closure systems
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Manuel Ojeda-Hernandez ◽  
Inma P. Cabrera ◽  
Pablo Cordero ◽  
Emilio Munoz-Velasco

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (02) ◽  
pp. 733-743
Mahdi Ronasi ◽  
Esfandiar Eslami

The present paper is an attempt to introduce the closure systems over effect algebras. At first, we will define closure systems over effect algebras, and for arbitrary set $ U $ and arbitrary subset S of all functions from U to an effect algebra L we will obtain the closure system containing S. Then, we will define the base of this closure system, and for arbitrary subset S of all functions from U to an effect algebra L we will obtain the base of this closure system.

2021 ◽  
Erika Santos ◽  
Diego Arán

<p>Although at different features and intensities, both abandoned and active mines as well as other industrial areas associated to mining activity, have several environmental problems associated to extreme physicochemical characteristics of their materials, wastes and/or leachates. The conventional closure systems do not contribute to the improvement of the chemical characteristics of some contaminated materials and its leachates. Moreover, superficial layer of soil applied in the conventional closure systems have very high cost of implementation and, especially, maintenance since this is periodically fertilized with organic amendments and re-sown.  </p><p>Nowadays, the strategies and technologies for tailings and deposits closure should be based on sustainability and the circular economy. In this context, an effective solution is the use of Technosols derived of wastes and designed specifically for each contaminated/degraded materials in order to remediate, at integrated level, the different components of the ecosystem and reconverting non-productive and degraded areas. The development and in situ application of designed Technosols to growth of highmountain pastures was carried out, firstly, under controlled conditions to evaluate the physic-chemical quality of the designed Technosols and then under field conditions. After superficial application of the Technosol on tailing deposit containing sulfide-rich wastes, plant cover was monitored for one year. The efficiency of Technosol in the improvement of chemical characteristics of mine wastes located under it was evaluated. Technosol was also evaluated in order to confirm the maintenance of its properties and characteristics.</p><p>Even in the highmountain conditions, a rapid germination, development and coverage of the surface by herbaceous species was obtained. In three months, there was less than 35% of bare soil. The percentage of bare soil decreased over time and in six months plant cover reached more than 85 % and a height of 65 cm. The productivity of the pasture was between 3 and 9 kg/m2. Plants did not show visible signs of phytotoxicity or nutritional deficiency and elements concentrations in shoots were in normal range, considering plants species in general.  Pasture does not seem to represent an environmental risk for domestic animals that exist in the areas adjacent. The chemical characteristics and andic and eutrophic properties of the Tecnosol were maintained. The Tecnosol stimulated the functionality of the microorganisms-soil-plant system, as well as the alteration of chemical characteristic and microbiological communities of the deposit.</p><p>Acknowledgment: This research was supported by Portuguese funds, through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, within the scope of the project UID/AGR/04129/2020.</p>

2021 ◽  
Manuel Ojeda-Hernández ◽  
Inma P. Cabrera ◽  
Pablo Cordero ◽  
Emilio Muñoz-Velasco

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Andrew Michalowitz ◽  
Robert Comrie ◽  
Christopher Nicholas ◽  
Michael Wagner ◽  
James Kehoe

Abstract. Introduction: Total joint arthroplasty is projected to expand rapidly by 2030. With large numbers of patients undergoing TJA, the choice of incisional closure has come into question. We compared the 2-Ocyl cyanoacrylate closure system of Dermabond ® Prineo ® with Exofin Fusion ® to compare rates of adverse wound outcomes after total joint arthroplasty. Secondary outcome measures were age, sex, and medical comorbidities between groups.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed adverse wound outcomes with skin closure in TJA in 281 patients (160 Dermabond Prineo and 121 Exofin Fusion). Clinical charts were analyzed out to the 6-week post-op visit.Results: The rate of overall adverse superficial wound outcomes was similar between the two groups with Dermabond Prineo (N=20) and Exofin Fusion (N=19). The rate of cellulitis was significantly higher for Dermabond Prineo when compared to Exofin Fusion (P=0.033). No other significant differences were found for rate of superficial or deep wound complications or for secondary outcomes.Conclusions: The two 2-octyl wound closure systems had similar adverse superficial wound complications. Except for Dermabond Prineo having a higher rate of post-operative cellulitis, there were no statistically significant differences for other superficial or deep adverse wound outcomes or secondary outcomes. A future randomized control trial or prospective cohort study is needed for a more robust analysis.

2020 ◽  
Erika Santos ◽  
Melitza Cornejo ◽  
Diego Arán ◽  
Alfredo Gallardo

<p>A promising planning for recovery and closure of mining tailings, from both active and abandoned mines, must include environmental and socioeconomic approaches. Buenaventura group and La Zanja mine are evaluating, in different closure systems of tailings composed of mine wastes rich-in sulfides, the integrated rehabilitation of the ecosystem (mine wastes, percolated leachates, runoff water and plants cover) and its recovery to other secure land uses which promote the regional socio-economic valorisation. In adjacent areas to La Zanja mine (Cajamarca, Peru), the milk production is the main economic activity although with low profitability. Therefore, herbaceous and shrubs intake by domestic animals could be one important food chain route for human exposure to toxic elements. Although it is essential the evaluation of the potential animal feed risk, until what is known these studies are not usual in mine closure planning.</p><p>This work aims to evaluate, at long term, the chemical and microbiological characteristics of the soil, and development and environmental potential risk of the herbaceous strata growing in mine tailings closed with two conventional closure systems and innovative system with a Technosol designed specifically for environmental problems of the mining tailing. The studied conventional systems are characterized by superficial coverage with local soil or local soil under materials with low permeability. Before planting native plant species and different fast-growing herbaceous, amendments were applied to the soil, such as lime and/or chicken manure. In other mine tailing with similar chemical and mineralogical characteristics was applied a superficial layer of a designed Technosol with andic, eutrophic and reductor properties. An adjacent area without influence of mining activity was used as control.</p><p>Composite samples of soils as well as herbaceous plants and dominant shrub growing on these soils were collected. Soil characteristics (pH, fertility, overall activity and biomass of microbial community) and multielemental concentration in soils (pseudototal and available fractions) and plants were determined. The accumulation behaviour of potentially hazardous elements in shoots was studied as well as their relation with the chemical soil characteristics.</p><p>The chemical and biological quality of the soils depended on closure system. Soils from conventional system presented significant degradation at chemical and biological level and smaller plant development, compared to system with Technosol. The chemical characteristics of the Tecnosol still remained being, in many cases, better than those in control soil.</p><p>In conventional systems, the alteration of the chemical characteristics of the soils and/or presence of the layer of low permeability material limited the plant development biomass production contributing to a higher risk of erosion. Herbaceous species growing on the soils from all studied closure systems of mine tailings do not seem to represent an environmental risk for domestic animals that exist in the areas adjacent.</p><p>This study is included in a strategy environmental management and sustainable development for the recovery of non-productive areas for other land uses.</p><p>Financial support grated by: InnóvatePerú–FINCyT 2 (PITEI-4-P-015-091-16) to Compañía de Minas Buenaventura and Minera La Zanja; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia to LEAF (UID/AGR/04129/2013).</p>

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