scholarly journals Uniqueness, Stability and Numerical Reconstruction of a Time and Space-Dependent Conductivity for an Inverse Hyperbolic Problem

L. Beilina ◽  
M. Cristofol ◽  
S. Li
Hannes Lichte ◽  
Edgar Voelkl

The object wave o(x,y) = a(x,y)exp(iφ(x,y)) at the exit face of the specimen is described by two real functions, i.e. amplitude a(x,y) and phase φ(x,y). In stead of o(x,y), however, in conventional transmission electron microscopy one records only the real intensity I(x,y) of the image wave b(x,y) loosing the image phase. In addition, referred to the object wave, b(x,y) is heavily distorted by the aberrations of the microscope giving rise to loss of resolution. Dealing with strong objects, a unique interpretation of the micrograph in terms of amplitude and phase of the object is not possible. According to Gabor, holography helps in that it records the image wave completely by both amplitude and phase. Subsequently, by means of a numerical reconstruction procedure, b(x,y) is deconvoluted from aberrations to retrieve o(x,y). Likewise, the Fourier spectrum of the object wave is at hand. Without the restrictions sketched above, the investigation of the object can be performed by different reconstruction procedures on one hologram. The holograms were taken by means of a Philips EM420-FEG with an electron biprism at 100 kV.

2012 ◽  
Christoph Hoerl

2011 ◽  
pp. 140-151
A. Golubev

Practicability of viewing economy not as a mechanism but as an organism is grounded. The concept of "genetic economics" that is considered in time and space is defined. The orders of economic constancy are recommended. "Genetic economics" axiomatic statements are formularized.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 331-358

I begin my exploration of ‘Ali Mubarak (1823/4–1893) and the discourses on modernization ‘performed’ in his only attempt at fiction, ‘Alam al-Din (The Sign of Religion, 1882), with a quote from Guy Davenport because it elegantly sums up a key theoretical principle underpinning any discussion of cultural transformation and, more particularly, of modernization. Locating ‘Ali Mubarak and his only fictional work at the juncture of the transformation from the ‘traditional’ to the ‘modern’ in the recent history of Arab culture and of Arabic narrative, I find Davenport's pronouncement tantalizingly appropriate. He not only places the stakes of history and geography in one another, but simultaneously opens up the imagination to the combined forces of time and space that stand behind these two distinct yet related disciplines.

Stuart Murray

Care’ is a shifting, plural word when used in the context of discussions of health. It suggests attention and compassion when articulated as a verb, but has overtures of regulation and control when used as a noun – to be ‘in care’ is usually not unproblematic. Two chapters in this section – those by Sarah Atkinson and Lucy Burke – speak specifically to the complexities of this idea. As Atkinson makes clear in her chapter, care invokes questions of resource just as much as it outlines interpersonal relationships; it presents what she terms ‘dilemmas, paradoxes and challenges’ when conceived of as a totality and, especially in global contexts, suggests entangled modes of time and space.

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