scholarly journals Classical correspondence of quantum entanglement in mesoscopic circuit

2022 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Fan Hong-yi ◽  
Wu Ze ◽  
Entropy ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 618 ◽  
Kevin M. Short ◽  
Matthew A. Morena

We examine the quantum-classical correspondence from a classical perspective by discussing the potential for chaotic systems to support behaviors normally associated with quantum mechanical systems. Our main analytical tool is a chaotic system’s set of cupolets, which are highly-accurate stabilizations of its unstable periodic orbits. Our discussion is motivated by the bound or entangled states that we have recently detected between interacting chaotic systems, wherein pairs of cupolets are induced into a state of mutually-sustaining stabilization that can be maintained without external controls. This state is known as chaotic entanglement as it has been shown to exhibit several properties consistent with quantum entanglement. For instance, should the interaction be disturbed, the chaotic entanglement would then be broken. In this paper, we further describe chaotic entanglement and go on to address the capacity for chaotic systems to exhibit other characteristics that are conventionally associated with quantum mechanics, namely analogs to wave function collapse, various entropy definitions, the superposition of states, and the measurement problem. In doing so, we argue that these characteristics need not be regarded exclusively as quantum mechanical. We also discuss several characteristics of quantum systems that are not fully compatible with chaotic entanglement and that make quantum entanglement unique.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (03) ◽  
pp. 1650052
Sijo K. Joseph ◽  
Miguel A. F. Sanjuán

Quantum entanglement in the Hénon–Heiles system is analyzed using the squeezed coherent state. Enhancement of quantum entanglement via squeezing is explored in connection with chaotic and regular dynamics of the system. It is found that the entanglement enhancement via squeezing is implicitly linked to the local structure of the classical phase-space and it shows a clear quantum-classical correspondence. In particular, the entanglement enhancement via squeezing is found to be negligible for a highly chaotic orbit compared to the regular and weakly chaotic orbits, and shows a clear correspondence to the degree of chaos present in the classical initial condition. We believe that these results might be useful to develop efficient strategies to enhance entanglement in quantum systems.

2014 ◽  
Sankar Das Sarma ◽  
Michael Freedman ◽  
Victor Galitski ◽  
Chetan Nayak ◽  
Kirill Shtengel

Richard Healey

Quantum entanglement is popularly believed to give rise to spooky action at a distance of a kind that Einstein decisively rejected. Indeed, important recent experiments on systems assigned entangled states have been claimed to refute Einstein by exhibiting such spooky action. After reviewing two considerations in favor of this view I argue that quantum theory can be used to explain puzzling correlations correctly predicted by assignment of entangled quantum states with no such instantaneous action at a distance. We owe both considerations in favor of the view to arguments of John Bell. I present simplified forms of these arguments as well as a game that provides insight into the situation. The argument I give in response turns on a prescriptive view of quantum states that differs both from Dirac’s (as stated in Chapter 2) and Einstein’s.

2021 ◽  
Vol 219 ◽  
pp. 106859
Rujuta Vaze ◽  
Nagraj Deshmukh ◽  
Rajesh Kumar ◽  
Akash Saxena

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