habitat heterogeneity
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Oecologia ◽  
2022 ◽  
Rachel Y. Chock ◽  
Debra M. Shier ◽  
Gregory F. Grether

AbstractCoexistence of competing species in the same foraging guild has long puzzled ecologists. In particular, how do small subordinate species persist with larger dominant competitors? This question becomes particularly important when conservation interventions, such as reintroduction or translocation, become necessary for the smaller species. Exclusion of dominant competitors might be necessary to establish populations of some endangered species. Ultimately, however, the goal should be to conserve whole communities. Determining how subordinate species escape competitive exclusion in intact communities could inform conservation decisions by clarifying the ecological conditions and processes required for coexistence at local or regional scales. We tested for spatial and temporal partitioning among six species of native, granivorous rodents using null models, and characterized the microhabitat of each species using resource-selection models. We found that the species’ nightly activity patterns are aggregated temporally but segregated spatially. As expected, we found clear evidence that the larger-bodied kangaroo rats drive spatial partitioning, but we also found species-specific microhabitat associations, which suggests that habitat heterogeneity is part of what enables these species to coexist. Restoration of natural disturbance regimes that create habitat heterogeneity, and selection of translocation sites without specific competitors, are among the management recommendations to consider in this case. More generally, this study highlights the need for a community-level approach to conservation and the usefulness of basic ecological data for guiding management decisions.

Zelong Zhao ◽  
Hongjun Li ◽  
Yi Sun ◽  
Kuishuang Shao ◽  
Xiaocheng Wang ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 504 ◽  
pp. 119811
Teresa Mexia ◽  
Xavier Lecomte ◽  
Maria Conceição Caldeira ◽  
Miguel Nuno Bugalho

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Craig D. Morris

Regenerative grazing management (ReGM) seeks to mimic natural grazing dynamics to restore degraded soils and the ecological processes underpinning sustainable livestock production while enhancing biodiversity. Regenerative grazing, including holistic planned grazing and related methods, is an adaptive, rotational stocking approach in which dense livestock herds are rotated rapidly through multiple paddocks in short bouts of grazing to defoliate plants evenly and infrequently, interspersed with long recovery periods to boost regrowth. The concentrated “hoof action” of herds in ReGM is regarded vital for regenerating soils and ecosystem services. Evidence (from 58 studies) that ReGM benefits biodiversity is reviewed. Soils enriched by ReGM have increased microbial bioactivity, higher fungal:bacteria biomass, greater functional diversity, and richer microarthropods and macrofauna communities. Vegetation responds inconsistently, with increased, neutral, or decreased total plant diversity, richness of forage grasses and invasive species under ReGM: grasses tend to be favored but shrubs and forbs can be depleted by the mechanical action of hooves. Trampling also reduces numerous arthropods by altering vegetation structure, but creates favorable habitat and food for a few taxa, such as dung beetles. Similarly, grazing-induced structural changes benefit some birds (for foraging, nest sites) while heavy stocking during winter and droughts reduces food for seedeaters and songbirds. With herding and no fences, wildlife (herbivores and predators) thrives on nutritious regrowth while having access to large undisturbed areas. It is concluded that ReGM does not universally promote biodiversity but can be adapted to provide greater landscape habitat heterogeneity suitable to a wider range of biota.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Łukasz Moszkowicz ◽  
Izabela Krzeptowska-Moszkowicz ◽  
Karolina Porada

Greenery is a natural value in urban space. To maintain the richness and diversity of greenery, it is necessary to understand the factors and mechanisms that influence vegetation. The purpose of this paper was to determine the impact of selected features of public parks and factors on the richness and diversity of herbaceous plants. In Krakow public parks, this richness and diversity is greater in parks with a larger area and habitat heterogeneity, the presence of migration corridors, and natural elements. Full stand coverage negatively affects diversity. Biologically inactive surface affects richness and diversity as well as a number of different groups of plant species. The presence of rare and non-synanthropic species is related to the park’s surface, natural elements, and its heterogeneity.

2021 ◽  
M.P. Charó

Deposits of different Quaternary marine transgressions are largely exposed in the Argentine north Patagonian littoral (39°15′S–41°02′S), south of the Buenos Aires and north of Río Negro provinces. The malacological associations of 84 sites were studied. Among them, 31 belong to Pleistocene deposits of the interglacials ≥ MIS 9, MIS 7, MIS 5e, 29 to Holocene deposits of the interglacial MIS 1, and 24 sites of modern beaches. These sites yielded 7385 fossils among valves and shells, of 78 species (42 bivalves and 36 gastropods), including 11 micromolluskan species. The record of the bivalves Crassostrea rhizophorae in the south of the Buenos Aires Province, and Anomalocardia brasiliana (both currently inhabiting lower latitudes), and very likely the gastropod Tegula atra (inhabiting today the Pacific Ocean) in the north of Río Negro Province, suggests that interglacials MIS 7, MIS 5e and MIS 1 were warmer than today. However, the associations determined for the studied interglacials have not changed in their composition, but in abundance of species, except for the latitudinal shifts of the three mentioned species, and the presence of cold to temperate water taxa since the MIS 1 in the ecotonal area of the north of Río Negro Province. Changes in the associations of northern Patagonia during the Quaternary derived from global changes (sea surface temperature, salinity, etc.), and the existence of habitat heterogeneity in each of the areas, that enabled the co-existence of different bivalve and gastropod species of the local benthic marine malacofauna.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 528 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-58
LE LIN ◽  

The Hengduan Mountains, as one important biodiversity hotspots in the world, is notable for its high habitat heterogeneity and extreme plant diversity which including many endemics species. Incarvillea uniflora, a new species is described from Hengduan Mountains. The new species is similar to I. himalayensis in having red corolla, stemless, solitary flower, capsule 4-angled and winged seeds, but differs by the characters of stable simple leaves, long triangular calyx lobes and solitary or clustered flowers. It is considered to be Data Deficient (DD) due to the lack of further field investigation.

Limnologica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 125945
Dianne M.A.S. Nuven ◽  
Alan M. Tonin ◽  
Renan de Souza Rezende ◽  
Raiane S. Rabelo ◽  
Guilherme Sena ◽  

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