10.1139/e66-072 â—½  
1966 â—½  
Vol 3 (6) â—½  
pp. 893-901 â—½  
G. de Q. Robin

It is proposed that a radio altimeter be installed in a satellite to measure its height above the surface. It should work at a frequency of the order of 104 Mc/s and measure heights to an accuracy as close as practicable to ± 5 m. Heights above the ocean would be extrapolated to calculate satellite heights above sea level while over the Antarctic continent, and the difference between this calculated height and the measured height would give the surface elevation. Geometrical sounding errors and systematic errors may cause errors up to 50 m on relatively flat ice sheets, but incremental errors over 10 km should be of the order of 10 m. The systematic coverage of the Antarctic continent by a few weeks' observations from a satellite should make a detailed contour map practicable. The system would not be satisfactory for the peripheral areas where many slopes exceed 1:200 and are less regular than elsewhere, but these areas are being surveyed by conventional methods.

The Cryosphere â—½  
2021 â—½  
Vol 15 (1) â—½  
pp. 459-478
Martim Mas e Braga â—½  
Jorge Bernales â—½  
Matthias Prange â—½  
Arjen P. Stroeven â—½  
Irina Rogozhina

Abstract. Studying the response of the Antarctic ice sheets during periods when climate conditions were similar to the present can provide important insights into current observed changes and help identify natural drivers of ice sheet retreat. In this context, the marine isotope substage 11c (MIS11c) interglacial offers a suitable scenario, given that during its later portion orbital parameters were close to our current interglacial. Ice core data indicate that warmer-than-present temperatures lasted for longer than during other interglacials. However, the response of the Antarctic ice sheets and their contribution to sea level rise remain unclear. We explore the dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheets during this period using a numerical ice sheet model forced by MIS11c climate conditions derived from climate model outputs scaled by three glaciological and one sedimentary proxy records of ice volume. Our results indicate that the East and West Antarctic ice sheets contributed 4.0–8.2 m to the MIS11c sea level rise. In the case of a West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse, which is the most probable scenario according to far-field sea level reconstructions, the range is reduced to 6.7–8.2 m independently of the choices of external sea level forcing and millennial-scale climate variability. Within this latter range, the main source of uncertainty arises from the sensitivity of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet to a choice of initial ice sheet configuration. We found that the warmer regional climate signal captured by Antarctic ice cores during peak MIS11c is crucial to reproduce the contribution expected from Antarctica during the recorded global sea level highstand. This climate signal translates to a modest threshold of 0.4 ∘C oceanic warming at intermediate depths, which leads to a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet if sustained for at least 4000 years.

10.5194/cp-2018-95 â—½  
2018 â—½  
Javier Blasco â—½  
Ilaria Tabone â—½  
Jorge Alvarez-Solas â—½  
Alexander Robinson â—½  
Marisa Montoya

Abstract. The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) is the largest ice sheet on Earth and hence a major potential contributor to future global sea-level rise. A wealth of studies suggest that increasing oceanic temperatures could cause a collapse of its marine-based western sector, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, through the mechanism of marine ice-sheet instability, leading to a sea-level increase of 3–5 m. Thus, it is crucial to constrain the sensitivity of the AIS to rapid climate changes. The Last Glacial Period is an ideal benchmark period for this purpose as it was punctuated by abrupt Dansgaard-Oeschger events at millennial timescales. Because their centre of action was in the North Atlantic, where their climate impacts were largest, modelling studies have mainly focused on the millennial-scale evolution of Northern Hemisphere (NH) paleo ice sheets. Sea-level reconstructions attribute the origin of millennial-scale sea-level variations mainly to NH paleo ice sheets, with a minor but not negligible role to the AIS. Here we investigate the AIS response to millennial-scale climate variability for the first time. To this end we use a three-dimensional, thermomechanical hybrid, ice-sheet-shelf model. Different oceanic sensitivities are tested and the sea-level equivalent (SLE) contributions computed. We find that whereas atmospheric variability has no appreciable effect on the AIS, changes in submarine melting rates can have a strong impact on it. We show that in contrast to the widespread assumption that the AIS is a slow reactive and static ice sheet that responds at orbital timescales only, it can lead to ice discharges of almost 15 m of SLE involving substantial grounding line migrations at millennial timescales.

