atmospheric phenomena
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2022 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
Kazunori Ogohara ◽  
Hiromu Nakagawa ◽  
Shohei Aoki ◽  
Toru Kouyama ◽  
Tomohiro Usui ◽  

AbstractJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) plans a Phobos sample return mission (MMX: Martian Moons eXploration). In this study, we review the related works on the past climate of Mars, its evolution, and the present climate and weather to describe the scientific goals and strategies of the MMX mission regarding the evolution of the Martian surface environment. The MMX spacecraft will retrieve and return a sample of Phobos regolith back to Earth in 2029. Mars ejecta are expected to be accumulated on the surface of Phobos without being much shocked. Samples from Phobos probably contain all types of Martian rock from sedimentary to igneous covering all geological eras if ejecta from Mars could be accumulated on the Phobos surface. Therefore, the history of the surface environment of Mars can be restored by analyzing the returned samples. Remote sensing of the Martian atmosphere and monitoring ions escaping to space while the spacecraft is orbiting Mars in the equatorial orbit are also planned. The camera with multi-wavelength filters and the infrared spectrometer onboard the spacecraft can monitor rapid transport processes of water vapor, dust, ice clouds, and other species, which could not be traced by the previous satellites on the sun-synchronous polar orbit. Such time-resolved pictures of the atmospheric phenomena should be an important clue to understand both the processes of water exchange between the surface/underground reservoirs and the atmosphere and the drivers of efficient material transport to the upper atmosphere. The mass spectrometer with unprecedented mass resolution can observe ions escaping to space and monitor the atmospheric escape which has made the past Mars to evolve towards the cold and dry surface environment we know today. Together with the above two instruments, it can potentially reveal what kinds of atmospheric events can transport tracers (e.g., H2O) upward and enhance the atmospheric escape. Graphical Abstract

2022 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-192

;g ns[kk x;k gS fd caxky dh [kkM+h esa vf/kdka’kr% pØokr] gjhdsu vkfn tSlh ok;qeaMyh; ifj?kVuk,¡ viuh xfr ds nk¡bZ vksj c<+rh gSaA ,lh ?kVukvksa dk v/;;u djus ds fy, geus ok;qeaMyh; xfr ;qfXer] egklkxj dh rjy xfrdh; ij fopkj fd;k gSA bl v/;;u esa geus pØokrh; ra= ds dsUnz dks fy;k gS ftlesa rjy xfrdh; lzksr rFkk FkksMh lh nwjh ij rjy xfrdh; flad gksrk gSA bl izdkj fcEc ra= ds rjy xfrdh; f}d ¼MCysV½ fufeZr gksrk gSA rnqijkar fcEc rjax vkSj mlds izfrfcEc rjax ds rjy xfrdh; f}d  ¼MCysV½ ij Bksl nhokj  ¼;gk¡ ij leqanz dk fdukjk½ ds laca/k esa fopkj fd;k x;kA blesa fcEc ra=] izfrfcEc ra= vkSj /kkjk xfr ls lacaf/kr fefJr fcEc ds rjy xfrdh; lehdj.k ij dk;Z fd;k x;k gSA fcEc ra=] izfrfcEc f}d ¼MCysV½ rFkk /kkjk xfr ds fefJr foHko ij bl 'kks/k i= esa fopkj fd;k x;k gSA xfr lfn’k] QyLo:i nkc dks rjy xfr ds cjukSyh ds lehdj.k dh lgk;rk ls iqu% izkIr fd;k x;kA rnqijkar leqnz ds fdukjs vFkkZr~ nhokj ij U;wure@vf/kdre nkc dh fo’ys"k.kkRed x.kuk dh xbZA vr% ;g ns[kk x;k fd pØokr vFkok gjhdsu dh ekStwnk iou vkSj ÅtkZ dqN izpfyr fLFkfr;ksa ds vk/kkj ij leqnz rV dh vksj vFkok mldh xfr ds nk¡bZ vksj tkrh gSA It is seen that in the Bay of Bengal or in the Gulf, most of the time the atmospheric phenomena, like, cyclone, hurricane etc. move towards right to its motion. To study such occurrences; we have considered fluid dynamics of ocean coupled with atmospheric motion. In the present study we have considered the eye of the cyclonic system that consist of fluid dynamical source and fluid dynamical sink at a small distance apart, and thus, constitute the fluid dynamical doublet of the object system. Then the fluid dynamical doublet of the object system and its image system has been considered with respect to a firm wall (here the sea shore). The fluid dynamical equation of complex potential with respect to the object system, the image system and the stream velocity have been undertaken. The complex potential of the object doublet, image doublet and the stream velocity have been considered. The velocity vector, consequently the pressure has been retrieve with the help of Bernoulli’s equation of fluid motion. Then the minimum /maximum pressure on the wall that is on the sea shore has been calculated analytically. Thus, it is found that on the basis of some prevailing conditions existing wind and energy the cyclone or hurricane move towards the sea coast or to the right of its motion.

