important theoretical issue
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2021 ◽  
Qi Yang ◽  
Xiaohua Cao ◽  
Xiaoming Jiang

Becoming multilingual has a broad impact on cognitive abilities, especially visual processing. An important theoretical issue is whether the acquisition of distinct script systems affects face processing in an identical way, or, if not, how this acquisition may exert differential impacts on face processing. By reviewing the existing literature, we propose that Asian participants with the logographic script system differ from Western counterparts with the alphabetic script system in viewing faces. The contribution of the chapter is to identify the possible role of types of script systems in face processing mechanisms and to put forward the research direction in the future with several new methodological efforts.

2021 ◽  
Jeremy M. Trott ◽  
Ann N. Hoffman ◽  
Irina Zhuravka ◽  
Michael S. Fanselow

AbstractFear conditioning is one of the most frequently used laboratory procedures for modeling learning and memory generally, and anxiety disorders in particular. The conditional response (CR) used in the majority of fear conditioning studies in rodents is freezing. Recently, it has been reported that under certain conditions, running, jumping or darting replaces freezing as the dominant CR. These findings raise both a critical methodological problem and an important theoretical issue. If only freezing is measured but rodents express their learning with a different response, then significant instances of learning, memory, or fear may be missed. In terms of theory, whatever conditions lead to these different behaviors may be a key to how animals transition between different defensive responses and different emotional states. We replicated these past results but along with several novel control conditions. Contrary to the prior conclusions, running and darting were entirely a result of nonassociative processes and were actually suppressed by associative learning. Darting and flight were taken to be analogous to nonassociative startle or alpha responses that are potentiated by fear. On the other hand, freezing was the purest reflection of associative learning. We also uncovered a rule that describes when these movements replace freezing: When afraid, freeze until there is a sudden novel change in stimulation, then burst into vigorous flight attempts. This rule may also govern the change from fear to panic.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-35
Laurent Sébastien Fournier

This article analyzes the small sporting heritage. It is not limited to a classic view of sporting heritage, centered on architecture or art objects associated with sport. It aims to include everyday objects, serial objects that have a symbolic and social rather than commercial value. In order to fully understand the issues associated with this specific category of "small heritage", the article recalls some general characteristics of the concept of heritage. Examples illustrate the interest on small heritage by characters of the world of sports. The small sporting heritage, constituted by everyday sporting objects and often neglected by heritage institutions and museums, constitutes a great social wealth that must be valued for its relation to the athletes themselves. Since we here consider heritage a social resource instead of a collection of prestigious objects, ethnography allows us to empirically identify situations in which sportspeople value the small heritage linked to their practices. This is the case, for example, when groups of sportspeople organize exhibitions or collections in museums and archives. An important theoretical issue related to the association of the notions of heritage and sport is to better understand the ways in which the boundaries between public and private are articulated and shifted. Sporting heritage makes it possible to understand the historical changes in methods of organization and appropriation of sports practices. By establishing a strong link between sport, public goods and collective memories, the concept of sporting heritage opens up a reflection on the construction of identities through sport.

Олександр Белов

ECONOMICS AND LAW IN ANCIENT EGYPT: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM The article is devoted to an important theoretical issue of tax psychology – the problem of tax behavior. The author examines the evolution of tax behavior on the example of the slave-owning legal system of the Ta-Kemet State (Ancient Egypt), providing the reader with both well-known historical facts and his own judgments of a professional psychologist. The specifics of the article is its maximum focus on the general reader. It can also be used by students and teachers of the university course “History of Psychology”. Keywords: Slave State, Archaic Era, Tax Behavior, Irrigation, Nomes, Power of the Pharaoh Стаття присвячена важливому теоретичному питанню податкової психології – проблемі становлення податкової поведінки. Автор розглядає еволюцію податкової поведінки на прикладі рабовласницької правової системи Держави ТаКемет (Давнього Єгипту), передаючи на суд читача як загальновідомі історичні факти, так і власні судження професійного фахівця-психолога. Специфіка статті полягає в її максимальній орієнтації на масового читача. Також вона може бути використана студентами та викладачами академічного курсу «Історія психології». Ключові слова: рабовласницька держава, архаїчна епоха, податкова поведінка, іригація, номи, влада фараона.

O. Vygovskyy

The article reveals the issues of legal nature of derivative securities and derivatives as financial instruments, their characteristic features in comparison with ordinary securities, explores theoretical background for their differentiation and distinct qualification of these two different legal categories. The author of the article analyzes broad and narrow interpretation of the concept of a derivative security in doctrinal and practical dimensions, specific features of derivatives as standardized financial contracts and outlines their key attributes which allows to distinguish them from similar instruments. This article also deals with an important theoretical issue concerning the possibility of qualification of depositary receipts as derivative securities, taking into consideration the distinctive features of legal relationship arising in the area of issue and trading in depositary receipts.

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