systematic errors
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GPS Solutions ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Grzegorz Bury ◽  
Krzysztof Sośnica ◽  
Radosław Zajdel ◽  
Dariusz Strugarek

AbstractDue to the continued development of the GLONASS satellites, precise orbit determination (POD) still poses a series of challenges. This study examines the impact of introducing the analytical tube-wing model for GLONASS-M and the box-wing model for GLONASS-K in a series of hybrid POD strategies that consider both the analytical model and a series of empirical parameters. We assess the perturbing accelerations acting on GLONASS spacecraft based on the analytical model. All GLONASS satellites are equipped with laser retroreflectors for satellite laser ranging (SLR). We apply the SLR observations for the GLONASS POD in a series of GNSS + SLR combined solutions. The application of the box-wing model significantly improves GLONASS orbits, especially for GLONASS-K, reducing the STD of SLR residuals from 92.6 to 27.6 mm. Although the metadata for all GLONASS-M satellites reveal similar construction characteristics, we found differences in empirical accelerations and SLR offsets not only between GLONASS-M and GLONASS-M+ but also within the GLONASS-M+ series. Moreover, we identify satellites with inferior orbit solutions and check if we can improve them using the analytical model and SLR observations. For GLONASS-M SVN730, the STD of the SLR residuals for orbits determined using the empirical solution is 48.7 mm. The STD diminishes to 41.2 and 37.8 mm when introducing the tube-wing model and SLR observations, respectively. As a result, both the application of the SLR observations and the analytical model significantly improve the orbit solution as well as reduce systematic errors affecting orbits of GLONASS satellites.

Manuel Rodrigues ◽  
Pierre Touboul ◽  
Gilles Metris ◽  
Alain Robert ◽  
Oceane Dhuicque ◽  

Abstract The MICROSCOPE mission aims to test the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) in orbit with an unprecendented precision of 10-15 on the Eövös parameter thanks to electrostatic accelerometers on board a drag-free microsatellite. The precision of the test is determined by statistical errors, due to the environment and instrument noises, and by systematic errors to which this paper is devoted. Sytematic error sources can be divided into three categories: external perturbations, such as the residual atmospheric drag or the gravity gradient at the satellite altitude, perturbations linked to the satellite design, such as thermal or magnetic perturbations, and perturbations from the instrument internal sources. Each systematic error is evaluated or bounded in order to set a reliable upper bound on the WEP parameter estimation uncertainty.

Life ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Davide Vacca ◽  
Antonino Fiannaca ◽  
Fabio Tramuto ◽  
Valeria Cancila ◽  
Laura La Paglia ◽  

In consideration of the increasing prevalence of COVID-19 cases in several countries and the resulting demand for unbiased sequencing approaches, we performed a direct RNA sequencing (direct RNA seq.) experiment using critical oropharyngeal swab samples collected from Italian patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 from the Palermo region in Sicily. Here, we identified the sequences SARS-CoV-2 directly in RNA extracted from critical samples using the Oxford Nanopore MinION technology without prior cDNA retrotranscription. Using an appropriate bioinformatics pipeline, we could identify mutations in the nucleocapsid (N) gene, which have been reported previously in studies conducted in other countries. In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, the technique used in this study has not been used for SARS-CoV-2 detection previously owing to the difficulties in the extraction of RNA of sufficient quantity and quality from routine oropharyngeal swabs. Despite these limitations, this approach provides the advantages of true native RNA sequencing and does not include amplification steps that could introduce systematic errors. This study can provide novel information relevant to the current strategies adopted in SARS-CoV-2 next-generation sequencing.

2022 ◽  
Anthony Bernus ◽  
Catherine Ottlé

Abstract. The freshwater 1-D FLake lake model was coupled to the ORCHIDEE land surface model to simulate lake energy balance at the global scale. A multi-tile approach has been chosen to allow the modelling of various types of lakes within the ORCHIDEE grid cell. The different categories have been defined according to lake depth which is the most influential parameter of FLake, but other properties could be considered in the future. Several depth parameterization strategies have been compared, differing by the way to aggregate the depth of the subgrid lakes, i.e., arithmetical, geometrical, harmonical mean and median. Five atmospheric reanalysis datasets available at 0.5° or 0.25° resolution, have been used to force the model and assess model systematic errors. Simulations have been performed, evaluated and intercompared against observations of lake water temperatures provided by the GloboLakes database over about 1000 lakes and ice phenology derived from the Global Lake and River Ice Phenology database. The results highlighted the large impact of the atmospheric forcing on the lake energy budget simulations and the improvements brought by the highest resolution products (ERA5 and E2OFD). The median of the Root Square Mean Errors (RMSE) calculated at global scale range between 3.2 K and 2.7 K among the forcings, CRUJRA and ERA5 leading respectively to the best and worst results. Depth parameterization strategy appeared to be less influent, with RMSE differences less than 0.1 K for the four aggregation scenarios tested. The simulation of ice phenology presented systematic errors whatever the forcing used and the depth parameterization. Freezing onset was shown to be the less sensitive to forcing and depth parameterization with median of the errors ranging between 10 and 14 days. Larger errors were observed on the simulation of the end of the freezing period significantly influenced by the atmospheric forcing used. Such errors already highlighted in previous works, could be the result of deficiencies in the modeling of snow/ice parameterization processes. Various pathways are drawn to improve the model results, including the use of remote sensing data to better constrain the lake radiative parameters (albedo and extinction coefficient) as well as the lake depth thanks to the recent and forthcoming high resolution satellite missions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94, 2021 (94) ◽  
pp. 5-12
Petro Dvulit ◽  
Stepan Savchuk ◽  
Iryna Sosonka ◽  

