superior olivary complex
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Sara Pagella ◽  
Jan M. Deussing ◽  
Conny Kopp-Scheinpflug

Sensory systems have to be malleable to context-dependent modulations occurring over different time scales, in order to serve their evolutionary function of informing about the external world while also eliciting survival-promoting behaviors. Stress is a major context-dependent signal that can have fast and delayed effects on sensory systems, especially on the auditory system. Urocortin 3 (UCN3) is a member of the corticotropin-releasing factor family. As a neuropeptide, UCN3 regulates synaptic activity much faster than the classic steroid hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Moreover, due to the lack of synaptic re-uptake mechanisms, UCN3 can have more long-lasting and far-reaching effects. To date, a modest number of studies have reported the presence of UCN3 or its receptor CRFR2 in the auditory system, particularly in the cochlea and the superior olivary complex, and have highlighted the importance of this stress neuropeptide for protecting auditory function. However, a comprehensive map of all neurons synthesizing UCN3 or CRFR2 within the auditory pathway is lacking. Here, we utilize two reporter mouse lines to elucidate the expression patterns of UCN3 and CRFR2 in the auditory system. Additional immunolabelling enables further characterization of the neurons that synthesize UCN3 or CRFR2. Surprisingly, our results indicate that within the auditory system, UCN3 is expressed predominantly in principal cells, whereas CRFR2 expression is strongest in non-principal, presumably multisensory, cell types. Based on the presence or absence of overlap between UCN3 and CRFR2 labeling, our data suggest unusual modes of neuromodulation by UCN3, involving volume transmission and autocrine signaling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Yusra Mansour ◽  
Randy J. Kulesza

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by repetitive behaviors, poor social skills, and difficulties with communication and hearing. The hearing deficits in ASD range from deafness to extreme sensitivity to routine environmental sounds. Previous research from our lab has shown drastic hypoplasia in the superior olivary complex (SOC) in both human cases of ASD and in an animal model of autism. However, in our study of the human SOC, we failed to find any changes in the total number of neurons in the ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body (VNTB) or any changes in cell body size or shape. Similarly, in animals prenatally exposed to the antiepileptic valproic acid (VPA), we failed to find any changes in the total number, size or shape of VNTB neurons. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that the neurotransmitter profiles, ascending and descending axonal projections of the VNTB are also preserved in these neurodevelopmental conditions. We investigated this hypothesis using a combination of immunohistochemistry and retrograde tract tracing. We found no difference between control and VPA-exposed animals in the number of VNTB neurons immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). Additionally, we investigated the ascending projections from the VNTB to both the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (CNIC) and medial geniculate (MG) and descending projections to the cochlea. Our results indicate no significant differences in the ascending and descending projections from the VNTB between control and VPA-exposed animals despite drastic changes in these projections from surrounding nuclei. These findings provide evidence that certain neuronal populations and circuits may be protected against the effects of neurodevelopmental disorders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Nichole L. Beebe ◽  
Chao Zhang ◽  
R. Michael Burger ◽  
Brett R. Schofield

The superior olivary complex (SOC) is a major computation center in the brainstem auditory system. Despite previous reports of high expression levels of cholinergic receptors in the SOC, few studies have addressed the functional role of acetylcholine in the region. The source of the cholinergic innervation is unknown for all but one of the nuclei of the SOC, limiting our understanding of cholinergic modulation. The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body, a key inhibitory link in monaural and binaural circuits, receives cholinergic input from other SOC nuclei and also from the pontomesencephalic tegmentum. Here, we investigate whether these same regions are sources of cholinergic input to other SOC nuclei. We also investigate whether individual cholinergic cells can send collateral projections bilaterally (i.e., into both SOCs), as has been shown at other levels of the subcortical auditory system. We injected retrograde tract tracers into the SOC in gerbils, then identified retrogradely-labeled cells that were also immunolabeled for choline acetyltransferase, a marker for cholinergic cells. We found that both the SOC and the pontomesencephalic tegmentum (PMT) send cholinergic projections into the SOC, and these projections appear to innervate all major SOC nuclei. We also observed a small cholinergic projection into the SOC from the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus of the reticular formation. These various sources likely serve different functions; e.g., the PMT has been associated with things such as arousal and sensory gating whereas the SOC may provide feedback more closely tuned to specific auditory stimuli. Further, individual cholinergic neurons in each of these regions can send branching projections into both SOCs. Such projections present an opportunity for cholinergic modulation to be coordinated across the auditory brainstem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Chun-Jen Hsiao ◽  
Alexander V. Galazyuk

