Cortical Repetitive Responses Elicited by a Single Contralateral Stimulus

Fan Shih-fang ◽  
Shen Ke-fei
2015 ◽  
Vol 113 (6) ◽  
pp. 1819-1830 ◽  
Kyle T. Nakamoto ◽  
Trevor M. Shackleton ◽  
David A. Magezi ◽  
Alan R. Palmer

Responses of neurons to binaural, harmonic complex stimuli in urethane-anesthetized guinea pig inferior colliculus (IC) are reported. To assess the binaural integration of harmonicity cues for sound segregation and grouping, responses were measured to harmonic complexes with different fundamental frequencies presented to each ear. Simultaneously gated harmonic stimuli with fundamental frequencies of 125 Hz and 145 Hz were presented to the left and right ears, respectively, and recordings made from 96 neurons with characteristic frequencies >2 kHz in the central nucleus of the IC. Of these units, 70 responded continuously throughout the stimulus and were excited by the stimulus at the contralateral ear. The stimulus at the ipsilateral ear excited (EE: 14%; 10/70), inhibited (EI: 33%; 23/70), or had no significant effect (EO: 53%; 37/70), defined by the effect on firing rate. The neurons phase locked to the temporal envelope at each ear to varying degrees depending on signal level. Many of the cells (predominantly EO) were dominated by the response to the contralateral stimulus. Another group (predominantly EI) synchronized to the contralateral stimulus and were suppressed by the ipsilateral stimulus in a phasic manner. A third group synchronized to the stimuli at both ears (predominantly EE). Finally, a group only responded when the waveform peaks from each ear coincided. We conclude that these groups of neurons represent different “streams” of information but exhibit modifications of the response rather than encoding a feature of the stimulus, like pitch.

1977 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-318 ◽  
C. Tsuchitani

1. Single-unit discharges to auditory stimuli were recorded extracellularly from superior olivary complex (SOC) units located lateral to the medial superior olive. Stimuli consisted of monaurally or binaurally presented tone bursts. The response measures obtained were effective ear, nature of effect, stimulus-frequency representation, maximum output, latency of response, and temporal pattern of tone burst-elicited discharges. Electrolytic marks were made at the unit studied or at the end of the electrode tract and in the medial superior olive. Following each experiment the locations of the units studied were determined histologically. An atlas of the laterally located SOC cell groups was developed to permit classification of units on the basis of localization within cell groups. Units were also classified according to the effects of stimulating the two ears. 2. All SOC units located lateral to the medial superior olive were excited by stimulation of the ipsilateral ear. Stimulation of the contralateral ear either excited, inhibited, had no effect, or had a potentiating effect on the discharges elicited by stimulating the ipsilateral ear. 3. Most lateral superior olivary (LSO) units were inhibited by contralateral stimulation, were narrowly tuned, produced low to high levels of maximum output, had short latencies, and produced regular discharge patterns characterized by chopper PST histograms with narrow initial peaks. 4. Most units within the caudal margins of the LSO (pLSO) were not affected or were inhibited by a contralateral stimulus; many were broadly tuned and exhibited intensity functions with large dynamic range and low slope. These units also had long latencies and produced chopper PST histograms with wide initial peaks. 5. Most units located dorsal to the LSO (DPO and DLPO) were not affected by the contralateral stimulus, were narrowly tuned, produced moderate levels of maximum discharge, had long latencies, and produced chopper PST histograms with wide initial peaks. 6. Units located ventral to the LSO appeared to have response characteristics related to unit location. Most units below the ventral hilum of the LSO (VLPO) were inhibited by the contralateral stimulus and many were broadly tuned VLPO units produced wide or poorly defined narrow-chopper discharge patterns and intensity functions with high maximum output. Most units located ventral to the lateral loop of the LSO (LNTB) were not affected by the contralateral stimulus and had response characteristics that may be related to the rostrocaudal location of the unit. 7. The cell groups located dorsal and ventral to the LSO were tonotopically organized with low-frequency-sensitive units located laterally and high-frequency-sensitive units located medially. The units located along the caudal margins of the LSO had a tonotopic organization similar to that of the LSO.

