Aim. According to hospital-based registry, to evaluate the age characteristics and prevalence of concomitant cardiovascular and non-сardiovascular diseases in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 during epidemic wave.Material and methods. The TARGET-VIP register included 1130 patients aged 57,5+12,8 years (men, 51,2%) hospitalized at the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center from April 6, 2020 to June 22, 2020 with COVID-19. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) were diagnosed in 51,6% of patients, non-сardiovascular chronic diseases — in 48,6%, while CVDs and/or non-сardiovascular chronic diseases — in 65,8% of patients.Results. The average age of patients significantly increased by an average of 0,77 years per week (p<0,001), while the difference between the 1st week (52,8 years) and 11th week (62,2 years) was 9,4 years; the proportion of men did not change significantly. The proportion of patients with CVDs increased significantly — from 34,2% to 66,7%, on average by 3,7% per week (p<0,001; Incidence Risk Ratio (IRR)=1,037; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1,017-1,058), with chronic non-cardiovascular diseases — from 32,5% to 43,2%, on average by 2,5% per week (p<0,001; IRR=1,025; 95% CI, 1,002-1,049), as well as those with CVDs and/or chronic non-cardiovascular diseases — from 47,5% to 75,3%, on average by 3,2% per week (p<0,001; IRR=1,032; 95% CI, 1,017-1,048). Over the entire period, the proportion of people with hypertension (HTN) was 47,0%, with coronary artery disease (CAD) — 15,4%, with heart failure (HF) — 4,0%, and with atrial fibrillation (AF) — 10,1%. The proportion of patients with HTN increased by 9,5% (p<0,001; OR=1,095; 95% CI, 1,047-1,144), with СAD — by 9,4% (p=0,01; OR=1,094; 95% CI, 1,022-1,172) and with AF — by 9,4% (p<0,001; OR=1,094; 95% CI, 1,023-1,170) per week. The proportion of patients with diabetes was 16,5%, with respiratory diseases — 11,4%, with chronic kidney disease (CKD) — 12,6%, with digestive diseases — 22,5%, with obesity — 6,1%. During the epidemic wave, the most pronounced increase in the proportion of patients with CKD was by 6,2% (p=0,036; OR=1,062; 95% CI, 1,004-1,124) and with digestive diseases — by 6,0% (p=0,01; OR=1,060; 95% CI, 1,014-1,109) per week.Conclusion. According to the 11-week TARGET-VIP registry, the age of patients increased by 9,4 years, CVD cases — by 1,9 times (mainly HTN, CAD, AF), and chronic nonсardiovascular pathology — by 1,3 times (mainly CKD and digestive diseases). These trends in hospital practice corresponded to a weekly increase in the proportion of patients with a higher risk of fatal and non-fatal complications, which is the basis for further research in order to develop a system for a comprehensive prognostic assessment of the degree and rate of increase in the load on hospitals during COVID-19 epidemic wave.