IX. On the elimination of nitrogen during rest and exercise on a regulated diet of nitrogen

1868 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 44-59

The experiments recorded in this paper are intended to complete the inquiry into the effect of rest and exercise on the elimination of nitrogen recorded in the Proceedings of the Royal Society (No. 89, 1867). The experiments were made on two soldiers at the Royal Victoria Hospital at Netley. One of them (S.) was the subject of the former experiments, the other man (B.) was a fresh man. B. is a perfectly healthy temperate man, aged 22½ years, 5 feet 9¼ inches in height, and weighing 140 lbs.

1832 ◽  
Vol 122 ◽  
pp. 539-574 ◽  

I have for some time entertained an opinion, in common with some others who have turned their attention tot he subject, that a good series of observations with a Water-Barometer, accurately constructed, might throw some light upon several important points of physical science: amongst others, upon the tides of the atmosphere; the horary oscillations of the counterpoising column; the ascending and descending rate of its greater oscillations; and the tension of vapour at different atmospheric temperatures. I have sought in vain in various scientific works, and in the Transactions of Philosophical Societies, for the record of any such observations, or for a description of an instrument calculated to afford the required information with anything approaching to precision. In the first volume of the History of the French Academy of Sciences, a cursory reference is made, in the following words, to some experiments of M. Mariotte upon the subject, of which no particulars appear to have been preserved. “Le même M. Mariotte fit aussi à l’observatoire des experiences sur le baromètre ordinaire à mercure comparé au baromètre à eau. Dans l’un le mercure s’eléva à 28 polices, et dans Fautre l’eau fut a 31 pieds Cequi donne le rapport du mercure à l’eau de 13½ à 1.” Histoire de I'Acadérmie, tom. i. p. 234. It also appears that Otto Guricke constructed a philosophical toy for the amusement of himself and friends, upon the principle of the water-barometer; but the column of water probably in this, as in all the other instances which I have met with, was raised by the imperfect rarefaction of the air in the tube above it, or by filling with water a metallic tube, of sufficient length, cemented to a glass one at its upper extremity, and fitted with a stop-cock at each end; so that when full the upper one might be closed and the lower opened, when the water would fall till it afforded an equipoise to the pressure of the atmo­sphere. The imperfections of such an instrument, it is quite clear, would render it totally unfit for the delicate investigations required in the present state of science; as, to render the observations of any value, it is absolutely necessary that the water should be thoroughly purged of air, by boiling, and its insinuation or reabsorption effectually guarded against. I was convinced that the only chance of securing these two necessary ends, was to form the whole length of tube of one piece of glass, and to boil the water in it, as is done with mercury in the common barometer. The practical difficulties which opposed themselves to such a construction long appeared to me insurmount­able; but I at length contrived a plan for the purpose, which, having been honoured with the approval of the late Meteorological Committee of this Society, was ordered to be carried into execution by the President and Council.

There are a number of references in the scientific literature to a burning mirror designed by Sir Isaac Newton (1). Together, they record that it was made from seven separate concave glasses, each about a foot in diameter, that Newton demonstrated its effects at several meetings of the Royal Society and that he presented it to the Society. Nonetheless, neither the earliest published list of instruments possessed by the Royal Society nor the most recent one mentions the burning mirror; the latest compiler does not even include it amongst those items, once owned, now lost. No reference to the instrument apparently survives in the Society’s main records. It is not listed by the author of the recent compendium on Newton’s life and work (2). There is, however, some contemporary information still extant (Appendix 1). Notes of the principles of its design and some of its effects are to be found in the Society’s Journal Book for 1704; some of the dimensions and the arrangement of the mirrors are given in a Lexicon published by John Harris which he donated to the Royal Society at the same meeting, 12 July 1704, at which Newton gave the Society the speculum. The last reference in the Journal Book is dated 15 November that year, when Mr Halley, the then secretary to the Society, was desired to draw up an account of the speculum and its effects (3). No such account appears to have been presented to the Royal Society. There is no reference in Newton’s published papers and letters of his chasing Halley to complete the task, nor is there any mention of it in the general references to Halley. The latter was, of course, quite accustomed to performing odd jobs for Newton; that same year he was to help the Opticks through the press. The only other contemporary reference to the burning mirror, though only hearsay evidence since Flamsteed was not present at the meeting, is in a letter the latter wrote to James Pound; this confirms that there were seven mirrors and that the aperture of each was near a foot in diameter (4). Because John Harris gave his Dictionary to the Royal Society in Newton’s presence, it is reasonable to assume that his description is accurate. As Newton would hardly have left an inaccurate one unchallenged, then, belatedly, the account desired of Mr Halley can be presented. In some respects, the delay is advantageous, since the subject of radiant heat and its effects, although already by Newton’s period an ancient one, is today rather better understood. On the other hand, some data has to be inferred, that could have been measured, and some assumptions made about Newton’s procedures and understanding that could have been checked (5).

