The roles of GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition on binaural processing in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the mustache bat

1994 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 1999-2013 ◽  
L. Yang ◽  
G. D. Pollak

1. We studied the monaural and binaural response properties of 99 neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the mustache bat before and during the iontophoretic application of antagonists that blocked gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors (bicuculline) or glycine receptors (strychnine). All cells were driven by monaural stimulation of the contralateral ear, whereas monaural stimulation of the ipsilateral ear never evoked discharges. The binaural properties of 81 neurons were determined by holding the intensity constant at the contralateral ear and presenting a variety of intensities to the ipsilateral ear. This procedure generated interaural intensity disparity (IID) functions and allowed us to determine the effect of ipsilaterally evoked inhibition on a constant excitatory drive evoked by the contralateral ear. 2. One of the main findings is that the IID functions in the majority of DNLL neurons were not affected by application of either strychnine or bicuculline. Blocking glycinergic inhibition with strychnine had no effect on the IID functions in 75% of the cells studied. However, strychnine did change the IID functions in approximately 25% of the DNLL population. In those cells glycinergic inhibition appeared to be partially, or, in a few cases, entirely responsible for the ipsilaterally evoked spike suppression. In contrast, blocking GABAergic inhibition with bicuculline had no discernible effect on the ipsilaterally evoked spike suppression in any of the excitatory/inhibitory cells that we recorded. GABAergic inhibition, therefore, plays no role in the formation of IID functions of neurons in the DNLL. Furthermore, the results suggest that glycinergic inhibition also does not contribute to the suppression of spikes evoked by stimulation of the contralateral ear in the vast majority of DNLL neurons. 3. Although the majority of IID functions were not influenced when either GABAergic or glycinergic innervation was blocked, ipsilateral stimulation alone evoked both a glycinergic and GABAergic inhibition in most DNLL cells. These inhibitory events were demonstrated in 18 other cells by evoking discharges with the iontophoretic application of glutamate. Stimulating the ipsilateral ear alone under these conditions caused a suppression of the glutamate-evoked discharges. Furthermore, the spike suppression persisted for a period of time that was longer than the duration of the tone burst at the ipsilateral ear. 4. The application of bicuculline or strychnine had different effects on the glutamate-elicited spikes. Bicuculline reduced the duration of the inhibition, and it was always the latter portion of the inhibition that was abolished by bicuculline. In more than half of the cells studied strychnine also reduced the duration of the inhibition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1994 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 2014-2024 ◽  
L. Yang ◽  
G. D. Pollak

1. We studied the monaural response properties of 81 neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the mustache bat before and during the iontophoretic application of antagonists that blocked gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors (bicuculline) or glycine receptors (strychnine). The main finding is that GABAergic inhibition had substantial effects, whereas glycine had little or no effect on the activity evoked by contralateral stimulation. 2. Before the application of drugs, the monaural response properties of DNLL cells were characterized by two main features. The first was that the majority (86%) of neurons had monotonic rate-intensity functions, whereas only 14% had weakly nonmonotonic functions. The second was that most (66%) neurons displayed some form of chopping response pattern, in which there was a regular interval between discharges that was unrelated to the period of the tone burst frequency. 3. Bicuculline had two major effects on the majority of DNLL cells. It caused large increases in spike counts and changes in temporal discharge patterns. In 38 of 47 cells (81%) bicuculline changed the temporal discharge patterns into a sustained chopper pattern. In addition, the duration of the discharge train continued for a period of time longer than the duration of the tone burst in many but not all neurons. Prolonged firing of this sort was rarely seen in the predrug condition. Furthermore, in a few cells bicuculline caused a decrease in the interspike interval as well as a lengthening of the discharge train. 4. Blocking glycine, in contrast, caused either small increases in spike count or no increase at all and did not affect the temporal discharge patterns in the majority (87%) of neurons. 5. In most DNLL cells the shapes of the rate-intensity functions were virtually the same before and during the application of either antagonist. The rate-intensity functions of 91% of the cells were unaffected by bicuculline and 98% were unaffected by strychnine. 6. Blocking either GABAergic inhibition or glycinergic inhibition had no effect on discharge latency in the vast majority of DNLL cells. In a few neurons application of bicuculline or strychnine had a small influence and caused discharge latency to decrease by < or = 1 ms. 7. These results show that the excitation from stimulation of the contralateral ear evokes a sustained chopping discharge pattern in the vast majority of DNLL neurons. The sustained chopping response is changed into another discharge pattern by the GABAergic innervation that is also evoked by stimulation of the contralateral ear.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 324-340 ◽  
Lichuan Yang ◽  
George D. Pollak

