scholarly journals Responses of neurones in motor cortex and in area 3A to controlled stretches of forelimb muscles in cebus monkeys.

1975 ◽  
Vol 251 (3) ◽  
pp. 833-853 ◽  
G E Lucier ◽  
D C Rüegg ◽  
M Wiesendanger
2009 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1915-1927 ◽  
D. M. Griffin ◽  
H. M. Hudson ◽  
A. Belhaj-Saif ◽  
P. D. Cheney

1985 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 435-445 ◽  
J. T. Murphy ◽  
Y. C. Wong ◽  
H. C. Kwan

We trained monkeys to perform an unrestrained, reaching movement of the arm. Electromyogram (EMG) recordings of forelimb muscles revealed sequential activation, proximal to distal, of muscle groups involved in the task. The delay in onset of EMG activity between proximal (shoulder and elbow) and distal (wrist and finger) muscles was approximately 60 ms. We identified the neurons in the forelimb area of the contralateral motor cortex as controlling particular joints by previously defined criteria involving responses to somatosensory stimulation and effects of intracortical microstimulation. Many cells discharged prior to the onset of EMG activity acting on the appropriate joint, whereas others began firing at a later phase of the movement. The population of all proximal cells altered discharge patterns approximately 60 ms earlier than the population of distal cells. A small percentage of cells showed an initial inhibitory change in discharge frequency, and this inhibition typically occurred prior to the excitatory changes seen in the majority of cells. The results are discussed in terms of the "nested-zone" model of the forelimb motor cortex. The data support one of the predictions of this model, namely that discharges of identified cells within the cortical zones are causally related to voluntary movement at appropriate forelimb joints.

1985 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 805-820 ◽  
P. D. Cheney ◽  
E. E. Fetz ◽  
S. S. Palmer

Patterns of excitatory and inhibitory effects were produced in antagonistic forelimb muscles by single intracortical microstimuli (S-ICMS) applied to motor cortex sites in macaque monkeys performing ramp-and-hold wrist movements. Stimulus-triggered averages (stimulus-TAs) of rectified electromyographic (EMG) activity revealed poststimulus facilitation and/or suppression in identified flexor and extensor muscles of the wrist and fingers. At 22 cortical sites the action potentials of single cells were also recorded and used to compute spike-triggered averages (spike-TAs) of covarying muscles. The set of muscles activated during the movement in which the cell was active are referred to here as "agonists"; those muscles active during wrist movement in the opposite direction are called "antagonists." (At sites where cells were not isolated the muscles showing poststimulus facilitation were called agonists.) Poststimulus effects in agonist muscles typically consisted of facilitation in a subset of the agonists. For 48 sites from which poststimulus effects were tested on both flexors and extensors, the following combinations of effects were observed: 1) pure facilitation of agonist muscles with no effect on antagonists; 2) facilitation of both agonists and antagonists; 3) facilitation of agonist muscles with reciprocal suppression of antagonists; 4) "mixed" facilitation and suppression of synergist muscles; and 5) pure suppression of some muscles with no effect on their antagonists. The suppression effects appeared most commonly in flexor muscles; conversely, facilitation was generally stronger in extensors. Cortical sites eliciting pure suppression of flexor muscles with no facilitation of extensor muscles were found in two monkeys. These purely suppressive effects were observed not only in stimulus-TAs but also in spike-TAs computed from single cells at these sites. Some of these cells increased their activity during wrist extension (but had no detectable effect on the extensor muscles); others discharged during flexion. Several observations suggest that the cortically evoked suppression is mediated by polysynaptic relays. The mean onset latency of the postspike suppression (7.4 ms) produced by inhibitory cells was longer than the mean onset latency of postspike facilitation (6.7 ms) produced by CM cells. Similarly, the mean onset latency of poststimulus suppression (8.9 ms) was longer than that of poststimulus facilitation (8.0 ms). Moreover, suppression was usually weaker than facilitation in the spike-TAs, as well as in stimulus-TAs compiled for the same stimulus intensity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

2009 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 1040-1048 ◽  
W. S. Smith ◽  
E. E. Fetz

