service completion
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2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Zhenyu Fan ◽  
Wang Yang ◽  
Fan Wu ◽  
Jing Cao ◽  
Weisong Shi

Different from cloud computing, edge computing moves computing away from the centralized data center and closer to the end-user. Therefore, with the large-scale deployment of edge services, it becomes a new challenge of how to dynamically select the appropriate edge server for computing requesters based on the edge server and network status. In the TCP/IP architecture, edge computing applications rely on centralized proxy servers to select an appropriate edge server, which leads to additional network overhead and increases service response latency. Due to its powerful forwarding plane, Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has the potential to provide more efficient networking support for edge computing than TCP/IP. However, traditional ICN only addresses named data and cannot well support the handle of dynamic content. In this article, we propose an edge computing service architecture based on ICN, which contains the edge computing service session model, service request forwarding strategies, and service dynamic deployment mechanism. The proposed service session model can not only keep the overhead low but also push the results to the computing requester immediately once the computing is completed. However, the service request forwarding strategies can forward computing requests to an appropriate edge server in a distributed manner. Compared with the TCP/IP-based proxy solution, our forwarding strategy can avoid unnecessary network transmissions, thereby reducing the service completion time. Moreover, the service dynamic deployment mechanism decides whether to deploy an edge service on an edge server based on service popularity, so that edge services can be dynamically deployed to hotspot, further reducing the service completion time.

2021 ◽  
Saif Benjaafar ◽  
Shining Wu ◽  
Hanlin Liu ◽  
Einar Bjarki Gunnarsson

We consider the problem of optimal fleet sizing in a vehicle sharing system. Vehicles are available for short-term rental and are accessible from multiple locations. A vehicle rented at one location can be returned to any other location. The size of the fleet must account not only for the nominal load and for the randomness in demand and rental duration but also for the randomness in the number of vehicles that are available at each location because of vehicle roaming (vehicles not returning to the same location from which they were picked up). We model the dynamics of the system using a closed queueing network and obtain explicit and closed form lower and upper bounds on the optimal number of vehicles (the minimum number of vehicles needed to meet a target service level). Specifically, we show that starting with any pair of lower and upper bounds, we can always obtain another pair of lower and upper bounds with gaps between the lower and upper bounds that are independent of demand and bounded by a function that depends only on the prescribed service level. We show that the generated bounds are asymptotically exact under several regimes. We use features of the bounds to construct a simple and closed form approximation that we show to be always within the generated lower and upper bounds and is exact under the asymptotic regimes considered. Extensive numerical experiments show that the approximate and exact values are nearly indistinguishable for a wide range of parameter values. The approximation is highly interpretable with buffer capacity expressed in terms of three explicit terms that can be interpreted as follows: (1) standard buffer capacity that is protection against randomness in demand and rental times, (2) buffer capacity that is protection against vehicle roaming, and (3) a correction term. Our analysis reveals important differences between the optimal sizing of standard queueing systems (where servers always return to the same queue upon service completion) and that of systems where servers, upon service completion, randomly join any one of the queues in the system. We show that the additional capacity needed to buffer against vehicle roaming can be substantial even in systems with vanishingly small demand. This paper was accepted by Baris Ata, stochastic models and simulation.

Abd Ullah Khan ◽  
Ghulam Abbas ◽  
Ziaul Haq Abbas ◽  
Muhammad Waqas ◽  
Shanshan Tu ◽  

Ratnesh Srivastav ◽  
G. C. Nandi ◽  
Rohit Shukla ◽  
Harsh Verma

Fascinated with robotics open source integrated component MARIE [1], ROS [5] and open source component PLAYER/STAGE [2], CARMEN [3] available in the eld of robotics application. We aim at developing an asynchronous concurrent robotics application based on subsumption [6] architecture using PLAYER, STAGE and already available services freely available on the internet. We used wanderer and wall follower services embedded inside an actor [10][11] and integrated these services to two dierent robots of same congurations on our promise based frame-work that provides actor as service. The two robots switch their services based on color detected (red,green,blue) during their movement in an environment asynchronously. Using actor as a service lls the gap of SOA [4] &amp; EDA [7] by providing<br />synchronous and asynchronous support for communication. We measured the performance of time taken in completion of services in promise [8] based implementation ,synchronous and asynchronous callback [9] based implementation. We developed a model to prove deadlock freeness in our integrated architecture using petrinet [15] interface composition. We have also been able to justify that component integrated on promise based framework takes less time in service completion than synchronous and asynchronous callback based services.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-112
Andreas Noviyanto ◽  
Titin Rohayatin ◽  
Lukman Munawar Fauzi

The implementation of public services at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Bekasi Regency has not been optimal. If public services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration are seen from the implementation of the principles of Good Governance, such as aspects of accountability, transparency, and participation, they are still not optimal. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Observation data collection techniques and interviews with several informants related to research. The results of the study, which led to the implementation of the principles of Good Governance in population administration services at the Population and Civil Registration Service, have not run optimally, judging from the accountability of the mismatch between implementation and operational standards (SOP), as well as unclear service completion, not timely in providing services to the community. When viewed from the transparency aspect of the lack of availability regarding population administration services, the Department of Population and Civil Registration has not maximally used the official website in providing information to the public. And from the last aspect, namely participation, the community has not been fully involved in providing criticism and suggestions and the community is not involved in evaluating services. Keywords: Good Governance Principles, Accountability, Transparency, Participation, Population Administration Services

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