Improvements in General Circulation Model performance in simulating Antarctic climate

1990 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 287-300 ◽  
Ian Simmonds

Increasingly, many aspects of the study of Antarctica and the high southern latitudes are being aided by various types of numerical models. Among these are the General Circulation Models (GCMs), which are powerful tools that can be used to understand the maintenance of present atmospheric climate and determine its sensitivity to imposed changes. The changes in the ability of GCMs used over the last two decades to simulate aspects of atmospheric climate at high southern latitudes are traced and it is concluded there has been a steady improvement in model products. The task of assessing model climates in high southern latitudes is made difficult by the uncertainties in the data used for the climatological statistics. It is suggested that the quality of the climates produced by most modern GCMs in many aspects cannot be said to be poor, especially considering the uncertainties in ‘observed’ climate. There is obviously need for improvements in both modelling and observations. Finally, some topics are highlighted in which the formulation of models could be improved, with special reference to better treatment of physical processes at high southern latitudes.

2010 ◽  
Vol 67 (6) ◽  
pp. 1983-1995 ◽  
Steven C. Hardiman ◽  
David G. Andrews ◽  
Andy A. White ◽  
Neal Butchart ◽  
Ian Edmond

Abstract Transformed Eulerian mean (TEM) equations and Eliassen–Palm (EP) flux diagnostics are presented for the general nonhydrostatic, fully compressible, deep atmosphere formulation of the primitive equations in spherical geometric coordinates. The TEM equations are applied to a general circulation model (GCM) based on these general primitive equations. It is demonstrated that a naive application in this model of the widely used approximations to the EP diagnostics, valid for the hydrostatic primitive equations using log-pressure as a vertical coordinate and presented, for example, by Andrews et al. in 1987 can lead to misleading features in these diagnostics. These features can be of the same order of magnitude as the diagnostics themselves throughout the winter stratosphere. Similar conclusions are found to hold for “downward control” calculations. The reasons are traced to the change of vertical coordinate from geometric height to log-pressure. Implications for the modeling community, including comparison of model output with that from reanalysis products available only on pressure surfaces, are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-57
Kai Logemann ◽  
Leonidas Linardakis ◽  
Peter Korn ◽  
Corinna Schrum

AbstractThe global tide is simulated with the global ocean general circulation model ICON-O using a newly developed tidal module, which computes the full tidal potential. The simulated coastal M2 amplitudes, derived by a discrete Fourier transformation of the output sea level time series, are compared with the according values derived from satellite altimetry (TPXO-8 atlas). The experiments are repeated with four uniform and sixteen irregular triangular grids. The results show that the quality of the coastal tide simulation depends primarily on the coastal resolution and that the ocean interior can be resolved up to twenty times lower without causing considerable reductions in quality. The mesh transition zones between areas of different resolutions are formed by cell bisection and subsequent local spring optimisation tolerating a triangular cell’s maximum angle up to 84°. Numerical problems with these high-grade non-equiangular cells were not encountered. The results emphasise the numerical feasibility and potential efficiency of highly irregular computational meshes used by ICON-O.

2020 ◽  
Todd Mooring ◽  
Marianna Linz

<p>Petoukhov et al.’s (2013, PNAS) hypothesis of quasi-resonant Rossby waves as a mechanism for destructive weather extremes—both heat- and rain-related, observed and projected—has received a great deal of attention in recent years.  Most notably, it has been used for diagnostic studies of reanalysis products and full-physics atmospheric or coupled general circulation models. However, studies of this sort essentially assume (rather than test) the validity of the underlying theory.</p><p>Since the quasi-resonance theoretical arguments do not explicitly involve the full complexity of atmospheric physics, it ought to be possible to test them within the much simpler framework of an idealized general circulation model. By carefully constructing the forcing fields for such a model, we will achieve control of its zonal mean state and thus the waveguide properties of the zonal jet. We will explore the properties of the quasi-stationary Rossby waves in such simulations to test whether they have the properties predicted by Petoukhov et al. By testing this dynamical mechanism in a simplified model, we can better understand its applicability and limitations for investigations of future climate.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 496-525 ◽  
D. A. Sachindra ◽  
F. Huang ◽  
A. Barton ◽  
B. J. C. Perera