2014 â—½  
Vol 8 (6) â—½  
pp. 5539-5588 â—½  
B. de Boer â—½  
A. M. Dolan â—½  
J. Bernales â—½  
E. Gasson â—½  
H. Goelzer â—½  

Abstract. In the context of future climate change, understanding the nature and behaviour of ice sheets during warm intervals in Earth history is of fundamental importance. The Late-Pliocene warm period (also known as the PRISM interval: 3.264 to 3.025 million years before present) can serve as a potential analogue for projected future climates. Although Pliocene ice locations and extents are still poorly constrained, a significant contribution to sea-level rise should be expected from both the Greenland ice sheet and the West and East Antarctic ice sheets based on palaeo sea-level reconstructions. Here, we present results from simulations of the Antarctic ice sheet by means of an international Pliocene Ice Sheet Modeling Intercomparison Project (PLISMIP-ANT). For the experiments, ice-sheet models including the shallow ice and shelf approximations have been used to simulate the complete Antarctic domain (including grounded and floating ice). We compare the performance of six existing numerical ice-sheet models in simulating modern control and Pliocene ice sheets by a suite of four sensitivity experiments. Ice-sheet model forcing fields are taken from the HadCM3 atmosphere–ocean climate model runs for the pre-industrial and the Pliocene. We include an overview of the different ice-sheet models used and how specific model configurations influence the resulting Pliocene Antarctic ice sheet. The six ice-sheet models simulate a comparable present-day ice sheet, although the models are setup with their own parameter settings. For the Pliocene simulations using the Bedmap1 bedrock topography, some models show a small retreat of the East Antarctic ice sheet, which is thought to have happened during the Pliocene for the Wilkes and Aurora basins. This can be ascribed to either the surface mass balance, as the HadCM3 Pliocene climate shows a significant increase over the Wilkes and Aurora basin, or the initial bedrock topography. For the latter, our simulations with the recently published Bedmap2 bedrock topography indicate a significantly larger contribution to Pliocene sea-level rise from the East Antarctic ice sheet for all six models relative to the simulations with Bedmap1.

2021 â—½  
Martim Mas e Braga â—½  
Jorge Bernales â—½  
Matthias Prange â—½  
Arjen P. Stroeven â—½  
Irina Rogozhina

<p><span><span>The Marine Isotope Substage 11c (MIS11c) interglacial (425 – 395 thousand years before present) is a useful analogue to climate conditions that can be expected in the near future, and can provide insights on the natural response of the Antarctic ice sheets to a moderate, yet long lasting warming period. However, its response to the warming of MIS11c and consequent contribution to global sea level rise still remains unclear. We explore the dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheets during this period using a numerical ice-sheet model forced by MIS11c climate conditions derived from climate model outputs scaled by three ice core and one sedimentary proxy records of ice volume. We identify a tipping point beyond which oceanic warming becomes the dominant forcing of ice-sheet retreat, and where collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is attained when a threshold of 0.4 </span></span><sup><span><span>o</span></span></sup><span><span>C oceanic warming relative to Pre-Industrial levels is sustained for at least 4 thousand years. Conversely, its eastern counterpart remains relatively stable, as it is mostly grounded above sea level. Our results suggest a total sea level contribution from the East and West Antarctic ice sheets of 4.0 – 8.2 m during MIS11c. In the case of a West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse, which is the most probable scenario according to far-field sea-level reconstructions, this range is reduced to 6.7 – 8.2 m, and mostly reflects uncertainties regarding the initial configuration of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. </span></span></p>