To elucidate the cortical circuitry controlling primate forelimb muscles we investigated the synaptic interactions between neighboring motor cortex cells that had postspike output effects in target muscles. In monkeys generating isometric ramp-and-hold wrist torques, pairs of cortical cells were recorded simultaneously with independent electrodes and corticomotoneuronal (“CM”) cells were identified by their postspike effects on target forelimb muscles in spike-triggered averages (SpTAs) of electromyographs (EMGs). The response patterns of the cells were determined in response-aligned averages and their synaptic interactions were identified by cross-correlograms of action potentials. The possibility that synchronized firing between cortical cells could mediate spike-correlated effects in the SpTA of EMG was examined in several ways. Sixty-two pairs consisted of one CM cell and a non-CM cell; 15 of these had correlogram peaks of the same magnitude as that of other pairs, but the synchrony peaks did not mediate any postspike effect from the non-CM cell. Twelve pairs of simultaneously recorded CM cells were cross-correlated. Half had features (usually synchrony peaks) in their cross-correlograms and the cells of these pairs also shared some target muscles in common. The other half had flat correlograms and, in most of these pairs, the CM cells affected different muscles. The latter group included pairs of CM cells that facilitated synergistic muscles. These results indicate that common synaptic input specifically affects CM cells that have overlapping muscle fields. Reconstruction of the cortical locations of CM cells affecting 12 different muscles showed a wide and overlapping distribution of cortical colonies of forelimb muscles.

1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (5) ◽  
pp. 2446-2465 ◽  
Gail L. Widener ◽  
Paul D. Cheney

Widener, Gail L. and Paul D. Cheney. Effects on muscle activity from microstimuli applied to somatosensory and motor cortex during voluntary movement in the monkey. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 2446–2465, 1997. It is well known that electrical stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex (SI) evokes movements that resemble those evoked from primary motor cortex. These findings have led to the concept that SI may possess motor capabilities paralleling those of motor cortex and speculation that SI could function as a robust relay mediating motor responses from central and peripheral inputs. The purpose of this study was to rigorously examine the motor output capabilities of SI areas with the use of the techniques of spike- and stimulus-triggered averaging of electromyographic (EMG) activity in awake monkeys. Unit recordings were obtained from primary motor cortex and SI areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 in three rhesus monkeys. Spike-triggered averaging was used to assess the output linkage between individual cells and motoneurons of the recorded muscles. Cells in motor cortex producing postspike facilitation (PSpF) in spike-triggered averages of rectified EMG activity were designated corticomotoneuronal (CM) cells. Motor output efficacy was also assessed by applying stimuli through the microelectrode and computing stimulus-triggered averages of rectified EMG activity. One hundred seventy-one sites in motor cortex and 68 sites in SI were characterized functionally and tested for motor output effects on muscle activity. The incidence, character, and magnitude of motor output effects from SI areas were in sharp contrast to effects from CM cell sites in primary motor cortex. Of 68 SI cells tested with spike-triggered averaging, only one area 3a cell produced significant PSpF in spike-triggered averages of EMG activity. In comparison, 20 of 171 (12%) motor cortex cells tested produced significant postspike effects. Single-pulse intracortical microstimulation produced effects at all CM cell sites in motor cortex but at only 14% of SI sites. The large fraction of SI effects that was inhibitory represented yet another marked difference between CM cell sites in motor cortex and SI sites (25% vs 93%). The fact that motor output effects from SI were frequently absent or very weak and predominantly inhibitory emphasizes the differing motor capabilities of SI compared with primary motor cortex.

1985 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 786-804 ◽  
P. D. Cheney ◽  
E. E. Fetz

We compared the averaged responses of forelimb muscles to action potentials of single motor cortex cells and to single intracortical microstimuli (S-ICMS). Activity of precentral neurons and 12 identified forelimb muscles (6 flexors and 6 extensors of wrist and fingers) was recorded in macaques while they performed alternating ramp-and-hold wrist movements. Action potentials of cells that covaried reliably with wrist flexion or extension were used to compile spike-triggered averages (spike-TAs) of rectified electromyographic (EMG) activity of six synergistically coactivated muscles. Cells whose spikes were followed by a clear postspike facilitation (PSF) of rectified muscle activity were designated corticomotoneuronal (CM) cells. CM cells typically facilitated a subset of the coactivated muscles called the cell's target muscles. The relative strength of the PSF in different target muscles ranged from clear increases above base-line fluctuations to weak but significant effects. For each CM cell we characterized the "PSF profile" of facilitation across different muscles, defined as the relative strength of PSF in each of the coactivated agonist muscles. After identifying the CM cell's target muscles, we delivered S-ICMS through the microelectrode at the same site. Biphasic stimuli were delivered during the same wrist movements in which the recorded CM cell had been active. Stimulus intensities were too weak (typically 5-10 microA) and their repetition rate too slow (5-15 Hz) to evoke muscle excitation evident in the raw EMG record. However, stimulus-triggered averages (stimulus-TAs) of the rectified EMGs of coactivated muscles revealed consistent patterns of poststimulus facilitation (PStimF). In most cases the muscles facilitated by the CM cell in spike-TAs (n = 60) were also facilitated by S-ICMS in stimulus-TAs. At sites of CM cells the threshold stimulus intensities for evoking a statistically significant effect were between 0.5 and 2 microA. S-ICMS of 5 microA evoked PStimF that was, on the average, six times stronger than the PSF of the CM cell. The height of the facilitation peak relative to base-line fluctuations was 5-60 times greater for the stimuli than the spikes of the CM cell. The average onset latency of PStimF (8.0 +/- 1.2 ms) was 1.3 ms longer than the mean latency of PSF (6.7 +/- 1.4 ms). At two-thirds of the cortical sites where both spike- and stimulus-TAs were computed (n = 30), the PStimF profile exactly matched the PSF profile.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

