scholarly journals III. Researches in spectrum-analysis in connexion with the spectrum of the sun.—No. V

1877 ◽  
Vol 25 (171-178) ◽  
pp. 546-546

The author submits to the Royal Society the first portion of a new map of the solar spectrum, w.l. 39-40 ten millionths, constructed after the manner described in a previous “Preliminary Note.”

1878 ◽  
Vol 27 (185-189) ◽  
pp. 49-50

The author refers to the work already done in the new map of the Solar Spectrum as enabling the chemical constitution of the Sun’s atmosphere to be studied under more favourable conditions. He shows that, the work already done enables him to confirm the presence of Sr, Pb, Cd, K, Ce and U, and also that it indicates the probability of the presence of Va, Pd, Mo, In, Li, Rb, Cs, Bi, Sn, La, Gl, Yt or Er.

1860 ◽  
Vol 150 ◽  
pp. 149-160 ◽  

In a paper published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh for 1833, Sir David Brewster stated that by various means he had examined the lines of the solar spectrum, and those produced by the intervention of nitrous acid gas, and had delineated them on a scale four times greater than that employed in the beautiful map of Fraunhofer. Some portions also, which were more particularly studied, had been drawn on a scale twelve times greater. "Fraunhofer,” he continued, "has laid down in his map 354 lines, but in the delineations which I have executed, the spectrum is divided into more than 2000 visible and easily recognized portions, separated from each other by lines more or less marked, according as we use the simple solar spectrum, or the solar and gaseous spectrum combined, or the gaseous spectrum itself, in which any breadth can be given to the dark spaces.” None of these drawings, however, were published at the time. Frequent observations were continued during the years 1837, 1838, and 1841; and now, after a lapse of many years, the various delineations, having been collated and arranged by Dr. Gladstone, form the principal diagrams in the Plate accompanying this paper. Fig. 1 of Plate IV. represents the lines observed when the sun was at a considerable altitude above the horizon, and its light was examined by means of a good prism and telescope. The spectrum is delineated on so large a scale that it was necessary to divide it into two portions, the upper diagram representing the part between the least refrangible end and the line designated F 7, the lower diagram the part between F 7 and the most refrangible end. On a comparison with Fraunhofer’s large map, the principal lines and features will be easily recognized; but it will be seen that every portion of the spectrum contains lines wanting in the earlier drawing, and that parts which Fraunhofer has marked by one line are resolved into groups of bright spaces alternating with dark lines. The figure of the spectrum extends at the more refrangible or violet end to about the same distance as that of the Bavarian philosopher, but it exhibits a considerable extension at the red or less refrangible end. The principal lines are indicated by those letters, A, a , B, C, &c., which were assigned to them by him, and the larger intermediate lines are marked by numbers, 1, 2, 3, &c., beginning afresh on the more refrangible side of each letter; so that any one of these may be expressed by a combination of a letter and numeral; as, for instance, C 6, a remarkable line in the orange, of which much will be said hereafter. The extreme violet is lettered, both in this and in a map to be subsequently described, by that continuation of the alphabet which has been adopted by M. Becquerel. It was necessary to indicate in some similar manner the newly published, though not newly discovered, lines at the red end of the spectrum; and as the alphabet has not been appropriated by M. Becquerel beyond P, and it is not likely that further research will largely extend the spectrum in that direction, it was thought safe to take the end of the alphabet, and denoting the first strongly-marked line before A by Z, to work backwards into those slightly refrangible rays, which have been as yet unresolved by human vision. Some of the dark spaces of the spectrum are of an appreciable breadth, in which case they are represented as bands; and where the observation of a line was indistinct or uncertain, it is marked by an interrupted instead of a continuous line.

1880 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 285-342 ◽  
Piazzi Smyth

Although the Spectrum whose linear record is now presented to the Royal Society, Edinburgh, is unfortunately not so perfect as it might have been with better apparatus (but which I did not possess)—yet it represents the labour and expense connected with two voyages in 1877–1878 to Portugal; and many weeks work there in both years, with the sun in a more favourable position for observing really solar, and not telluric, or atmospheric, phenomena, than is ever, at any time, obtainable in Great Britain.

1888 ◽  
Vol 43 (258-265) ◽  
pp. 117-156 ◽  

Some years ago I commenced a research on the spectra of carbon in connexion with certain lines I had detected in my early photographs of the solar spectrum. I have been going on with this work at intervals ever since, and certain conclusions to which it leads, emphasising the vast difference between the chemical constitution of the sun and of some stars, recently suggested the desirability of obtaining observations of the spectra of meteorites and of the metallic elements at as low a temperature as possible. I have latterly, therefore, been engaged on the last-named inquiries. The work already done, read in conjunction with that on carbon, seems to afford evidence which amounts to demonstration on several important points.