1992 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-46 ◽  
C. M. J. Braun ◽  
L. Riopel

Callosal agenesics and callosotomized epileptics manifest markedly increasing simple visual reaction time (SVRT) from conditions of ipsilateral to contralateral stimulus-response relation (SRR). In the contralateral SRR, a response is presumed possible because of presence of other commissures (anterior, intercollicular). The SRR effect is prolonged presumably because the remaining commissures are less efficient than the corpus callosum in relaying necessary visual or motor information. Consequently, the SRR effect is believed to correspond to callosal relay time (CRT) in the normal subject. However, both callosal agenesics and callosotomy patients manifest general slowing of SVRT in addition to a prolonged SRR effect. These patients have massive extra-callosal damage which could plausibly cause both the SVRT and the CUD prolongation. If such were the case, the CRT inference would be in jeopardy. A test of the CRT inference is therefore required where patients with massive diffuse extra-callosal brain damage and normal callosi would show marked general SVRT prolongation and a normal SRR effect. Four trisomy-21 (T21) males were compared to age and sex-matched normal controls. General SVRT was highly significantly prolonged in T21, but the CUD was nearly identical in both groups.

1991 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 598-605 ◽  
P. G. Finlayson ◽  
D. M. Caspary

1. Responses of low characteristic frequency (CF) neurons in the lateral limb of the lateral superior olive (LSO) of chinchilla and rat to binaural stimuli at various interaural phase and intensity differences were examined and compared to responses from previous studies of high CF neurons. 2. Ninety-six LSO neurons from chinchillas and 10 LSO neurons from rats with CFs less than 1,200 Hz were characterized. The majority of these neurons displayed phase-locked tone-evoked temporal discharge patterns to ipsilateral CF stimuli. 3. Similar to high-CF LSO neurons, low-CF LSO neurons were excited by ipsilateral stimuli and inhibited by contralateral stimuli, with discharge rate sensitive to interaural intensity differences (IID). Discharge rate increased as ipsilateral intensity was increased and decreased as contralateral stimulus intensity was increased. 4. Binaural inhibition, inhibition of ipsilaterally evoked activity by contralateral stimuli, was dependent on interaural phase differences (IPD) in the majority of low-CF LSO neurons. Responses of phase-sensitive neurons to binaural stimuli often varied with 90 or 180 degrees changes in IPD from total inhibition to a facilitated response when compared to responses to control ipsilateral stimuli alone. 5. In summary, like high-CF LSO neurons, LSO neurons with low CFs (less than 1,200 Hz) were ipsilaterally excited and contralaterally inhibited (EI) and were sensitive to IID. Unlike most high-CF EI LSO neurons, which are not responsive when the azimuth of the stimulus is directly in front of or directly behind the animal, many low-CF LSO neurons are responsive to these stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

2002 ◽  
Vol 88 (2) ◽  
pp. 666-675 ◽  
Ranjan Batra ◽  
Douglas C. Fitzpatrick

The medial division of the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (VNLLm) contains a specialized population of neurons that is sensitive to interaural temporal disparities (ITDs), a potent cue for sound localization along the azimuth. Unlike many ITD-sensitive neurons elsewhere in the auditory system, neurons in the VNLLm respond only at the onset of tones. An onset response may be significant for behavior because, under echoic conditions, tones require sharp onsets for accurate localization. In contrast, noise can generally be localized even with gradual onsets, presumably because transients occur at random intervals in noise. We recorded responses of neurons in the VNLLm to tones and noise in unanesthetized rabbits. We found that although tones elicited a transient response, noise elicited a sustained response as if it was a sequence of transients. The responses to tones indicate that these neurons represent a secondary stage in the processing of ITDs. The onset response to tones was only weakly synchronized to the phase of the tone, indicating that neurons in the VNLLm inherit their sensitivity to ITDs from their inputs. The latencies were short (∼8 ms), implying that the ITD sensitivity is derived from ascending inputs. Most neurons in the VNLLm discharged maximally at the same ITD at all frequencies, a characteristic shared with neurons of the medial superior olive. However, the latency of neurons in the VNLLm to interaurally delayed stimuli is linked strongly to the timing of the contralateral stimulus. This suggests that these neurons receive a suprathreshold, contralateral input that is modulated by a subthreshold input conveying information about ITDs. Other stations in the auditory pathway contain a subset of neurons that respond transiently to tones and are sensitive to ITDs. These neurons may represent a novel pathway that assists in localizing sounds in the presence of reflections.

