Journal of the ACM
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Published By Association For Computing Machinery


2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-1
Eva Tardos

2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-83
Mark Kaminski ◽  
Egor V. Kostylev ◽  
Bernardo Cuenca Grau ◽  
Boris Motik ◽  
Ian Horrocks

Motivated by applications in declarative data analysis, in this article, we study Datalog Z —an extension of Datalog with stratified negation and arithmetic functions over integers. This language is known to be undecidable, so we present the fragment of limit Datalog Z programs, which is powerful enough to naturally capture many important data analysis tasks. In limit Datalog Z , all intensional predicates with a numeric argument are limit predicates that keep maximal or minimal bounds on numeric values. We show that reasoning in limit Datalog Z is decidable if a linearity condition restricting the use of multiplication is satisfied. In particular, limit-linear Datalog Z is complete for Δ 2 EXP and captures Δ 2 P over ordered datasets in the sense of descriptive complexity. We also provide a comprehensive study of several fragments of limit-linear Datalog Z . We show that semi-positive limit-linear programs (i.e., programs where negation is allowed only in front of extensional atoms) capture coNP over ordered datasets; furthermore, reasoning becomes coNEXP-complete in combined and coNP-complete in data complexity, where the lower bounds hold already for negation-free programs. In order to satisfy the requirements of data-intensive applications, we also propose an additional stability requirement, which causes the complexity of reasoning to drop to EXP in combined and to P in data complexity, thus obtaining the same bounds as for usual Datalog. Finally, we compare our formalisms with the languages underpinning existing Datalog-based approaches for data analysis and show that core fragments of these languages can be encoded as limit programs; this allows us to transfer decidability and complexity upper bounds from limit programs to other formalisms. Therefore, our article provides a unified logical framework for declarative data analysis which can be used as a basis for understanding the impact on expressive power and computational complexity of the key constructs available in existing languages.

2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Abbas Edalat

We derive new representations for the generalised Jacobian of a locally Lipschitz map between finite dimensional real Euclidean spaces as the lower limit (i.e., limit inferior) of the classical derivative of the map where it exists. The new representations lead to significantly shorter proofs for the basic properties of the subgradient and the generalised Jacobian including the chain rule. We establish that a sequence of locally Lipschitz maps between finite dimensional Euclidean spaces converges to a given locally Lipschitz map in the L-topology—that is, the weakest refinement of the sup norm topology on the space of locally Lipschitz maps that makes the generalised Jacobian a continuous functional—if and only if the limit superior of the sequence of directional derivatives of the maps in a given vector direction coincides with the generalised directional derivative of the given map in that direction, with the convergence to the limit superior being uniform for all unit vectors. We then prove our main result that the subspace of Lipschitz C ∞ maps between finite dimensional Euclidean spaces is dense in the space of Lipschitz maps equipped with the L-topology, and, for a given Lipschitz map, we explicitly construct a sequence of Lipschitz C ∞ maps converging to it in the L-topology, allowing global smooth approximation of a Lipschitz map and its differential properties. As an application, we obtain a short proof of the extension of Green’s theorem to interval-valued vector fields. For infinite dimensions, we show that the subgradient of a Lipschitz map on a Banach space is upper continuous, and, for a given real-valued Lipschitz map on a separable Banach space, we construct a sequence of Gateaux differentiable functions that converges to the map in the sup norm topology such that the limit superior of the directional derivatives in any direction coincides with the generalised directional derivative of the Lipschitz map in that direction.

2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Leonid Barenboim ◽  
Michael Elkin ◽  
Uri Goldenberg

