propositional dynamic logic
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2021 ◽  
Andreas Herzig ◽  
Frédéric Maris ◽  
Elise Perrotin

Existing dynamic epistemic logics combine standard epistemic logic with a restricted version of dynamic logic. Instead, we here combine a restricted epistemic logic with a rich version of dynamic logic. The epistemic logic is based on `knowing-whether' operators and basically disallows disjunctions and conjunctions in their scope; it moreover captures `knowing-what'. The dynamic logic has not only all the standard program operators of Propositional Dynamic Logic, but also parallel composition as well as an operator of inclusive nondeterministic composition; its atomic programs are assignments of propositional variables. We show that the resulting dynamic epistemic logic is powerful enough to capture several kinds of sequential and parallel planning, and so both in the unbounded and in the finite horizon version.

2021 ◽  
Igor Sedlár

Propositional Dynamic Logic, PDL, is a well known modal logic formalizing reasoning about complex actions. We study many-valued generalizations of PDL based on relational models where satisfaction of formulas in states and accessibility between states via action execution are both seen as graded notions, evaluated in a finite Łukasiewicz chain. For each n>1, the logic PDŁn is obtained using the n-element Łukasiewicz chain, PDL being equivalent to PDŁ2. These finitely-valued dynamic logics can be applied in formalizing reasoning about actions specified by graded predicates, reasoning about costs of actions, and as a framework for certain graded description logics with transitive closure of roles. Generalizing techniques used in the case of PDL we obtain completeness and decidability results for all PDŁn. A generalization of Pratt's exponential-time algorithm for checking validity of formulas is given and EXPTIME-hardness of each PDŁn validity problem is established by embedding PDL into PDŁn.

2021 ◽  
Allan Patrick ◽  
Igor Machado Coelho ◽  
Bruno Lopes

In critical systems, failures or errors can cause catastrophes, such as deaths or considerably losses of money. Model checking provides an automated way to prove the correctness of programs' requirements. It is a convenient technique to use in systems that need reliability. Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL) is a formal system designed to reason about programs. This work presents a compiler implementation from a subset of the C language and also for the Smacco model, both to the PDL language, and after that to the language of the nuXmv model checker. This implementation is linked with a Blockchain model generation system to model and reason about smart contracts.

2020 ◽  
Mario Folhadela Benevides ◽  
Anna Moreira De Oliveira

This paper presents an on going work on Propositional Dynamic Logic PDL in which atomic programs are STRIPS actions. We think that this new framework is appropriate to reasoning about actions and plans when dealing with planning problem. Unlike, PDL atomic programs, STRIPS actions have pre-conditions and post-conditions. We propose a novel operator of action composition that takes in account the features of STRIPS actions. We propose an axiomatization and prove its soundness. Completeness, decidability and computational complexity are left as future work.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (8) ◽  
pp. 1289-1310
Linh Anh Nguyen

Abstract Berman and Paterson proved that test-free propositional dynamic logic (PDL) is weaker than PDL. One would raise questions: does a similar result also hold for extensions of PDL? For example, is test-free converse-PDL (CPDL) weaker than CPDL? In what circumstances the test operator can be eliminated without reducing the expressive power of a PDL-based logical formalism? These problems have not yet been studied. As the description logics $\mathcal{ALC}_{trans}$ and $\mathcal{ALC}_{reg}$ are, respectively, variants of test-free PDL and PDL, there is a concept of $\mathcal{ALC}_{reg}$ that is not equivalent to any concept of $\mathcal{ALC}_{trans}$. Generalizing this, we prove that there is a concept of $\mathcal{ALC}_{reg}$ that is not equivalent to any concept of the logic that extends $\mathcal{ALC}_{trans}$ with inverse roles, nominals, qualified number restrictions, the universal role and local reflexivity of roles. We also provide some results for the case with RBoxes and TBoxes. One of them states that tests can be eliminated from TBoxes of the deterministic Horn fragment of $\mathcal{ALC}_{reg}$.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 522-542 ◽  
Igor Sedlár ◽  
Vít Punčochář

AbstractWe provide a complete binary implicational axiomatization of the positive fragment of propositional dynamic logic (PDL). The intended application of this result are completeness proofs for non-classical extensions of positive PDL. Two examples are discussed in this article, namely, a paraconsistent extension with modal De Morgan negation and a substructural extension with the residuated operators of the non-associative Lambek calculus. Informal interpretations of these two extensions are outlined.

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