Yang, Lichuan and George D. Pollak. Differential response properties to amplitude modulated signals in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the mustache bat and the roles of GABAergic inhibition. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 324–340, 1997. We studied the phase-locking of 89 neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the mustache bat to sinusoidally amplitude modulated (SAM) signals and the influence that GABAergic inhibition had on their response properties. Response properties were determined with tone bursts at each neuron's best frequency and then with a series of SAM signals that had modulation frequencies ranging from 50–100 to 800 Hz in 100-Hz steps. DNLL neurons were divided into two principal types: sustained neurons (55%), which responded throughout the duration of the tone burst, and onset neurons (45%), which responded only at the beginning of the tone burst. Sustained and onset neurons responded differently to SAM signals. Sustained neurons responded with phase-locked discharges to modulation frequencies ≤400–800 Hz. In contrast, 70% of the onset neurons phase-locked only to low modulation frequencies of 100–300 Hz, whereas 30% of the onset neurons did not phase-lock to any modulation frequency. Signal intensity differentially affected the phase-locking of sustained and onset neurons. Sustained neurons exhibited tight phase-locking only at low intensities, 10–30 dB above threshold. Onset neurons, in contrast, maintained strong phase-locking even at relatively high intensities. Blocking GABAergic inhibition with bicuculline had different effects on the phase-locking of sustained and onset neurons. In sustained neurons, there was an overall decline in phase-locking at all modulation frequencies. In contrast, 70% of the onset neurons phase-locked to much higher modulation frequencies than they did when inhibition was intact. The other 30% of onset neurons phase-locked to SAM signals, although they fired only with an onset response to the same signals before inhibition was blocked. In both cases, blocking GABAergic inhibition transformed their responses to SAM signals into patterns that were more like those of sustained neurons. We also propose mechanisms that could explain the differential effects of GABAergic inhibition on onset neurons that locked to low modulation frequencies and on onset neurons that did not lock to any SAM signals before inhibition was blocked. The key features of the proposed mechanisms are the absolute latencies and temporal synchrony of the excitatory and inhibitory inputs.

1995 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 1701-1713 ◽  
A. Klug ◽  
T. J. Park ◽  
G. D. Pollak

1. The mammalian inferior colliculus contains large populations of binaural cells that are excited by stimulation of the contralateral ear and are inhibited by stimulation of the ipsilateral ear, and are called excitatory/inhibitory (EI) cells. Neurons with EI properties are initially created in the lateral superior olive (LSO), which, in turn, sends strong bilateral projections to the inferior colliculus. The questions that we address in this report are 1) whether the inhibition evoked by stimulation of the ipsilateral ear occurs at the inferior colliculus or whether it occurs in a lower nucleus, presumably the LSO; and 2) if the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition occurs at the inferior colliculus, is the inhibition a consequence of glycinergic innervation or is it a consequence of GABAergic innervation. To study these questions, we recorded from 61 EI neurons in the inferior colliculus of the mustache bat before and during the iontophoretic application of the glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine. We also tested the effects of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor antagonist, bicuculline, on 38 of the 61 neurons that were tested with strychnine. The main finding is that glycinergic or GABAergic inhibition, or both, contribute to the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition in approximately 50% of the EI neurons in the inferior colliculus. 2. Strychnine and bicuculline had different effects on the magnitude of the spike counts evoked by stimulation of the contralateral (excitatory) ear. On average, strychnine caused the maximum spike count evoked by contralateral stimulation to increase by only 23%. The relatively small effects of strychnine on response magnitude are in marked contrast to the effects of bicuculline, which usually caused much larger increases in spike counts. For example, although strychnine caused spike counts to more than double in approximately 25% of the collicular neurons, bicuculline caused a doubling of the spike count in approximately 60% of the cells. 3. The inhibitory influences of ipsilateral stimulation were evaluated by driving the neurons with a fixed intensity at the contralateral ear and then documenting the reductions in spike counts due to the presentation of progressively higher intensities at the ipsilateral ear. In 64% of the neurons sampled, blocking glycinergic inhibition with strychnine had little or no effect on the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition. These cells remained as strongly inhibited during the application of strychnine as they did before its application. In addition, the ipsilateral intensity that produced complete or nearly complete spike suppression in the predrug condition was also unchanged by strychnine. 4. In 36% of the neurons, strychnine markedly reduced the degree of ipsilaterally evoked spike suppression. In five of these neurons, there was a complete elimination of the ipsilateral inhibition: these neurons were transformed from strongly inhibited EI neurons into monaural neurons. 5. The influence of both strychnine and bicuculline was tested sequentially in 38 neurons. In about one-half of these cells, (53%, 20/38) the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition was unaffected by either drug. In 10 other units (26%), both drugs substantially reduced or eliminated the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition. In most of these cells, both bicuculline and strychnine reduced the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition to a similar degree. In the remaining eight cells studied with both drugs (21%), the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition was reduced or eliminated by one of the drugs, but not by both. 6. These results show that both glycinergic and GABAergic projections influence the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition in about one-half of the EI neurons in the inferior colliculus. The glycinergic inhibition elicited by ipsilateral stimulation is most likely due to projections from the ipsilateral lateral superior olive, whereas the GABAergic inhibition evoked by ipsilateral stimulation is most likely caused b

