Progress Report on the Activities of the Independent Evaluation Office

Policy Papers ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 2010 (60) ◽  

Since its last report, the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) has advanced work on the two current evaluations and selected topics for three new evaluations. The evaluations of Research at the IMF: Relevance and Utilization and IMF Performance in the Run-up to the Current Financial and Economic Crisis are in the concluding stages. IEO expects to send these evaluations to the Executive Board before year-end.

Policy Papers ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 (57) ◽  

Since its last report in October 2010, the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) has completed its evaluation of IMF Performance in the Run-Up to the Financial and Economic Crisis: IMF Surveillance in 2004–07 and has begun work on two new evaluations. The IEO expects to submit its evaluation of Research at the IMF: Relevance and Utilization to the Executive Board shortly.

Policy Papers ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (24) ◽  

This progress report presents the key conclusions and recommendations of the IEO evaluation of data and statistics at the IMF that was discussed by the Executive Board on March 17, 2016. It also summarizes the IMF's plan, approved by the Board in December 2015, for implementing the recommendations from the IEO evaluation of the IMF Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis and describes the IEO’s ongoing work.

Policy Papers ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 (73) ◽  

Since its last report to the IMFC in April 2011, the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) completed the evaluation of Research at the IMF: Relevance and Utilization. The IEO continues its work on the evaluations of “International Reserves: IMF Advice and Country Perspectives” and of “The Role of the IMF as Trusted Advisor,” announced last spring. Draft issues papers on these two evaluations, as well as on a new study, “Learning from Experience at the IMF: An IEO Assessment of Self-Evaluation Systems,” were circulated to the Executive Board and posted on the IEO website for public comment.

Policy Papers ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 (1) ◽  

This report summarizes the activities of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) since the 2011 Annual Meetings. In this period, the IEO has advanced work on three ongoing evaluations: International Reserves: IMF Advice and Country Perspectives, The Role of the IMF as Trusted Advisor, and Learning from Experience at the IMF: An IEO Assessment of Self-Evaluation Systems. The IEO expects to submit these evaluations to the Executive Board over the course of the year. The IEO has begun consultations on topics for future evaluations and will present a tentative work program to the Executive Board for review in due course.

Policy Papers ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (26) ◽  

This report summarizes the outcome of the IEO’s evaluation of The IMF and the Crises in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal, discussed by the Executive Board on July 19, 2016, and reports on recent follow-up and ongoing IEO work.

Policy Papers ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (048) ◽  

The IEO is advancing its work program while adapting to the challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. While evaluation is not part of the frontline response that has dominated IMF activity over the past six months, independent evaluation remains a key function for learning from experience and drawing lessons for the Fund as it focuses on meeting members’ urgent and evolving needs. Since April, IEO engagement with the Executive Board has resumed, including formal discussion of the recently completed evaluation of IMF Advice on Capital Flows and an informal seminar on Bank-Fund collaboration on climate issues. Work continues on evaluations of adjustment and growth in IMF-supported programs and IMF engagement with small states, and a new evaluation is being launched on IMF capacity development.

Policy Papers ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 09 (36) ◽  

The recent developments in the world economy pose many questions regarding the role of the Fund in surveillance and crisis prevention. In view of this, the IEO will be launching an evaluation of how well the Fund performed in the run-up to this crisis. Launching of this study was discussed at a recent meeting of the Evaluation Committee of the Executive Board. Work on this study will start in the coming weeks, and a draft Issues Paper will be issued before the next IMFC meeting.

Policy Papers ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 (28) ◽  

Since October 2012, the Executive Board has discussed two IEO evaluation reports, International Reserves—IMF Concerns and Country Perspectives on December 7, 2012, and The Role of the IMF as Trusted Advisor on February 1, 2013. The Board also discussed the External Evaluation of the IEO on March 21, 2013. In addition, the IEO advanced work on the ongoing “Assessment of Self-Evaluation in the IMF,” which will go forward to the Executive Board in coming months. Following consultations on possible topics, the IEO has also initiated evaluations on IMF forecasting, country statistics, and the IMF’s response to the global financial crisis.

Lena Golubovskaja

This chapter analyzes the tone and information content of the two external policy reports of the Internal Monetary Fund (IMF), the IMF Article IV Staff Reports, and Executive Board Assessments for Euro area countries. In particular, the researchers create a tone measure denoted WARNING based on the existing DICTION 5.0 Hardship dictionary. This study finds that in the run-up to the current credit crises, average WARNING tone levels of Staff Reports for Slovenia, Luxembourg, Greece, and Malta are one standard deviation above the EMU sample mean; and for Spain and Belgium, they are one standard deviation below the mean value. Furthermore, on average for Staff Reports over the period 2005-2007, there are insignificant differences between the EMU sample mean and Staff Reports’ yearly averages. Researchers find the presence of a significantly increased level of WARNING tone in 2006 (compared to the previous year) for the IMF Article IV Staff Reports. There is also a systematic bias of WARNING scores for Executive Board Assessments versus WARNING scores for the Staff Reports.

Policy Papers ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (14) ◽  

This report describes recent follow-up on past Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) evaluations, summarizes the update of the 2006 evaluation of multilateral surveillance, and outlines the ongoing evaluations. It raises the concern that progress in implementing Board-endorsed IEO recommendations has been quite mixed, suggesting the need for further consideration to reinforcing the follow-up process.

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