image data
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Shuteng Niu ◽  
Yushan Jiang ◽  
Bowen Chen ◽  
Jian Wang ◽  
Yongxin Liu ◽  

In the past decades, information from all kinds of data has been on a rapid increase. With state-of-the-art performance, machine learning algorithms have been beneficial for information management. However, insufficient supervised training data is still an adversity in many real-world applications. Therefore, transfer learning (TF) was proposed to address this issue. This article studies a not well investigated but important TL problem termed cross-modality transfer learning (CMTL). This topic is closely related to distant domain transfer learning (DDTL) and negative transfer. In general, conventional TL disciplines assume that the source domain and the target domain are in the same modality. DDTL aims to make efficient transfers even when the domains or the tasks are entirely different. As an extension of DDTL, CMTL aims to make efficient transfers between two different data modalities, such as from image to text. As the main focus of this study, we aim to improve the performance of image classification by transferring knowledge from text data. Previously, a few CMTL algorithms were proposed to deal with image classification problems. However, most existing algorithms are very task specific, and they are unstable on convergence. There are four main contributions in this study. First, we propose a novel heterogeneous CMTL algorithm, which requires only a tiny set of unlabeled target data and labeled source data with associate text tags. Second, we introduce a latent semantic information extraction method to connect the information learned from the image data and the text data. Third, the proposed method can effectively handle the information transfer across different modalities (text-image). Fourth, we examined our algorithm on a public dataset, Office-31. It has achieved up to 5% higher classification accuracy than “non-transfer” algorithms and up to 9% higher than existing CMTL algorithms.

2022 ◽  
Vol 122 ◽  
pp. 108311
Ming Yang ◽  
Qilun Luo ◽  
Wen Li ◽  
Mingqing Xiao

Hayder Mazin Makki Alibraheemi ◽  
Qais Al-Gayem ◽  
Ehab AbdulRazzaq Hussein

<span>This paper presents the design and simulation of a hyperchaotic communication system based on four dimensions (4D) Lorenz generator. The synchronization technique that used between the master/transmitter and the slave/receiver is based on dynamic feedback modulation technique (DFM). The mismatch error between the master dynamics and slave dynamics are calculated continuously to maintain the sync process. The information signal (binary image) is masked (encrypted) by the hyperchaotic sample x of Lorenz generator. The design and simulation of the overall system are carried out using MATLAB Simulink software. The simulation results prove that the system is suitable for securing the plain-data, in particular the image data with a size of 128×128 pixels within 0.1 second required for encryption, and decryption in the presence of the channel noise. The decryption results for gray and colored images show that the system can accurately decipher the ciphered image, but with low level distortion in the image pixels due to the channel noise. These results make the proposed cryptosystem suitable for real time secure communications.</span>

Sci ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Steinar Valsson ◽  
Ognjen Arandjelović

With the increase in the availability of annotated X-ray image data, there has been an accompanying and consequent increase in research on machine-learning-based, and ion particular deep-learning-based, X-ray image analysis. A major problem with this body of work lies in how newly proposed algorithms are evaluated. Usually, comparative analysis is reduced to the presentation of a single metric, often the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), which does not provide much clinical value or insight and thus fails to communicate the applicability of proposed models. In the present paper, we address this limitation of previous work by presenting a thorough analysis of a state-of-the-art learning approach and hence illuminate various weaknesses of similar algorithms in the literature, which have not yet been fully acknowledged and appreciated. Our analysis was performed on the ChestX-ray14 dataset, which has 14 lung disease labels and metainfo such as patient age, gender, and the relative X-ray direction. We examined the diagnostic significance of different metrics used in the literature including those proposed by the International Medical Device Regulators Forum, and present the qualitative assessment of the spatial information learned by the model. We show that models that have very similar AUROCs can exhibit widely differing clinical applicability. As a result, our work demonstrates the importance of detailed reporting and analysis of the performance of machine-learning approaches in this field, which is crucial both for progress in the field and the adoption of such models in practice.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 398
Pieter Kempeneers ◽  
Tomas Kliment ◽  
Luca Marletta ◽  
Pierre Soille