The aim of this paper is to discuss the issues and challenges associated with statistical downscaling of general circulation model (GCM) outputs to hydroclimatic variables at catchment scale and also to discuss potential solutions to address these issues and challenges. Outputs of GCMs (predictors of statistical downscaling models) suffer a considerable degree of uncertainty, mainly due to the lack of theoretical robustness caused by the limited understanding of various physical processes of the atmosphere and the incomplete mathematical representation of those processes in GCMs. The presence of several future GHG emission scenarios with equal likelihood of occurrence leads to scenario uncertainty. Outputs of a downscaling study are dependent on the quality and the length of the record of field observations, as statistical downscaling models are calibrated and validated against these observations of the hydroclimatic variables (predictands of statistical downscaling models). The downscaled results vary from one statistical downscaling technique to another due to different representations of the predictor–predictand relationships. Also different techniques used in selecting the predictors for statistical downscaling models influence the model outputs. Although statistical downscaling faces these issues, it is still considered as a potential method of predicting the catchment scale hydroclimatology from GCM outputs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-165 ◽  
Yixiong Lu ◽  
Tongwen Wu ◽  
Weihua Jie ◽  
Adam A. Scaife ◽  
Martin B. Andrews ◽  

Abstract It is well known that the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) is forced by equatorial waves with different horizontal/vertical scales, including Kelvin waves, mixed Rossby–gravity (MRG) waves, inertial gravity waves (GWs), and mesoscale GWs, but the relative contribution of each wave is currently not very clear. Proper representation of these waves is critical to the simulation of the QBO in general circulation models (GCMs). In this study, the vertical resolution in the Beijing Climate Center Atmospheric General Circulation Model (BCC-AGCM) is increased to better represent large-scale waves, and a mesoscale GW parameterization scheme, which is coupled to the convective sources, is implemented to provide unresolved wave forcing of the QBO. Results show that BCC-AGCM can spontaneously generate the QBO with realistic periods, amplitudes, and asymmetric features between westerly and easterly phases. There are significant spatiotemporal variations of parameterized convective GWs, largely contributing to a great degree of variability in the simulated QBO. In the eastward wind shear of the QBO at 20 hPa, forcing provided by resolved waves is 0.1–0.2 m s−1 day−1 and forcing provided by parameterized GWs is ~0.15 m s−1 day−1. On the other hand, westward forcings by resolved waves and parameterized GWs are ~0.1 and 0.4–0.5 m s−1 day−1, respectively. It is inferred that the eastward forcing of the QBO is provided by both Kelvin waves and mesoscale convective GWs, whereas the westward forcing is largely provided by mesoscale GWs. MRG waves barely contribute to the formation of the QBO in the model.

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 457-495 ◽  
A. Pozzer ◽  
P. Jöckel ◽  
B. Kern ◽  
H. Haak

Abstract. The ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model is coupled to the ocean general circulation model MPIOM using the Modular Earth Submodel Sytem (MESSy) interface. MPIOM is operated as a MESSy submodel, thus the need of an external coupler is avoided. The coupling method is tested for different model configurations, proving to be very flexible in terms of parallel decomposition and very well load balanced. The run time performance analysis and the simulation results are compared to those of the COSMOS (Community earth System MOdelS) climate model, using the same configurations for the atmosphere and the ocean in both model systems. It is shown that our coupling method is, for the tested conditions, approximately 10% more efficient compared to the coupling based on the OASIS (Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil, version 3) coupler. The standard (CMIP3) climate model simulations performed with EMAC-MPIOM show that the results are comparable to those of other Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation models.

