scholarly journals Afectividades y desplazamientos escriturales en la obra de Nona Fernández

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
pp. 130-152
Mónica Barrientos

Nona Fernández's work has been catalogued within what is known as the "generation of the children" to refer to those narrations by authors who were children during the Chilean dictatorship. The work of the Chilean writer Nona Fernández will be analyzed to understand how the writing process, its relationship with the event and the processes of subjectivation of the characters, from a narrative perspective towards the autobiographical and autofictional genres, have been crossed by fiction to question the constructed certainties and the failures of memory. We will focus mainly on two works which have a thread of narratological and historical continuity, such as Space Invader (2013) and La dimensión desconocida (2016). Both works are related by the terrible events that happened during the Chilean dictatorship. Everything narrated in a cyclical time, like an unknown dimension, living in the present the horrors that we thought were past.

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13
Joan Aker

Abstract Children with language disabilities at the secondary level experience significant difficulty in all components of the writing process. This article discusses issues contributing to student’s difficulty in writing as well as suggestions for how to support written language development in this population.

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-36 ◽  
Gary A. Troia

Abstract This article first provides an overview of components of self-regulation in writing and specific examples of each component are given. The remainder of the article addresses common reasons why struggling learners experience trouble with revising, followed by evidence-based practices to help students revise their papers more effectively.

Pam Morris

Persuasion overtly foregrounds the self as embodied: physical accidents and sickness are recurrent. Sir Walter Eliot’s belief in the time-defying bodily grace of nobility is subject to Austen’s harshest irony. The transition from vertically ordered place to horizontal space in Persuasion is more extreme than in any other of the completed novels. Anne Elliot’s movement from social exclusiveness to socially inclusive possibility allows Austen to challenge gender and class hierarchies traditionally held to be inborn. Her writerly experimentation expands the possibilities of narrative perspective to encompass the porous boundaries of the physical, the emotional and the rational that constitute any moment of consciousness. Her focalisation techniques in the text look directly towards Woolf’s stylist innovations. A chain of references to guns and shooting gathers into the novel contentious contemporary discursive networks on class relations, notions of masculinity and the nature of creaturely life.

2012 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 467-490 ◽  
Eszter Berán ◽  
Zsolt Unoka

Háttér: A terápiás diskurzusban megvalósuló narratív konstrukciós folyamat során a páciens és a terapeuta kölcsönösen befolyásolják egymás nézőpontjának változásait. Ez a nézőpont, vagy narratív perspektíva (NP) váltás szorosan kapcsolódik a figyelem irányításának nyelvi eszközökkel megvalósuló szabályozásához, amit korábban Chafe fogalmazott meg a beszédmegértésre vonatkozó kognitív-diskurzív elméletében. Célkitűzések: Vizsgálatunkban a pszichoterápiás folyamatot a beszélők NP-váltásain keresztül tanulmányozzuk. Hipotézisünk az, hogy a NP-váltással megvalósuló figyelmi szabályozás spontán, nem tudatos használata lehetővé teszi azt, hogy a terapeuta a terápiás célkitűzések szempontjából megfelelő módon befolyásolja a páciens szelf-narratívumainak átszerkesztési, és újraírási folyamatait. Az átszerkesztés, újraírás során a páciens nem pusztán a feldolgozás alatt álló problémára – történetre – tud megváltozott nézőpontból tekinteni, de a számára új típusú perspektíva váltások elsajátításával a figyelmi szabályozás új módjait is megtanulja. Módszerek: Jelen elemzés egy 1,5 évig tartó megfigyeléses vizsgálat része, melynek során páciens-terapeuta párosok közötti terápiás beszélgetéseket rögzítettünk magnóra. A szövegeket CHILDES módszerrel jegyeztük le, majd kódoltuk a NP-váltásokat. A vizsgálatban résztvevő terapeuta és kliens nem ismerte a szöveg elemzésére használt NP-modellünket, a diskurzív elemzésben általunk leírt NP-váltások nyelvi eszköztárát spontán és nem tudatosan használta. Eredmények: Elemzésünkben kimutattuk, hogy a terapeuta által végrehajtott perspektívaváltások, vagy váltások sorozata előzte meg azt a momentumot, amikor a páciens képes volt kilépni korábbi perspektívájából, és alternatív nézőpontokat tudott felvenni. A terapeuta a páciens figyelmének irányítása során sikeresen avatkozott közbe olyan perspektíva-váltások indukálásával, amelyekből a páciens megtapasztalhatta, és sajátjaként élhette át szelf-állapotait, és ágenciáját. Következtetések: Hipotézisünket, miszerint a NP-váltással megvalósuló figyelmi szabályozás használatával a terapeuta befolyásolni tudja a páciens szelf-narratívumainak újraszerkesztési folyamatait, sikerült alátámasztani.

Günter P. Wagner

Homology—a similar trait shared by different species and derived from common ancestry, such as a seal's fin and a bird's wing—is one of the most fundamental yet challenging concepts in evolutionary biology. This book provides the first mechanistically based theory of what homology is and how it arises in evolution. The book argues that homology, or character identity, can be explained through the historical continuity of character identity networks—that is, the gene regulatory networks that enable differential gene expression. It shows how character identity is independent of the form and function of the character itself because the same network can activate different effector genes and thus control the development of different shapes, sizes, and qualities of the character. Demonstrating how this theoretical model can provide a foundation for understanding the evolutionary origin of novel characters, the book applies it to the origin and evolution of specific systems, such as cell types; skin, hair, and feathers; limbs and digits; and flowers. The first major synthesis of homology to be published in decades, this book reveals how a mechanistically based theory can serve as a unifying concept for any branch of science concerned with the structure and development of organisms, and how it can help explain major transitions in evolution and broad patterns of biological diversity.

2012 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 321-341
Beata Tarnowska

Summary This article examines the urban themes in Leo Lipski’s micro-novel Piotruś: An ApocryphalTale from 1960. The narrative relies on both traditional realism (for the most part) and the 20thcentury subjective point-of-view technique to represent urban space, which in this case belongs to be a well-defined geographical location. The use of personalized narrative perspective turns the urban space of Tel Aviv-Jafa - heterogeneous and subject to differing assessments - into a labyrinth, closed, dense, expanding horizontally, chthonic, and alien.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-150
Andile Mji

This study reports on a programme encapsulating the ideals of positive youth development. Here, a specific narrative of an observed problem, how youths were encouraged to participate in activities and the resultant effect of interactions, is described. Participants were 118 learners, 67 (56.8%) of whom were females. The learners were in Grades 10, 11 and 12 with ages ranging between 16 years and 18 years. The programme learners participated in starting and tending gardens at school. Here, the aim was to determine how exposing learners to an empowering environment resulted in building their competencies. Specifically, this article determined what lessons learners learnt from the development programme and whether attributes of positive youth development could be extracted from learners’ utterances. Qualitative data using open-ended interviews and following a narrative perspective were collected. Findings revealed that learners changed, learned to share and understood what it meant to work with others. Also, their utterings were consistent with competencies illustrating positive youth development. The findings illustrated the importance and value of positive programmes among the youth.

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