corinthians 3
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Enny Irawati

The research objective that the author means is to find out how the unity of the body of Christ in the church can be carried out properly according to 1 Corinthians 3: 3-9. moving on from the core written in the text above, the author wants the whole congregation to understand the unity of the body of Christ correctly today, given the importance of the unity of the body of Christ in the church, so that some of the more mature congregations in the faith must support the congregation that is not yet mature faith. This writing is intended so that all God's people understand well that the unity of the body of Christ is not to become divided because of disagreements, divisions and differences of opinion. but the body of Christ is the one that brings God's people better together. Some of the things that concern the author in this study are how the congregation can understand the unity of the body of Christ correctly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-247
M.C. Mulder

This article argues that the liturgical use of biblical texts should be included in an intertextual analysis. Rabbinic sources demonstrate a certain consensus on the liturgical reading cycles from the Torah and the Prophets in the early synagogue. Although the content of these cycles is not certain, external evidence disclose established connections between readings from the Torah and the Prophets (the haftarah-readings) in the first century CE. Paul’s letters display similar connections and a comparable hermeneutical strategy, as illustrated by a careful exegesis of Romans 15,9-12, Galatians 4,21-31, and 2 Corinthians 3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-60
Desti Ratna Sari Halawa

AbstractThis paper examines the meaning of synergy in the ministry and life of believers according to 1 Corinthians 3: 4-9. Servants of God tend to leave the place of service because they are at odds with God or others. Among the Corinthians in the early church, there was strife among the members of the body of Christ. To deal with divisions, Paul talks about becoming partners with God (synergy). In the Orthodox  church this concept emphasizes how to achieve salvation but this concept is not emphasized in the world of ministry. Whereas in Protestant literature this concept is rarely even perhaps foreign to be discussed as something important, so that it is reflected in ministries within the church and outside the church which often cause divisions. The results show that only through synergy with God can humans synergize with one another (one with God and one with others remains strong). Synergize is to be partners with Allah who continue to exercise their free will according to God's will so that they are not easily tempted by the evil of sin. Remembering God dynamically produces union with God and gives the best service to others as Christ served. Of course, only synergy makes humans avoid fellowship and enmity between others. AbstrakTulisan ini meneliti makna sinergi dalam pelayanan dan kehidupan orang percaya menurut 1 Korintus 3:4-9. Pelayan Tuhan cenderung meninggalkan tempat pelayanan karena berselisih dengan Allah atau sesama. Di antara jemaat Korintus di masa gereja mula-mula perselisihan di antara anggota tubuh Kristus sudah terjadi. Untuk menghadapi perpecahan, Paulus berbicara bagaimana menjadi kawan sekerja Allah (sinergi). Dalam gereja Ortodoks konsep ini menekankan bagaimana mencapai keselamatan akan tetapi konsep ini tidak ditekankan dalam dunia pelayanan. Sedangkan dalam literatur Protestan konsep ini jarang bahkan mungkin asing dibahas sebagai sesuatu yang penting, sehingga tercermin dalam pelayanan-pelayanan dalam gereja maupun di luar gereja yang sering menimbulkan perpecahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya melalui sinergi dengan Allah manusia bisa bersinergi dengan sesamanya (menyatu dengan Allah dan persatuan dengan sesama tetap kokoh). Bersinergi adalah menjadi kawan sekerja Allah yang terus melatih kehendak bebasnya sesuai dengan kehendak Allah sehingga tidak mudah tergoda oleh kejahatan dosa. Mengingat Allah secara dinamis menghasilkan persatuan dengan Allah dan memberi pelayanan terbaik kepada sesama seperti Kristus melayani. Tentunya, hanya sinergilah yang membuat manusia terhindar dari persekutuan serta permusuhan di antara sesama.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-65
Samuil-Ashton Satu