2007 ◽  
Vol 98 (5) ◽  
pp. 2705-2715 ◽  
Ida Siveke ◽  
Christian Leibold ◽  
Benedikt Grothe

We are regularly exposed to several concurrent sounds, producing a mixture of binaural cues. The neuronal mechanisms underlying the localization of concurrent sounds are not well understood. The major binaural cues for localizing low-frequency sounds in the horizontal plane are interaural time differences (ITDs). Auditory brain stem neurons encode ITDs by firing maximally in response to “favorable” ITDs and weakly or not at all in response to “unfavorable” ITDs. We recorded from ITD-sensitive neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) while presenting pure tones at different ITDs embedded in noise. We found that increasing levels of concurrent white noise suppressed the maximal response rate to tones with favorable ITDs and slightly enhanced the response rate to tones with unfavorable ITDs. Nevertheless, most of the neurons maintained ITD sensitivity to tones even for noise intensities equal to that of the tone. Using concurrent noise with a spectral composition in which the neuron's excitatory frequencies are omitted reduced the maximal response similar to that obtained with concurrent white noise. This finding indicates that the decrease of the maximal rate is mediated by suppressive cross-frequency interactions, which we also observed during monaural stimulation with additional white noise. In contrast, the enhancement of the firing rate to tones at unfavorable ITD might be due to early binaural interactions (e.g., at the level of the superior olive). A simple simulation corroborates this interpretation. Taken together, these findings suggest that the spectral composition of a concurrent sound strongly influences the spatial processing of ITD-sensitive DNLL neurons.

1994 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 1080-1102 ◽  
T. J. Park ◽  
G. D. Pollak

1. In this study we examine the effects of GABAergic inhibition on the response properties and the constructed azimuthal receptive fields of 54 excitatory/inhibitory (EI) neurons tuned to 60 kHz in the inferior colliculus of the mustache bat. The constructed azimuthal receptive fields predict the spike counts that would be evoked by different intensities of 60-kHz sounds presented from each of 13 azimuthal locations in the frontal sound field. 2. Action potentials were recorded with a micropipette attached to a multibarrel glass electrode. Bicuculline, an antagonist specific for gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors, was iontophoretically applied through the multibarrel electrode. Both monaural and binaural response properties were initially recorded at a variety of interaural intensity disparities (IIDs) and absolute intensities, and the same response properties were subsequently assessed while GABAergic inhibition was blocked by bicuculline. Azimuthal receptive fields both before and during the application of bicuculline were constructed from response properties obtained with earphones after correcting for the directional properties of the ear and the IIDs generated by 60-kHz sounds presented from a variety of azimuthal locations. 3. Bicuculline had virtually no effect on either the monaural or binaural properties of 19 cells (35%). The constructed azimuthal receptive fields of these cells were also unaffected by bicuculline. Presumably the properties of these cells were formed in a lower nucleus, most likely the contralateral lateral superior olive (LSO), and were imposed on the collicular cell via the crossed projection from the LSO to the inferior colliculus, which is known to be excitatory. 4. In more than half of the neurons (65%) GABAergic inhibition influenced one or more features of the cell's response properties and thus its azimuthal receptive field. Some response properties were formed in the colliculus through GABAergic inhibition, whereas others appear to have been shaped initially in a lower nucleus and then further modified by GABAergic inhibition in the inferior colliculus. Moreover, a number of features of GABAergic inhibition that acted on inferior collicular cells were evoked by stimulation of the contralateral (excitatory) ear, whereas other features were influenced by stimulation of the ipsilateral (inhibitory) ear. 5. In 20 cells (37%) blocking GABAergic inhibition reduced or abolished the inhibition evoked by the ipsilateral ear. The receptive fields of cells in which the ipsilaterally evoked inhibition was reduced by bicuculline expanded further into the ipsilateral sound field than they did before bicuculline.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 787 ◽  
Ning-yu Wang ◽  
Xiao-ting Li ◽  
Yan-jun Wang ◽  
Zhi-qing Xu ◽  
Jin-feng Liu ◽  