Neural hyperactivity induced by sound exposure often correlates with the development of hyperacusis and/or tinnitus. In laboratory animals, hyperactivity is typically induced by unilateral sound exposure to preserve one ear for further testing of hearing performance. Most ascending fibers in the auditory system cross into the superior olivary complex and then ascend contralaterally. Therefore, unilateral exposure should be expected to mostly affect the contralateral side above the auditory brain stem. On the other hand, it is well known that a significant number of neurons have crossing fibers at every level of the auditory pathway, which may spread the effect of unilateral exposure onto the ipsilateral side. Here we demonstrate that unilateral sound exposure causes development of hyperactivity in both the contra and ipsilateral inferior colliculus in mice. We found that both the spontaneous firing rate and bursting activity were increased significantly compared to unexposed mice. The neurons with characteristic frequencies at or above the center frequency of exposure showed the greatest increase. Surprisingly, this increase was more pronounced in the ipsilateral inferior colliculus. This study highlights the importance of considering both ipsi- and contralateral effects in future studies utilizing unilateral sound exposure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Mariano Nicolás Di Guilmi ◽  
Adrián Rodríguez-Contreras

In this work the impact of two widely used anesthetics on the electrical activity of auditory brainstem neurons was studied during postnatal development. Spontaneous electrical activity in neonate rats of either sex was analyzed through a ventral craniotomy in mechanically ventilated pups to carry out patch clamp and multi-electrode electrophysiology recordings in the medial region of the superior olivary complex (SOC) between birth (postnatal day 0, P0) and P12. Recordings were obtained in pups anesthetized with the injectable mix of ketamine/xylazine (K/X mix), with the volatile anesthetic isoflurane (ISO), or in pups anesthetized with K/X mix that were also exposed to ISO. The results of patch clamp recordings demonstrate for the first time that olivary and periolivary neurons in the medial region of the SOC fire bursts of action potentials. The results of multielectrode recordings suggest that the firing pattern of single units recorded in K/X mix is similar to that recorded in ISO anesthetized rat pups. Taken together, the results of this study provide a framework to use injectable and volatile anesthetics for future studies to obtain functional information on the activity of medial superior olivary neurons in vivo.

BMC Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Moritz Herbert Albrecht Köhler ◽  
Gianpaolo Demarchi ◽  
Nathan Weisz

AbstractBackgroundA long-standing debate concerns where in the processing hierarchy of the central nervous system (CNS) selective attention takes effect. In the auditory system, cochlear processes can be influenced via direct and mediated (by the inferior colliculus) projections from the auditory cortex to the superior olivary complex (SOC). Studies illustrating attentional modulations of cochlear responses have so far been limited to sound-evoked responses. The aim of the present study is to investigate intermodal (audiovisual) selective attention in humans simultaneously at the cortical and cochlear level during a stimulus-free cue-target interval.ResultsWe found that cochlear activity in the silent cue-target intervals was modulated by a theta-rhythmic pattern (~ 6 Hz). While this pattern was present independently of attentional focus, cochlear theta activity was clearly enhanced when attending to the upcoming auditory input. On a cortical level, classical posterior alpha and beta power enhancements were found during auditory selective attention. Interestingly, participants with a stronger release of inhibition in auditory brain regions show a stronger attentional modulation of cochlear theta activity.ConclusionsThese results hint at a putative theta-rhythmic sampling of auditory input at the cochlear level. Furthermore, our results point to an interindividual variable engagement of efferent pathways in an attentional context that are linked to processes within and beyond processes in auditory cortical regions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Sharonda Harris ◽  
Renee Afram ◽  
Takashi Shimano ◽  
Bozena Fyk-Kolodziej ◽  
Paul D. Walker ◽  