We consider graph coloring and related problems in the distributed message-passing model. Locally-iterative algorithms are especially important in this setting. These are algorithms in which each vertex decides about its next color only as a function of the current colors in its 1-hop-neighborhood . In STOC’93 Szegedy and Vishwanathan showed that any locally-iterative Δ + 1-coloring algorithm requires Ω (Δ log Δ + log * n ) rounds, unless there exists “a very special type of coloring that can be very efficiently reduced” [ 44 ]. No such special coloring has been found since then. This led researchers to believe that Szegedy-Vishwanathan barrier is an inherent limitation for locally-iterative algorithms and to explore other approaches to the coloring problem [ 2 , 3 , 19 , 32 ]. The latter gave rise to faster algorithms, but their heavy machinery that is of non-locally-iterative nature made them far less suitable to various settings. In this article, we obtain the aforementioned special type of coloring. Specifically, we devise a locally-iterative Δ + 1-coloring algorithm with running time O (Δ + log * n ), i.e., below Szegedy-Vishwanathan barrier. This demonstrates that this barrier is not an inherent limitation for locally-iterative algorithms. As a result, we also achieve significant improvements for dynamic, self-stabilizing, and bandwidth-restricted settings. This includes the following results: We obtain self-stabilizing distributed algorithms for Δ + 1-vertex-coloring, (2Δ - 1)-edge-coloring, maximal independent set, and maximal matching with O (Δ + log * n ) time. This significantly improves previously known results that have O(n) or larger running times [ 23 ]. We devise a (2Δ - 1)-edge-coloring algorithm in the CONGEST model with O (Δ + log * n ) time and O (Δ)-edge-coloring in the Bit-Round model with O (Δ + log n ) time. The factors of log * n and log n are unavoidable in the CONGEST and Bit-Round models, respectively. Previously known algorithms had superlinear dependency on Δ for (2Δ - 1)-edge-coloring in these models. We obtain an arbdefective coloring algorithm with running time O (√ Δ + log * n ). Such a coloring is not necessarily proper, but has certain helpful properties. We employ it to compute a proper (1 + ε)Δ-coloring within O (√ Δ + log * n ) time and Δ + 1-coloring within O (√ Δ log Δ log * Δ + log * n ) time. This improves the recent state-of-the-art bounds of Barenboim from PODC’15 [ 2 ] and Fraigniaud et al. from FOCS’16 [ 19 ] by polylogarithmic factors. Our algorithms are applicable to the SET-LOCAL model [ 25 ] (also known as the weak LOCAL model). In this model a relatively strong lower bound of Ω (Δ 1/3 ) is known for Δ + 1-coloring. However, most of the coloring algorithms do not work in this model. (In Reference [ 25 ] only Linial’s O (Δ 2 )-time algorithm and Kuhn-Wattenhofer O (Δ log Δ)-time algorithms are shown to work in it.) We obtain the first linear-in-Δ Δ + 1-coloring algorithms that work also in this model.

2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-70
Mikkel Abrahamsen ◽  
Anna Adamaszek ◽  
Tillmann Miltzow

The Art Gallery Problem (AGP) is a classic problem in computational geometry, introduced in 1973 by Victor Klee. Given a simple polygon 풫 and an integer k , the goal is to decide if there exists a set G of k guards within 풫 such that every point p ∈ 풫 is seen by at least one guard g ∈ G . Each guard corresponds to a point in the polygon 풫, and we say that a guard g sees a point p if the line segment pg is contained in 풫. We prove that the AGP is ∃ ℝ-complete, implying that (1) any system of polynomial equations over the real numbers can be encoded as an instance of the AGP, and (2) the AGP is not in the complexity class NP unless NP = ∃ ℝ. As a corollary of our construction, we prove that for any real algebraic number α, there is an instance of the AGP where one of the coordinates of the guards equals α in any guard set of minimum cardinality. That rules out many natural geometric approaches to the problem, as it shows that any approach based on constructing a finite set of candidate points for placing guards has to include points with coordinates being roots of polynomials with arbitrary degree. As an illustration of our techniques, we show that for every compact semi-algebraic set S ⊆ [0, 1] 2 , there exists a polygon with corners at rational coordinates such that for every p ∈ [0, 1] 2 , there is a set of guards of minimum cardinality containing p if and only if p ∈ S . In the ∃ ℝ-hardness proof for the AGP, we introduce a new ∃ ℝ-complete problem ETR-INV. We believe that this problem is of independent interest, as it has already been used to obtain ∃ ℝ-hardness proofs for other problems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-82
Yael Tauman Kalai ◽  
Ran Raz ◽  
Ron D. Rothblum

We construct a 1-round delegation scheme (i.e., argument-system) for every language computable in time t = t ( n ), where the running time of the prover is poly ( t ) and the running time of the verifier is n · polylog ( t ). In particular, for every language in P we obtain a delegation scheme with almost linear time verification. Our construction relies on the existence of a computational sub-exponentially secure private information retrieval ( PIR ) scheme. The proof exploits a curious connection between the problem of computation delegation and the model of multi-prover interactive proofs that are sound against no-signaling (cheating) strategies , a model that was studied in the context of multi-prover interactive proofs with provers that share quantum entanglement, and is motivated by the physical principle that information cannot travel faster than light. For any language computable in time t = t ( n ), we construct a multi-prover interactive proof ( MIP ), that is, sound against no-signaling strategies, where the running time of the provers is poly ( t ), the number of provers is polylog ( t ), and the running time of the verifier is n · polylog ( t ). In particular, this shows that the class of languages that have polynomial-time MIP s that are sound against no-signaling strategies, is exactly EXP . Previously, this class was only known to contain PSPACE . To convert our MIP into a 1-round delegation scheme, we use the method suggested by Aiello et al. (ICALP, 2000), which makes use of a PIR scheme. This method lacked a proof of security. We prove that this method is secure assuming the underlying MIP is secure against no-signaling provers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Anupam Gupta ◽  
David G. Harris ◽  
Euiwoong Lee ◽  
Jason Li

