Influence of amplitude cancellation on the simulated surface electromyogram

2005 ◽  
Vol 98 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-131 ◽  
Kevin G. Keenan ◽  
Dario Farina ◽  
Katrina S. Maluf ◽  
Roberto Merletti ◽  
Roger M. Enoka

The purpose of the study was to quantify the influence of selected motor unit properties and patterns of activity on amplitude cancellation in the simulated surface electromyogram (EMG). The study involved computer simulations of a motor unit population with physiologically defined recruitment and rate coding characteristics that activated muscle fibers whose potentials were recorded on the skin over the muscle. Amplitude cancellation was quantified as the percent difference in signal amplitude when motor unit potentials were summed before and after rectification. The simulations involved varying the level of activation for the motor unit population, the recording configuration, the upper limit of motor unit recruitment, peak discharge rates, the amount of motor unit synchronization, muscle fiber length, the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue, and the motor unit properties that change with advancing age. The results confirmed a previous experimental report (Day SJ and Hulliger M, J Neurophysiol 86: 2144–2158, 2001) that amplitude cancellation in the surface EMG can reach 62% at maximal activation. A decrease in the range of amplitudes of the motor unit potentials, as can occur during fatiguing contractions, increased amplitude cancellation up to ∼85%. Differences in the amount of amplitude cancellation were observed across all simulated conditions, and resulted in substantial changes in the absolute magnitude of the EMG signal. The most profound factors influencing amplitude cancellation were the number of active motor units and the duration of the action potentials. The effects of amplitude cancellation were minimal (<5%) when the EMG amplitude was normalized to maximal values, with the exception of variations in peak discharge rate and recruitment range, which resulted in differences up to 17% in the normalized EMG signal across conditions. These results indicate the amount of amplitude cancellation that can occur in various experimental conditions and its influence on absolute and relative measures of EMG amplitude.

2018 ◽  
Vol 124 (4) ◽  
pp. 1071-1079 ◽  
Eduardo Martinez-Valdes ◽  
Francesco Negro ◽  
Deborah Falla ◽  
Alessandro Marco De Nunzio ◽  
Dario Farina

Surface electromyographic (EMG) signal amplitude is typically used to compare the neural drive to muscles. We experimentally investigated this association by studying the motor unit (MU) behavior and action potentials in the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles. Eighteen participants performed isometric knee extensions at four target torques [10, 30, 50, and 70% of the maximum torque (MVC)] while high-density EMG signals were recorded from the VM and VL. The absolute EMG amplitude was greater for VM than VL ( P < 0.001), whereas the EMG amplitude normalized with respect to MVC was greater for VL than VM ( P < 0.04). Because differences in EMG amplitude can be due to both differences in the neural drive and in the size of the MU action potentials, we indirectly inferred the neural drives received by the two muscles by estimating the synaptic inputs received by the corresponding motor neuron pools. For this purpose, we analyzed the increase in discharge rate from recruitment to target torque for motor units matched by recruitment threshold in the two muscles. This analysis indicated that the two muscles received similar levels of neural drive. Nonetheless, the size of the MU action potentials was greater for VM than VL ( P < 0.001), and this difference explained most of the differences in EMG amplitude between the two muscles (~63% of explained variance). These results indicate that EMG amplitude, even following normalization, does not reflect the neural drive to synergistic muscles. Moreover, absolute EMG amplitude is mainly explained by the size of MU action potentials. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Electromyographic (EMG) amplitude is widely used to compare indirectly the strength of neural drive received by synergistic muscles. However, there are no studies validating this approach with motor unit data. Here, we compared between-muscles differences in surface EMG amplitude and motor unit behavior. The results clarify the limitations of surface EMG to interpret differences in neural drive between muscles.

2006 ◽  
Vol 100 (6) ◽  
pp. 1928-1937 ◽  
Kevin G. Keenan ◽  
Dario Farina ◽  
Roberto Merletti ◽  
Roger M. Enoka