1862 ◽  
Vol 152 ◽  
pp. 511-559 ◽  

In offering to the Royal Society the ensuing Supplement to my two former papers on the Law of Mortality, with subsequent remarks on invalidism, I am anxious to acknowledge that I have derived great advantage from the encouragement and persuasion of my esteemed brother-in-law, Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart., given me to endeavour to com­pile and publish some of my later observations on the subject; knowing that, though I felt flattered by the attention originally shown by scientific gentlemen to these papers, they appeared to me capable of advantageous illustrations. Therefore I may venture to hope that if this Supplement merit the attention of those interested in this branch of science, I may consider that he has added a mite further to entitle him to the good wishes of those who applaud him for his constant endeavours to promote the general interest of mankind—endeavours which he has shown to extend through Europe and Asia in the cause of humanity, and to be exercised at home in various ways, among which I notice his attention to the practice of Life, Fire, and Marine Assurance; he being the President of the Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Com­pany; of which I was the founding Actuary, and in which Institution, though retired from it, I feel greatly interested; it having been established about the year 1824 by the late N. M. de Rothschild, Esq., the late John Irving, Esq., the late Samuel Gurney, Esq., and Francis Baring, Esq., and himself conjointly with other gentlemen, and he being also President of the Alliance Marine Assurance Society, founded at the same time by them with him. Art. 1. In the year 1820 the Royal Society did me the honour to publish in their Transactions a paper of mine on the Analysis and Notation applicable to the valuation of Life Contingencies, in which I introduced a new and general notation, which appealed to me far more extensively useful, and more explanatory of its object, than any other notation I had met with; and in that paper I think I introduced a new manner of deal­ing with the subject, by offering an analysis, with examples of the extensive use of it, applicable to some of the most intricate questions which had up to that period met with anything like a proper solution; and showed, by selections from the treatise of Life Annuities of my late learned and much-respected friend, Francis Baily, Esq., a mode of solution of all the problems in chapter 8 of that work, depending on a particular order of survivorship; problems previously considered many years before, and presented by my late friend William Morgan, Esq., of the Equitable Society, to the Royal Society, and published in their valuable Transactions; and which had been since considered, in a learned work on Life Annuities, by my late respected friend Joshua Milne, Esq., with some ingenious notation with respect to those contingencies. But still, the solutions given to many of the problems, though there were but three lives con­cerned, were of such an intricate practical form, as to be in my opinion perfectly useless; especially on considering that it was necessary to obtain, by Tables of single and joint lives, by necessary interpolations, the required data; as the differences to be used for the interpolations, in consequence of the great irregularity of the numbers of those Tables, are so irregular as to throw great doubt on the necessary accuracy of the results. And I think the examples I gave of my method could leave no doubt as to the comparative simplicity which resulted from it, and consequently comparative utility of my analysis; an analysis which applies where there are more than three lives concerned, and, in fact, where there are any number of lives to be considered. And I may refer the reader to my solutions in that tract, to enable him to make the com­parison.

