Edward Waymouth Reid, 1862-1948

1948 ◽  
Vol 6 (17) ◽  
pp. 212-218

E. Waymouth Reid, who retired from the Chair of Physiology at University College, Dundee, University of St Andrews, in 1935, after forty-six years’ service, died on 10 March 1948 at the age of eighty-five. He was born 11 October 1862 in Canterbury, the fourth son of a surgeon there, James Reid, F.R.C.S. He was educated at Sutton Vallance Grammar School, gaining eventually a Classical Scholarship to Cambridge. He matriculated at Cambridge University in 1879. In 1882 he gained a first class in Part I of the Natural Science Tripos and in 1883 a first class in Part II. During the period 1882-1883 he also acted as one of the demonstrators in the Department of Anatomy. He then decided to qualify in medicine and in 1883 he joined St Bartholomew’s Hospital, graduating in medicine in 1885. He early showed his interest in electrical reactions,, being appointed assistant ‘electrician’ at St Bartholomew’s in 1885. The same year he was elected to a Demonstratorship in Physiology at St Mary’s Hospital under A. D. Waller and in 1887 was promoted to the post of Assistant Lecturer in Physiology. Reid, during the period he was at St Mary’s, carried out in conjunction with Waller a most interesting investigation on the electrical activity of the excised mammalian heart. This investigation must have been one of the earliest pieces of research in electrocardiography in this country. His interest in physico-chemical reactions was also manifested early as in 1887 he devised a useful recording osmometer. In 1889 Reid was elected, at the early age of twenty-seven, as the first holder of the newly created Chair of Physiology at University College, Dundee, where he joined a stimulating and enthusiastic band of colleagues including Geddes, D’Arcy Thompson and Ewing. Reid was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1898 and in 1904 gained the Sc.D. of his old University. The University of St Andrews conferred on him the degree of LL.D. when he retired from his Chair.

1935 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 584-589

John James Rickard Macleod, the son of the Rev. Robert Macleod, was born at Cluny, near Dunkeld, Perthshire, on September 6, 1876. He received his preliminary education at Aberdeen Grammar School and in 1893 entered Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, as a medical student. After a distinguished student career he graduated M.B., Ch.B. with Honours in 1898 and was awarded the Anderson Travelling Fellowship. He proceeded to Germany and worked for a year in the Physiological Institute of the University of Leipzig. He returned to London on his appointment as a Demonstrator of Physiology at the London Hospital Medical College under Professor Leonard Hill. Two years later he was appointed to the Lectureship on Biochemistry in the same college. In 1901 he was awarded the McKinnon Research Studentship of the Royal Society. At the early age of 27 (in 1902) he was appointed Professor of Physiology at the Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, a post he occupied until 1918, when he was elected Professor of Physiology at the University of Toronto. Previous to this transfer he had, during his last two years at Cleveland, been engaged in various war duties and incidentally had acted for part of the winter session of 1916 as Professor of Physiology at McGill University, Montreal. He remained at Toronto for ten years until, in 1928, he was appointed Regius Professor of Physiology in the University of Aberdeen, a post he held, in spite of steadily increasing disability, until his lamentably early death on March 16, 1935, at the age of 58.

1939 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 432-443

Arthur Harry Church was born on 28 M arch, 1865, the son of a Plymouth saddler. At the age of 16 he became a pupil teacher at Ashburton Grammar School, and at 20 entered University College, Aberystwyth, where he stayed four years, taking the London B.Sc. degree. He then gained a science scholarship at Jesus College, Oxford, coming into residence in 1891, and the whole of the rest of his life was spent in the University city. In 1894 Church graduated in the first class of the Honour School of Botany, and in the same year was appointed demonstrator in the Department of Botany by Vines, who was then Sherardian Professor. In 1894 he took the London degree of D.Sc., from 1908 to 1912 was a Research Fellow of Jesus College, in 1921 was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and from 1908 till his retirement under the age limit in 1930 he held the title of Lecturer in Botany. Thus for 36 years Church worked as teacher and investigator in one University Department. He died at his house in Oxford on 24 April 1937, aged 72.

1985 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 172-196

David Gwynne Evans was born in Atherton, near Manchester, on 6 September 1909 of Welsh parents; his father, a schoolmaster, was from Pembrokeshire and his mother from Bangor, North Wales. He was the third of four children in a distinguished family. His older brother, Meredith Gwynne, became Professor of Physical Chemistry in Leeds and later in Manchester and was a Fellow of the Royal Society. His sister, Lynette Gwynne, took a degree in modern languages at Manchester University and taught in girls’ high schools. His younger brother, Alwyn Gwynne, after holding a lectureship in Manchester University was appointed to the Chair of Physical Chemistry in Cardiff University. David left Leigh Grammar School in 1928 at the age of 18 years and worked for two years in a junior capacity for the British Cotton Growers’ Association at the Manchester Cotton Exchange. However, when Alwyn went up to Manchester University in 1931, David decided to go with him and both graduated B.Sc. in physics and chemistry three years later and M .S c. after a further year. At this time Professor Maitland in the Department of Bacteriology wanted a chemist to help in the public health laboratory which was run by his department. Professor Lapworth recommended David for the post and thus David entered the field of bacteriology and immunology, to which he was to contribute so much. He was appointed Demonstrator and soon afterwards Assistant Lecturer in the University Department. During these early years he worked with Professor Maitland on the toxins of Haemophilus pertussis (now Bordetella pertussis ) and related organisms, work that provided a sound basis for his subsequent interest in whooping cough immunization and later for his abiding interest in vaccination against other diseases and in the standardization of vaccines and antisera.

