napoleon bonaparte
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Т.Ю. Кобищанов

Османское противостояние вторжению Франции в Египет и Сирию 1798–1801 гг. является одним из наименее изученных сюжетов Наполеоновских войн. Проведенные великим визирем Йусуфом Зия-пашой кампании 1799–1800 и 1801 гг. продемонстрировали как слабость османской армии, так и кризис административно-политического управления империей. Европейские, в том числе и российские наблюдатели могли воочию убедиться, как султанские войска оказались бессильны не только освободить захваченный противником Египет, но и совладать с деребеями – главарями господствовавших в Анатолии разбойничьих шаек. Представленная статья посвящена феномену появления анатолийских деребеев и драматичной борьбе с ними Йусуфа Зия-паши в 1799 г. The Ottoman resisting the invasion of France to Egypt and Syria in 1798–1801 is one of the least studied plots of the Napoleonic wars. The campaigns of 1799–1800 and 1801, conducted by the Grand Vizier Yusuf Zia-pasha demonstrated both the weakness of the Ottoman army and the crisis of administrative and political management of the Empire. European observers, including Russian ones, could convince with their own eyes how the Sultan’s troops were powerless not only to liberate Egypt captured by the enemy, but also to defeat the Derebeys, the leaders of bands of robbers that dominated in Anatolia. The presented article is devoted to the phenomenon of Anatolian Derebeys and to Yusuf Zia-pasha’s fighting against them in 1799.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 147-170

This article explores the appropriation and translation of historical notions of “empire” into the modern era through close examination of the short-lived Central African Empire, imagined and brought to life by the flamboyant Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa. Curiously, in an era in which the formerly colonized francophone African nations were increasingly seeking to signal rejection of their French heritage, Bokassa presented his empire as a modern corollary to the empire of Napoleon Bonaparte. This article draws on original research in French and US diplomatic archives to argue that we can understand the empire as a failed attempt to manufacture charisma, approaching farce before devolving into horror.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-55
David A. Bell

In Democracy in America, Tocqueville posited a contrast between the way history is written in “aristocratic” and “democratic” ages. In the former, historians tend to assign great weight to the actions of individuals; in the latter, they privilege great impersonal forces that act upon the mass. The essay examines Tocqueville’s views of Napoleon Bonaparte in light of these reflections. It concludes that despite his occasional vulnerability to the lure of Napoleonic grandeur, and despite his own desire, as an aristocrat writing in a democratic age, to effect a synthesis of the two modes of historical writing, in the end he fundamentally viewed Napoleon’s actions as determined by the forces of democratic equality and revolution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-100
Arden Hegele

This chapter turns to the medical field of pathology, sketching out a new theory of how discursive practices of medicine might be dependent on literary models by examining the history of the postmortem report in relation to the Romantic elegy. It explores a brief moment in the early nineteenth century when medical postmortem reports became widely available to the reading public. Using commemorative responses to the death of John Keats as the central example, but also reading the widely published postmortem reports of the deaths of Napoleon Bonaparte, Lord Byron, and Ludwig van Beethoven, which afforded readers an unexpected degree of closeness with the metaphorically charged bodies of the departed, the chapter focuses on how the postmortem report provides a protocol for interpreting mortality across a range of memorial genres in medical and literary fields. The postmortem report is shown to adopt certain generic qualities of earlier epitaphs, while later elegies by Percy Shelley and Alfred Tennyson continue to display the medical genre’s influence. The postmortem report is revealed to participate in a mutual exchange with literary conventions, as it first appropriates generic conventions from epitaphic literature, and then asserts a scientific protocol of taxonomical classification within humanistic discourse. When used in this commemorative field, reading bodily symptomology becomes a hermeneutics of consolation that brings its readers into intimacy with figures of genius.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. e74456
Miguel Figueroa Saavedra

La adaptabilidad intercultural como recurso para afianzar la colaboración y alianza entre grupos culturalmente distintos es un elemento que sobresale por su eficacia en la conformación de contingentes multinacionales. Sin embargo, históricamente esta situación se ha manifestado mediante procedimientos que hoy no se dan a causa de la uniformización reglamentaria de los ejércitos. Así, el travestismo estratégico como recurso eficaz para generar nuevas formas de representación colectiva en situaciones de conflicto bélico y cultural es un fenómeno performativo que ha servido en algunos contextos para refrendar el compromiso de las alianzas como parte de una diplomacia intercultural. A partir de un análisis comparativo de tres casos históricos (Lawrence de Arabia, Alejandro Magno y Napoleón Bonaparte), se analiza su aplicación y resultado de acuerdo con el grado de compromiso xenófilo y acercamiento integrador que desarrollaron sus protagonistas. Los resultados muestran que la adopción de rasgos que definen la apariencia del otro desde una actitud integradora ayuda a establecer una transidentidad compartida que promueve la colaboración. No obstante, el logro de la implicación del otro en un plano de valoración mutua no impide que dentro del propio grupo cultural surjan resistencias al ver en ese travestismo una amenaza a la integridad y unidad cultural. Por contra, en contextos donde se hace uso del travestismo estratégico sin abandonar una actitud xenófoba o una postura colonialista, el otro grupo considera esta aparente adaptación performativa como una simulación o engaño que acentúa el conflicto.

