efficient crops. Breeders and plant physiologists have called for root ideotypes that have narrow, deep root systems for improved water and nitrate capture, or wide, shallower root systems for better uptake of less mobile topsoil nutrients such as phosphorus. Yet evidence of relationships between root architecture and crop yield is limited. Many studies focus on the response to a single constraint, despite the fact that crops are frequently exposed to multiple soil constraints. For example, in dryland soils under no-till management, topsoil nutrient stratification is an emergent profile characteristic, leading to spatial separation of water and nutrients as the soil profile dries. This results in spatio-temporal trade-offs between efficient resource capture and pre-defined root ideotypes developed to counter a single constraint. We believe there is need to identify and better understand trade-offs involved in the efficient capture of multiple, spatially disjunct soil resources. Additionally, how these trade-offs interact with genotype (root architecture), environment (soil constraints), and management (agronomy) are critical unknowns. We argue that identifying root traits that enable efficient capture of multiple soil resources under fluctuating environmental constraints is a key step towards meeting the challenges of global food security.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Kurt Majewski

In medical magnetic resonance imaging, parallel radio frequency excitation pulses have to respect a large number of specific absorption rate constraints. Geometrically, each of these constraints can be interpreted as a complex, centered ellipsoid. We propose to replace a collection of such constraints by the single constraint which corresponds to the associated maximum volume inscribed ellipsoid and implies all original constraints. We describe how to compute this ellipsoid via convex programming. Examples show that this reduction has very short computation times but cuts away parts of the feasible power domain.

Symmetry ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 339
Yi-Fang Chen ◽  
Hui-Chin Tang

We consider the constrained ordered weighted averaging (OWA) aggregation problem with a single constraint and lower bounded variables. For the three-dimensional constrained OWA aggregation problem with lower bounded variables, we present four types of solution(x1',x2',x3') depending on the number of zero elements. According to the computerized experiment we perform, the lower bounds can affect the solution(x1',x2',x3') types, thereby affecting the optimal solution of the three-dimensional constrained OWA aggregation problem with lower bounded variables.

Andrew Lamont

Polish exhibits the cross-linguistically common processes of final devoicing and voice assimilation. Notably, these target not only obstruents and obstruent clusters, but also certain obstruent-sonorant clusters. This paper argues for an analysis in Harmonic Serialism where sonorants acquire laryngeal nodes, thereby becoming susceptible to the same constraints that act on obstruents. There is an asymmetry between OS#O clusters, which show assimilation, and O#SO clusters, which do not. The analysis captures this asymmetry with positional faithfulness constraints on word-initial sonorants. The analysis also straightforwardly models other patterns in Polish and neatly captures a dialectal difference between Warsaw and Cracow Polish with a single constraint reranking.

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