1999 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 507-518
Michael A. Hall

Philip Wareing was born in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, and after World War I moved to Benfleet and then to Watford, where he received his schooling. After leaving school he entered the Civil Service and took his BSc at Birkbeck College, University of London, where he studied part-time. After service during World War II in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, he took up a post as a demonstrator and then an assistant lecturer at Bedford College, University of London, obtaining his PhD in 1948. In 1950 he moved to the Department of Botany at Manchester and in 1958 he was appointed Professor of Botany in the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, in which post he remained until his retirement in 1981.

1962 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 159-165 ◽  

Arthur Mannering Tyndall was a man who played a leading part in the establishment of research and teaching in physics in one of the newer universities of this country. His whole career was spent in the University of Bristol, where he was Lecturer, Professor and for a while Acting ViceChancellor, and his part in guiding the development of Bristol from a small university college to a great university was clear to all who knew him. He presided over the building and development of the H. H. Wills Physical Laboratory, and his leadership brought it from its small beginnings to its subsequent achievements. His own work, for which he was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society, was on the mobility of gaseous ions. Arthur Tyndall was born in Bristol on 18 September 1881. He was educated at a private school in Bristol where no science was taught, except a smattering of chemistry in the last two terms. Nonetheless he entered University College, obtaining the only scholarship offered annually by the City of Bristol for study in that college and intending to make his career in chemistry. However, when brought into contact with Professor Arthur Chattock, an outstanding teacher on the subject, he decided to switch to physics; he always expressed the warmest gratitude for the inspiration that he had received from him. He graduated with second class honours in the external London examination in 1903. In that year he was appointed Assistant Lecturer, was promoted to Lecturer in 1907, and became Lecturer in the University when the University College became a university in 1909. During this time he served under Professor A. P. Chattock, but Chattock retired in 1910 at the age of 50 and Tyndall became acting head of the department. Then, with the outbreak of war, he left the University to run an army radiological department in Hampshire.

1956 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 248-255

Alexander Oliver Rankine was born at Guildford in 1881, the son of the Rev. John Rankine, a Baptist minister. Both his father and mother were of Scottish descent. He had one brother and two sisters. He was educated at the Royal Grammar School, Guildford, after a period at a Board School. From Guildford he went with a county major scholarship to University College London, where he graduated with first class honours in physics in 1904. In 1910 he became a D.Sc. of the University. He was assistant in the Department of Physics in University College from 1904 to 1919, except for a period of war service from 1917-1918. He worked then under W. H. Bragg (later Sir William) first at Aberdour on the Firth of Forth, then at Harwich as Deputy Resident Director under Professor (then Colonel) A. S. Eve, and finally as Director of a new station at Dartmouth, or rather Kingswear. This involved some administrative responsibilities, and he showed tact and ability in handling the problems in war-time of an experimental station concerned with getting scientific gear into service. His main personal research contribution was a device, called the Photophone, for transmitting speech by means of a beam of light, but he also worked on acoustic and electromagnetic means of submarine detection. For his work in the War he received the O.B.E. Soon after the end of the War, in 1919, he was appointed Professor of Physics at Imperial College, South Kensington, in succession to Lord Rayleigh, this was the second chair in the department, Callendar holding the first. However, when Professor F. J. Cheshire retired in 1925 from the post of Director of the Technical Optics Department, Rankine was appointed to that post, which he held until 1931 when the Technical Optics Department was amalgamated with that of Physics, and he returned to his former position.

1955 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 174-184 ◽  

John Lennard-Jones was born on 27 October 1894 in Leigh, Lancashire and was educated at Leigh Grammar School, where he specialized in classics. In 1912 he entered Manchester University, changed his subject to mathematics in which he took an honours degree and then an M.Sc. under Professor Lamb, carrying out some research on the theory of sound. In 1915 he joined the Royal Flying Corps, obtained his Wings in 1917 and saw service in France; he also took part in some investigations on aerodynamics with Messrs Boulton and Paul and at the National Physical Laboratory. In 1919 he returned to the University of Manchester as lecturer in mathematics, took the degree of D.Sc. of that university and continued to work on vibrations in gases, becoming more and more interested in the gas-kinetic aspects of the subject as his paper of 1922 in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society shows. In 1922, on the advice of Professor Sydney Chapman, he applied for and was elected to a Senior 1851 Exhibition to enable him to work in Cambridge, where he became a research student at Trinity College and was awarded the degree of Ph.D. in 1924. At Cambridge under the influence of R. H. Fowler he became more and more interested in the forces between atoms and molecules and in the possibility of deducing them from the behaviour of gases.

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