2021 â—½  
Gary Steven Wilson

<p>Two independent records of latest Neogene (2,0 - 6.0 Ma.) glacioeustasy are presented, one of Antarctic ice volume from East Antarctica and the other of eustatic sea level from the South Wanganui Basin, New Zealand. Glacial deposits in the Transantarctic Mountains (Sirius Group) and sediment at the Antarctic continental margin provide direct evidence of Antarctic ice sheet fluctuation. Evidence for deglaciation includes the occurrence of Pliocene marine diatoms in Sirius Group deposits, which are sourced from the East Antarctic interior. K/Ar and 39Ar/40Ar dating of a tuff in the CIROS-2 drill-core confirms their Pliocene age at high latitudes (78 [degrees] S) in Antarctica. Further evidence for Antarctic ice volume fluctuation is recorded by glaciomarine strata from the Ross Sea Sector cored by the CIROS-2 and DVDP-11 drill-holes. Magnetostratigraphy integrated with Beryllium-10, K/Ar and 39Ar/40Ar dating provides a high resolution ([plus or minus] 50 k.y.) chronology of events in these strata. In the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, a 5 km thick succession of continental shelf sediments, now uplifted, records Late Neogene eustatic sea level fluctuation. In the Late Neogene, basin subsidence equalled sediment input allowing eustatic sea level fluctuation to produce a dynamic alternation of highstand, transgressive, and lowstand sediment wedges. This record of Late Neogene sea level variation is unequalled in its resolution and detail. Magnetostratigraphy provides a high resolution chronology for these sedimentary cycles as well as magnetic tie lines with the Antarctic margin record in McMurdo Sound. These two independent records of Late Neogene glacioeustasy are in good agreement and record the following history: The Late Miocene and Late Pliocene are times of low 'base level' glacioeustasy (here termed glacialism, rather than glacial), with growth of continental-scale ice sheets on the Antarctic continent causing a lowering of global sea level. The Early Pliocene was a time of high 'base level' glacioeustasy (here termed interglacialism, rather than interglacial), driven by collapsing of continental-scale ice sheets to local and subcontinental ice caps. The middle Pliocene is marked by a move into glacialism with an increasing 'base level' of glacioeustatic fluctuation. Higher-order glacial advances and associated eustatic sea-level lowering occurred at approximately 3.5 and 4.3 Ma., separating the Early Pliocene into 3 sea-level stages. Still higher-order glacioeustatic fluctuations are recognised in this study, with durations of 50 Ka. and 100 - 300 Ka.. The 100 - 300 Ka. duration cycles are prominent during interglacialisms, and the 50 Ka. duration cycles are prominent during glacialisms. These shorter duration fluctuations in glacioeustasy have already been recognised as glacial/deglacial cycles from detailed studies of the Quaternary. Four orders of sea-level fluctuation are recognised within the Late Neogene, these are of approximately 0.05 Ma., 0.1-0.3 Ma., 2 Ma., and 4 Ma. in duration. The 2 Ma. and 4 Ma. duration cycles are subdivisions of the third order cyclicity recognised by Vail et al. (1991) (referred to here as cyclicity orders 3a and 3b). The 0.1-0.3 Ma. duration cycles are a subset of the fourth order cyclicity recognised Vail et al. (1991), and the 0.05 Ma. Duration cycles are a subset of the 5 th order cyclicity recognised by Vail et al. (1991). 3a, 3b and 4 th order sea level fluctuations are driven by fluctuations in the volume of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Fifth order sea level fluctuations are also suggested to be at least partially driven by fluctuations in the volume of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Milankovitch cyclicities in glacioeustasy (<100 Ka., fifth order cyclicity) are prominent in the geologic record at times when there is large scale glaciation (glacialism) of the Antarctic Continent (e.g. for the Pleistocene). Conversely, at times when the Antarctic continent is in a deglaciated state (deglacialism) fourth order cyclicity is more prominent, with Milankovitch cyclicities present at a parasequence level.</p>