2011 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1441-1466 ◽  
H. Dietze ◽  
I. Kriest

Abstract. In the aftermath of an earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 considerable amounts of radioactive materials were accidentally released into the sea off Fukushima-Daiichi, Japan. This study uses a three-dimensional eddy-resolving oceanic general circulation model to explore potential pathways of a tracer, similar to 137Cs, from the coast to the open ocean. Results indicate that enhanced concentrations meet a receding spring bloom offshore and that the area of enhanced concentrations offshore is strongly determined by surface mixed layer dynamics. However, huge uncertainties remain. Among them are the realism of the simulated cross-shelf transport and apparently inconsistent estimates of the particle reactivity of 137Cs which are discussed in a brief literature review. We argue that a comprehensive set of 137Cs measurements, including sites offshore, could be a unique opportunity to both evaluate and advance the evaluation of oceanic general circulation models.

2011 ◽  
Vol 92 (8) ◽  
pp. 1023-1043 ◽  
A. Bodas-Salcedo ◽  
M. J. Webb ◽  
S. Bony ◽  
H. Chepfer ◽  
J.-L. Dufresne ◽  

Errors in the simulation of clouds in general circulation models (GCMs) remain a long-standing issue in climate projections, as discussed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report. This highlights the need for developing new analysis techniques to improve our knowledge of the physical processes at the root of these errors. The Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) pursues this objective, and under that framework the CFMIP Observation Simulator Package (COSP) has been developed. COSP is a flexible software tool that enables the simulation of several satellite-borne active and passive sensor observations from model variables. The flexibility of COSP and a common interface for all sensors facilitates its use in any type of numerical model, from high-resolution cloud-resolving models to the coarser-resolution GCMs assessed by the IPCC, and the scales in between used in weather forecast and regional models. The diversity of model parameterization techniques makes the comparison between model and observations difficult, as some parameterized variables (e.g., cloud fraction) do not have the same meaning in all models. The approach followed in COSP permits models to be evaluated against observations and compared against each other in a more consistent manner. This permits a more detailed diagnosis of the physical processes that govern the behavior of clouds and precipitation in numerical models. The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Working Group on Coupled Modelling has recommended the use of COSP in a subset of climate experiments that will be assessed by the next IPCC report. In this article we describe COSP, present some results from its application to numerical models, and discuss future work that will expand its capabilities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 1184-1205 ◽  
Claudia Volosciuk ◽  
Douglas Maraun ◽  
Vladimir A. Semenov ◽  
Wonsun Park

Abstract To investigate the influence of atmospheric model resolution on the representation of daily precipitation extremes, ensemble simulations with the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5 at different horizontal (from T213 to T31 spectral truncation) and vertical (from L31 to L19) resolutions and forced with observed sea surface temperatures and sea ice concentrations have been carried out for January 1982–September 2010. All results have been compared with the highest resolution, which has been validated against observations. Resolution affects both the representation of physical processes and the averaging of precipitation across grid boxes. The latter, in particular, smooths out localized extreme events. These effects have been disentangled by averaging precipitation simulated at the highest resolution to the corresponding coarser grid. Extremes are represented by seasonal maxima, modeled by the generalized extreme value distribution. Effects of averaging and representation of physical processes vary with region and season. In the tropical summer hemisphere, extreme precipitation is reduced by up to 30% due to the averaging effect, and a further 65% owing to a coarser representation of physical processes. Toward middle to high latitudes, the latter effect reduces to 20%; in the winter hemisphere it vanishes toward the poles. A strong drop is found between T106 and T63 in the convection-dominated tropics. At the lowest resolution, Northern Hemisphere winter precipitation extremes, mainly caused by large-scale weather systems, are in general represented reasonably well. Coarser vertical resolution causes an equatorward shift of maximum extreme precipitation in the tropics. The impact of vertical resolution on mean precipitation is less pronounced; for horizontal resolution it is negligible.

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