Diversity and composition of benthic asellote Isopoda from two different New Zealand continental margin habitats - implications of habitat heterogeneity, productivity and depth

2020 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 103368
Stefanie Kaiser ◽  
Lidia Lins ◽  
Marina Malyutina ◽  
Sadie Mills ◽  
Anne-Nina Lörz
2001 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 439 ◽  
Neale L. Bougher ◽  
Teresa Lebel

Sequestrate fungi are a polyphyletic, diverse group of macrofungi with truffle-like, underground (hypogeous) or emergent fruit bodies, which are well represented in Australia and New Zealand. The first species in the region were described in 1844, but sequestrate fungi have been poorly documented until recent times. Regional diversity of sequestrate fungi is high in comparison to other parts of the world: for ascomycetes and basidiomycetes 83 genera and 294 species are currently known in Australia and 32 genera and 58 species in New Zealand. Only an estimated 12–23% of species are known for Australia and 25–30% for New Zealand. On that basis, between 1278–2450 species may occur in Australia and 193–232 in New Zealand. Centres of diversity for some groups of sequestrate fungi occur in the region, e.g. Russulaceae (five known genera, 68 species) and Cortinariaceae (eight genera, 33 species). Some other groups are less diverse than in the northern hemisphere, e.g. sequestrate Boletaceae (seven genera, 25 species). More than 35% of Australian sequestrate genera and 95% of species are endemic; for New Zealand about 45% of sequestrate genera and 80% of species are endemic. Australia and New Zealand share similarities in sequestrate fungi at generic level (11% of total) but do not share many of the same species (4% of total). Knowledge of biogeographical distributions is limited by incomplete taxonomic knowledge and insufficient collections. Some Gondwanan, Australasian and widespread/cosmopolitan patterns are evident. Some exotic sequestrate fungi have been recently introduced and some fungi indigenous to the region occur world-wide as exotics with eucalypt plantings. Within Australia and New Zealand, there is evidence that characteristic suites of fungi co-occur in different climatic and vegetation types. Mycorrhizas of Australian and New Zealand taxa have a range of morphological and physiological attributes relating to their effect on plants and broader roles in ecosystem nutrient cycling and health. Spores of sequestrate fungi are dispersed by a range of fauna. There are tripartite inter-dependent interactions between mycorrhizal plants, sequestrate fungi and native mammals and birds that use the fungi as food. Major environmental influences affecting the distribution, diversity and abundance of sequestrate fungi include climate, topography, soil, vegetation and animals. Imposed upon such influences are a range of natural and human-induced disturbance factors which alter habitat heterogeneity, e.g. fire, fragmentation and replacement of native vegetation and exotic organisms. Rare and endangered sequestrate fungi are likely to occur in Australia and New Zealand, but for most taxa there is insufficient data to determine rarity or commonality. In the face of poor knowledge, assemblage-based and habitat-based approaches are the most appropriate for conservation and management of sequestrate fungi. Habitat heterogeneity may be important for the fungi at scales ranging from different climatic and vegetation types to local topographic-related variations.

2010 ◽  
Vol 270 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 202-212 ◽  
Hannah L. Brackley ◽  
Neal E. Blair ◽  
Noel A. Trustrum ◽  
Lionel Carter ◽  
Elana L. Leithold ◽  

2000 ◽  
Vol 30 (7) ◽  
pp. 1025-1033 ◽  
Robert B Allen ◽  
Peter K Buchanan ◽  
Peter W Clinton ◽  
Angela J Cone

Saprobic fungal taxa on decomposing mountain beech (Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Poole) logs were investigated in relation to properties of logs including stage of decay, size, nutrient concentration, and moisture content. We also determined whether logs become increasingly heterogeneous in nutrient concentration and moisture content with decay and also whether log heterogeneity related to fungal taxa diversity. Sporocarps were collected from the same 75 logs in spring (November 1995, 80 taxa) and autumn (May 1996, 151 taxa). For both seasons the dominant pattern in fungal taxa composition was only weakly related to measured properties of logs; however, a secondary pattern was found related to a fungal taxa succession reflecting stage of decay. In the autumn collection, Biscogniauxia capnodes (Berk.) Y.-M. Ju & J.D. Rogers and Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden occurred on small logs in the early stages of decay, with relatively low N. Decayed logs, with relatively high N, were characterized by Marasmius otagensis G. Stev. and Athelia epiphylla Pers. Our observations were not consistent with previously described successional trends from soft- to white- and brown-rot fungi as logs decay. The number of fungal taxa increased with log volume, and, additionally for the autumn collection, with heterogeneity in cation concentration suggesting habitat heterogeneity may be a factor in explaining log fungal taxa diversity.

