scholarly journals Poliovirus 3A Protein Limits Interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, and Beta Interferon Secretion during Viral Infection

2001 ◽  
Vol 75 (17) ◽  
pp. 8158-8165 ◽  
Dana A. Dodd ◽  
Thomas H. Giddings ◽  
Karla Kirkegaard

ABSTRACT During viral infections, the host secretory pathway is crucial for both innate and acquired immune responses. For example, the export of most proinflammatory and antiviral cytokines, which recruit lymphocytes and initiate antiviral defenses, requires traffic through the host secretory pathway. To investigate potential effects of the known inhibition of cellular protein secretion during poliovirus infection on pathogenesis, cytokine secretion from cells infected with wild-type virus and with 3A-2, a mutant virus carrying an insertion in viral protein 3A which renders the virus defective in the inhibition of protein secretion, was tested. We show here that cells infected with 3A-2 mutant virus secrete greater amounts of cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, and beta interferon than cells infected with wild-type poliovirus. Increased cytokine secretion from the mutant-infected cells can be attributed to the reduced inhibition of host protein secretion, because no significant differences between 3A-2- and wild-type-infected cells were observed in the inhibition of viral growth, host cell translation, or the ability of wild-type- or 3A-2-infected cells to support the transcriptional induction of beta interferon mRNA. We surmise that the wild-type function of 3A in inhibiting ER-to-Golgi traffic is not required for viral replication in tissue culture but, by altering the amount of secreted cytokines, could have substantial effects on pathogenesis within an infected host. The global inhibition of protein secretion by poliovirus may reflect a general mechanism by which pathogens that do not require a functional protein secretory apparatus can reduce the native immune response and inflammation associated with infection.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (16) ◽  
pp. 8582-8592 ◽  
Audrey Esclatine ◽  
Brunella Taddeo ◽  
Bernard Roizman

ABSTRACT Herpes simplex virus 1 causes a shutoff of cellular protein synthesis through the degradation of RNA that is mediated by the virion host shutoff (Vhs) protein encoded by the UL41 gene. We reported elsewhere that the Vhs-dependent degradation of RNA is selective, and we identified RNAs containing AU-rich elements (AREs) that were upregulated after infection but degraded by deadenylation and progressive 3′-to-5′ degradation. We also identified upregulated RNAs that were not subject to Vhs-dependent degradation (A. Esclatine, B. Taddeo, L. Evans, and B. Roizman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101:3603-3608, 2004). Among the latter was the RNA encoding tristetraprolin, a protein that binds AREs and is known to be associated with the degradation of RNAs containing AREs. Prompted by this observation, we examined the status of the ARE binding proteins tristetraprolin and TIA-1/TIAR in infected cells. We report that tristetraprolin was made and accumulated in the cytoplasm of wild-type virus-infected human foreskin fibroblasts as early as 2 h and in HEp-2 cells as early as 6 h after infection. The amounts of tristetraprolin that accumulated in the cytoplasm of cells infected with a mutant virus lacking UL41 were significantly lower than those in wild-type virus-infected cells. The localization of tristetraprolin was not modified in cells infected with a mutant lacking the gene encoding infected cell protein 4 (ICP4). TIA-1 and TIAR are two other proteins that are associated with the regulation of ARE-containing RNAs and that normally reside in nuclei. In infected cells, they started to accumulate in the cytoplasm after 6 h of infection. In cells infected with the mutant virus lacking UL41, TIA-1/TIAR accumulated in the cytoplasm in granular structures reminiscent of stress granules in a significant percentage of the cells. In addition, an antibody to tristetraprolin coprecipitated the Vhs protein from lysates of cells late in infection. The results indicate that the Vhs-dependent degradation of ARE-containing RNAs correlates with the transactivation, cytoplasmic accumulation, and persistence of tristetraprolin in infected cells.