1976 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 871-881 ◽  
A. S. Feng ◽  
R. R. Capranica

1. The response patterns of single cells to monaural and binaural acoustic stimuli were studied in the dorsal medullary nucleus of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). This nucleus represents the first ascending center in the anuran's central auditory nervous system. 2. Of the 142 cells isolated, 75 units responded only to monaural stimulation. Approximately 80% of these monaural cells could be excited by the ipsilateral ear, while the remaining 20% received their excitatory input from the contralateral ear. The other 67 units responded to binaural stimuli. Of these binaural cells, 14 could be excited by either contralateral or ipsilateral stimuli, and the threshold and best excitatory frequency were similar for each ear (EE). The other 53 binaural cells (EI) could be excited by stimulation of one ear and inhibited by stimulation of the other ear; for almost all of these cells the contralateral ear was excitatory and the ipsilateral ear was inhibitory. The best inhibitory frequency for one ear was approximately the same as the best excitatory frequency for the other ear, and the threshold for inhibition was near the threshold for excitation. 3. The tuning curves for all of the cells in the dorsal medullary nucleus were unimodal with "Q" values ranging from 0.4 to 4. The excitatory thresholds were widely scattered between 22 and 115 dB SPL. 4. The distribution of best excitatory frequencies for the monaural cells comprised three groups: 200-300, 500-800, and 900-1,600 Hz. The best excitatory frequencies of the binaural cells were scattered over this entire range, with a broad peak around 200-800 Hz. 5. Approximately 80% of the cells in the dorsal nucleus responded tonically throughout the duration of an excitatory tone burst. The remaining 20% of the cells responded phasically during the transient stages of a tone burst over a wide intensity range. 6. Response latencies were compared for the two types of monaural cells to tones at their best exciatatory frequencies at 10 dB above threshold. The latencies for the contralaterally excitable cells were just a few milliseconds longer than the latencies for the ipsilaterally excitable cells. For binaural cells the latency for contralateral stimulation was only 1-2 ms longer than for ipsilateral stimulation. It was concluded that the contralateral input to the dorsal medullary nucleus is not of efferent descending origin from higher auditory centers. 7. All of the binaural EI cells were sensitive to small interaural intensity differences and many were also sensitive to minute interaural time differences.These cells likely play a role in localization of sounds of significance to anurans.

1996 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 1271-1282 ◽  
S. H. Wu ◽  
J. B. Kelly

1. The synaptic pharmacology of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the rat was investigated in a brain slice preparation of the auditory midbrain. The brain slice was cut in the coronal plane and placed in a small recording chamber where warm, oxygenated saline was continuously perfused over and underneath the tissue. Intracellular recordings were made with glass microelectrodes filled with 4 M potassium acetate. Synaptic potentials were elicited by electrical stimulation of the lateral lemniscus or commissure of Probst and pharmacological effects were tested by bath application of amino acid agonists and antagonists. 2. The cells in DNLL were challenged with the excitatory amino acid (EAA) agonists, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid (AMPA), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) in 0 Mg2+, and L-glutamate. Each of these caused a depolarization of the cell membrane, a reduction in cell membrane resistance, and the onset of spontaneous firing. 3. Short-latency excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were evoked by stimulation of the lateral lemniscus in 77% of the neurons tested. The mean latency to initial depolarization was 0.9 ms. A single spike with relatively constant latency (mean 1.5 ms) was typically elicited when the strength of lemniscal stimulation was increased. A longer-latency EPSP (mean 2.9 ms) was seen in 34% of the neurons tested either with the slice in normal saline or after pharmacological block of the earlier, short-latency EPSP. The long-latency EPSP was followed by a single spike of multiple spikes with highly variable latencies (range 3.2-24 ms). In 28% of the neurons tested, both early and late EPSPs were observed in response to stimulation of a single location on the lateral lemniscus. 4. Stimulation of the commissure of Probst elicited short-latency EPSPs (mean 0.9 ms) in 37% of the neurons tested. Longer-latency EPSPs (mean 3.0 ms) were found in only 3% of the neurons in response to commissural stimulation. 5. The nonspecific EAA antagonist kynurenic acid blocked both short-and long-latency EPSPs evoked by either lemniscal or commissural stimulation. The non-NMDA antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitro-quinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), at very low concentrations, blocked the short-latency EPSPs but had no effect on the longer-latency EPSPs. The short-latency EPSPs were unaffected by the NMDA antagonist D,L-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV). In contrast, the longer-latency EPSPs were blocked by APV, but never by CNQX. 6. DNLL neurons were affected by the inhibitory amino acid agonists gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine. The membrane resistance of the neurons was decreased by GABA and glycine in a solution of either normal or calcium-free saline in a concentration-dependent manner. 7. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) were elicited by stimulation of the lateral lemniscus in 53% of the neurons and the commissure of the Probst in 18% of the neurons tested. The mean latencies were 1.0 and 0.9 ms, respectively. The reversal potentials of the IPSPs were around -70 mV. 8. The IPSPs evoked by stimulation of the lateral lemniscus were blocked by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine, but not by the GABA receptor antagonist bicuculline, whereas the IPSPs elicited by stimulation of the commissure of Probst were blocked by bicuculline but not strychnine.

