Measurement of weak electric currents in copper wire phantoms using MRI: influence of susceptibility enhancement

2006 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 124-133 ◽  
Ruiwang Huang ◽  
Oleg Posnansky ◽  
Abdullah Celik ◽  
Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens ◽  
Veronika Ermer ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 90 ◽  
pp. 66-71
Tomoichiro Okamoto ◽  
Ko Yamazaki ◽  
Yuichiro Kuroki ◽  
Masasuke Takata

Cu wires were heated by electric currents to fabricate Cu2O thin films. The films were successfully deposited on glass substrates placed above the wires at air pressures in the range of 100 - 40 Pa. Then the films were annealed in a controlled atmosphere and investigated the crystallinity, morphology and the time response to illumination of the films. After annealing at 800 °C at atmospheric pressure with oxygen partial pressure of 12 Pa, the crystallinity was increased and the time response of photoconduction was successfully improved.

1874 ◽  
Vol 22 (148-155) ◽  
pp. 245-247

Being desirous of ascertaining whether, in the case of two parallel wires conveying electric currents, the attractions and repulsions were between the currents themselves or the substances conveying them, and believing this question had not been previously settled, I made the following experiment:— I passed a powerful voltaic current through the thick copper wire of a large electromagnet, and then divided it equally between two vertical pieces of thin platinum wire of equal diameter and length (about six or seven centimetres), so as to make them equally white-hot, the two wires being attached to two horizontal cross wires of copper.

1881 ◽  
Vol 32 (212-215) ◽  
pp. 39-40

In order to avoid the disturbances produced by the variations of direction and intensity of terrestrial magnetism in measuring the intensity of galvanic currents by their electromagnetic effects, I have tried to construct an electrodynamic balance. I have suspended at the ends of the lever of a smaller chemical balance, instead of the scales, two coils of copper wire, their height being equal to the diameter of the cylinder around which the wire is coiled up. Their axis is vertical, and they are suspended in such a manner that they cannot turn around this axis. Two larger spirals of the same height, but of greater radius, are placed into a fixed position, borne by a horizontal metallic rod, the middle of which is fixed on the column bearing the balance. The connexions of the wires are arranged in such a way that one of the movable coils is attracted by the fixed coil, the other is repelled. Both the fixed coils are placed a little higher than the movable coils. The attracted coil rises, the other sinks down as soon as a current passes through the circuit. There are two difficulties to be overcome in the construction of such a balance. At first, the current must be introduced into the movable spirals without diminishing their mobility, and without introducing places of contact of too small a pressure, which would make the resistance variable. I have succeeded to do this in a very satisfactory manner by using a kind of very thin sheet-brass, used for playthings of children, called in German “Rauschgold” (tinsel), because it looks like gold, and makes a crackling noise when it is moved, btrips of this, about 30 centims. long and 6 or 7 millims. broad, are very flexible, and show no signs of internal friction, their resistance to electric currents is very moderate, and they are not easily heated even by strong currents, because they have a relatively large surface in con­tact with air. I have connected each of the movable spirals with the other wires conducting the current by two such strips hanging loosely down from four pieces of brass fixed at the upper parts of the case of the balance. I may be allowed to remark, that strips of the same kind, and of greater length, are very useful to demonstrate the action of a magnet on a movable cnrrent. If you suspend the strip so that it hangs down in a curve, it is attracted, repelled, even raised against gravity, or coiled up around the magnet with great rapidity, in a very striking way.

A. Gonzalez Angulo ◽  
R. Berlioz ◽  
R. Aznar

Recent ultrastructural studies on endometrial tissues from women wearing copper, wire intrauterine devices have disclosed morphological evidence of impaired glycogen degradation and secretion resulting in interference with the viability of blastocysts. Reduced microapocrine secretion observed with the scanning electron microscope supports this (1). In addition, organelle modifications have been observed in the epithelial cells of these women. The changes are seen in biopsies taken in the proliferative phase of the cycle and consist of mitochondrial vacuolation and myelin figure formation. These modifications disappear in the secretory phase and therefore have been regarded as reversible (2).The aim of the present studies was to investigate surface epithelial changes as well as organelle modifications in relation to the site of contact with an IUD that releases greater amounts of copper. Endometrial tissue was obtained from the uterine cavity of four young women wearing TCu-380-A intrauterine contraceptive devices for 4-6 weeks.

