solid bodies
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2088 (1) ◽  
pp. 012004
D V Brezgin ◽  
K E Aronson ◽  
F Mazzelli ◽  
A Milazzo

Abstract In this paper, the test supersonic ejector with conjugate heat transfer in solid bodies has been studied numerically. An extensive numerical campaign by means of open-source SU2 solver is performed to analyze the fluid dynamics of the ejector flowfield accounting for the heat conduction in solids. The fluid domain simulation is carried out by employing compressible RANS treatment whilst the heat distribution in solids is predicted by simultaneous solving the steady heat conduction equation. The working fluid is R245fa and all simulations are performed accounting for real gas properties of the refrigerant. Experimental data against numerical results comparison showed close agreement both in terms mass flow rates and static pressure distribution along the walls. Within the CFD trials, the most valuable flow parameters at a wall vicinity are compared: distribution across the boundary layer of the temperature and the turbulent kinetic energy specific dissipation rate, boundary layer displacement and momentum thicknesses. A comprehensive analysis of the simulation results cases with adiabatic walls against cases with heat permeable walls revealed the actual differences of the flow properties in the wall vicinity. However, the ejector performance has not changed noticeably while accounting for the heat conduction in solids.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1116-1121
M. E. Ladonkina ◽  
O. A. Nekliudova ◽  
V. F. Tishkin

Maria Teresa Brunetti ◽  
Silvia Peruccacci

This is an advance summary of a forthcoming article in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science. Please check back later for the full article. Landslides are gravity-driven mass movements of rock, earth, or debris. All of these surface processes occur under the influence of gravity, meaning that they globally move material from higher to lower places. Outside Earth, these structures were first observed in a lunar crater during the Apollo program, but mass movements have been spotted on several rocky worlds (solid bodies) in the solar system, including icy satellites, asteroids, and comets. On Earth, landslides have the effect of shaping the landscape more or less rapidly, leaving a signature that is recognised through field surveys and visual analysis, or automatic identification, on aerial photographs or satellite images. Landslides observed on Earth and in solid bodies of the solar system are of different types on the basis of their movement and the material involved in the failure. Material is either rock or soil (or both) with a variable fraction of water or ice; a soil mainly composed of sand-sized or finer particles is referred to as earth, while it is called debris if composed of coarse fragments. The landslide mass may be displaced in several types of movement, classified generically as falling, toppling, sliding, spreading, or flowing. Such diverse characteristics mean that the size of a landslide (e.g., area, volume, fall height, length) can vary widely. For example, on Earth, their areas range up to eleven orders of magnitude, while their volumes vary by eighteen orders, from small rock fragments to huge submarine landslides. The classification of extraterrestrial landslides is based on terrestrial analogs, which have similarities and characteristics that resemble those found on the planetary body. This morphological classification is made regardless of the geomorphological environment or processes that may have triggered the slope failure. Comparing landslide characteristics on various planetary bodies helps to understand the effect of surface gravity on landslide initiation and propagation, which can be of tremendous importance when designing manned and unmanned missions with landings on extraterrestrial bodies. Regardless of the practical applications of such study, knowing the morphology and surface dynamics that shape solid bodies in the space surrounding the Earth is something that has fascinated the human imagination since the time of Galileo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 127-136
István Ecsedi ◽  
Ákos József Lengyel

Exact analytical solutions of heat conduction problems in anisotropic twodimensional solid bodies are presented in this study. Timedependent and steadystate problems are considered. A linear coordinate transformation is introduced which reduces the anisotropic heat conduction problem to an equivalent isotropic one. The solution of the anisotropic heat conduction problem is expressed in terms of solutions of the corresponding isotropic heat conduction problem. The connection of data of the applied linear coordinate transformation and the thermal material properties of anisotropic solid body is analysed. All result of the paper is based on the Fourier’s theory of heat conduction in solid bodies. Examples illustrate the applications of the developed method

2021 ◽  
pp. 108128652110303
Maryam Nasimsobhan ◽  
Jean-François Ganghoffer ◽  
Mahnaz Shamshirsaz

The effective piezoelectric and flexoelectric properties of heterogeneous solid bodies with constituents obeying a piezoelectric behavior are evaluated in full generality, based on the asymptotic expansion method. The successive situations of materials obeying a piezoelectric and flexoelectric behavior at the macroscale is envisaged in the present work. Closed-form expressions for the effective flexoelectric properties are obtained for stratified materials. A general theory for laminated piezoelectric plates is formulated on the basis of the formulated asymptotic models, and the response of the homogeneous substitution plate is evaluated for a loading consisting of a pure bending moment, triggering electric fields and strain and electric fields gradients within the plate thickness. The local mechanical and electric fields at the microscopic level within the initial heterogeneous stratified domain are evaluated by solving unit cell boundary value problems for the localization operators. An effective flexoelectric plate model for a stratified composite is constructed, showing the generation of the gradient of an electric field under application of a pure bending moment.

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