standard notion
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (15&16) ◽  
pp. 1320-1352
Augustin Vanrietvelde ◽  
Giulio Chiribella

No quantum circuit can turn a completely unknown unitary gate into its coherently controlled version. Yet, coherent control of unknown gates has been realised in experiments, making use of a different type of initial resources. Here, we formalise the task achieved by these experiments, extending it to the control of arbitrary noisy channels, and to more general types of control involving higher dimensional control systems. For the standard notion of coherent control, we identify the information-theoretic resource for controlling an arbitrary quantum channel on a $d$-dimensional system: specifically, the resource is an extended quantum channel acting as the original channel on a $d$-dimensional sector of a $(d+1)$-dimensional system. Using this resource, arbitrary controlled channels can be built with a universal circuit architecture. We then extend the standard notion of control to more general notions, including control of multiple channels with possibly different input and output systems. Finally, we develop a theoretical framework, called supermaps on routed channels, which provides a compact representation of coherent control as an operation performed on the extended channels, and highlights the way the operation acts on different sectors.

Tyrone Crisp

Generalizing the well-known correspondence between two-sided adjunctions and Frobenius algebras, we establish a one-to-one correspondence between local adjunctions of [Formula: see text]-correspondences, as defined and studied in prior work with Clare and Higson; and Frobenius [Formula: see text]-algebras, a natural [Formula: see text]-algebraic adaptation of the standard notion of Frobenius algebras that we introduce here.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 731-748
Anirban Kundu ◽  
Tarapada Bag ◽  
Sk. Nazmul

Abstract In this paper, a space called geometric space, involving both the notions of area and length, is introduced in general setting. The interplay, between these two ideas, is studied. As a result, a new notion of orthogonality, called area-length orthogonality or A-L orthogonality, is demonstrated. It is shown that A-L orthogonality coincides with the standard notion of orthogonality for inner product spaces. Finally, it is proved that A-L orthogonality implies Birkhoff orthogonality, but not conversely.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-46
Nico Döttling ◽  
Sanjam Garg

We provide the first constructions of identity-based encryption and hierarchical identity-based encryption based on the hardness of the (Computational) Diffie-Hellman Problem (without use of groups with pairings) or Factoring. Our construction achieves the standard notion of identity-based encryption as considered by Boneh and Franklin [CRYPTO 2001]. We bypass known impossibility results using garbled circuits that make a non-black-box use of the underlying cryptographic primitives.

Guillaume Girol ◽  
Benjamin Farinier ◽  
Sébastien Bardin

AbstractThis paper introduces a new property called robust reachability which refines the standard notion of reachability in order to take replicability into account. A bug is robustly reachable if a controlled input can make it so the bug is reached whatever the value of uncontrolled input. Robust reachability is better suited than standard reachability in many realistic situations related to security (e.g., criticality assessment or bug prioritization) or software engineering (e.g., replicable test suites and flakiness). We propose a formal treatment of the concept, and we revisit existing symbolic bug finding methods through this new lens. Remarkably, robust reachability allows differentiating bounded model checking from symbolic execution while they have the same deductive power in the standard case. Finally, we propose the first symbolic verifier dedicated to robust reachability: we use it for criticality assessment of 4 existing vulnerabilities, and compare it with standard symbolic execution.

Daniel Canarutto

The standard notion of Lie derivative is extended in order to include Lie derivatives of spinors, soldering forms, spinor connections and spacetime connections. These extensions are all linked together, and provide a natural framework for discussing infinitesimal deformations of Einstein-Cartan-Dirac fields in the tetrad-affine setting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (06) ◽  
pp. 2050091
Leonid Bunimovich ◽  
D. J. Passey ◽  
Dallas Smith ◽  
Benjamin Webb

One of the hallmarks of real networks is the ability to perform increasingly complex tasks as their topology evolves. To explain this, it has been observed that as a network grows certain subsets of the network begin to specialize the function(s) they perform. A recent model of network growth based on this notion of specialization has been able to reproduce some of the most well-known topological features found in real-world networks including right-skewed degree distributions, the small world property, modular as well as hierarchical topology, etc. Here we describe how specialization under this model also effects the spectral properties of a network. This allows us to give the conditions under which a network is able to maintain its dynamics as its topology evolves. Specifically, we show that if a network is intrinsically stable, which is a stronger version of the standard notion of global stability, then the network maintains this type of dynamics as the network evolves. This is one of the first steps toward unifying the rigorous study of the two types of dynamics exhibited by networks. These are the dynamics of a network, which is the topological evolution of the network’s structure, modeled here by the process of network specialization, and the dynamics on a network, which is the changing state of the network elements, where the type of dynamics we consider is global stability. The main examples we apply our results to are recurrent neural networks, which are the basis of certain types of machine learning algorithms.

Florian Zuleger

AbstractVector addition systems are an important model in theoretical computer science and have been used in a variety of areas. In this paper, we consider vector addition systems with states over a parameterized initial configuration. For these systems, we are interested in the standard notion of computational time complexity, i.e., we want to understand the length of the longest trace for a fixed vector addition system with states depending on the size of the initial configuration. We show that the asymptotic complexity of a given vector addition system with states is either $$\varTheta (N^k)$$ Θ ( N k ) for some computable integer k, where N is the size of the initial configuration, or at least exponential. We further show that k can be computed in polynomial time in the size of the considered vector addition system. Finally, we show that $$1 \le k \le 2^n$$ 1 ≤ k ≤ 2 n , where n is the dimension of the considered vector addition system.

Erkenntnis ◽  
2019 ◽  
Krzysztof Wójtowicz ◽  
Anna Wójtowicz

AbstractWe define a semantics for conditionals in terms of stochastic graphs which gives a straightforward and simple method of evaluating the probabilities of conditionals. It seems to be a good and useful method in the cases already discussed in the literature, and it can easily be extended to cover more complex situations. In particular, it allows us to describe several possible interpretations of the conditional (the global and the local interpretation, and generalizations of them) and to formalize some intuitively valid but formally incorrect considerations concerning the probabilities of conditionals under these two interpretations. It also yields a powerful method of handling more complex issues (such as nested conditionals). The stochastic graph semantics provides a satisfactory answer to Lewis’s arguments against the PC = CP principle, and defends important intuitions which connect the notion of probability of a conditional with the (standard) notion of conditional probability. It also illustrates the general problem of finding formal explications of philosophically important notions and applying mathematical methods in analyzing philosophical issues.

Meir Friedenberg ◽  
Joseph Y. Halpern

We provide a formal definition of blameworthiness in settings where multiple agents can collaborate to avoid a negative outcome. We first provide a method for ascribing blameworthiness to groups relative to an epistemic state (a distribution over causal models that describe how the outcome might arise). We then show how we can go from an ascription of blameworthiness for groups to an ascription of blameworthiness for individuals using a standard notion from cooperative game theory, the Shapley value. We believe that getting a good notion of blameworthiness in a group setting will be critical for designing autonomous agents that behave in a moral manner.

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