2017 ◽  
Vol 118 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-63 ◽  
Heather M. Hudson ◽  
Michael C. Park ◽  
Abderraouf Belhaj-Saïf ◽  
Paul D. Cheney

Stimulus-triggered averaging (StTA) of forelimb muscle electromyographic (EMG) activity was used to investigate individual forelimb muscle representation within the primary motor cortex (M1) of rhesus macaques with the objective of determining the extent of intra-areal somatotopic organization. Two monkeys were trained to perform a reach-to-grasp task requiring multijoint coordination of the forelimb. EMG activity was simultaneously recorded from 24 forelimb muscles including 5 shoulder, 7 elbow, 5 wrist, 5 digit, and 2 intrinsic hand muscles. Microstimulation (15 µA at 15 Hz) was delivered throughout the movement task and individual stimuli were used as triggers for generating StTAs of EMG activity. StTAs were used to map the cortical representations of individual forelimb muscles. As reported previously (Park et al. 2001), cortical maps revealed a central core of distal muscle (wrist, digit, and intrinsic hand) representation surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped proximal (shoulder and elbow) muscle representation. In the present study, we found that shoulder and elbow flexor muscles were predominantly represented in the lateral branch of the horseshoe whereas extensors were predominantly represented in the medial branch. Distal muscles were represented within the core distal forelimb representation and showed extensive overlap. For the first time, we also show maps of inhibitory output from motor cortex, which follow many of the same organizational features as the maps of excitatory output. NEW & NOTEWORTHY While the orderly representation of major body parts along the precentral gyrus has been known for decades, questions have been raised about the possible existence of additional more detailed aspects of somatotopy. In this study, we have investigated this question with respect to muscles of the arm and show consistent features of within-arm (intra-areal) somatotopic organization. For the first time we also show maps of how inhibitory output from motor cortex is organized.

2004 ◽  
Vol 92 (5) ◽  
pp. 2968-2984 ◽  
Michael C. Park ◽  
Abderraouf Belhaj-Saïf ◽  
Paul D. Cheney

Stimulus-triggered averaging (StTA) of electromyographic (EMG) activity from 24 simultaneously recorded forelimb muscles was used to investigate properties of primary motor cortex (M1) output in the macaque monkey. Two monkeys were trained to perform a reach-to-grasp task requiring multijoint coordination of the forelimb. EMG activity was recorded from 24 forelimb muscles including 5 shoulder, 7 elbow, 5 wrist, 5 digit, and 2 intrinsic hand muscles. Microstimulation (15 μA at 15 Hz) was delivered throughout the movement task. From 297 stimulation sites in M1, a total of 2,079 poststimulus effects (PStE) were obtained including 1,398 poststimulus facilitation (PStF) effects and 681 poststimulus suppression (PStS) effects. Of the PStF effects, 60% were in distal and 40% in proximal muscles; 43% were of extensors and 47% flexors. For PStS, the corresponding numbers were 55 and 45% and 36 and 55%, respectively. M1 output effects showed extensive cofacilitation of proximal and distal muscles (96 sites, 42%) including 47 sites that facilitated at least one shoulder, elbow, and distal muscle, 45 sites that facilitated an elbow muscle and a distal muscle, and 22 sites that facilitated at least one muscle at all joints. The muscle synergies represented by outputs from these sites may serve an important role in the production of coordinated, multijoint movements. M1 output effects showed many similarities with red nucleus output although red nucleus effects were generally weaker and showed a strong bias toward facilitation of extensor muscles and a greater tendency to facilitate synergies involving muscles at noncontiguous joints.

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