Dopamine (DA) modulates the activity of nuclei within the ascending and descending auditory pathway. Previous studies have identified neurons and fibers in the inferior colliculus (IC) which are positively labeled for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a key enzyme in the synthesis of dopamine. However, the origins of the tyrosine hydroxylase positive projections to the inferior colliculus have not been fully explored. The lateral lemniscus (LL) provides a robust inhibitory projection to the inferior colliculus and plays a role in the temporal processing of sound. In the present study, immunoreactivity for tyrosine hydroxylase was examined in animals with and without 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions. Lesioning, with 6-OHDA placed in the inferior colliculus, led to a significant reduction in tyrosine hydroxylase immuno-positive labeling in the lateral lemniscus and inferior colliculus. Immunolabeling for dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT), enzymes responsible for the synthesis of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E), respectively, were evaluated. Very little immunoreactivity for DBH and no immunoreactivity for PNMT was found within the cell bodies of the dorsal, intermediate, or ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The results indicate that catecholaminergic neurons of the lateral lemniscus are likely dopaminergic and not noradrenergic or adrenergic. Next, high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was used to confirm that dopamine is present in the inferior colliculus and nuclei that send projections to the inferior colliculus, including the cochlear nucleus (CN), superior olivary complex (SOC), lateral lemniscus, and auditory cortex (AC). Finally, fluorogold, a retrograde tracer, was injected into the inferior colliculus of adult rats. Each subdivision of the lateral lemniscus contained fluorogold within the somata, with the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus showing the most robust projections to the inferior colliculus. Fluorogold-tyrosine hydroxylase colocalization within the lateral lemniscus was assessed. The dorsal and intermediate nuclei neurons exhibiting similar degrees of colocalization, while neurons of the ventral nucleus had significantly fewer colocalized fluorogold-tyrosine hydroxylase labeled neurons. These results suggest that several auditory nuclei that project to the inferior colliculus contain dopamine, dopaminergic neurons in the lateral lemniscus project to the inferior colliculus and that dopaminergic neurotransmission is poised to play a pivotal role in the function of the inferior colliculus.

2021 ◽  
Matthew J Goupell ◽  
Jack H Noble ◽  
Sandeep A Phatak ◽  
Elizabeth Kolberg ◽  
Miranda Cleary ◽  

Hypothesis: We hypothesized that the bilateral cochlear-implant (BI-CI) users would have a range of interaural insertion-depth mismatch because of different physical placements or characteristics of the arrays, but less than half of electrodes would have less than 75° or 3 mm of interaural insertion-depth mismatch. We also hypothesized that interaural insertion-depth mismatch would be more prevalent nearer the apex, when electrodes were located outside of scala tympani (i.e., possible interaural scalar mismatch), and when the arrays were a mix of pre-curved and straight types. Background: Brainstem neurons in the superior olivary complex are exquisitely sensitive to interaural differences, the cues to sound localization. These binaurally sensitive neurons rely on interaurally place-of-stimulation-matched inputs at the periphery. BI-CI users may have interaural differences in insertion depth and scalar location, causing interaural place-of-stimulation mismatch that impairs binaural abilities. Methods: Insertion depths and scalar locations were calculated from temporal-bone computed-tomography (CT) scans of 107 BI-CI users (27 Advanced Bionics, 62 Cochlear, and 18 Med-El). Each subject had either both pre-curved, both straight, or one of each type of array (mixed). Results: The median interaural insertion-depth mismatch was 23.4° or 1.3 mm. Relatively large interaural insertion-depth mismatch sufficient to disrupt binaural processing occurred for about 15% of electrode pairs [defined as >75° (13.0% of electrode pairs) or >3 mm (19.0% of electrode pairs)]. There was a significant three-way interaction of insertion depth, scalar location, and array type. Interaural insertion-depth mismatch was most prevalent when electrode pairs were more apically located, electrode pairs had interaural scalar mismatch (i.e., one in Scala Tympani, one in Scala Vestibuli), and when the arrays were both pre-curved. Conclusion: Large interaural insertion-depth mismatch can occur in BI-CI users. For new BI-CI users, improved surgical techniques to avoid interaural insertion-depth and scalar mismatch is recommended. For existing BI-CI users with interaural insertion-depth mismatch, interaural alignment of clinical frequency allocation tables by an audiologist might remediate any negative consequences to spatial-hearing abilities.