2010 ◽  
Vol 84 (19) ◽  
pp. 10182-10190 ◽  
Brunella Taddeo ◽  
Weiran Zhang ◽  
Bernard Roizman

ABSTRACT The virion host shutoff (VHS) RNase tegument protein released into cells by infecting virus has two effects. Preexisting stable mRNAs (e.g., GAPDH [glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase]) are rapidly degraded. Stress response RNAs containing AU-rich elements (AREs) in the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) are deadenylated and cleaved, but the cleavage products persist for hours, in contrast to the short half-lives of ARE-containing mRNAs in uninfected cells. At late times, the VHS RNase is neutralized by the viral structural proteins VP16 and VP22. A recent study (J. A. Corcoran, W. L. Hsu, and J. R. Smiley, J. Virol. 80:9720-9729, 2006) reported that, at relatively late times after infection, ARE RNAs are rapidly degraded in cells infected with ΔICP27 mutant virus and concluded that ICP27 “stabilizes” ARE mRNAs. We report the following. (i) The rates of degradation of ARE mRNA at early times (3 h) after infection with the wild type or the ΔICP27 mutant virus are virtually identical, and hence ICP27 plays no role in this process. (ii) In noncomplementing cells, VHS RNase or VP22 is not synthesized. Therefore, the only VHS that is active is brought into cells by the ΔICP27 mutant. (ii) The VHS RNase brought into the cells by the ΔICP27 virus is reduced in potency relative to that of wild-type virus. Hence the rapid degradation of ARE mRNAs noted in ΔICP27 mutant-infected cells at late times is similar to that taking place in mock-infected or in ΔVHS RNase mutant-virus-infected cells and does not by itself support the hypothesis that ICP27 stabilizes ARE mRNAs. (iii) Concurrently, we present the first evidence that VHS RNase interacts with ICP27 most likely when bound to cap- and poly(A)-binding proteins, respectively.

2006 ◽  
Vol 80 (17) ◽  
pp. 8371-8378 ◽  
Xuyan Feng ◽  
Jörg Schröer ◽  
Dong Yu ◽  
Thomas Shenk

ABSTRACT We have characterized the function of the human cytomegalovirus US24 gene, a US22 gene family member. Two US24-deficient mutants (BADinUS24 and BADsubUS24) exhibited a 20- to 30-fold growth defect, compared to their wild-type parent (BADwt), after infection at a relatively low (0.01 PFU/cell) or high (1 PFU/cell) input multiplicity. Representative virus-encoded proteins and viral DNA accumulated with normal kinetics to wild-type levels after infection with mutant virus when cells received equal numbers of mutant and wild-type infectious units. Further, the proteins were properly localized and no ultrastructural differences were found by electron microscopy in mutant-virus-infected cells compared to wild-type-virus-infected cells. However, virions produced by US24-deficient mutants had a 10-fold-higher genome-to-PFU ratio than wild-type virus. When infections were performed using equal numbers of input virus particles, the expression of immediate-early, early, and late viral proteins was substantially delayed and decreased in the absence of US24 protein. This delay is not due to inefficient virus entry, since two tegument proteins and viral DNA moved to the nucleus equally well in mutant- and wild-type-virus-infected cells. In summary, US24 is a virion protein and virions produced by US24-deficient viruses exhibit a block to the human cytomegalovirus replication cycle after viral DNA reaches the nucleus and before immediate-early mRNAs are transcribed.

2005 ◽  
Vol 79 (12) ◽  
pp. 7438-7452 ◽  
Elizabeth A. White ◽  
Deborah H. Spector