2021 â—½  
Gary Steven Wilson

<p>Two independent records of latest Neogene (2,0 - 6.0 Ma.) glacioeustasy are presented, one of Antarctic ice volume from East Antarctica and the other of eustatic sea level from the South Wanganui Basin, New Zealand. Glacial deposits in the Transantarctic Mountains (Sirius Group) and sediment at the Antarctic continental margin provide direct evidence of Antarctic ice sheet fluctuation. Evidence for deglaciation includes the occurrence of Pliocene marine diatoms in Sirius Group deposits, which are sourced from the East Antarctic interior. K/Ar and 39Ar/40Ar dating of a tuff in the CIROS-2 drill-core confirms their Pliocene age at high latitudes (78 [degrees] S) in Antarctica. Further evidence for Antarctic ice volume fluctuation is recorded by glaciomarine strata from the Ross Sea Sector cored by the CIROS-2 and DVDP-11 drill-holes. Magnetostratigraphy integrated with Beryllium-10, K/Ar and 39Ar/40Ar dating provides a high resolution ([plus or minus] 50 k.y.) chronology of events in these strata. In the Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, a 5 km thick succession of continental shelf sediments, now uplifted, records Late Neogene eustatic sea level fluctuation. In the Late Neogene, basin subsidence equalled sediment input allowing eustatic sea level fluctuation to produce a dynamic alternation of highstand, transgressive, and lowstand sediment wedges. This record of Late Neogene sea level variation is unequalled in its resolution and detail. Magnetostratigraphy provides a high resolution chronology for these sedimentary cycles as well as magnetic tie lines with the Antarctic margin record in McMurdo Sound. These two independent records of Late Neogene glacioeustasy are in good agreement and record the following history: The Late Miocene and Late Pliocene are times of low 'base level' glacioeustasy (here termed glacialism, rather than glacial), with growth of continental-scale ice sheets on the Antarctic continent causing a lowering of global sea level. The Early Pliocene was a time of high 'base level' glacioeustasy (here termed interglacialism, rather than interglacial), driven by collapsing of continental-scale ice sheets to local and subcontinental ice caps. The middle Pliocene is marked by a move into glacialism with an increasing 'base level' of glacioeustatic fluctuation. Higher-order glacial advances and associated eustatic sea-level lowering occurred at approximately 3.5 and 4.3 Ma., separating the Early Pliocene into 3 sea-level stages. Still higher-order glacioeustatic fluctuations are recognised in this study, with durations of 50 Ka. and 100 - 300 Ka.. The 100 - 300 Ka. duration cycles are prominent during interglacialisms, and the 50 Ka. duration cycles are prominent during glacialisms. These shorter duration fluctuations in glacioeustasy have already been recognised as glacial/deglacial cycles from detailed studies of the Quaternary. Four orders of sea-level fluctuation are recognised within the Late Neogene, these are of approximately 0.05 Ma., 0.1-0.3 Ma., 2 Ma., and 4 Ma. in duration. The 2 Ma. and 4 Ma. duration cycles are subdivisions of the third order cyclicity recognised by Vail et al. (1991) (referred to here as cyclicity orders 3a and 3b). The 0.1-0.3 Ma. duration cycles are a subset of the fourth order cyclicity recognised Vail et al. (1991), and the 0.05 Ma. Duration cycles are a subset of the 5 th order cyclicity recognised by Vail et al. (1991). 3a, 3b and 4 th order sea level fluctuations are driven by fluctuations in the volume of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Fifth order sea level fluctuations are also suggested to be at least partially driven by fluctuations in the volume of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Milankovitch cyclicities in glacioeustasy (<100 Ka., fifth order cyclicity) are prominent in the geologic record at times when there is large scale glaciation (glacialism) of the Antarctic Continent (e.g. for the Pleistocene). Conversely, at times when the Antarctic continent is in a deglaciated state (deglacialism) fourth order cyclicity is more prominent, with Milankovitch cyclicities present at a parasequence level.</p>