The aim of the research is to diagnose the metrological characteristics of high-precision GNSS-observations by methods of non-classical error theory of measurements (NETM) based on Ukrainian reference stations. Methodology. We selected 72 GNSS reference stations, downloaded daily observation files from the LPI analysis center server, and created time series in the topocentric coordinate system. The duration of the time series is almost two years (March 24, 2019 - January 2, 2021). Using a specialized software package, the time series have been cleaned of offsets and breaks, seasonal effects, and the trend component has been removed. Verification of empirical distributions of errors was provided by the procedure of NETM on the recommendations offered by G. Jeffries and on the principles of hypothesis tests the theory according to Pearson's criterion. The main result of the research. It is established that the obtained time series of coordinates of reference GNSS stations do not confirm the hypothesis of their conformity to the normal Gaussian distribution law. NETM diagnostics of the accuracy of high-precision GNSS measurements, which is based on the use of confidence intervals for assessing the asymmetry and kurtosis of a significant sample, followed by the Pearson test, confirms the presence of weak, not removed from GNSS-processing, sources of systematic errors. Scientific novelty. The authors use the possibility of NETM to improve the processing of high-precision GNSS measurements and the need to take into account the sources of systematic errors. Failure to take into account certain factors creates the effect of shifting the time coordinate series, which, in turn, leads to subjective estimates of station velocity, i.e. their geodynamic interpretation. Practical significance. Research of the reasons for deviations of errors distribution from the established norms provides metrological literacy of carrying out high-precision GNSS measurements of large samples.

2021 ◽  
Timothy Kodikara ◽  
Isabel Fernandez-Gomez ◽  
Ehsan Forootan ◽  
W. Kent Tobiska ◽  
Claudia Borries

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (40) ◽  
pp. 172-173
Chantal Wälchli ◽  
Stephan Baumgartner

Background: Inhibition of human basophil activation by highly diluted histamine was reported to be a reliable experimental model to examine biological effects of high dilutions. However, independent replications did not always yield concordant results. Aims: We aimed at performing an independent replication of a former study [1] using rigorously controlled experimental conditions to minimise confounding factors. Materials and Methods: In 20 independent experiments, human basophils were treated with highly diluted histamine (15cH, 16cH, corresponding to 10-30-10-32 M) prior to activation by fMLP (formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine peptide). Controls were treated with analogously diluted water (15cH, 16cH). The dilutions were prepared freshly for each experiment in deionised water by successive steps of centesimal dilution and agitation (10 s vortex at high speed). Highly diluted samples were blinded and randomised. All samples were set in triplicates. Activated basophils were determined by flow cytometry using anti-CD203c. 20 independent systematic negative control (SNC) experiments were carried out to investigate possible systematic errors. Results: No difference in basophil activation was observed between the highly diluted histamine samples and the highly diluted water controls. There was no evidence for a blood donor specificity of the results. The SNC experiments demonstrated the stability of the test system. Experimental variability within and between experiments was slightly reduced for the highly diluted histamine samples. Discussion: This study was designed as an independent reproduction of a former study [1]. Though we strictly adopted the experimental procedure described in [1], our results do not confirm the large inhibitory effects observed for histamine 15cH and 16cH. This lack of reproducibility might be due to minor differences in the experimental design, such as blinding and randomising of the samples, which we chose to perform in order to reduce the possibility of artifacts but was omitted in the former study. Conclusions: Laboratory independent replication of homeopathic basic research experiments is still a challenge. Assuming that the results formerly obtained with this model were not due to systematic errors, the quest identifying the crucial factors for successful reproducibility is open for future research. Keywords: Human basophils; histamine; high dilutions; flow cytometry Reference: [1] Sainte-Laudy J, Belon P. Improvement of flow cytometric analysis of basophil activation inhibition by high histamine dilutions. A novel basophil specific marker: CD 203c. Homeopathy. 2006;95:3-8.

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