ABSTRACT The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) major immediate-early (IE) proteins share an 85-amino-acid N-terminal domain specified by exons 2 and 3 of the major IE region, UL122-123. We have constructed IE Δ30-77, a recombinant virus that lacks the majority of IE exon 3 and consequently expresses smaller forms of both IE1 72- and IE2 86-kDa proteins. The mutant virus is viable but growth impaired at both high and low multiplicities of infection and exhibits a kinetic defect that is not rescued by growth in fibroblasts expressing IE1 72-kDa protein. The kinetics of mutant IE2 protein accumulation in IE Δ30-77 virus-infected cells are approximately normal compared to wild-type virus-infected cells, but the IE Δ30-77 virus is delayed in expression of early viral genes, including UL112-113 and UL44, and does not sustain expression of mutant IE1 protein as the infection progresses. Additionally, cells infected with IE Δ30-77 exhibit altered expression of cellular proteins compared to wild-type HCMV-infected cells. PML is not dispersed but is retained at ND10 sites following infection with IE Δ30-77 mutant virus. While the deletion mutant retains the ability to mediate the stabilization of cyclin B1, cdc6, and geminin in infected cells, its capacity to upregulate the expression of cyclin E has been reduced. These data indicate that the activity of one or both of the HCMV major IE proteins is required in vivo for the modulation of cell cycle proteins observed in cells infected with wild-type HCMV.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (18) ◽  
pp. 9924-9935 ◽  
Robin N. Shepard ◽  
David A. Ornelles

ABSTRACT Species C human adenovirus mutants that fail to express open reading frame 3 of early region 4 (E4orf3) are phenotypically indistinguishable from the wild-type virus when evaluated in cells cultured in vitro. However, E4orf3 gene function has been productively studied in the context of additional viral mutations. This study identifies diverse roles for the E4orf3 protein that are evident in the absence of early region 1B 55-kDa protein (E1B-55K) function. In an E1B-55K-deficient background, the E4orf3 protein promotes viral replication by increasing both the burst size and the probability that an infected cell will produce virus. Early viral gene expression is not impaired in E1B-55K/E4orf3 double mutant virus-infected cells. Cells infected with the double mutant virus accumulated concatemers of viral DNA. However, the E1B-55K/E4orf3 double mutant virus did not replicate any better in MO59J cells, in which viral DNA concatemers did not accumulate, than in MO59K cells, in which viral DNA concatemers were produced, suggesting that viral DNA concatenation is not the primary growth defect of the E1B-55K/E4orf3 double mutant virus. Accumulation of viral mRNA in the nucleus and cytoplasm of E1B-55K/E4orf3 double mutant virus-infected cells was severely reduced compared to that on wild-type virus-infected cells. Thus, in an E1B-55K mutant background, the E4orf3 protein promotes the accumulation of late viral RNA and enhances late gene expression. Finally, within the context of an E1B-55K mutant virus, the E4orf3 protein acts to suppress host cell translation and preserve the viability of cells at moderately late times of infection.

2008 ◽  
Vol 82 (21) ◽  
pp. 10873-10886 ◽  
Chiayn Chiang ◽  
Guang-Wu Chen ◽  
Shin-Ru Shih

ABSTRACT Different amino acid sequences of influenza virus proteins contribute to different viral phenotypes. However, the diversity of the sequences and its impact on noncoding regions or splice sites have not been intensively studied. This study focuses on the sequences at alternative 5′ splice sites on M1 mRNA. Six different mutations at the splice sites were introduced, and viral growth characteristics for those mutants generated by reverse genetics with 12 plasmids were examined, for which G12C (the G-to-C mutation at the first nucleotide of the intron for the mRNA3 5′ splice site), C51G (at the 3′ end of the exon of the M2 mRNA 5′ splice site), and G146C (for the first nucleotide of the intron for mRNA4) are lethal mutations. On the other hand, mutants with the mutation G11C (at the 3′ end of exon of the mRNA3 5′ splice site), G52C (for the first nucleotide of the intron for M2 mRNA), or G145A (at the 3′ end of the exon of mRNA4) were rescued, although they had significantly attenuated growth rates. Notably, these mutations did not change any amino acids in M1 or M2 proteins. The levels of precursor (M1 mRNA) and spliced products (M2 mRNA, mRNA3, and mRNA4) from the recombinant mutant virus-infected cells were further analyzed. The production levels of mRNA3 in cells infected with G11C, G52C, and G145A mutant viruses were reduced in comparison with that in wild-type recombinant virus-infected ones. More M2 mRNA was produced in G11C mutant virus-infected cells than in wild-type-virus-infected cells, and there was little M2 mRNA and none at all in G145A and G52C mutant virus-infected ones, respectively. Results obtained here suggest that introducing these mutations into the alternative 5′ splice sites disturbed M1 mRNA splicing, which may attenuate viral growth rates.

