Koalitionen in Albanien, Bulgarien und Rumänien: Überwindung des régime divide mit Hindernissen

Dorothée de Nève
Andrzej Antoszewski ◽  
Joanna Kozierska

The polish party system has evolved from having been an extremely fragmented one to a moderate pluralist one. Up to 2005, the main political cleavage was that between post-communist and anti-communist parties. There was also a left–right dimension of political competition, but it was the ‘old regime’ divide that constituted the basic axis of political conflict. Coalitions were formed either by the successor party (SLD) or by the post-‘Solidarity’ parties. All cabinets between 1993 and 2005 were minimal winning ones. Since 2005 two parties with ‘Solidarity’ pedigree compete with each other for the victory in parliamentary elections. On the left–right spectrum, they both represent the ‘right’. The left has been marginalized. Socioeconomic and socio-cultural conflicts between the nationalist-conservative PiS and the liberal-conservative PO have dominated the electoral and parliamentary arenas. Also, after 2005, minimal winning coalitions led by either PiS or PO have prevailed, but new forms of cabinets have appeared. In 2005, a single-party cabinet was formed by PiS. In 2006, a support party agreement (the so called pakt stabilizacyjny) was signed by PiS and two small, populist parties. After a few months, the coalition was formalized in a regular coalition agreement. Within the same time period, from the turn of the millennium, the two large parties have both practiced a governance model with prime ministers dominating internal procedures and mechanisms. Another regularity is that the largest parliamentary party always forms the cabinet, either on its own (rarely) or in alliance with smaller parties. Also, junior parties in the coalitions are likely to be punished rather than awarded by the electorate. Notable is that formal coalition agreements have been signed by coalition partners since 1993. They are programmatic as well as procedural and contain not only distribution of portfolios but also the rules of resolving intra-coalition conflicts.

Cornelia Mirwantini Witomo

Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah (1). Menganalisis bentuk pengelolaaan wilayah pesisir yang sudah dilakukan dalam 30 tahun terakhir di Indonesia, (2). Menganalisis peluang pendekatan instrument ekonomi dalam pengelolaan wilayah pesisir. Rezim pengelolaan wilayah pesisir terbagi menjadi 2 rezim yaitu rezim sebelum reformasi dan rezim setelah reformasi. Rezim sebelum reformasi pengelolaan wilayah pesisir dilakukan secara terpusat sedangkan sejak reformasi muncul ditambah dengan terbitnya UU No 32 Tahun 2004 pemerintah daerah diberi otonomi dalam porsi yang lebih besar. Pada rezim reformasi banyak terbentuk daerah perlindungan laut (DPL) yang berbasis masyarakat. Hal ini sebagai bentuk pengembangan suatu bentuk pengelolaan pesisir terpadu dimana masyarakat menjadi pelaku utama (subyek) dalam pemanfaatan jasa ekosistem. Jika melihat perkembangan pemanfaatan wilayah pesisir memberikan peluang untuk memasukkan instrument ekonomi sebagai bagian untuk peningkatan efisiensi ekonomi dan efektivitas lingkungan. Namun perlu kajian lebih lanjut terkait dengan karateristik desain dari komitmen pembayaran jasa ekosistem meliputi kinerja pembayaran, target ruang dan target biaya manfaat serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi skema pembayaran jasa ekosistem dapat diterima dan secara umum peluang untuk mengaplikasikan pendekatan instrument ekonomi dalam pengelolaan wilayah pesisir cukup besar karena saat ini sudah banyak daerah perlindungan laut yang terbentuk dan target pembentukan daerah perlindungan laut sebesar 30 juta hektar hingga tahun 2030.Title: COASTAL MANAGEMENT USING ECONOMICS INSTRUMENTS APPROACHThe objective of this study are (1) analyzed coastal management form for 30 years in Indonesia and analyzed economic instrument opportunity for coastal management  Coastal management regime divide to be regime before reformation and after the transformation. Coastal management carried out by the central government when before transformation while carried out by the local government after transformation. This condition support by law number 32/2004 about autonomy. There are many marine protected areas with community-based that develop when regime transformation. This matter is integrated management where the community as the main actor/subject on ecosystem services utilization. Based on coastal development give an opportunity to internalize the economics instrument as a part of efficiency and effectiveness. However, need a further study about the characteristic of the design of payment ecosystem services commitment consists of payment performance, spatial target and cost-benefit target and factor which is influence scheme of payment and applicable on coastal management generally. Wherefore there are many marine protected areas developed, and there is a target until 2030 to establish new marine protected areas as large as 30 hectares.

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