2021 ◽  
Geoffrey Jonathan Rait

<p>Raukumara Peninsula lies at the northeastern end of the East Coast Deformed Belt, a province of deformed Late Mesozoic-Late Cenozoic rocks on the eastern edges of the North Island and northern South Island of New Zealand. Late Cenozoic deformation in this province is associated with westward subduction of the Pacific Plate, which started at about the beginning of the Miocene. Early Miocene tectonism on Raukumara Peninsula took place in a hitherto little-known thrust belt, the East Coast Allochthon. The configuration, evolution and origin of this thrust belt are the subjects of this thesis. The thrust belt extends 110 km from the thrust front in the southwest to the northeastern tip of Raukumara Peninsula. Internal structures strike northwest, perpendicular to the present trend of the continental margin but parallel to the Early Miocene trend suggested by plate reconstructions and paleomagnetic studies. The structure and kinematic evolution of the thrust belt were investigated by detailed mapping of three key areas in its central part and by analysis of previous work throughout the region. Gross differences in structure lead to the division of the belt into three zones: southern, central and northern. Deformation in the southern and central zones (the southwestern two-thirds of the system) was thin-skinned, involving southwestward transport of thrust sheets above a decollement horizon at the top of the Maastrichtian-Paleocene Whangai Formation. The decollement is exposed in the northwest due to southeastward tilting accompanying post-Miocene uplift of the Raukumara Range. Deformation in the northern zone involved reactivations of northeast-directed Cretaceous thrusts as well as southwestward emplacement of allochthonous sheets. Stratigraphic relationships show that thrusting took place during = 6 m.y. in the earliest Miocene. The 18 km wide southern zone is an emergent imbricate fan of rocks detached from above the Whangai Formation in a piggy-back sequence and transported less than about 18 km at rates of 2.6-3.6 mm/yr (plus-minus 20%-100%). The central and northern zones include rocks older than Whangai Formation. The sheets of the central zone and the southwest-directed sheets of the northern zone make up three major allochthonous units: the Waitahaia allochthon, consisting predominantly of mid-Cretaceous flysch above the Waitahaia Fault and equivalent structures, at the bottom of the thrust pile; the Te Rata allochthon, of Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary continental margin sediments above the Te Rata Thrust, in the middle; and the Matakaoa sheet, an ophiolite body of mid-Cretaceous-Eocene basaltic and pelagic sedimentary rocks, at the top and back of the thrust belt. The Waitahaia allochthon was emplaced first and was subsequently breached by the Te Rata Thrust. The mid-Cretaceous rocks of the Waitahaia allochthon are mostly overturned, a result of the southwest-directed Early Miocene thrusting overprinting a Cretaceous structure of predominantly southwestward dips. The Te Rata allochthon comprises a complex pile of thrust sheets and slices with a general older-on-younger stacking order but with common reversals. Synorogenic sedimentary rocks occur within it. The complexity of internal structure of these two allochthons suggests they have undergone more than the 50% shortening estimated for the southern zone. The minimum southwestward displacement of the Te Rata allochthon is 60 km. The minimum displacements of the Waitahaia and Matakaoa allochthons are 55-195 km and 115-530 km respectively, depending on whether the Te Rata allochthon originally lay in front of the original position of the Waitahaia allochthon or was originally the upper part of the Waitahaia allochthon, and on the amounts of internal shortening of the allochthons. Over the = 6 m.y. period of thrusting, these estimates imply displacement rates for the Matakaoa sheet of 19-88 mm/yr. The average plate convergence rate at East Cape for the period 36-20 Ma is estimated at 25-30 mm/yr; the rate for the Early Miocene-- when subduction was active--may have been faster. Reasonable displacement rates for the Matakaoa sheet would result if the Te Rata allochthon was originally the upper part of the Waitahaia allochthon and if both allochthons have been shortened somewhat less than 50%. The emplacement mechanism of the Matakaoa ophiolite is elucidated by comparison with Northland, northwest along strike from Raukumara Peninsula, onto which correlative rocks were emplaced at the same time. The thinness of the Northland ophiolite bodies, their composition of rocks typical of the uppermost levels of oceanic crust, and the start of andesitic volcanism accompanying their obduction show that they were emplaced as a thin flake of oceanic crust which peeled off the downgoing slab during the inception of southwestward subduction. The reason the ophiolites were initially peeled from the slab is probably that their upper levels prograded southwestward over sediments of the Northland-Raukumara continental margin. In such a situation, initial compression would have led to formation of a northeast-dipping thrust at the volcanic/sediment interface; this thrust would then have propagated back into the downgoing plate with continued convergence, allowing the ophiolites to climb up the continental slope pushing the allochthonous sedimentary sheets ahead of them.</p>

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