The Cryosphere â—½  
2015 â—½  
Vol 9 (3) â—½  
pp. 881-903 â—½  
B. de Boer â—½  
A. M. Dolan â—½  
J. Bernales â—½  
E. Gasson â—½  
H. Goelzer â—½  

Abstract. In the context of future climate change, understanding the nature and behaviour of ice sheets during warm intervals in Earth history is of fundamental importance. The late Pliocene warm period (also known as the PRISM interval: 3.264 to 3.025 million years before present) can serve as a potential analogue for projected future climates. Although Pliocene ice locations and extents are still poorly constrained, a significant contribution to sea-level rise should be expected from both the Greenland ice sheet and the West and East Antarctic ice sheets based on palaeo sea-level reconstructions. Here, we present results from simulations of the Antarctic ice sheet by means of an international Pliocene Ice Sheet Modeling Intercomparison Project (PLISMIP-ANT). For the experiments, ice-sheet models including the shallow ice and shelf approximations have been used to simulate the complete Antarctic domain (including grounded and floating ice). We compare the performance of six existing numerical ice-sheet models in simulating modern control and Pliocene ice sheets by a suite of five sensitivity experiments. We include an overview of the different ice-sheet models used and how specific model configurations influence the resulting Pliocene Antarctic ice sheet. The six ice-sheet models simulate a comparable present-day ice sheet, considering the models are set up with their own parameter settings. For the Pliocene, the results demonstrate the difficulty of all six models used here to simulate a significant retreat or re-advance of the East Antarctic ice grounding line, which is thought to have happened during the Pliocene for the Wilkes and Aurora basins. The specific sea-level contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet at this point cannot be conclusively determined, whereas improved grounding line physics could be essential for a correct representation of the migration of the grounding-line of the Antarctic ice sheet during the Pliocene.

10.1139/e69-095 â—½  
1969 â—½  
Vol 6 (4) â—½  
pp. 911-918 â—½  
A. T. Wilson
Sea Level â—½  
Large Scale â—½  
Ice Sheets â—½  
Ice Sheet â—½  
Ice Age â—½  
Ice Shelf â—½  

Surges in ice masses of glacier size are now well accepted in glaciology. There seems no reason why a similar phenomenon should not occur in bodies of ice as large as continental ice sheets.If a continental ice sheet surged into the sea it would have a considerable effect on world sea-level. This is proposed as the mechanism of past sea-level fluctuations (cyclothems) of the Carboniferous and Tertiary.The effect of a surge of the Antarctic Ice Sheet on world climate is considered, with particular reference to the origin of ice ages.The requirements of an ice-age mechanism are discussed and it is concluded that a periodic surge of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, perhaps induced by a decrease in insolation to the south polar region, has all the requirements of an ice-age inducing mechanism. In particular, any oscillating system must have capacitance (storage) and impedance (resistance). It is not easy to find a system in nature with a sufficiently long period of oscillation. However, the build up of ice on Antarctica would provide a sufficiently slow charging of storage, and the ice sheet itself would provide the storage to yield a system of long enough period.It is proposed that when the Antarctic Ice Sheet surges, a large ice shelf is produced which increases the albedo of the Earth. The resulting cooling leads to the formation of secondary ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere, which in turn leads to a further increase in albedo and further cooling. The break up of the ice shelf and its replacement by ocean would lead to a large decrease in the Earth's albedo. The resulting warming would lead to the rapid melting of the subsiduary ice sheets and the ending of the ice age.