2008 ◽  
Vol 82 (17) ◽  
pp. 8500-8508 ◽  
Haiyan Li ◽  
Kazufumi Ikuta ◽  
John W. Sixbey ◽  
Scott A. Tibbetts

ABSTRACT Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (γHV68 or MHV68) is genetically related to the human gammaherpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), providing a useful system for in vivo studies of the virus-host relationship. To begin to address fundamental questions about the mechanisms of the establishment of gammaherpesvirus latency, we previously generated a replication-defective γHV68 lacking the expression of the single-stranded DNA binding protein encoded by orf6. In work presented here, we demonstrate that this mutant virus established a long-term infection in vivo that was molecularly identical to wild-type virus latency. Thus, despite the absence of an acute phase of lytic replication, the mutant virus established a chronic infection in which the viral genome (i) was maintained as an episome and (ii) expressed latency-associated, but not lytic replication-associated, genes. Macrophages purified from mice infected with the replication-defective virus harbored viral genome at a frequency that was nearly identical to that of wild-type γHV68; however, the frequency of B cells harboring viral genome was greatly reduced in the absence of lytic replication. Thus, this replication-defective gammaherpesvirus efficiently established in vivo infection in macrophages that was molecularly indistinguishable from wild-type virus latency. These data point to a critical role for lytic replication or reactivation in the establishment or maintenance of latent infection in B cells.

2000 ◽  
Vol 74 (7) ◽  
pp. 3353-3365 ◽  
Chi-Long Lin ◽  
Che-Sheng Chung ◽  
Hans G. Heine ◽  
Wen Chang

ABSTRACT An immunodominant antigen, p35, is expressed on the envelope of intracellular mature virions (IMV) of vaccinia virus. p35 is encoded by the viral late gene H3L, but its role in the virus life cycle is not known. This report demonstrates that soluble H3L protein binds to heparan sulfate on the cell surface and competes with the binding of vaccinia virus, indicating a role for H3L protein in IMV adsorption to mammalian cells. A mutant virus defective in expression of H3L (H3L−) was constructed; the mutant virus has a small plaque phenotype and 10-fold lower IMV and extracellular enveloped virion titers than the wild-type virus. Virion morphogenesis is severely blocked and intermediate viral structures such as viral factories and crescents accumulate in cells infected with the H3L− mutant virus. IMV from the H3L− mutant virus are somewhat altered and less infectious than wild-type virions. However, cells infected by the mutant virus form multinucleated syncytia after low pH treatment, suggesting that H3L protein is not required for cell fusion. Mice inoculated intranasally with wild-type virus show high mortality and severe weight loss, whereas mice infected with H3L− mutant virus survive and recover faster, indicating that inactivation of the H3L gene attenuates virus virulence in vivo. In summary, these data indicate that H3L protein mediates vaccinia virus adsorption to cell surface heparan sulfate and is important for vaccinia virus infection in vitro and in vivo. In addition, H3L protein plays a role in virion assembly.