1874 ◽  
Vol 22 (148-155) ◽  
pp. 391-391

Maps of the spectra of calcium, barium, and strontium have been constructed from photographs taken by the method described in a former communication (the third of this series). The maps comprise the portion of the spectrum extending from wave-length 3900 to wave-length 4500, and are laid before the Society as a specimen of the results obtainable by the photographic method, in the hope of securing the cooperation of other observers. The method of mapping is described in detail, and tables of wave-lengths accompany the maps. The wave-lengths assigned to the new lines must be considered only as approximations to the truth. Many of the coincidences between lines in distinct spectra recorded by former observers bave been shown, by the photographic method, to be caused by the presence of one substance as an impurity in the other; but a certain number of coincidences still remain undetermined. The question of the reversal of the new lines in the solar spectrum is reserved till better pho­tographs can be obtained.

1869 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 288-291 ◽  

1. For some time past we have been engaged in a careful examination of the spectra of several gases and vapours under varying conditions of pressure and temperature, with a view to throw light upon the discoveries recently made bearing upon the physical constitution of the sun. Although the investigations are by no means yet completed, we consider it desirable to lay at once before the Royal Society several broad conclu­sions at which we have already arrived.

1874 ◽  
Vol 22 (148-155) ◽  

Archibald Smith, only son of James Smith, of Jordanhill, Renfrewshire, was born on the 10th of August, 1813, at Greenhead, Glasgow, in the house where his mother’s father lived. His father, who also was a Fellow of the Royal Society, had literary and scientific tastes with a strongly practical turn, fostered no doubt by his education in the University of Glasgow and his family connexion with some of the chief founders of the great commercial community which has grown up by its side. In published works on various subjects he left enduring monuments of a long life of actively employed leisure. His discovery of different species of Arctic shells, in the course of several years dredging from his yacht, and his inference of a previously existing colder climate in the part of the world now occupied by the British Islands, constituted a remarkable and important advancement of Geological Science. In his 'Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul,’ a masterly application of the principles of practical seamanship renders St. Luke’s narrative more thoroughly intelligible to us now than it can have been to contemporary readers not aided by nautical knowledge. Later he published a ‘Dissertation on the Origin and Connexion of the Gospels;’ and he was engaged in the collection of further materials for the elucidation of the same subject up to the time of his death, at the age of eighty-five. Archibald Smith’s mother was also of a family distinguished for intellectual activity. Her paternal grandfather was Dr. Andrew Wilson, Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow, whose speculations on the constitution of the sun are now generally accepted, especially since the discovery of spectrum-analysis and its application to solar physics. Her uncle, Dr. Patrick Wilson, who succeeded to his father’s Chair in the University, was author of papers in the ‘Philosophical Transactions’ on Meteorology and on Aberration.

1875 ◽  
Vol 23 (156-163) ◽  
pp. 201-202

The spectroscopic observations described in this paper were made with instruments belonging to the Royal Society, and in accordance with certain suggestions which had been made to the author by a committee appointed in consequence of a letter of his to Sir Edward Sabine, President, dated 13th February, 1866. In view of his residence at a considerable height above the sea-level, and of the exceedingly clear atmosphere prevailing at some periods of the year, it was suggested that the locality was peculiarly favourable for a determination of the lines of the solar spectrum due to atmospheric absorption, and that, for this purpose, the solar spectrum when the sun was high should be compared with the spectrum at sunset, and any additional lines which might appear in the latter case should be noted with reference to Kirchhoff’s map. Accordingly the author set to work with the spectroscope first supplied to him, and in the autumns of 1868 and 1869 mapped the differences in question from the extreme red to D. These results appeared in the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society' for June 16,1870, and the map of the spectra, sun high and sun low, of the region in question forms plate 1 of the 19th volume.

1874 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 479-494 ◽  

The Researches in Spectrum-Analysis in which I have been engaged are opening out into so many lines of work that I think it desirable to communicate to the Royal Society the present state of the inquiry on its most general aspect, and also to enter somewhat into detail on some of the points to which my attention has specially been directed, the more so as the methods employed are such as can be, and I sincerely trust will be, taken up by other workers. To commence, then, by a general statement, I may remark that I have in the first place endeavoured to determine whether the new method of spectroscopic observation, which I have before described to the Royal Society, is really as competent as it promised to be in the quantitative direction, what are the conditions essential to its successful employment, and how far it would take us.

1881 ◽  
Vol 172 ◽  
pp. 561-576 ◽  

It has long been clear that the means placed at our disposal by photography for studying the solar spectrum enable us to construct maps of the region more refrangible than b on a much larger scale than those hitherto employed. At the same time, as our knowledge of the molecular conditions under which changes in spectra occur is increased, it becomes neccessary to embrace more and more detail in the inquiry.

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