1998 â—½  
Vol 44 (147) â—½  
pp. 207-213 â—½  
C. R. Bentley â—½  
J. M. Wahr
Sea Level â—½  
Ice Sheets â—½  
Ice Sheet â—½  
Level Change â—½  
The Antarctic â—½  

AbstractChanges in the Earth’s gravity field with time have important applications to a broad range of disciplines. Any process that involves a large enough horizontal redistribution of mass, either within the Earth or on or above its surface, is potentially detectable. In particular, when ice sheets grow or shrink, gravity changes as mass is redistributed in the solid earth and between the oceans and the ice sheets. The sources of global sea-level rise (about 2 mm a−1over the last century) and in particular the contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet thereto are not well understood. Gravity measurements can help to diminish this uncertainty.The technology currently exists to measure gravity with high accuracy by a dual-satellite mission in which the distance between the satellites is precisely monitored. We estimate from recent studies that temporal changes in the gravity field as determined by a satellite gravity mission lasting 5 years at an orbital height of 400 km would be sensitive to changes in the overall mass of the Antarctic ice sheet to a precision corresponding to better than 0.01 mm a−1of sea-level change. However, the effects of three other phenomena that could each produce a temporally varying gravity signal with characteristics comparable to that caused by a change in Antarctic ice—postglacial rebound, inter-annual variability in snowfall, and atmospheric pressure trends — also need to be evaluated. Postglacial rebound could be partly separated from ice-mass changes with the aid of global positioning system campaigns and numerical models of rebound that use improved determinations of mantle viscosity also provided by the gravity mission. Determination of inter-annual ice-mass changes will be aided by measurements of moisture-flux divergence around the perimeters of the ice sheets and direct observations of inter-annual changes by the gravity satellite itself. The removal of pressure effects over Antarctica will become more effective as the number of automatic weather stations in the interior of the continent increases.Even after corrections are made for these factors, the uncertainties they cause limit the accuracy in the détermination of the contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet to sea-level change to about 0.5 mm a−1. However, there is a strong complementarity between gravity measurements and the surface-height measurements that will be produced by NASA’s laser altimeter mission early next century. Together, they should be able to determine that contribution to an accuracy of about 0.1 mm a−1.

1998 â—½  
Vol 44 (147) â—½  
pp. 207-213 â—½  
C. R. Bentley â—½  
J. M. Wahr
Sea Level â—½  
Ice Sheets â—½  
Ice Sheet â—½  
Level Change â—½  
The Antarctic â—½  

AbstractChanges in the Earth’s gravity field with time have important applications to a broad range of disciplines. Any process that involves a large enough horizontal redistribution of mass, either within the Earth or on or above its surface, is potentially detectable. In particular, when ice sheets grow or shrink, gravity changes as mass is redistributed in the solid earth and between the oceans and the ice sheets. The sources of global sea-level rise (about 2 mm a−1 over the last century) and in particular the contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet thereto are not well understood. Gravity measurements can help to diminish this uncertainty.The technology currently exists to measure gravity with high accuracy by a dual-satellite mission in which the distance between the satellites is precisely monitored. We estimate from recent studies that temporal changes in the gravity field as determined by a satellite gravity mission lasting 5 years at an orbital height of 400 km would be sensitive to changes in the overall mass of the Antarctic ice sheet to a precision corresponding to better than 0.01 mm a−1 of sea-level change. However, the effects of three other phenomena that could each produce a temporally varying gravity signal with characteristics comparable to that caused by a change in Antarctic ice—postglacial rebound, inter-annual variability in snowfall, and atmospheric pressure trends — also need to be evaluated. Postglacial rebound could be partly separated from ice-mass changes with the aid of global positioning system campaigns and numerical models of rebound that use improved determinations of mantle viscosity also provided by the gravity mission. Determination of inter-annual ice-mass changes will be aided by measurements of moisture-flux divergence around the perimeters of the ice sheets and direct observations of inter-annual changes by the gravity satellite itself. The removal of pressure effects over Antarctica will become more effective as the number of automatic weather stations in the interior of the continent increases.Even after corrections are made for these factors, the uncertainties they cause limit the accuracy in the détermination of the contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet to sea-level change to about 0.5 mm a−1. However, there is a strong complementarity between gravity measurements and the surface-height measurements that will be produced by NASA’s laser altimeter mission early next century. Together, they should be able to determine that contribution to an accuracy of about 0.1 mm a−1.

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