Thermal Metamorphism of Primitive Meteorites—XII. The Enstatite Chondrites Revisited

2005 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 215 ◽  
Ming-Sheng Wang ◽  
Michael E. Lipschutz

Environmental Context.The first Solar System material condensed 4.567 billion years ago, rapidly forming planetesimals—solid bodies that might combine to form planets (accretion) or survive as asteroidal meteorites. Earth’s main accretion ended within the next 30 million years, but subsequent high temperatures essentially erased evidence of this history. However, heating in these early episodes produced effects uniquely recorded by 14 volatile trace elements. The volatile element composition of chondritic meteorites, whose parent material formed closest to Earth, may thus provide important information about early planetesimal evolution. Abstract.We report data for 14 trace and ultratrace elements—Au, Co, Sb, Ga, Rb, Ag, Cs, Te, Zn, Cd, Bi, Tl, In (ordered by increasing putative nebular volatility)—in 13 enstatite (E) chondrites recovered from Antarctica and two E inclusions in the Kaidun polymict breccia that fell in 1980. These data, determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA), essentially double the amount of information known for E chondrites, whose parent materials formed closest to the Sun in the chondrite-forming nebular region. We discuss here the data for all 29 samples studied. The meteoritic suite studied here includes both representatives of previously rare types—like high-iron EH3 and EH5 individuals—but also unique individuals and previously unknown low-iron, EL3, chondrites. Prior hypothetical assertions by others are corrected by the new data. Volatile element contents of EL3 and EH3 chondrites are variable, but comparable, like those of type 3 ordinary chondrites (i.e. H3, L3, and LL3). Volatile element contents of EH4 chondrites are at least as high as those of the E3 types, in contrast to the lower contents of H4, L4, and LL4 types. Compositionally, E3,4 chondrites reflect only nebular condensation and/or accretion processes. Volatiles in E5 and E6 chondrites—whether of EH, EL or unique ones—are depleted relative to cosmic (i.e. CI1) or E3,4 chondrite abundances. The evidence indicates that E5,6 chondrites compositionally reflect vaporization and loss of volatiles during open-system, thermal metamorphism of their parent(s); this may have been the terrestrial environment during Earth’s formation from early planetesimals. Compositional differences between Antarctic E5,6 chondrites and contemporary falls probably do not reflect weathering during the long residence of these chondrites in Antarctica. They might reflect differences in the starting compositions and/or metamorphic conditions in the parent(s).

Kei Shimizu ◽  
Conel M. O'D. Alexander ◽  
Erik H. Hauri ◽  
Adam R. Sarafian ◽  
Larry R. Nittler ◽  

Hugh P. Taylor

ABSTRACTOxygen isotope data are very useful in determining the source rocks of granitic magmas, particularly when used in combination with Sr, Pb, and Nd isotope studies. For example, unusually high δ18O values in magmas (δ18O> +8) require the involvement of some precursor parent material that at some time in the past resided on or near the Earth's surface, either as sedimentary rocks or as weathered or hydrothermally altered rocks. The isotopic systematics which are preserved in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic batholiths of western North America can be explained by grand-scale mixing of three broadly defined end-members: (1) oceanic island-arc magmas derived from a “depleted” (MORB-type?) source in the upper mantle (δ18O c. +6 and 87Sr/86Sr c. 0·703); (2) a high-18O (c. +13 to +17) source with a very uniform 87Sr/86Sr (c. 0·708 to 0·712), derived mainly from eugeosynclinal volcanogenic sediments and (or) hydrothermally altered basalts; and (3) a much more heterogeneous source (87Sr/86Sr c. 0·706 to 0·750, or higher) with a high δ18O (c. +9 to +15) where derived from supracrustal metasedimentary rocks and a much lower δ18O (c. +7 to +9) where derived from the lower continental crust of the craton. These end-members were successively dominant from W to E, respectively, within three elongate N–S geographic zones that can be mapped from Mexico all the way N to Idaho.18O/16O studies (together with D/H analyses) can, however, play a more important and certainly a unique role in determining the origins of the aqueous fluids involved in the formation of granitic and rhyolitic magmas. Fluid-rock interaction effects are most clear-cut when low-18O, low-D meteoric waters are involved in the isotopic exchange and melting processes, but the effects of other waters such as seawater (with a relatively high δD c. 0) can also be recognised. Because of these hydrothermal processes, rocks that ultimately undergo partial melting may exhibit isotopic signatures considerably different from those that they started with. We discuss three broad classes of potential source materials of such “hydrothermal-anatectic” granitic magmas, based mainly on water/rock (w/r), temperature (T), and the length of time (t) that fluid-rock interaction proceeds: (Type 1) epizonal systems with a wide variation in whole-rock δ18O and extreme 18O/16O disequilibrium among coexisting minerals (e.g. quartz and feldspar); (Type 2) deeper-seated and (or) longer-lived systems, also with a wide spectrum of whole-rock δ18O, but with equilibrated 18O/16O ratios among coexisting minerals; (Type 3) thoroughly homogenised and equilibrated systems with relatively uniform δ18O in all lithologies. Low-18O magmas formed by melting of rocks altered in a Type 2 or a Type 3 meteoric-hydrothermal system are the only kinds of “hydrothermal-anatectic” granitic magmas that are readily recognisable in the geological record. Analogous effects produced by other kinds of aqueous fluids may, however, be quite common, particularly in areas of extensional tectonics and large-scale rifting. The greatly enhanced permeabilities in such fractured terranes make possible the deep convective circulation of ground waters and sedimentary pore fluids. The nature and origin of low-18O magmas in the Yellowstone volcanic field and the Seychelles Islands are briefly reviewed in light of these concepts, as is the development of high-D, peraluminous magmas in the Hercynian of the Pyrenees.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (10) ◽  
pp. 2097-2112 ◽  
Arshad Ali ◽  
Sobhi J. Nasir ◽  
Iffat Jabeen ◽  
Ahmed Al Rawas ◽  
Neil R. Banerjee ◽  

1999 ◽  
Vol 63 (15) ◽  
pp. 2281-2298 ◽  
Alan E Rubin ◽  
Alan L Sailer ◽  
John T Wasson

1997 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-237 ◽  
Alexander N. Krot ◽  
Michael E. Zolensky ◽  
John T. Wasson ◽  
Edward R.D. Scott ◽  
Klaus Keil ◽  

Soil Research ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 133 ◽  
P Bleeker ◽  
MP Austin

Multiple linear regression has been used to examine the relationships between total trace element contents and a number of other soil variables in horizons of six texture-contrast soils from Papua-New Guinea. The results indicate that the trace elements can be divided into three groups on the basis of both regression analyses and profile distribution: namely copper, zinc, and nickel; cobalt and manganese; and chromium. With the copper concentration in the soil as the dependent variable a regression equation having an index of determination (R2) of 0.89 was obtained containing as major independent variables copper concentration in the parent material and percentage clay of the soil horizon. Zinc and nickel showed a similar relationship to percentage clay as copper but the major variability of these elements remains unexplained. Manganese and cobalt were found to be mainly related to the presence of a fluctuating water table occurring in three of the six profiles (R2 = 0.59), while chromium was principally related to the percentages of the 50-75, 150-210, and 420-1200 � sand fractions (R2 = 0.84).

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