2022 ◽  
Vol 961 (1) ◽  
pp. 012067
Ali I Mansour ◽  
Hamid A Aljamil

Abstract Congestion has a significant impact on the environment. It’s the predominant source of pollution, as noise and air pollution. The sound produced by vehicles as well as horns creates the worst possible environment. High motorized traffic flow nowadays is the major contributor to rising externalities, vehicle emissions, and other pollutants that impact the environment and the atmosphere, which result in negative atmospheric phenomena, global warming, and climate change. Vehicle emissions cause numerous vulnerabilities, so a serious consequence may arise in the long term, both regional and global. This study investigated Noise and pollution for different roads in the different cities based on field data at peak periods of traffic flow, shows that the major pollutants that are emitted from engines are: nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (CxHy), sulfur oxides (SOX), solid particles, including aerosols, as well as carbon dioxide (CO2).

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 3173
Gabriel Italo Novaes da Silva ◽  
Pedro José Hermínio ◽  
Antonio Gebson Pinheiro ◽  
Alexandre Maniçoba Da Rosa Ferraz Jardim ◽  
Renan Matheus Cordeiro Leite ◽  

Este trabalho utilizou uma série de dados de precipitação referente ao período de 1973 à 2010 para o município de Castanhal-PA com a finalidade de investigar: 1) os padrões de precipitação; 2) as mudanças de tendência; 3) a ocorrência dos eventos de déficit e excesso de água pelo uso do Índice Padronizado de Precipitação (SPI) e suas relações com fenômenos atmosféricos como El Niño e La Niña; 4) a associação entre a probabilidade de ocorrência das chuvas e o tempo de retorno (TR). Para tanto, utilizaram-se dados de chuva obtidos em uma estação pluviométrica da Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico (ANA). Os dados foram analisados por períodos, tendo sido considerados os intervalos: mensais, trimestrais, anuais ou decadais realizando estatística descritiva, para entendimento da variação sazonal, valores médios, análise da tendência por meio do teste não paramétrico de Mann-Kendall e da ocorrência de valores extremos associados à probabilidade de ocorrência e tempo de retorno. Nossos resultados demonstraram que: a média anual de precipitação para o período estudado foi de 2573,15mm; o intervalo de 2003-2010 foi aquele de menor variação nos valores de precipitação anual. Não foram observadas tendências nos valores de precipitação durante o período analisado. O SPI-1 mostrou boa adequabilidade a ocorrência dos valores extremos de precipitação no local em alguns casos associado aos fenômenos El Niño e La Niña. O maior (4.709,4 mm) e menor (1.379,6 mm) volume de chuva foram observados nos anos de 1994 e 1981, respectivamente, com probabilidade de ocorrência de 3% e TR = 39 anos.    Understanding the Characteristics Associated with Precipitation for a Northeastern Region of Pará: An Analysis of Behavior, Tendency, Extreme Events and Time of Return for the 1973-2010 period A B S T R A C TThis work used a series of precipitation data for the period 1973 to 2010 for the municipality of Castanhal-PA in order to investigate: 1) precipitation patterns; 2) changes in trend; 3) the occurrence of deficit and excess water events using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and its relationship with atmospheric phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña; 4) the association between the probability of rain occurrence and the return time (TR). For this purpose, rainfall data obtained from a rainfall station of the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA) were used. Data were analyzed by periods, considering the intervals: monthly, quarterly, annual or decadal performing descriptive statistics, to understand seasonal variation, mean values, trend analysis using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test and the occurrence of extreme values associated with the probability of occurrence and turnaround time. Our results showed that: the mean annual rainfall for the period studied was 2573.15mm; the 2003-2010 interval was the one with the smallest variation in annual precipitation values. There were no trends in precipitation values during the analyzed period. SPI-1 showed good suitability for the occurrence of extreme precipitation values at the site in some cases associated with the El Niño and La Niña phenomena. The highest (4,709.4 mm) and lowest (1,379.6 mm) volume of rainfall were observed in 1994 and 1981, respectively, with a probability of occurrence of 3% and TR = 39 years.Keywords: Rainfall; Droughts; Floods; Atmospheric phenomena.