1872 ◽  
Vol 162 ◽  
pp. 283-318 ◽  

In the last memoir which I laid before the Royal Society I described a number of forms of Lepidodendroid plants from the Coal-measures, without making any material attempt to ascertain the relationship which they bore to each other. I now propose to carry the subject somewhat further, and to show that some of these apparently varied forms of Lycopodiaceæ merely represent identical or closely allied plants in different stages of their growth. The discovery of some remarkable beds in Burntisland, by George Grieve, Esq., and his persistent kindness in supplying me abundantly with the raw material upon which I could work, have enabled me to do this in a manner, at least, satisfactory to myself. Upon the geology of these remarkable beds I will not now enter, beyond saying that they appear to have been patches of peat belonging to the lower Burdiehouse series, which are now imbedded in masses of volcanic amygdaloid. The stratum, where unaltered by contact with the lava, is little more than a mass of vegetable fragments, the minute structure of most of which is exquisitely preserved. The more perfect remains that are capable of being identified belong to but few types. The most abundant of these are the young twigs of a Lepidodendron , portions of the stem of a Diploxylon , stems of a remarkable Lycopodiaceous plant belonging to my new genus Dictyoxylon (but which, for reasons to be stated in a future memoir, I propose to unite with Corda’s genus Heterangium , under the name of H. Grievii ), and fragments of Stigmaria-ficoides . Along with these occur, but more rarely, several other curious Lycopodiaceous and Fern stems, and those of an articulated plant, which I believe to be an Asterophyllites ; also some true Lepidostrobous fruits and myriads of caudate macrospores belonging to the Lepidostrobi . The first point to be noted is that all the Lepidodendroid branches are young twigs. No one example of a large stem has been found presenting exactly the same structure as these small branches, which, as already stated, are so abundant. On the other hand, all the Diploxylons are large branches or matured stems. These facts at once suggested the inquiry whether the two plants referred to might not be complementary to each other. A careful and very extended study of a large number of specimens has convinced me that such is the case. I have made more than a hundred sections of the two forms, and the result has been a remarkably clear testimony that the Lepidodendra are the twigs and young branches of the Diploxylon -stems. I am also led to the conclusion that the Lepidostrbi , with their peculiar macrospores and microspores, belong to the same plant. I will examine each of these forms in detail.

1812 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 238-246 ◽  

The experiments, which form the subject of the following pages, are intended as supplementary to a more extensive series, which the Royal Society did me the honour to insert in their Transactions for the year 1800. Of the general accu­racy of those experiments, I have since had no reason to doubt; and their results, indeed, are coincident with those of subsequent writers of the highest authority in chemistry. My attention has been again drawn to the subject by the impor­tant controversy which has lately been carried on between Mr. Murray and Mr. John Davy respecting the nature of mu­riatic and oxymuriatic acids; and I have been induced, by some hints which the discussion has suggested, not only to repeat the principal experiments described in my memoir, but to institute others, with the advantage of a more perfect appa­ratus than I then possessed, and of greater experience in the management of these delicate processes. This repetition of my former labours has discovered to me an instance, in which I have failed in drawing the proper con­clusion from facts. In two comparative experiments on the electrization of equal quantities of muriatic acid gas, the one of which was dried by muriate of lime, and the other was in its natural state, I found a difference of not more than one percent , in the hydrogen evolved, relatively to the original bulk of the gas. Yet, notwithstanding these results, I have expressed myself inclined to believe that some water is abstracted by that deliquescent salt; and this belief was confirmed, seve­ral years afterwards, by the event of an experiment in which muriatic acid gas, dried by muriate of lime, gave only 1/35 its bulk of hydrogen, a proportion much below the usual ave­rage. The question, however, was too interesting to be left in any degree of uncertainty; and I have, therefore, made several fresh experiments with the view to its decision. In the course of these I have found, that though differences in the results are produced by causes apparently trivial, some of which I shall afterwards point out, yet that under equal circumstances, precisely the same relative proportion of hy­drogene gas is obtained from muriatic acid gas, whether ex­posed or not to muriate of lime; and that its greatest amount does not exceed 1/16 or 1/14 the original volume of the acid gas.

1873 ◽  
Vol 21 (139-147) ◽  
pp. 105-107 ◽  

The observations made by slitless spectroscopes during the eclipse of Dec. 11, 1871, led one of us early this year to the conclusion that the most convenient and labour-saving contrivance for the daily observation of the chromosphere w ould be to photograph daily the image of a ring-slit, which should be coincident with an image of the chromosphere itself. The same idea has since occurred to the other. We therefore beg leave to send in a joint communication to the Royal Society on the subject, showing the manner in which this kind of observation can be carried out, remarking that, although the method still requires some instrumental details, which will make its working more perfect, images of the chromosphere, almost in its entirety, have already been seen on several days during the present month and the latter part of last month.