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of selected physiological parameters on amplitude cancellation in the simulated surface electromyogram (EMG) and the consequences for spike-triggered averages of motor unit potentials derived from the interference and rectified EMG signals. The surface EMG was simulated from prescribed recruitment and rate coding characteristics of a motor unit population. The potentials of the motor units were detected on the skin over a hand muscle with a bipolar electrode configuration. Averages derived from the EMG signal were generated using the discharge times for each of the 24 motor units with lowest recruitment thresholds from a population of 120 across three conditions: 1) excitation level; 2) motor unit conduction velocity; and 3) motor unit synchronization. The area of the surface-detected potential was compared with potentials averaged from the interference, rectified, and no-cancellation EMGs. The no-cancellation EMG comprised motor unit potentials that were rectified before they were summed, thereby preventing cancellation between the opposite phases of the potentials. The percent decrease in area of potentials extracted from the rectified EMG was linearly related to the amount of amplitude cancellation in the interference EMG signal, with the amount of cancellation influenced by variation in excitation level and motor unit conduction velocity. Motor unit synchronization increased potentials derived from both the rectified and interference EMG signals, although cancellation limited the increase in area for both potentials. These findings document the influence of amplitude cancellation on motor unit potentials averaged from the surface EMG and the consequences for using the procedure to characterize motor unit properties.

2005 ◽  
Vol 93 (5) ◽  
pp. 2449-2459 ◽  
Chet T. Moritz ◽  
Benjamin K. Barry ◽  
Michael A. Pascoe ◽  
Roger M. Enoka

The goal of this study was to improve the ability of a motor unit model to predict experimentally measured force variability across a wide range of forces. Motor unit discharge characteristics were obtained from 38 motor units of the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Motor unit discharges were recorded in separate isometric contractions that ranged from 4 to 85% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force above recruitment threshold. High-threshold motor units exhibited both greater minimal and peak discharge rates compared with low-threshold units ( P < 0.01). Minimal discharge rate increased from 7 to 23 pps, and peak discharge rate increased from 14 to 38 pps with an increase in recruitment threshold. Relative discharge rate variability (CV) decreased exponentially for each motor unit from an average of 30 to 13% as index finger force increased above recruitment threshold. In separate experiments, force variability was assessed at eight force levels from 2 to 95% MVC. The CV for force decreased from 4.9 to 1.4% as force increased from 2 to 15% MVC ( P < 0.01) and remained constant at higher forces (1.2–1.9%; P = 0.14). When the motor unit model was revised using these experimental findings, discharge rate variability was the critical factor that resulted in no significant difference between simulated and experimental force variability ( P = 0.22) at all force levels. These results support the hypothesis that discharge rate variability is a major determinant of the trends in isometric force variability across the working range of a muscle.

2007 ◽  
Vol 97 (5) ◽  
pp. 3206-3218 ◽  
Benjamin K. Barry ◽  
Michael A. Pascoe ◽  
Mark Jesunathadas ◽  
Roger M. Enoka

The discharge of single motor units ( n = 34) in the first dorsal interosseus muscle and the fluctuations in force during steady contractions were measured across a range of index finger abduction forces in old adults (77.1 ± 6.9 yr, n = 20). These results were compared with previously reported data on 38 motor units from young adults (25.7 ± 5.7 yr). Both minimal and peak discharge rates increased with recruitment threshold, but the strength of these relations was notably weaker for the old adults. Minimal discharge rates were similar for young and old adults ( P = 0.77), whereas peak discharge rates were lower for old adults ( P < 0.01). Consequently, the range of rate coding for each motor unit was substantially less for the old adults (7.1 pps) compared with the young adults (12.1 pps, P < 0.01). However, the variability in motor-unit discharge was similar for young and old adults; the coefficient of variation of the interspike intervals was similar at recruitment (old: 25.4%, young: 27.1%, P = 0.39) and declined with an increase in discharge rate (old: 13.2%, young: 14.2%, P = 0.21). Furthermore, the fluctuations in force during steady isometric contractions (2–95% of maximal force) were similar for young and old adults, except that the relative variability at the lowest force was greater for the old adults. A computational model of motor-unit recruitment and rate coding incorporated the experimental observations and was able to match the measured and simulated values for force steadiness across the operating range of the muscle.

2004 ◽  
Vol 96 (4) ◽  
pp. 1486-1495 ◽  
Dario Farina ◽  
Roberto Merletti ◽  
Roger M. Enoka

This brief review examines some of the methods used to infer central control strategies from surface electromyogram (EMG) recordings. Among the many uses of the surface EMG in studying the neural control of movement, the review critically evaluates only some of the applications. The focus is on the relations between global features of the surface EMG and the underlying physiological processes. Because direct measurements of motor unit activation are not available and many factors can influence the signal, these relations are frequently misinterpreted. These errors are compounded by the counterintuitive effects that some system parameters can have on the EMG signal. The phenomenon of crosstalk is used as an example of these problems. The review describes the limitations of techniques used to infer the level of muscle activation, the type of motor unit recruited, the upper limit of motor unit recruitment, the average discharge rate, and the degree of synchronization between motor units. Although the global surface EMG is a useful measure of muscle activation and assessment, there are limits to the information that can be extracted from this signal.