2021 ◽  
Patrick Obin Sturm ◽  
Anthony S. Wexler

Abstract. Models of atmospheric phenomena provide insight into climate, air quality, and meteorology, and provide a mechanism for understanding the effect of future emissions scenarios. To accurately represent atmospheric phenomena, these models consume vast quantities of computational resources. Machine learning (ML) techniques such as neural networks have the potential to emulate compute-intensive components of these models to reduce their computational burden. However, such ML surrogate models may lead to nonphysical predictions that are difficult to uncover. Here we present a neural network architecture that enforces conservation laws. Instead of simply predicting properties of interest, a physically interpretable hidden layer within the network predicts fluxes between properties which are subsequently related to the properties of interest. As an example, we design a physics-constrained neural network surrogate model of photochemistry using this approach and find that it conserves atoms as they flow between molecules to machine precision, while outperforming a naïve neural network in terms of accuracy and non-negativity of concentrations.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Spivak ◽  
Svetlana A. Riabova ◽  
Yaroslav O. Romanovsky ◽  
Yuri S. Rybnov ◽  
Vladimir A. Kharlamov

2021 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
pp. 145-166
Marcin Lisiecki ◽  

The main purpose of this paper is to describe Polish folktales about inanimate nature and atmospheric phenomena. There are three reasons for the selection of this topic. Firstly, motifs of nature are not popular in Polish folktales despite the fact that nature itself plays an important role in the life of villagers. Secondly, the themes included in these folktales refer not only to Christianity, but also to local beliefs as well as to Slavic myths. And thirdly, Polish folktales perpetuate the separation of man from nature, with the latter being evil and dangerous.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-105
Fernande Krier

Abstract Every day, we are confronted with meteorology, the scientific study of the atmospheric phenomena and their variations. The purpose of this article is to analyze the meteorological events in three languages, Luxemburgish and two other official languages of Luxembourg, French and German. First, we make a detailed inventory of verbs and verbal phrases which we found. Next, they are explained and commented; while there are seventeen items in French and German, there are eighteen in Luxem-burgish; so, the meteorological experiences are organized rather homogeneously. Then we deal with the lexicological specifications. In French, we discover the lightness of the meteorological phenomenon; it is followed by examples of atmospheric disturbances, which exist in German and Luxemburgish, too. A special focus of the article is put on the presentation of metaphorical expressions. Finally, we put the question if two meteorological events can appear at the same time.

Jordi Lopez Ortega

The Anthropocene has created a new cartography. Various disciplines and discourses overlap each other. Two fields of knowledge: geology and anthropology are unified in one single concept. The Axial Age separated everyday practices from an unbiased and objective view of the world. Romanticism, in the nineteenth century, challenged the separation between the natural sciences and the sciences of the spirit. Paul J. Crutzen and Eugene Stoermer had two distinct parts; a first establishes "a period of time" the second an "epistemic tool". This paper is intended to illustrate the epistemological dimension of the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene defines the present geological epoch as dominated by humans. Eduard Suess, Antonio Stopani, Teilhard de Chardin, Vladimir Vernadsky etc., a century ago, anticipated the concept of Anthropocene. "No&ouml;sphere" is a term from the "world of thought". The hypothesis of an earth as a living organism, which is inspired by J.W. Goethe's "Naturwissenschaft", allows two disciplines to be inte-grated into one term: geology and anthropology. We have atmospheric phenomena that are in-compressible without presupposing life. The Anthropocene modifies the foundations of our vi-sion of the world. In the Gaia Hypothesis we find the same roots as in the Anthropocene concept: Goethe, Vernadky, etc. The concepts of symbiogenesis, homeostasis, etc., allow us to formulate new questions. This paper analyzes the reconfiguration of relations between the earth and all its inhabitants. It is, for the social sciences, a challenge: a metamorphosis of our vision of the world is taking place.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 590-622
Gianni Pascoli

The Hessdalen lights (HLs in the following) are luminous, floating,  more or less spherical atmospheric phenomena,  with a lifetime  of a few  seconds to sometimes several minutes. These phenomena are seen in the Hessdalen Valley in Norway for decades.  Unfortunately  a full understanding of these baffling events is still lacking in spite of solid  working  scientific   projects  intended  to explain them. This  paper  tries  to  improve  the  situation.  It raises the questions where the energy for the creation of the HLs  comes from, and what was  its nature : (geo) chemical, electric or still other ?   We propose a new  scenario for the Hessdalen lights. It exploits the recent idea of stable and traversable wormholes  whose the potential existence  is beginning to be  recognized in physics. Even though appearing highly  speculative, this hypothesis  has not been so far explored  elsewhere  while it could supply  a full  description  of the wholeness of the  phenomenon. On the other side  even if  the probability that a HL could indeed be a wormhole is may be low,  this question should not dismissed out of hand. These  theoretical considerations could  help to increase   knowledge and understanding  of  both  the HLs  and the wormholes, drawing mutual enrichment. In other words HLs  could betray the presence of hidden wormholes and we must not let slip through our fingers  this possibility even if it is very tiny.  In this framework we discuss of the stability, the energetics and the oversized dimension of the HLs. In physics the  final arbiter  is not the theory but the experiment. Thus some “simple” experiments are eventually  suggested  (high time resolution photometry and magnetic field measurements).  Eventually, if the process described is real and after mastering it,  there is a free and inexhaustible source of energy   that would be derived,  a tremendous breakthrough after which we could forget the controlled nuclear fusion. Regarding its structure, the paper is divided in four paragraphs 1, 2,3, 4 independent of each other.  Illustrative pictures help  to understand the text.  

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