fuzzy c means
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Array ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 100124
Hendri Murfi ◽  
Natasha Rosaline ◽  
Nora Hariadi

2022 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 466-486
Cindy Cindy ◽  
Cynthia Cynthia ◽  
Valentino Vito ◽  
Devvi Sarwinda ◽  
Bevina Desjwiandra Handari ◽  

In Indonesia, Dengue incidence tends to increase every year but has been fluctuating in recent years. The potential for Dengue outbreaks in DKI Jakarta, the capital city, deserves serious attention. Weather factors are suspected of being associated with the incidence of Dengue in Indonesia. This research used weather and Dengue incidence data for five regions of DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, from December 30, 2008, to January 2, 2017. The study used a clustering approach on time-series and non-time-series data using K-Medoids and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. The clustering results for the non-time-series data showed a positive correlation between the number of Dengue incidents and both average relative humidity and amount of rainfall. However, Dengue incidence and average temperature were negatively correlated. Moreover, the clustering implementation on the time-series data showed that rainfall patterns most closely resembled those of Dengue incidence. Therefore, rainfall can be used to estimate Dengue incidence. Both results suggest that the government could utilize weather data to predict possible spikes in DHF incidence, especially when entering the rainy season and alert the public to greater probability of a Dengue outbreak.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 544-553
Ratna Kurniasari ◽  
Rukun Santoso ◽  
Alan Prahutama

Effective communication between the government and society is essential to achieve good governance. The government makes an effort to provide a means of public complaints through an online aspiration and complaint service called “LaporGub..!”. To group incoming reports easier, the topic of the report is searched by using clustering. Text Mining is used to convert text data into numeric data so that it can be processed further. Clustering is classified as soft clustering (fuzzy) and hard clustering. Hard clustering will divide data into clusters strictly without any overlapping membership with other clusters. Soft clustering can enter data into several clusters with a certain degree of membership value. Different membership values make fuzzy grouping have more natural results than hard clustering because objects at the boundary between several classes are not forced to fully fit into one class but each object is assigned a degree of membership. Fuzzy c-means has an advantage in terms of having a more precise placement of the cluster center compared to other cluster methods, by improving the cluster center repeatedly. The formation of the best number of clusters is seen based on the maximum silhouette coefficient. Wordcloud is used to determine the dominant topic in each cluster. Word cloud is a form of text data visualization. The results show that the maximum silhouette coefficient value for fuzzy c-means clustering is shown by the three clusters. The first cluster produces a word cloud regarding road conditions as many as 449 reports, the second cluster produces a word cloud regarding covid assistance as many as 964 reports, and the third cluster produces a word cloud regarding farmers fertilizers as many as 176 reports. The topic of the report regarding covid assistance is the cluster with the most number of members. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Nurdin S.Kom., M.Kom (SCOPUS ID=ID: 57201646662) ◽  
Uci Mutiara Putri Nasution ◽  
Hafizh Al-Kautsar Aidilof ◽  
Bustami Bustami

2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
N. Purandhar ◽  
S. Ayyasamy ◽  
N. M. Saravana Kumar

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Nuno Gustavo ◽  
Elliot Mbunge ◽  
Miguel Belo ◽  
Stephen Gbenga Fashoto ◽  
João Miguel Pronto ◽  

This chapter aims to review the tech evolution in hospitality, from services to eServices, that will provide hyper-personalization in the hospitality field. In the past, the services were provided by hotels through diligent staff and supported by standardized and weak technology that was not allowed to provide personalized services by itself. Therefore, the study applied K-means and FCM clustering algorithms to cluster online travelers' reviews from TripAdvisor. The study shows that K-means clustering outperforms fuzzy c-means in this study in terms of accuracy and execution time while fuzzy c-means converge faster than K-means clustering in terms of the number of iterations. K-means achieved 93.4% accuracy, and fuzzy c-means recorded 91.3% accuracy.

2022 ◽  
Haider Mustafa Mueen ◽  
A. Ghazikhani ◽  
Yasir Abdul Zahra Flaiyh Alaabedi

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