1938 ◽  
Vol 124 (837) ◽  
pp. 406-420 ◽  

It has been assumed by some workers that the intensity of a note of any frequency in either ear at the binaural threshold is one-half of the threshold intensity in either ear when used alone, i.e. at the monaural threshold. Another form of the assumption is the statem ent that the monaural threshold intensity is 3.0 db. above the intensity in either ear at the binaural threshold. In the course of the investigation of the possibility of forming a loudness scale, Churcher (1935), and Fletcher and Munson (1933), have found that the intensity of a note when heard binaurally may be assumed to be onehalf of that of the same note heard monaurally when the note is judged to be equally loud under the two conditions of listening. In the present work, this fact has been further verified. The measurements were extended to the cases in which the subliminal note presented to the one ear w’as maintained at various levels below the monaural threshold, and the intensity of the note applied to the other ear to reach the “ binaural” threshold was determined. In this way it was possible to find the relation between the energy required at the monaural threshold and the total energy required at the “binaural” threshold determined under these conditions. The experiments were also carried out with notes of different frequencies in the two ears in an endeavour to investigate the variations of total energy in such cases. Two heterodyne oscillators were used to provide pure notes of the various frequencies used during the work. The first of these (oscillator A ) was already available, and has been described elsewhere (Shaxby and Gage 1932); the second (oscillator B ) was a commercial oscillator of similar frequency range, viz. 30-10,000 c./sec. A , if allowed to run for about an hour, was very stable in frequency, varying by only 1 or 2 c./sec. during the next 7 hr. B drifted for about 2 hr. fairly rapidly, and thereafter drifted quite steadily at the rate of 10-15 c./sec. every hour. A was therefore used as the frequency standard. It was adjusted to read correctly by the “zerobeat” method after the “settling down” period, and set to the particular frequency required; B was brought into unison with it. The actual frequency of B could be determined in this way at any time, and its drift checked.

1991 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 724-735 ◽  
E. Veuillet ◽  
L. Collet ◽  
R. Duclaux

1. Outer hair cells (OHCs) have active micromechanical properties that are thought to be the origin of evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAEs). In the present study, click-evoked otoacoustic emissions were recorded in humans with or without various contralateral acoustic stimulations. A previous study, concentrating on contralateral stimulation with broadband noise, had shown a decrease of the EOAE amplitude in humans. Results support a role for the efferent system in cochlear mechanics; indeed, medial efferent neurons of the olivocochlear bundle terminate on the OHCs. To obtain a better understanding of the medial efferent system functioning in humans, the present study looked at the contralateral suppressive effect as a function of stimulus parameters. 2. The study of the input-output function of the EOAE amplitude with and without a 50-dB SPL contralateral broadband noise showed that the suppressive effect was equivalent to a mean reduction of 3.77 dB. 3. For the EOAEs to tone pips, the contralateral suppressive effect was strongest when the contralateral ear stimuli were narrow bands that were centered around the central EOAE frequency. This frequency specificity disappeared for contralateral narrow band noise levels greater than 50 dB SPL. 4. The contralateral suppressive effect was also observed with transient contralateral sounds (nonfiltered clicks). Significant reductions of the EOAE amplitude were seen with contralateral click levels as low as 17.5 dB SL. Above this level, the EOAE amplitude decreased as the contralateral stimulus level increased. This effect was still present in subjects without any stapedial reflex, but absent in total unilateral hearing-loss subjects. Therefore this suppressive effect is unlikely to be due to alteration of the middle ear function or to transcranially conducted sound. 5. When the contralateral interclick interval exceeded 14.2 ms. the suppressive effect was smaller. With contralateral stimulus level maintained subjectively constant, the effect was found to disappear when the interclick interval was greater than 49.9 ms. A saturation of the contralateral suppressive effect was observed for click rates greater than 70/s (interclick interval less than 14.2 ms). 6. Our study confirms and specifies the contralateral sound suppression effect on cochlear mechanisms in humans, assessing the equivalent reduction, showing a frequency specificity and extending these findings to contralateral transient sounds. Any influence of the acoustic crosstalk was eliminated. A role played by middle ear muscles cannot be absolutely ruled out but is not necessary to produce such a contralateral suppressive effect (the effect being found in subjects after surgical removal of the stapedius muscle) and could not explain the frequency specificity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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