2005 ◽  
Vol 94 (4) ◽  
pp. 2878-2887 ◽  
Carol J. Mottram ◽  
Evangelos A. Christou ◽  
François G. Meyer ◽  
Roger M. Enoka

The rate of change in the fluctuations in motor output differs during the performance of fatiguing contractions that involve different types of loads. The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of frequency modulation of motor unit discharge to the fluctuations in the motor output during sustained contractions with the force and position tasks. In separate tests with the upper arm vertical and the elbow flexed to 1.57 rad, the seated subjects maintained either a constant upward force at the wrist (force task) or a constant elbow angle (position task). The force and position tasks were performed in random order at a target force equal to 3.6 ± 2.1% (mean ± SD) of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force above the recruitment threshold of an isolated motor unit from the biceps brachii. Each subject maintained the two tasks for an identical duration (161 ± 93 s) at a mean target force of 22.4 ± 13.6% MVC. As expected, the rate of increase in the fluctuations in motor output (force task: SD for detrended force; position task: SD for vertical acceleration) was greater for the position task than the force task ( P < 0.001). The amplitude of the coefficient of variation (CV) and the power spectra for motor unit discharge were similar between tasks ( P > 0.1) and did not change with time ( P > 0.1), and could not explain the different rates of increase in motor output fluctuations for the two tasks. Nonetheless, frequency modulation of motor unit discharge differed during the two tasks and predicted ( P < 0.001) both the CV for discharge rate (force task: 1–3, 12–13, and 14–15 Hz; position task: 0–1, and 1–2 Hz) and the fluctuations in motor output (force task: 5–6, 9–10, 12–13, and 14–15 Hz; position task: 6–7, 14–15, 17–19, 20–21, and 23–24 Hz). Frequency modulation of motor unit discharge rate differed for the force and position tasks and influenced the ability to sustain steady contractions.

2005 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Danuta Roman-Liu ◽  
Krzysztof Kȩdzior

The aim of this study was to compare the influence of constant or intermittent load on muscle activation and fatigue. The analysis and assessment of muscular activation and fatigue was based on surface EMG measurements from eight muscles (seven muscles of the right upper limb and trapezius muscle). Two EMG signal parameters were analyzed for each of the experimental conditions distinguished by the value of the external force and the character of the load – constant or intermittent. The amplitude related to its maximum (AMP) and the slope of the regression line between time and median frequency (SMF) were the EMG parameters that were analyzed. The results showed that constant load caused higher muscular fatigue than intermittent load despite the lower value of the external force and lower muscle activation. Results suggest that additional external force might influence muscle activation and fatigue more than upper limb posture. The results of the study support the thesis that all biomechanical factors which influence upper limb load and fatigue (upper limb posture, external force and time sequences) should be considered when work stands and work processes are designed. They also indicate that constant load should be especially avoided.

2014 ◽  
Vol 112 (7) ◽  
pp. 1685-1691 ◽  
Christopher J. Dakin ◽  
Brian H. Dalton ◽  
Billy L. Luu ◽  
Jean-Sébastien Blouin

Rectification of surface electromyographic (EMG) recordings prior to their correlation with other signals is a widely used form of preprocessing. Recently this practice has come into question, elevating the subject of EMG rectification to a topic of much debate. Proponents for rectifying suggest it accentuates the EMG spike timing information, whereas opponents indicate it is unnecessary and its nonlinear distortion of data is potentially destructive. Here we examine the necessity of rectification on the extraction of muscle responses, but for the first time using a known oscillatory input to the muscle in the form of electrical vestibular stimulation. Participants were exposed to sinusoidal vestibular stimuli while surface and intramuscular EMG were recorded from the left medial gastrocnemius. We compared the unrectified and rectified surface EMG to single motor units to determine which method best identified stimulus-EMG coherence and phase at the single-motor unit level. Surface EMG modulation at the stimulus frequency was obvious in the unrectified surface EMG. However, this modulation was not identified by the fast Fourier transform, and therefore stimulus coherence with the unrectified EMG signal failed to capture this covariance. Both the rectified surface EMG and single motor units displayed significant coherence over the entire stimulus bandwidth (1–20 Hz). Furthermore, the stimulus-phase relationship for the rectified EMG and motor units shared a moderate correlation ( r = 0.56). These data indicate that rectification of surface EMG is a necessary step to extract EMG envelope modulation due to motor unit entrainment to a known stimulus.

1998 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-57 ◽  
G.T Allison ◽  
P Godfrey ◽  
G Robinson

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