AbstractPreaching and teaching sound doctrine based on Christocentric doctrine is of utmost importance to Christian belief, as it is the cornerstone of the New Testament, the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit), and the Apostles. So we will not do less as Christians. The purpose of a sermon is to bring about holy transformation through the Word of God in the life of the listener. The preachers need to help the audience put the Word into their lives. With respect to this, Bryan Chapell notes that “without application, a preacher has no reason to preach.” Thus he proposed five questions for the application for Christocentric doctrinal preaching, which should first be addressed to the preachers themselves. Through these questions, preachers can help to change the life of congregation by applying Christocentric doctrinal preaching. Furthermore, evidence of transformation within believers is seen in the way that the likeness and glory of Christ is increasingly reflected (2 Corinthians 3:18). The apostle Paul said, “You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ” (Romans 8:9). Believers must be led by the Spirit of God to be considered as children of God. And it is by the power of the Spirit of God that Christ is living within them. The life transformed reflects Apostle Paul's thoughts in Galatians: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). Conversely, if the church leaders ignore Christocentric doctrinal preaching and the application of the Word of God in the church members’ lives, then the transformation of the  believers’ lives will be thwarted. This study uses descriptive and phenomenological analysis of the data collected to find out why there is no change in some christians life-style and values. The results of this analysis will give impetus to revitalise the church to have a healthy theology for a healthy church of transformed lives in Christ Jesus.AbstrakBerkhotbah dan mengajar doktrin yang sehat berdasarkan dokrin Kristosentrik adalah terpenting dalam kepercayaan Kristen karena itulah penegasan Perjanjian Baru, Allah Trinitas (Allah Bapa, Allah Anak dan Allah Roh Kudus) dan Rasul-Rasul. Karena itu, seorang Kristen harus juga berbuat demikian. Tujuan dari khotbah ialah transformasi hidup melalui pendengaran Firman Allah. Pengkhotbah harus membantu jemaat mengapplikasikan Firman Allah dalam hidup mereka. Bryan Chapell menyatakan, “Tanpa aplikasi, seseorang pengkhotbah itu langsung tidak punya alasan untuk berkhotbah”. Dengan itu, ia menyarankan lima hal untuk penerapan atau applikasi kepada pengkhotbah terlebih dahulu. Melalui pertanyaan ini, pengkhotbah bisa membantu kehidupan jemaat untuk diubah dengan penerapan Fiman Allah berbasiskan doktrin Kristosentrik. Selain itu, bukti transformasi dalam hidup seseorang Kristen dilihat bagaimana seseorang itu kian mencerminkan gambar dan kemuliaan Kristus (2 Korintus 3:18). Rasul Paulus menyatakan, “Tetapi kamu tidak hidup dalam daging, melainkan dalam Roh, jika memang Roh Allah diam di dalam kamu. Tetapi jika orang tidak memiliki Roh Kristus, ia bukan milik Kristus” (Roma 8:9). Untuk dianggap sebagai anak-anak Tuhan,orang percaya harus dipimpin oleh Roh Allah. Dan melalui kuasa Roh Kudus, Kristus diam di dalam mereka. Hidup transformasi mencerminkan pemikiran Rasul Paulus dalam Galatia : “Namun aku hidup, tetapi bukan lagi aku sendiri yang hidup, melainkan Kristus yang hidup di dalam aku. Dan hidupku yang kuhidup sekarang di dalam daging, adalah hidup oleh iman dalam Anak Allah yang telah mengasihi aku dan menyerahkan diri-Nya untuk aku.” (Galatia 2:20). Sebaliknya, jika pemimpin gereja mengabaikan khotbah doktrin Kristosentrik dan applikasi Firman Allah dalam kehidupan jemaat, maka transformasi kehidupan jemaat akan digagalkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kaedah deskriptif dan fenomenologi analisis atas data-data yang dikumpulkan untuk menemukan jawapan mengapa kehidupan dan cara hidup banyak jemaat tidak berubah. Hasil analisa ini akan memberi dorongan kepada gereja untuk memperoleh teologi yang sehat untuk membangun gereja yang sehat yang hidup dalam Kristus Yesus.

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