Putting Real Youth Participation Into Practice

2002 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-160
Pedro Henrique Araújo dos Santos ◽  
Juliana Kelly Dantas da Silva

 Resumo: Nos dias atuais, percebemos que muitas são as dificuldades para a organização da juventude e a participação política nos espaços de poder e decisão existentes na sociedade. Em muitos dos espaços políticos os jovens não se sentem representados, nem tem oportunidades de defender seus interesses. Nesse contexto, percebe-se a ausência de formação política e oportunidades de participação do jovem na sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, esta pesquisa está pautada no levantamento de elementos da participação social, cultura política dos jovens e da trajetória de organização da Rede de Juventudes do Seridó que contribuem para a formação da consciência crítica dos jovens e favorecem o exercício do controle social e da promoção de políticas públicas voltadas para a juventude.  Palavras-chave: Juventude; Participação Social; Rede de Juventudes.  Abstract: Nowadays, we realize that there are many difficulties for the organization of youth and political participation in the spaces of power and decision in society. In many political spaces young people do not feel represented, nor do they have opportunities to defend their interests. In this context, one can perceive the lack of political formation and opportunities for youth participation in society. In this perspective, this research is based on the survey of elements of social participation, political culture of the young people and the organizational trajectory of the Youth Network of Seridó that contribute to the formation of the critical awareness of young people and favor the exercise of social control and promotion of public policies aimed at youth.  Keywords: Youth; Social Participation; Youth Network REFERÊNCIAS ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. NBR 14724: Informação e documentação. Trabalhos Acadêmicos - Apresentação. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2002. ABRAMO, Helena Wendel; BRANCO, Pedro Paulo Martoni. (Orgs). Retratos da Juventude Brasileira: análises de uma pesquisa nacional. São Paulo: Editora Fundação Perseu Abramo, 2005.  ALBUQUERQUE, Alexandre Aragão de, Juventude, Educação e Participação Política. Paco Editorial. Jundiaí, 2012.  ALMEIDA, Elmir de. Políticas públicas para jovens em Santo André In:_____. 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Pooja S. Tandon ◽  
Emily Kroshus ◽  
Katharine Olsen ◽  
Kimberly Garrett ◽  
Pingping Qu ◽  

Access to opportunities for physical activity and sports, and therefore potential benefits of participation, are distributed inequitably. The aims of this study were to describe and compare youth experiences related to sport and physical activity by socioeconomic factors. A cross-sectional survey was conducted of students in 5–12th grades in King County, Washington, USA. Students were asked about physical activity and sports experiences and about demographic factors including family affluence, which was categorized as low, medium, and high. Participants were 1038 youth (50% girls, 58% non-White, and 32% from homes where languages other than English are spoken). Children from low-affluence families reported fewer days/week of physical activity, fewer sports sampled, and lower rates of ever playing sports. Greater proportions of children from low-affluence families reported these barriers to sports: (1) don’t want to get hurt, (2) don’t feel welcome on teams, (3) too expensive, and (4) transportation. Middle school children from high-affluence families had three times higher odds of meeting physical activity recommendations, and high-affluence high schoolers had three times higher odds of ever participating in sports compared to peers from low-affluence families. Socioeconomic status was inversely associated with outcomes related to youth physical activity and sports participation. The disproportionately reported barriers to sports participation are modifiable, and cross-sector solutions can help promote play equity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 204361062110086
Anthony Gerard Wright ◽  
Jurhamuti José Velázquez Morales

This article analyzes visual art and radio broadcasting as semiotic practices that serve as crucial sites of child and youth participation in Indigenous social movements. Looking specifically at a movement against organized crime, political corruption, and environmental exploitation that emerged in 2011 among the Purépechan people of Cherán, Michoacán, México, we show how young people’s creative practices present a significant challenge to hegemonic models of adult- directed political socialization and participation, although they do not result in a total flattening of age-based hierarchies. Drawing on multimodal ethnographic fieldwork and personal experience in the movement, we show how the creative practices of youth activists facilitate the production and circulation of visual and sonic content that conveys historical and onto-epistemological frameworks which guide the movement. We also show how the circulation of this content generates the potential to influence those who come into contact with it, including both Purépechans and non-Purépechans who reside well beyond the borders of Cherán. In doing so, we demonstrate that multimodal ethnographic attention to the ways in which young people’s diverse semiotic repertoires are deployed in contexts of political activism can provide valuable insights about political socialization, intergenerational relationships, and the entanglement of a variety of politically charged semiotic forms in everyday life.

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