Arief Budiono ◽  
Aries Isnandar ◽  
Alfalachu Indiantoro

In this study, the author must focus on legal and social issues that interact with law at the regional (local), national, regional, and international levels. This is to determine the extent to which legislation meets philosophical, sociological, and juridical values. we know that Indonesia is a country that adheres to the European Continental legal system or Civil Law, actually this system came from the Netherlands which at that time colonized Indonesia for more than 350 years, at that time the Dutch laid the legal foundation "Civil Law" is the oldest legal system and most influential in the world. This legal system stems from the Roman-German tradition. Around the 450th century BC, the Roman Empire made their first set of written rules called the "Twelve Tables of Rome". This Roman legal system spread to various parts of the world along with the expansion of the Roman Empire. This legal system was later codified by Emperor Justinus in the 6th century. The Corpus Juris Civilis was completed in 534 AD. When Europe began to have its own government, Roman law was used as the basis of the national laws of each country. Napoleon Bonaparte in France with its Napoleonic Code in 1804 and Germany with its Civil Code in 1896.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-140
Danilo Bilate

Abstract Napoleon Bonaparte is a veritable “case” for Nietzsche: he does not reduce Napoleon to a single image, but he rather builds up an ambiguous image of Napoleon for years without trying to define a final result. This ongoing construction is due to Nietzsche’s deep admiration for Napoleon that, however great it may be, does not avoid a certain distancing. Defined as the synthesis of Unmensch and Ubermensch, Nietzsche regards Napoleon as an extraordinary human being because of his immorality when he exercised power. It is precisely this extraordinary nature that makes Napoleon a model for understanding the concept of the Ubermensch.

2021 ◽  
Jarosław Czubaty ◽  
Hans-Henning Hahn ◽  
Leszek Kuk ◽  
Jarosław Ławski ◽  
Ferdinand Opll ◽  

Nach der dritten Teilung von Polen-Litauen, die gleichzeitig den Untergang der alten Adelsrepublik bedeutete (1795), sowie in der Folge nach den napoleonischen Kriegen, wurde während des Wiener Kongresses (1814-1815) über die Zukunft der polnischen Gebiete im 19. Jahrhundert entschieden. Nach Napoleon Bonaparte wurde der russische Zar Alexander I. zur neuen Hoffnung der Polen, die von der Wiedererrichtung eines unabhängigen Staates träumten. Der Zar herrschte über das russische Teilungsgebiet, das gemäß den Bestimmungen des Wiener Kongresses nun auch als Königreich Polen bzw. „Kongresspolen“ bezeichnet wurde. Die in Wien vereinbarten Grenzen des unter den drei Teilungsmächten Russland, Preußen und Österreich aufgeteilten Landes hatten bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg Bestand. Die „polnische Frage“ während des Wiener Kongresses und ihre weitere Entwicklung nach dem Kongress werden im Band von Historikerinnen und Historikern aus Polen, Österreich, Deutschland und Tschechien erörtert. Abgerundet wird der Band durch ein Kapitel über den Wiener Kongress aus einer der ersten polnisch-sprachigen Beschreibungen Wiens. Diese Beschreibung wurde von Edward Lubomirski (1796-1823), einem Augenzeugen des Kongresses, verfasst. Der junge Lubomirski war während des Kongresses für die Botschaft des Russischen Zarenreichs in Wien tätig. Das letzte Kapitel aus seinem Werk, das 1821 in Warschau publiziert wurde, ist dem Wiener Kongress gewidmet. In dieser Publikation wird es erstmals dem deutschsprachigen Leserpublikum vorgestellt.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 763
Sylvain Soleil

Le modèle anglais de jury criminel est admiré et réclamé dans l’Europe des Lumières, spécialement en France. Adopté dans l’enthousiasme par les révolutionnaires (1790-1791), il devient l’objet de critiques très vives parce que la pratique des années 1792-1800 révèle des failles dans le système. Les Thermidoriens, puis les membres du Directoire cherchent à rectifier le fonctionnement du double jury d’accusation et de jugement. En vain. Une première controverse doctrinale se déchaîne dans les années 1798-1808, lorsque Napoléon Bonaparte s’interroge sur le maintien du jury. Une seconde controverse doctrinale a lieu après la restauration du roi Louis XVIII, dans les années 1818-1828, lorsqu’il s’agit de réhabiliter le jury anglais comme symbole d’une justice criminelle équilibrée, mais aussi d’aller sur place pour observer en Angleterre la façon dont fonctionne la justice. 

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