A Model for Gas Deliverability from Fractured Horizontal Wells in a Tight Gas Reservoir

M. Y. Xu ◽  
X. W. Liao ◽  
Y. F. He ◽  
H. M. Liao
2012 ◽  
Vol 616-618 ◽  
pp. 749-752
Meng Ya Xu ◽  
Xin Wei Liao ◽  
Xiao Liang Zhao

Fractured horizontal well is the important means for the development of tight gas reservoirs. Based on the geologic characteristics of the tight gas reservoir, a pressure transient model for fractured horizontal wells is established by the Green functions and Newman product principle. The model considers the seepage resistances and the inferences from fractures each other. Practical application presents the pressure changes and flow rate distribution of fractures at non-steady state and quasi-steady state, and the suggestions for field operation are given as well.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1030-1032 ◽  
pp. 1394-1398
Ping Wang ◽  
Zhao Hui Xia ◽  
Wei Ding ◽  
Chao Bin Zhao ◽  
Yun Peng Hu ◽  

Because the extremely low permeability for tight gas reservoirs, lead to the way to seepage and the shape of production curves different with the convention reservoirs; this will increase the difficulty to develop the tight gas reservoirs; on the other hand, the convention exploit cannot recover the tight gas with commercial value, with this problem, the main solution is the technology of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells, the fractured can provide the channel for gas to transport, the horizontal wells can increase the seepage area of tight gas, it’s the guarantee to get the commercial value. But, at present, the study on the tight was dependent on the method of convention gas reservoirs, the production curve get from this method also the same with the convention gas reservoirs, in order to close with the really exploitation of tight gas reservoirs and provide the more accurate scientific evidence, we must study based on the feature of tight gas reservoir, in this situation, we can get the suitable production curves for tight gas reservoirs. This paper based on the feature of tight gas reservoir, combine with the model of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells, and get the production equation of tight gas, combine with the yield of discard time, we can get the type curve, and then get the C level reserves of region.

2021 ◽  
Raed Mohamed Elmohammady ◽  
Mostafa Mahrous Ali ◽  
Hassan Elsayed Salem

Abstract Reservoir development in Safa Formation requires a lot of vertical wells in order to exploit the gas reserve in the formation which means high cost is needed because the heterogeneity in the formation is noticed due to sandstone is pinched out in different locations of the reservoir. So, vertical well may be sweep from limited area of the reservoir that make safa formation has less priority for new activities. Form all of that the plan was drilling horizontal wells with long horizontal section to recover great volume of gas from reservoir. In addition to reduction in number of drilling vertical wells in the reservoir. In contrast, the major constrains is the small thickness of reservoir that make drilling horizontal section is very difficult. The main characteristics of safa formation is non continuous sandstone in the whole reservoir with great heterogeneity that not controlled by any points in the reservoir for the distribution of sandstone. In addition, there are a lot of locations in safa formation that include lean intervals which have kaolinite, elite that are not capable for produce from sand. In other hand, there is another constrains beside the discontinuity of sand production is the heterogeneity of permeability properties of reservoir that change in wide range across the reservoir with minimum range of 0.01 md and increase in some locations to reach 100 md. From all of the previous, it is a big challenge in drilling horizontal wells with long horizontal section in thin reservoir thickness in order to access the best reservoir permeability and optimize the number of drilling wells based on this concept. This paper will discuss case study of unlock and development long horizontal section in gas reservoir characterized by its tightness. The main goal of this horizontal well to recover ultimate gas reserve from safa formation by horizontal section reached to 2000 meter with a challenge because it is abnormal to drill this large horizontal section in western desert of Egypt in reservoir thickness range from 5 meter to 30 meter as prognosis from other offset wells in case of there is no pitchout of the sandstone. After Drilling of first horizontal well, the results were unexpected because the well penetrates a large horizontal section of sandstone in safa formation. This section reached to around 1750 meter with average reservoir permeability between 10 – 20 md and the reservoir porosity about 13% with good hydrocarbon saturation that changes along this section from 75% to 80%. So, this well put on production with very stable gas production rate 20 MMSCFD. In this paper will discuss in details the different challenge that faced to unlock this tight gas reservoir and will discuss the performance of horizontal well production. In this paper will discuss the first horizontal well in safa formation and the longest horizontal section in western desert of Egypt in tight gas formation that has a lot of challenges and risks are faced. After success the concept of horizontal well in heterogeneous reservoir, the next plan is the development of this reservoir using several horizontal wells to recover the ultimate recovery of gas from safa formation.

2015 ◽  
Jian Zhou ◽  
Yijin Zeng ◽  
Tingxue Jiang ◽  
Baoping Zhang ◽  
Xudong Zhang

2012 ◽  
Murray Melvin Reynolds ◽  
Susan Thomson ◽  
David James Quirk ◽  
Michael Bruce Dannish ◽  
Faezeh Peyman ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1873-1883
P. Q. Lian ◽  
C. Y. Ma ◽  
T. Z. Duan ◽  
H. W. Zhao

AbstractThe development of multistage fracturing technology in horizontal wells is a great impulsion to the successful development of unconventional resources. The hydraulic fractures distribute regularly along the horizontal wellbore, forming a seepage channel for fluids in tight gas reservoir and greatly improving the productivity of horizontal wells. Based on Green function and Neumann product principle, we establish a flow model of fractured horizontal well coupled with anisotropic tight gas reservoir under both unsteady state and pseudo-steady state and propose a method to solve this model. The calculation results show that flow rate of horizontal well under the early unsteady state is larger than that under the pseudo-steady state. There is no interference among fractures in the early unsteady state, and flow rate is in direct proportion to fracture numbers. Affected by frictional and acceleration pressure drop, flow rate of the end fractures is obviously larger than other fractures in pseudo-steady state. The permeabilities in different directions have great influence on well flow rate distribution. With the increasing Kx, the interference between the fractures is reduced, and the flow distribution is more balanced. When Ky becomes larger, the interference between fractures are stronger, and the “U” shape distribution of the wellbore flow is more significant.

2012 ◽  
Yang Feng ◽  
Ning Zhengfu ◽  
Liao Xinwei ◽  
Liu Huiqing ◽  
Liao Hongmei

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