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Peter A. Perrino ◽  
Dianne F. Newbury ◽  
R. Holly Fitch

Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is associated with difficulties hearing and processing acoustic information, as well as subsequent impacts on the development of higher-order cognitive processes (i.e., attention and language). Yet CAPD also lacks clear and consistent diagnostic criteria, with widespread clinical disagreement on this matter. As such, identification of biological markers for CAPD would be useful. A recent genome association study identified a potential CAPD risk gene, USH2A. In a homozygous state, this gene is associated with Usher syndrome type 2 (USH2), a recessive disorder resulting in bilateral, high-frequency hearing loss due to atypical cochlear hair cell development. However, children with heterozygous USH2A mutations have also been found to show unexpected low-frequency hearing loss and reduced early vocabulary, contradicting assumptions that the heterozygous (carrier) state is “phenotype free”. Parallel evidence has confirmed that heterozygous Ush2a mutations in a transgenic mouse model also cause low-frequency hearing loss (Perrino et al., 2020). Importantly, these auditory processing anomalies were still evident after covariance for hearing loss, suggesting a CAPD profile. Since usherin anomalies occur in the peripheral cochlea and not central auditory structures, these findings point to upstream developmental feedback effects of peripheral sensory loss on high-level processing characteristic of CAPD. In this study, we aimed to expand upon the mouse behavioral battery used in Perrino et al. (2020) by evaluating central auditory brain structures, including the superior olivary complex (SOC) and medial geniculate nucleus (MGN), in heterozygous and homozygous Ush2a mice. We found that heterozygous Ush2a mice had significantly larger SOC volumes while homozygous Ush2a had significantly smaller SOC volumes. Heterozygous mutations did not affect the MGN; however, homozygous Ush2a mutations resulted in a significant shift towards more smaller neurons. These findings suggest that alterations in cochlear development due to USH2A variation can secondarily impact the development of brain regions important for auditory processing ability.

2021 ◽  
Mariano Nicolás Di Guilmi ◽  
Adrián Rodríguez-Contreras

AbstractIn this work we studied the impact of two widely used anesthetics on the electrical activity of auditory brainstem neurons during development. The spontaneous electrical activity in neonate rats of either sex was analyzed under the injectable mix of ketamine/xylazine (K/X mix) and the volatile anesthetic isoflurane (ISO). We used a ventral craniotomy in mechanically ventilated pups to carry out electrophysiology recordings in the superior olivary complex (SOC) between birth (postnatal day 0, P0) and P12. To characterize neuronal activity of single and ensembles of neurons, we performed patch clamp and multi-electrode experiments under different anesthetic conditions. Our results provide the first study that compares K/X mix and ISO in the same rodent species. We demonstrate that electrical activity of SOC neurons ramps up during development, and that the firing pattern of single units recorded in K/X mix was similar to that reported in ISO anesthetized rat pups. However, ISO displayed a large scatter on its suppressing effects on electrical activity when delivered at 1.5% in the presence or the absence of K/X mix. Taken together, our results shed light on the use of anesthetics for future studies to enable electrophysiology or optical imaging studies in-vivo to obtain functional information on the activity of medial olivochoclear neurons and their role in auditory development.

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