2016 ◽  
Vol 90 (6) ◽  
pp. 3229-3242 ◽  
Young-Eui Kim ◽  
Se Eun Oh ◽  
Ki Mun Kwon ◽  
Chan Hee Lee ◽  
Jin-Hyun Ahn

ABSTRACTHuman cytomegalovirus (HCMV) protein pUL48 is closely associated with the capsid and has a deubiquitinating protease (DUB) activity in its N-terminal region. Although this DUB activity moderately increases virus replication in cultured fibroblast cells, the requirements of the N-terminal region of pUL48 in the viral replication cycle are not fully understood. In this study, we characterized the recombinant viruses encoding UL48(ΔDUB/NLS), which lacks the DUB domain and the adjacent nuclear localization signal (NLS), UL48(ΔDUB), which lacks only the DUB, and UL48(Δ360–1200), which lacks the internal region (amino acids 360 to 1200) downstream of the DUB/NLS. While ΔDUB/NLS and Δ360–1200 mutant viruses did not grow in fibroblasts, the ΔDUB virus replicated to titers 100-fold lower than those for wild-type virus and showed substantially reduced viral gene expression at low multiplicities of infection. The DUB domain contained ubiquitination sites, and DUB activity reduced its own proteasomal degradation intrans. Deletion of the DUB domain did not affect the nuclear and cytoplasmic localization of pUL48, whereas the internal region (360–1200) was necessary for cytoplasmic distribution. In coimmunoprecipitation assays, pUL48 interacted with three tegument proteins (pUL47, pUL45, and pUL88) and two capsid proteins (pUL77 and pUL85) but the DUB domain contributed to only pUL85 binding. Furthermore, we found that the ΔDUB virus showed reduced virion stability and less efficiently delivered its genome into the cell than the wild-type virus. Collectively, our results demonstrate that the N-terminal DUB domain of pUL48 contributes to efficient viral growth by regulating its own stability and promoting virion stabilization and virus entry.IMPORTANCEHCMV pUL48 and its herpesvirus homologs play key roles in virus entry, regulation of immune signaling pathways, and virion assembly. The N terminus of pUL48 contains the DUB domain, which is well conserved among all herpesviruses. Although studies using the active-site mutant viruses revealed that the DUB activity promotes viral growth, the exact role of this region in the viral life cycle is not fully understood. In this study, using the mutant virus lacking the entire DUB domain, we demonstrate that the DUB domain of pUL48 contributes to viral growth by regulating its own stability via autodeubiquitination and promoting virion stability and virus entry. This report is the first to demonstrate the characteristics of the mutant virus with the entire DUB domain deleted, which, along with information on the functions of this region, is useful in dissecting the functions associated with pUL48.

2015 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 1169-1177 ◽  
Jason Porta ◽  
Vidya Mangala Prasad ◽  
Cheng-I Wang ◽  
Wataru Akahata ◽  
Lisa F. P. Ng ◽  

ABSTRACTChikungunya virus is a positive-stranded RNA alphavirus. Structures of chikungunya virus-like particles in complex with strongly neutralizing antibody Fab fragments (8B10 and 5F10) were determined using cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography. By fitting the crystallographically determined structures of these Fab fragments into the cryo-electron density maps, we show that Fab fragments of antibody 8B10 extend radially from the viral surface and block receptor binding on the E2 glycoprotein. In contrast, Fab fragments of antibody 5F10 bind the tip of the E2 B domain and lie tangentially on the viral surface. Fab 5F10 fixes the B domain rigidly to the surface of the virus, blocking exposure of the fusion loop on glycoprotein E1 and therefore preventing the virus from becoming fusogenic. Although Fab 5F10 can neutralize the wild-type virus, it can also bind to a mutant virus without inhibiting fusion or attachment. Although the mutant virus is no longer able to propagate by extracellular budding, it can, however, enter the next cell by traveling through junctional complexes without being intercepted by a neutralizing antibody to the wild-type virus, thus clarifying how cell-to-cell transmission can occur.IMPORTANCEAlphaviral infections are transmitted mainly by mosquitoes. Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), which belongs to theAlphavirusgenus, has a wide distribution in the Old World that has expanded in recent years into the Americas. There are currently no vaccines or drugs against alphaviral infections. Therefore, a better understanding of CHIKV and its associated neutralizing antibodies will aid in the development of effective treatments.

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