Archaeologia ◽  
1782 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 154-158 ◽  
William Marsden

Encouraged by the attention you paid to the subject when I had the honor of conversing with you on it, I take the liberty of presenting you with two comparative specimens of the languages spoken in Sumatra and other parts of the east. The one exhibits simply a list of fifty words; of universal use from the nature of the ideas they express; as spoken in twelve different countries or districts. The other exhibits a view of those words in the Sumatran and neighbouring languages; which are observed to correspond in sound and signification, with words in the languages of places situated at a distance from thence.

1880 ◽  
Vol 30 (200-205) ◽  
pp. 208-210

The author, after alluding to the early conception by Dr. Werner Siemens of the dynamo-electric or accumulative principle of generating currents, makes reference to the two papers on the subject presented, the one by Sir Charles Wheatstone and the other by himself, to the Royal Society in February, 1867. The machine then designed by him, and shown in operation on that occasion, is again brought forward with a view of indicating the progress that has since taken place in the construction of dynamo-electrical machines, particularly those by Gramme and Siemens-von Alteneck. The paper next points out certain drawbacks to the use of these machines, both of them being subject to the disadvantage that an increase of external resistance causes a falling off of the current; and that, on the other hand, the short circuiting of the outer resistance, through contact between the carbon electrodes of an electric lamp, very much increases the electric excitement of the machine, and the power necessary to maintain its motion, giving rise to rapid heating and destructive sparks in the machine itself. An observation in Sir Charles Wheatstone’s paper is referred to, pointing to the fact that a powerful current is set up in the shunt circuit of a dynamo-electric machine, which circumstance has since been taken advantage of to some extent by Mr. Ladd and Mr. Brush, in constructing current generators.

1785 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 165-189 ◽  

The subject of the paper which I have now the honour of presenting to the Royal Society, seems to be of a very considerable importance both to the practical mechanic and to the speculative philosopher; to the former, as a knowledge of the laws and quantity of the friction of bodies in motion upon each other will enable him at first to render his machines more perfect, and save him in a great measure the trouble of correcting them by trials; and to the latter, as those laws will furnish him with principles for his theory, which when established by experiments will render his conclusions applicable to the real motion of bodies upon each other. But, however important a part of mechanics this subject may constitute, and however, from its obvious uses, it might have been expected to have claimed a very considerable attention both from the mechanic and philosopher, yet it has, of all the other parts of this branch of natural philosophy, been the most neglected.

1864 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 6-9 ◽  

In a short paper submitted to the Royal Society in the commencement of last year, I have described a few experiments on the remarkable new colouring matters derived from aniline, which of late have attracted such general attention. This paper had more particularly reference to aniline-crimson, the industrial production of which, in the hands of Mr. E. Nicholson, has reached so high a degree of perfection that the analysis of this compound and of its numerous salts presented no serious difficulty. But the problem was not solved by establishing the formula of rosaniline and its salts: by far the more important obstacles remained to be conquered; the molecular constitution of rosaniline, on which at that time I had not even been able to offer an hypothesis, and the genesis of this well-defined triamine from aniline, had still to be traced. Since that time considerable progress has been made towards the solution of this problem. Some of the latest observations which I have had the honour of submitting to the Royal Society will doubtless help to untie this knot. Nevertheless many doubtful points still remain to be cleared up, and I found it desirable for the better elucidation of the subject to investigate simultaneously several of the other artificial organic colouring matters, in order to trace if possible analogies of composition and constitution in these substances, which, it was reasonable to hope, would throw some light upon the principal subject of the inquiry. The present moment appeared to be particularly appropriate for an investigation of this kind. The International Exhibition has brought together a collection of these new bodies, such as no other occasion could possibly have assembled in one place and at one time, displaying in a remarkable manner the rapidity with which the industry o our time assimilates and, in many cases, anticipates the results of pure science.

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