bispherical coordinates
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (37) ◽  
pp. 111-134
Briant Sabathino Harya WIBAWA ◽  

Background: The analytical solution of the Schrödinger equation in bispherical coordinates has attracted a great deal of interest for theoretical physics researchers in the branch of quantum physics. The energy and wave function are solutions of the Schrödinger equation which are very important because it contains all necessary information regarding the behavior of quantum systems. Aim: This study aimed to obtain energy, radial wave functions and thermodynamic properties for diatomic molecules from the radial part of the Schrödinger equation in bispherical coordinates for the modified Mobius square plus Yukawa potential using the Nikiforov Uvarov Functional Analysis (NUFA) method. Methods: The variable separation method was applied to reduce the Schrodinger equation in bispherical coordinates to the radial part and angular part Schrodinger equation. The Schrodinger equation of the radial part in bispherical coordinates was solved using the Nikiforov Uvarov Functional Analysis (NUFA) method to obtain the energy equation and radial wave function. Furthermore, the vibrational partition function 𝑍 was obtained from the energy equation. The vibrational mean energy 𝑈, vibrational specific heat 𝐶, vibrational free energy 𝐹, and vibrational entropy 𝑆 were obtained from the vibrational partition function 𝑍. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the increase of parameters of 𝑛 and 𝛼 caused the decrease of energy, but the increase of parameters of 𝐿 and 𝑚0 caused the increase of energy. The radial quantum number 𝑛 and the potential range 𝛼 had the most effect to the wave functions. The parameters 𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥, 𝑇, and 𝛼 had effect to the vibrational partition function 𝑍, vibrational mean energy 𝑈, vibrational specific heat 𝐶, vibrational free energy 𝐹, and vibrational entropy 𝑆. Conclusions: From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the energy, radial wave function, and thermodynamic properties for diatomic molecules have been obtained using the Nikiforov Uvarov Functional Analysis (NUFA) method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Briant Sabathino Harya Wibawa ◽  
A Suparmi ◽  
C Cari

<p class="Abstract">The application bispherical coordinates in Schrödinger equation for the Mobius square plus modified Yukawa potential have been obtained. The Schrödinger equation in bispherical coordinates for the separable Mobius square plus modified Yukawa potential consisting of the radial part and the angular part for the Mobius square plus modified Yukawa potential is solved using the variable separation method to reduce it to the radial part and angular part Schrödinger equation. The aim of this study was to solve the Schrödinger's equation of radial in bispherical coordinates for the Mobius square plus modified Yukawa potential using the Nikiforov Uvarov Functional Analysis (NUFA) method. Nikiforov Uvarov Functional Analysis (NUFA) method used to obtained energy spectrum equation and wave function for the Mobius square plus modified Yukawa potential. The result of energy spectrum equation for Mobius square plus modified Yukawa potential can be shown in Equation (50). The result of un-normalized wave function equation for Mobius square plus modified Yukawa potential can be shown in Table 1.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 021208 ◽  
P. H. Gilbert ◽  
A. J. Giacomin

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Thanaa El Naqeeb ◽  
Rudi Schmitz

We consider low-Reynolds-number axisymmetric flow about two spheres using a novel, biharmonic stream function. This enables us to calculate analytically not only the forces, but also the dipole moments (stresslets and pressure moments) and the associated resistance functions. In this paper the basics properties of axisymmetric flow and the stream function are discussed. Explicit series expansions, obtained by separation in bispherical coordinates, will be presented in a follow-up paper.

1994 ◽  
Vol 278 ◽  
pp. 325-349 ◽  
H. Yuan ◽  
A. Prosperetti

The motion of two equal spherical bubbles moving along their line of centres in a viscous liquid is studied numerically in bispherical coordinates. The unsteady Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a mixed spectral/finite-difference scheme for Reynolds numbers up to 200. Free-slip conditions at the bubble surfaces are imposed, while the normal stress condition is replaced by the sphericity constraint under the assumption of small Weber number. The vorticity shed by the upstream bubble affects the drag on the trailing bubble in a very complex fashion that appears to be quite beyond the power of existing asymptotic analyses. The separation between two equal bubbles rising in line under the action of buoyancy is predicted to reach an equilibrium value dependent on the Reynolds number. This result is at variance with experiment. The explanation offered of this difference casts further doubt on the feasibility of a simplified simulation of bubbly liquid dynamics.

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