technology acceptance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-191
Fatima Baji ◽  
Fereydoun Azadeh ◽  
Zivar Sabaghinejad ◽  
Amir Zalpour

E-learning can address some of the unmet needs of learners and educational communities; however, not all learners and educators accept e-learning as a delivery modality. This research endeavored to study the factors which affect e-learning acceptance among Iranian post-graduate students using the Davis Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and to identify the changes which would facilitate their improved acceptance and subsequent wider use of e-learning. This descriptive-correlation study was conducted by surveying 320 Iranian postgraduate students using a self-reporting questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was used for data analysis through LISREL software. Results revealed sufficient validity and reliability of the TAM among Iranian postgraduate medical students. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness of e-learning, students’ attitudes toward e-learning, and the intention to use e-learning positively affected e-learning’s acceptance (p < 0.05) among Iranian postgraduate students. According to the results, attitudes toward e-learning have more predictive power than other TAM constructs. Therefore, emphasis on students’ favorable attitudes toward e-learning can be effective in accelerating its acceptance and will progress students’ learning outcomes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Zuraida Yuniar Firdaus ◽  
Dwi Krisbiantoro ◽  
Fiby Nur Afiana

Era revolusi industry 4.0 mendorong perkembangan teknologi dengan konsep Internet of Thing (IoT), bentuk penerapan IoT adalah penggunaan dompet digital sebagai alat pembayaran dalam kebutuhan bertransaksi. Salah satu dompet digital yang tengah berkembang di kalangan masyarakat adalah aplikasi DANA, dimana DANA memberikan kemudahan bertransaksi dengan lebih cepat dan praktis, serta memungkinkan pengguna melakukan pembayara nontunai dan tanpa kartu untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Beberapa pengguna DANA mengeluhkan adanya permasalahan kegagalan verifikasi identitas pengguna. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis factor-faktor penerimaan dan penggunaan aplikasi DANA menggunakan pendekatan technology acceptance model TAM) dengan menambahkan variabel mobile payment charatcetistic sebagai variabel independent. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa mobile payment characteristic secara simultan memiliki pengaruh terhadap penerimaan dan penggunaan aplikasi DANA.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Clever Ndebele ◽  
Munienge Mbodila

The exponential growth in the use of technology for learning and teaching in the higher education sector has imposed pressure on academics to embrace technology in their teaching. The present study sought to examine factors underlying technology acceptance in learning and teaching at a historically disadvantaged university in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Premised on the mixed methods approach and undergirded by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), both a pre-coded and an open-ended questionnaire were used to collect data. Data from the pre-coded questionnaire were analysed through the descriptive statistical approach. The qualitative data from the open-ended questionnaire were analysed through content analysis. The study found that most academic staff believe and see the value that ICTs bring in their teaching and learning practices. In addition, they are aware that technology use in education improves learning and teaching, and they are willing to embrace the use of technology to improve their practices. Based on the findings, we recommend intensification of lecturer training in the use of technology for teaching and learning to enable them to embrace it in their teaching practice. Furthermore, the institution needs to put in place support systems for academic staff to empower them to have continuous access to devices and internet connection for technology integration in teaching and learning. We recommend establishment of e-learning communities of practise in the university that will allow lecturers to assist each other as well as share best practices in the use of technology for teaching and learning.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Md Sohel Chowdhury

PurposeDrawing on the signaling theory and technology acceptance model, the main purpose of this study was to predict prospective employees' intentions to apply for jobs in a firm, with a special focus on the mediating role of attitudes toward corporate websites and the moderating role of perceived value fit.Design/methodology/approachCollecting data from a convenient sample of 318 prospective job candidates, the research hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS (version 24) and SPSS Process Macro (version 3.4).FindingsThe test results revealed that prospective employees' attitudes toward corporate websites partially mediate the association of corporate reputations, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness with their intentions to apply for jobs in an organization. Noticeably, perceived value fit moderated the perceived usefulness–application intentions link in such a way that the impact of perceived usefulness on intentions to apply appears higher for individuals with a low level (than a high level) of perceived value fit.Research limitations/implicationsConsistent with the research findings, a notable theoretical contribution and practical implications for HR professionals have been discussed. This paper ends with outlining some limitations and future research directions.Originality/valueDespite having the salient buffering effects of perceived value fit on the applicant attraction process, empirical study on this theoretical phenomenon is still sparse in a pre-employment context. This may be the first study that demonstrates under what circumstances prospective employees' job pursuit intentions could be optimized in respect of their perceived value fit within a single framework comprised of two theories.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rabea Schrage ◽  
Lasse Meißner ◽  
Reinhard Schütte ◽  
Peter Kenning

PurposeDue to recent developments of indoor location-tracking technologies, brick-and-mortar retailers are now able to add location-based marketing capabilities to their existing retail apps, providing retailers with new opportunities to interact with customers inside of their stores. The aim of this study is to identify factors influencing the customers' adoption intention of location-based retail apps for stationary retailing.Design/methodology/approachBased on the technology acceptance model, a conceptual model was developed. A Web-based survey was conducted in Germany with a final sample of 501 cases. Structural equation modelling was performed to test the hypotheses.FindingsThe results confirmed the positive relationship between attitude and the customers' intention to use location-based retail apps. Perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment promote a positive attitude toward location-based retail apps, while privacy concerns and fear of spam hinder the formation of a favorable attitude. Subjective norms have a positive effect on customers' usage intention.Practical implicationsThe results help retailers who want to establish location-based retail apps at the point of sale (e.g. in the context of omni-channel strategies).Originality/valueAs previous research about location-based apps has mainly used empirical data from either Chinese or American samples, less is known about the perception of European customers. Research indicates that existing findings might not be transferable to European countries due to differences in values, social norms or regulations. Also, the failure of Shopkick in Germany illustrates the need for more research. Based on this, using a German sample to answer the research question, this study aims to provide a European perspective on location-based retail apps, and thereby extend existing research.

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