service request
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Zhenyu Fan ◽  
Wang Yang ◽  
Fan Wu ◽  
Jing Cao ◽  
Weisong Shi

Different from cloud computing, edge computing moves computing away from the centralized data center and closer to the end-user. Therefore, with the large-scale deployment of edge services, it becomes a new challenge of how to dynamically select the appropriate edge server for computing requesters based on the edge server and network status. In the TCP/IP architecture, edge computing applications rely on centralized proxy servers to select an appropriate edge server, which leads to additional network overhead and increases service response latency. Due to its powerful forwarding plane, Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has the potential to provide more efficient networking support for edge computing than TCP/IP. However, traditional ICN only addresses named data and cannot well support the handle of dynamic content. In this article, we propose an edge computing service architecture based on ICN, which contains the edge computing service session model, service request forwarding strategies, and service dynamic deployment mechanism. The proposed service session model can not only keep the overhead low but also push the results to the computing requester immediately once the computing is completed. However, the service request forwarding strategies can forward computing requests to an appropriate edge server in a distributed manner. Compared with the TCP/IP-based proxy solution, our forwarding strategy can avoid unnecessary network transmissions, thereby reducing the service completion time. Moreover, the service dynamic deployment mechanism decides whether to deploy an edge service on an edge server based on service popularity, so that edge services can be dynamically deployed to hotspot, further reducing the service completion time.

2022 ◽  
Brett A. Hathaway ◽  
Evgeny Kagan ◽  
Maqbool Dada

When Should I Transfer This Customer? “Please hold while I transfer you to next level of support.” Most of us have been on the receiving end of this message. In this study, the authors look at transfers from the service worker’s perspective. They create an online experiment in which participants play the role of call center agents who need to decide whether to transfer a virtual service request or continue attempting to resolve it. Consistent with compensation schemes common in call centers, participants receive a bonus for each successful resolution and may pay a penalty if they transfer. The authors find that these incentives generally work well; however, agents appear to overreact to transfer penalties by handling more requests than they should and transferring too few requests. Although this may be good news for customers who dislike being transferred, such behaviors may be costly for the call center; thus, managers need to be careful when rolling out complex compensation schemes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0160323X2110642
Genie N.L. Stowers

With data from service delivery requests in twenty-nine cities, this article reports on a comparative analysis of city service request systems (311 systems) and their operations. The study uses actual 311 service request data available through cities’ open data portals. A typology of thirty service type categories was created. Various hypotheses were tested. As city population increases, the number of service requests also increases. Garbage/recycling is the most commonly requested service, followed by code enforcement requests, parking, pickup of bulk items, and abandoned vehicles. Cities are no longer just using telephones for their users to submit requests but have also now incorporated other service channels. Service resolution times vary across cities and service category but there is some evidence that safety and health types of services receive priority and are resolved more quickly. The article ends with managerial and policy implications.

Device ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Rizki Josua Tampubolon ◽  
Poningsih Poningsih ◽  
Solikhun Solikhun ◽  
Indra Gunawan ◽  
Zulaini Masruro Nasution

Denial of Service (DoS) merupakan masalah keamanan jaringan yang saat ini sedang berkembang. Semakin tinggi kapasitas komputasi suatu komputer penyerang, serangan DoS yang dapat dihasilkan juga semakin berbahaya. Serangan ini dapat menyebabkan ketidakberdayaan server untuk melayani service request yang sah, karena itu serangan DoS sangat merugikan dan perlu diberikan antisipasi yang efektif agar keamanan web server aman dari serangan Denial of Service (DoS). Terkadang internet disalahgunakan dengan adanya waktu luang setelah kegiatan maupun saat kegiatan berlangsung seperti mengakses browser, media sosial serta mengakses youtube. Tanpa disadari kemungkinan adanya sebuah serangan muncul yang dapat mengakibatkan lambatnya internet sehingga terjadinya kegagalan akses pada internet. Maka diperlukan adanya penerapan filtering firewall serta hardening web server dengan menggunakan mikrotik router untuk memblokir akses internet untuk menunjang kegiatan pekerjaan pegawai Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Pematangsiantar lebih baik dan nyaman.

Sebastian Floerecke

ZusammenfassungUnternehmen sind im Rahmen ihrer Digitalisierungsvorhaben vermehrt auf der Suche nach einem ihrer IT-Service-Management(ITSM)-Software-Suite ergänzenden Self-Service-Portal. Damit sollen sich Mitarbeiter über die im Service-Katalog enthaltenen IT-Services informieren und eigenständig unterschiedliche Service-Request-Arten auslösen können. Die Self-Service-Portal-Auswahl und -Einführung stellen Unternehmen jedoch vielfach vor eine Herausforderung. Als Gründe gelten insbesondere die hohe Komplexität von ITSM-Software-Suiten, deren vielschichtige Verzahnung innerhalb der Unternehmensarchitektur und der große, intransparente Tool-Markt. Zudem weisen die erhältlichen Self-Service-Portale im Standard gegenwärtig mehrheitlich einen relativ niedrigen Reifegrad auf. Die Forschung befindet sich im Bereich der Self-Service-Portale im Allgemeinen und bezüglich deren notwendigem Funktionsumfang im Besonderen noch relativ am Anfang und trägt somit wenig zur Problemlösung bei. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht vorliegender Beitrag im Rahmen einer explorativen Einzelfallstudie innerhalb eines Großunternehmens der Frage nach, welche Use-Cases (Service-Request-Typen) ein Self-Service-Portal abbilden sollte. Zentrales Ergebnis ist ein aus 16 Use-Cases bestehender Katalog, der als Referenz gleichermaßen für anbietende und einführende Unternehmen dienen kann. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass Mitarbeiter vielfältige Anliegen haben, die weit über die Neubestellung und Kündigung von IT-Services hinausgehen. Diesem Umstand sollte ein Self-Service-Portal gerecht werden.

Adi Pratama ◽  
Vincentius Horatio Valentino ◽  
Retna Ningsih

Proses administrasi permintaan toko yang berjalan saat ini pada PT Hero Supermarket Tbk mengharuskan setiap toko harus mengisi data toko, deskripsi permintaan, dan jumlah permintaan pada form service request yang sudah dibuat dan dicetak. Setelah itu form akan dikirim melalui email ke admin di kantor pusat. Admin akan memproses setiap permintaan yang masuk. Proses ini menimbulkan beberapa kendala diantaranya data toko yang ada pada form service request tidak terbaca dengan sempurna karena menggunakan tulisan tangan, terjadi permintaan yang berulang, dan informasi pemakaian saldo budget tidak akurat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membantu proses administrasi yang berjalan di PT Hero Supermarket Tbk agar proses tercatat secara komputerisasi dan memudahkan penyampaian informasi yang terkait dengan permintaan toko, serta penyajian data laporan menjadi lebih akurat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Metode penelitian ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu dan menguji keefektifan produk tersebut. Produk yang dihasilkan berupa sistem administrasi permintaan toko berbasis java neatbeans yang diharapkan mampu menunjang proses administrasi yang sudah menjadi lebih efektif dan efisian.

Divanshu ◽  
Sheifali Gupta ◽  
Rupesh Gupta ◽  
Deepali Gupta

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