1878 ◽  
Vol 5 (111supp) ◽  
pp. 1759-1759
M. Gaston Plante

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Marco Antônio Guimarães Da Silva

O primeiro registro de algia vertebral (AV) na historia, relatado pelo Dr. Inhotep,  ocorreu em um trabalhador que construía uma pirâmide em Sakara, no antigo Egito, em 2748 AC (Hagberg, 1993). Desde então, as AV integram-se, ao longo dos séculos, à historia da Medicina através de inúmeras contribuições literárias e científicas: Hipócrates (460-377, AC), Galenus (130-200), Vesalius (1555), Cotugno (1764), Valleix (1847), Lasegue (1864), Bernhardt (1895), Lindsetd (1920), Lortat, Jacob y Sobareanu (1904), Petrén (1908), Dejerine (1914), Sicard (1918), Heuman (1920), Danforth y Wilson (1925), Putti (1927), Ghormley (1933), Pette y Becker (1938). Atualmente, as algias vertebrais podem ser consideradas como um desastre médico, pois assumiram um perfil de distribuição verdadeiramente epidêmico e, a despeito de sua antiguidade, ainda são, sob ponto de vista etiológico,  um grande mistério.Os nossos conhecimentos atuais na área de anatomo-fisiologia nos permitem observar que a série de vértebras dos discos intervertebrais, dos músculos e dos tendões, dos ligamentos, dos vasos e dos vários tipos de nervos, acabam por formar o conjunto de estruturas que compõem as nossas costas. Todas estas estruturas suportam o nosso peso, protegem o nosso sistema nervoso e nos permitem, ainda, conviver, paradoxalmente, com um sistema biomecânico que evita a telescopagem e nos possibilita uma locomoção eficiente. Nobre e importante função desempenham as nossas costas, ao nos oferecer tantas coisas, desde que, segundo a teoria evolucionista, adotamos a postura bípede. Mas e nós, o que fazemos por elas? As preservamos de cargas compressivas intra discais que, via de regra, extrapolam os limites máximos permitidos? Adotamos hábitos posturais que permitem o equilíbrio entre os segmentos corporais e solicitam harmonicamente o sistema músculo articular? Trabalhamos em um local que nos poupe das agressões ambientais? Controlamos nossas emoções e sentimentos o suficiente para não somatizarmos em nossas costas quaisquer evidências de nossos transtornos psicológicos? Conseguimos viver, sem  aborrecimentos,  em uma sociedade que  longe de ser justa e igualitária, ainda permite que os cinismos e as hipocrisias se associem a  providenciais  omissões para indultar  gente mais esperta e sabida do que nós?Ao prefaciar o livro “The Back pain revolution”, de Gordon Waddell, (Churchill Livinstone ed., 1998),  Red Phillips parece definir muito claramente o que realmente temos feito pelas nossas costas, quando afirma:  “We have stretched our backs. We have twisted and curled our backs. We have cooked our backs. We have frozen our backs. We have stimuled our backs with electric currents of various sorts, and with ultrasound waves, infrared waves, magnetic waves and X-rays waves. We have rubbed our backs with liniments, spirits, gels, perfumes and poultices”. Na verdade, somos obrigados a tratar o sintoma e não a doença.È bem possível que neste novo século os avanços na área da psico-neuro-endocrinologia, da fisiologia e genética da dor, possam finalmente descobrir o que realmente causa a dor nas costas. Até lá, devemos aceitar o desafio de combater e prevenir esse velho mal que, como o vampiro do romance de Bran Stoker, resiste a todos os ataques e insiste em ser imortal. A diferença entre os casos de mortos retornando para aterrorizar, atacar e matar durante a noite, tão bem descritos no século XII pelo historiador inglês William de Newburgh, e a dor nas costas está no fato de que esta não seleciona como vítima apenas lindas jovens e tampouco restringe seus ataques a períodos noturnos. Ainda no campo das analogias, podemos afirmar, na atualidade, que, se o relacionamento entre vampiro e vítima estava cheio de conotações psico-sexuais, a relação  dor nas costas/ paciente interage sob ação de fortes componentes psico-sociogênicos. Não há, portanto, como negligenciar, seja qual for a nossa conduta terapêutica para a dor nas costas, o modelo proposto por Waddel (1992), que considera o paciente como resultado de uma série de conjunções fortemente influenciadas pelo seu entorno social, cultural e psicológico.De qualquer forma, ainda que essa dor nas costas possa, às vezes, ser minimizada por condutas médicas ou atenuada por protocolos fisioterapêuticos, o seu equacionamento total ainda está longe de tornar-se uma realidade, enquanto a sua verdadeira etiologia permanecer desconhecida. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 140 (7) ◽  
pp. 364-371
Kenta Torishima ◽  
Kazuhiro Shimura ◽  
Mitsuhide Sato ◽  
Tsutomu Mizuno

Huixian Wu ◽  
Arthur Chiang ◽  
David Le ◽  
Win Pratchayakun

Abstract With gold prices steadily going up in recent years, copper wire has gained popularity as a means to reduce cost of manufacturing microelectronic components. Performance tradeoff aside, there is an urgent need to thoroughly study the new technology to allay any fear of reliability compromise. Evaluation and optimization of copper wire bonding process is critical. In this paper, novel failure analysis and analytical techniques are applied to the evaluation of copper wire bonding process. Several FA/analytical techniques and FA procedures will be discussed in detail, including novel laser/chemical/plasma decapsulation, FIB, wet chemical etching, reactive ion etching (RIE), cross-section, CSAM, SEM, EDS, and a combination of these techniques. Two case studies will be given to demonstrate the use of these techniques in copper wire bonded devices.

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