This paper is on the optimization of computing resources to process geospatial image data in a cloud computing infrastructure. Parallelization was tested by combining two different strategies: image tiling and multi-threading. The objective here was to get insight on the optimal use of available processing resources in order to minimize the processing time. Maximum speedup was obtained when combining tiling and multi-threading techniques. Both techniques are complementary, but a trade-off also exists. Speedup is improved with tiling, as parts of the image can run in parallel. But reading part of the image introduces an overhead and increases the relative part of the program that can only run in serial. This limits speedup that can be achieved via multi-threading. The optimal strategy of tiling and multi-threading that maximizes speedup depends on the scale of the application (global or local processing area), the implementation of the algorithm (processing libraries), and on the available computing resources (amount of memory and cores). A medium-sized virtual server that has been obtained from a cloud service provider has rather limited computing resources. Tiling will not only improve speedup but can be necessary to reduce the memory footprint. However, a tiling scheme with many small tiles increases overhead and can introduce extra latency due to queued tiles that are waiting to be processed. In a high-throughput computing cluster with hundreds of physical processing cores, more tiles can be processed in parallel, and the optimal strategy will be different. A quantitative assessment of the speedup was performed in this study, based on a number of experiments for different computing environments. The potential and limitations of parallel processing by tiling and multi-threading were hereby assessed. Experiments were based on an implementation that relies on an application programming interface (API) abstracting any platform-specific details, such as those related to data access.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 151
Xintao Duan ◽  
Lei Li ◽  
Yao Su ◽  
Wenxin Wang ◽  
En Zhang ◽  

Data hiding is the technique of embedding data into video or audio media. With the development of deep neural networks (DNN), the quality of images generated by novel data hiding methods based on DNN is getting better. However, there is still room for the similarity between the original images and the images generated by the DNN models which were trained based on the existing hiding frameworks to improve, and it is hard for the receiver to distinguish whether the container image is from the real sender. We propose a framework by introducing a key_img for using the over-fitting characteristic of DNN and combined with difference image grafting symmetrically, named difference image grafting deep hiding (DIGDH). The key_img can be used to identify whether the container image is from the real sender easily. The experimental results show that without changing the structures of networks, the models trained based on the proposed framework can generate images with higher similarity to original cover and secret images. According to the analysis results of the steganalysis tool named StegExpose, the container images generated by the hiding model trained based on the proposed framework is closer to the random distribution.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Yue Liu ◽  
Junqi Ma ◽  
Xingzhen Tao ◽  
Jingyun Liao ◽  
Tao Wang ◽  

In the era of digital manufacturing, huge amount of image data generated by manufacturing systems cannot be instantly handled to obtain valuable information due to the limitations (e.g., time) of traditional techniques of image processing. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised self-attention learning framework—TriLFrame for image representation learning. The TriLFrame is based on the hybrid architecture of Convolutional Network and Transformer. Experiments show that TriLFrame outperforms state-of-the-art self-supervised methods on the ImageNet dataset and achieves competitive performances when transferring learned features on ImageNet to other classification tasks. Moreover, TriLFrame verifies the proposed hybrid architecture, which combines the powerful local convolutional operation and the long-range nonlocal self-attention operation and works effectively in image representation learning tasks.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 562
Marcin Kociołek ◽  
Michał Kozłowski ◽  
Antonio Cardone

The perceived texture directionality is an important, not fully explored image characteristic. In many applications texture directionality detection is of fundamental importance. Several approaches have been proposed, such as the fast Fourier-based method. We recently proposed a method based on the interpolated grey-level co-occurrence matrix (iGLCM), robust to image blur and noise but slower than the Fourier-based method. Here we test the applicability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to texture directionality detection. To obtain the large amount of training data required, we built a training dataset consisting of synthetic textures with known directionality and varying perturbation levels. Subsequently, we defined and tested shallow and deep CNN architectures. We present the test results focusing on the CNN architectures and their robustness with respect to image perturbations. We identify the best performing CNN architecture, and compare it with the iGLCM, the Fourier and the local gradient orientation methods. We find that the accuracy of CNN is lower, yet comparable to the iGLCM, and it outperforms the other two methods. As expected, the CNN method shows the highest computing speed. Finally, we demonstrate the best performing CNN on real-life images. Visual analysis suggests that the learned patterns generalize to real-life image data. Hence, CNNs represent a promising approach for texture directionality detection, warranting further investigation.

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