shrimp fishery
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2022 ◽  
Vol 247 ◽  
pp. 106189
Eurico Mesquita Noleto-Filho ◽  
Ronaldo Angelini ◽  
Maria Alice Leite Lima ◽  
Sebastián Villasante ◽  
Mario J.F. Thomé-Souza ◽  

Marine Policy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 133 ◽  
pp. 104675
Leyre Goti-Aralucea ◽  
Jörg Berkenhagen ◽  
Erik Sulanke ◽  
Ralf Döring

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 460
Jorge L. Ramirez ◽  
Luisa Simbine ◽  
Carla G. Marques ◽  
Eliana Zelada-Mázmela ◽  
Lorenzo E. Reyes-Flores ◽  

The Penaeidae family includes some of the most economic and ecological important marine shrimp, comprising hundreds of species. Despite this importance and diversity, the taxonomic classification for penaeid shrimp has constantly been revised, and issues related to the species identification are common. In this study, we implemented DNA barcoding analyses in addition to single-gene species delimitation analyses in order to identify molecular operational taxonomy units (MOTUs) and to generate robust molecular information for penaeid shrimp based on the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene. Our final data set includes COI sequences from 112 taxa distributed in 23 genera of penaeids. We employed the general mixed Yule coalescent (GMYC) model, the Poisson tree processes (PTP), and the Bayesian PTP model (bPTP) for MOTUs delimitation. Intraspecific and interspecific genetic distances were also calculated. Our findings evidenced a high level of hidden diversity, showing 143 MOTUs, with 27 nominal species not agreeing with the genetic delimitation obtained here. These data represent potential new species or highly structured populations, showing the importance of including a non-distance-based species delimitation approach in biodiversity studies. The results raised by this study shed light on the Penaeidae biodiversity, addressing important issues about taxonomy and mislabeling in databases and contributing to a better comprehension of the group, which can certainly help management policies for shrimp fishery activity in addition to conservation programs.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0256339
Samanta Dodino ◽  
Nicolás A. Lois ◽  
Luciana Riccialdelli ◽  
Michael J. Polito ◽  
Klemens Pütz ◽  

Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) disperse widely during winter and are a major consumer of marine resources over the Patagonian Shelf. Magellanic penguins were equipped with geolocators at Martillo Island in late February- early March 2017 and recaptured at the beginning of the next breeding season to recover the devices and to collect blood samples for stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analysis. We evaluated their whole winter dispersal and their trophic niche by sex during the last month of the winter dispersal. Also, we evaluated their spatial overlap with bottom trawl and shrimp fisheries using data from satellite fisheries monitoring. Penguins dispersed northwards up to 42°S and showed latitudinal spatial segregation between sexes during May to August (females were located further north than males). In contrast, during the last month of the winter dispersal females were located more southerly and showed lower trophic position than males. Also, females did not dive as deep as males during winter. We found high overlap between both fisheries and penguin’s spatial use in regions with documented interaction. However, no sex-specific statistical differences with fisheries overlap were found. Our results highlight the importance of understanding the spatial domains of each sex and assessment of their potential conflicts with bottom trawl fishery and shrimp fishery during the winter period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 240 ◽  
pp. 105968
T. Araya-Schmidt ◽  
P.D. Winger ◽  
M.R. Santos ◽  
K. Moret ◽  
H. DeLouche ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 485-496
Angel Morán-Silva ◽  
Sergio Cházaro-Olvera ◽  
Rafael Chávez-López ◽  
Horacio Vázquez-López ◽  
Asela del Carmen Rodríguez-Varela ◽  

The objective of this study was to analyze the brachyuran crab assemblages associated with shrimp fishing on the central-southern coast of Veracruz. Information was collected using 46 trawls organized within nine fishing quadrants. The total catch shrimp, bycatch, and discard were recorded and standardized (CPUE kg h-1). Value index by species, species richness, diversity using Shannon and Weaver index, and equitability were determined. A total of 3055 individuals were collected, which corresponded to nine families, 13 genera, and 14 species. Achelous spinicarpus species were identified at the greatest relative abundance (77.74%). Four new species records for the zone: Hepatus pudibundus, Iliacantha liodactylus, Leiolambrus punctatissimus, and Platylambrus granulatus. Species richness varied according to fishing quadrant and depth interval assessed. The highest value of species richness was eight, and observed Margalef species richness index values ranged from 0 to 2.23. The diversity values ranged from 0 to 2.41 bits ind-1; this may indicate that a few species share the greatest impact of trawling. The presence of lagoon systems was determined to define a portion of the composition of the assemblage. Understanding assemblage structure is important to improve knowledge on the impact of shrimp trawling activity on the ecosystem.

Lilian Wegner ◽  
Angela Kinoshita ◽  
Fabio Friol Guedes de Paiva ◽  
Pedro Negraes de Almeida Soares ◽  
William Santana ◽  

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