shape feature extraction
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2095 (1) ◽  
pp. 012053
Xiaoqi Wang ◽  
Jian Zhang

Abstract Image shape extraction is an important step in the image analysis, AI electronic industry and automation, as well as a significant part of content-based image retrieval(CBIR), which cannot be separated from contour extraction. However, traditional approach of the border following algorithm is susceptible to noise interference, thus the shape extracted is always complex in real images and cannot express feature of the target image well. Therefore, an improved shape feature extraction method is proposed, which converts color space into HSV model when preprocessing, filters contour by area size, merges adjacent contours by drawing convex hull and filters with template shapes. Lastly, this method is tested on UAV123 and YCB_Video dataset, which showed that the proportion of valid contour improved from less than 10% to 87.7% based on border following algorithm. In the experiment of OPenCV open source library in Visual Studio environment, we hope to improve the extraction efficiency of shape features.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2425-2430
Israa Mohammed Hassoon

          Fruits sorting, recognizing, and classifying are essential post-harvest operations, as they contribute to the quality of food industry, thereby increasing the exported quantity of food. Today, an automated system for fruit classification and recognition is very important, especially when exporting to markets where quality of fruit must be high. In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of the various shape-based feature extraction algorithms and technologies that are used in sorting, classifying, and grading of fruits, as well as fruits quality estimation, are discussed in order to provide a good understanding of the use of shape-based feature extraction techniques.

2021 ◽  
Norhene Gargouri ◽  
Raouia Mokni ◽  
Alima Damak ◽  
Dorra Sellami ◽  
Riadh Abid

Abstract Worldwide, breast cancer is a commonly occurring disease in women. Automatic diagnosis of the lesions based on mammographic images is playing an essential role to assist experts. A novel Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CADx) scheme of breast lesion classification is proposed in this paper based on an optimized combination of texture and shape features using machine and deep learning algorithms for mass classification as benign-malignant namely C(M-ZMs)*. The main advantage of using Zernike moments for shape feature extraction is their scale, translation, and rotation invariance property, this allows omitting some of the preprocessing stages in our case. We implemented for texture feature extraction the Monogenic-Local Binary Pattern taking the advantage of lower time and space complexity because monogenic signal analysis needs fewer convolutions and generates more compact feature vectors. Therefore, we used Zernike moments for shape feature extraction due to their scale, translation, and rotation invariance property, this allows omitting some of the preprocessing stages in our proposed system. The proposed system proves its performance on some challenging breast cancer cases where the lesions exist in dense breast tissues. Validation has been undertaken on 520 mammograms from the Digital Database for Screening Mammography Database (DDSM), yielding an accuracy rate of 99.5\%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-156
Hanimatim Mu'jizah ◽  
Dian Candra Rini Novitasari

Breast cancer originates from the ducts or lobules of the breast and is the second leading cause of death after cervical cancer. Therefore, early breast cancer screening is required, one of which is mammography. Mammography images can be automatically identified using Computer-Aided Diagnosis by leveraging machine learning classifications. This study analyzes the Support Vector Machine (SVM) in classifying breast cancer. It compares the performance of three features extraction methods used in SVM, namely Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG), GLCM, and shape feature extraction. The dataset consists of 320 mammogram image data from MIAS containing 203 normal images and 117 abnormal images. Each extraction method used three kernels, namely Linear, Gaussian, and Polynomial. The shape feature extraction-SVM using Linear kernel shows the best performance with an accuracy of 98.44 %, sensitivity of 100 %, and specificity of 97.50 %.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 683
Saniyatul Mawaddah ◽  
Nanik Suciati

<p class="Abstrak">Pengenalan karakter tulisan tangan pada citra merupakan suatu permasalahan yang sulit untuk dipecahkan, dikarenakan terdapat perbedaan gaya penulisan pada setiap orang. Tahapan proses dalam pengenalan tulisan tangan diantaranya adalah <em>preprocessing</em>, ekstraksi fitur, dan klasifikasi. <em>Preprocessing</em> dilakukan untuk merubah citra tulisan tangan menjadi citra biner yang hanya mempunyai ketebalan 1 pixel melalui proses binerisasi dan <em>thining</em>. Kemudian pada tahap ekstraksi fitur, dipilih fitur bentuk karena fitur bentuk memiliki peran yang lebih penting dibanding 2 fitur visual lainnya (warna dan tekstur) pada pengenalan karakter tulisan tangan. Metode ekstraksi fitur bentuk yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah metode berbasis <em>chain code</em> karena metode tersebut sering digunakan dalam beberapa penelitian pengenalan tulisan tangan. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan studi kinerja dari ekstraksi fitur berbasis <em>chain code</em> pada pengenalan karakter tulisan tangan untuk mengetahui metode terbaiknya. Tiga metode ekstraksi fitur berbasis <em>chain code</em> yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah <em>freeman chain code</em>, <em>differential chain code</em> dan <em>vertex chain code</em>. Setiap citra karakter diekstrak menggunakan 3 metode tersebut dengan tiga cara yaitu ekstraksi secara global, lokal 3x3, 5x5, dan 7x7. Setelah esktraksi fitur, dilakukan proses klasifikasi menggunakan support vector machine (SVM). Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan akurasi terbaik adalah pada model citra 7x7 dengan nilai akurasi <em>freeman chain code</em> sebesar 99.75%, <em>differential chain code</em> sebesar 99.75%, dan <em>vertex chain code</em> sebesar 98.6%.</p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>The recognition of handwriting characters images is a difficult problems to be solved, because everyone has a different writing style. The step of handwriting recognition process are preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification. Preprocessing is done to convert handwritten images into binary images that only have 1 pixel thickness by using binarization and thinning. Then, in the feature extraction we select shape feature because it is more important than two other visual features (color and texture) in handwriting character recognition. Shape feature extraction method chosen in this research is chain code method because this method is often used in several studies for handwriting recognition. In this study, a performance study of feature extraction based on chain codes was carried out on handwriting character recognition to know the best chain code method. The three shape feature extraction based on chain code used in this study are freeman, differential and vertex chain codes. Each character image is extracted using these 3 methods in three ways: extraction globally, local 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7. After the extraction feature, the classification process is carried out using the support vector machine (SVM). The experimental results show that the best accuracy is in the 7x7 image model with the value of freeman chain code accuracy of 99.75%, the differential chain code of 99.75%, and the vertex chain code of 98.6%.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1345 ◽  
pp. 022040
Deli Zhu ◽  
Bingqi Chen ◽  
Liliang Han ◽  
Yong Wang ◽  
Chaojie Wei ◽  

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