In the k -cut problem, we want to find the lowest-weight set of edges whose deletion breaks a given (multi)graph into k connected components. Algorithms of Karger and Stein can solve this in roughly O ( n 2k ) time. However, lower bounds from conjectures about the k -clique problem imply that Ω ( n (1- o (1)) k ) time is likely needed. Recent results of Gupta, Lee, and Li have given new algorithms for general k -cut in n 1.98k + O(1) time, as well as specialized algorithms with better performance for certain classes of graphs (e.g., for small integer edge weights). In this work, we resolve the problem for general graphs. We show that the Contraction Algorithm of Karger outputs any fixed k -cut of weight α λ k with probability Ω k ( n - α k ), where λ k denotes the minimum k -cut weight. This also gives an extremal bound of O k ( n k ) on the number of minimum k -cuts and an algorithm to compute λ k with roughly n k polylog( n ) runtime. Both are tight up to lower-order factors, with the algorithmic lower bound assuming hardness of max-weight k -clique. The first main ingredient in our result is an extremal bound on the number of cuts of weight less than 2 λ k / k , using the Sunflower lemma. The second ingredient is a fine-grained analysis of how the graph shrinks—and how the average degree evolves—in the Karger process.

2022 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-46
Édouard Bonnet ◽  
Eun Jung Kim ◽  
Stéphan Thomassé ◽  
Rémi Watrigant

Inspired by a width invariant defined on permutations by Guillemot and Marx [SODA’14], we introduce the notion of twin-width on graphs and on matrices. Proper minor-closed classes, bounded rank-width graphs, map graphs, K t -free unit d -dimensional ball graphs, posets with antichains of bounded size, and proper subclasses of dimension-2 posets all have bounded twin-width. On all these classes (except map graphs without geometric embedding) we show how to compute in polynomial time a sequence of d -contractions , witness that the twin-width is at most d . We show that FO model checking, that is deciding if a given first-order formula ϕ evaluates to true for a given binary structure G on a domain D , is FPT in |ϕ| on classes of bounded twin-width, provided the witness is given. More precisely, being given a d -contraction sequence for G , our algorithm runs in time f ( d ,|ϕ |) · |D| where f is a computable but non-elementary function. We also prove that bounded twin-width is preserved under FO interpretations and transductions (allowing operations such as squaring or complementing a graph). This unifies and significantly extends the knowledge on fixed-parameter tractability of FO model checking on non-monotone classes, such as the FPT algorithm on bounded-width posets by Gajarský et al. [FOCS’15].

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-33
Vida Dujmović ◽  
Louis Esperet ◽  
Cyril Gavoille ◽  
Gwenaël Joret ◽  
Piotr Micek ◽  

We show that there exists an adjacency labelling scheme for planar graphs where each vertex of an n -vertex planar graph G is assigned a (1 + o(1)) log 2 n -bit label and the labels of two vertices u and v are sufficient to determine if uv is an edge of G . This is optimal up to the lower order term and is the first such asymptotically optimal result. An alternative, but equivalent, interpretation of this result is that, for every positive integer n , there exists a graph U n with n 1+o(1) vertices such that every n -vertex planar graph is an induced subgraph of U n . These results generalize to a number of other graph classes, including bounded genus graphs, apex-minor-free graphs, bounded-degree graphs from minor closed families, and k -planar graphs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (6) ◽  
pp. 1-34
Vincent Cohen-Addad ◽  
Andreas Emil Feldmann ◽  
David Saulpic

We consider the classic Facility Location, k -Median, and k -Means problems in metric spaces of doubling dimension d . We give nearly linear-time approximation schemes for each problem. The complexity of our algorithms is Õ(2 (1/ε) O(d2) n) , making a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art algorithms that run in time n (d/ε) O(d) . Moreover, we show how to extend the techniques used to get the first efficient approximation schemes for the problems of prize-collecting k -Median and k -Means and efficient bicriteria approximation schemes for k -Median with outliers, k -Means with outliers and k -Center.

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