2010 ◽  
Vol 104 (1) ◽  
pp. 517-528 ◽  
Khaleel A. Razak ◽  
Zoltan M. Fuzessery

A consistent organizational feature of auditory cortex is a clustered representation of binaural properties. Here we address two questions. What is the intrinsic organization of binaural clusters and to what extent does intracortical processing contribute to binaural representation. We address these issues in the auditory cortex of the pallid bat. The pallid bat listens to prey-generated noise transients to localize and hunt terrestrial prey. As in other species studied, binaural clusters are present in the auditory cortex of the pallid bat. One cluster contains neurons that require binaural stimulation to be maximally excited, and are commonly termed predominantly binaural (PB) neurons. These neurons do not respond to monaural stimulation of either ear but show a peaked sensitivity to interaural intensity differences (IID) centered near 0 dB IID. We show that the peak IID varies systematically within this cluster. The peak IID is also correlated with the best frequency (BF) of neurons within this cluster. In addition, the IID selectivity of PB neurons is shaped by intracortical GABAergic input. Iontophoresis of GABAA receptor antagonists on PB neurons converts a majority of them to binaurally inhibited (EI) neurons that respond best to sounds favoring the contralateral ear. These data indicate that the cortex does not simply inherit binaural properties from lower levels but instead sharpens them locally through intracortical inhibition. The IID selectivity of the PB cluster indicates that the pallid bat cortex contains an increased representation of the frontal space that may underlie increased localization accuracy in this region.

1993 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 842-859 ◽  
E. Covey

1. Connectional evidence suggests that the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) and the paralemniscal zone (PL) function as centers for binaural analysis interposed between the superior olivary complex and the midbrain. In addition, the DNLL is known to be a major source of inhibitory input to the midbrain. The aim of this study was to characterize the response properties of neurons in DNLL and PL of the echolocating bat Eptesicus fuscus, a species that utilizes high-frequency hearing and that might be expected to have a large proportion of neurons responsive to interaural differences in sound level. 2. Auditory stimuli were presented monaurally or binaurally to awake animals, and responses of single units were recorded extra-cellularly with the use of glass micropipettes. 3. Below the ventrolateral border of the inferior colliculus is a region that contains large gamma-aminobutyric acid-positive neurons. On the basis of its immunohistochemical reactivity, this entire region could be considered as DNLL. However, within the area, there was an uneven distribution of binaural responses. Caudally, binaural neurons made up 84% (41/49) of those tested, but rostrally only 29% (6/21). For this reason the rostral area is considered as a separate functional subdivision and referred to as the dorsal paralemniscal zone (DPL). PL is located ventral to DPL and medial to the intermediate and ventral nuclei of the lateral lemniscus; in PL 88% (14/16) of neurons were binaural. 4. Most neurons responded only to a contralateral stimulus when sounds were presented monaurally. Out of 49 neurons in DNLL, 42 responded only to a contralateral sound, 1 responded only to an ipsilateral sound, and 6 responded to sound at either ear. In the DPL, all of the 21 neurons tested responded to a contralateral sound and none to an ipsilateral sound. Out of 16 neurons in the PL, 11 responded only to a contralateral sound, 1 responded only to an ipsilateral sound, and 4 responded to sound at either ear. 5. When sounds were presented at both ears simultaneously, several different patterns of binaural interaction occurred. The most common pattern was suppression of the response to sound at one ear by sound at the other ear. In DNLL, 57% (28/49) of neurons showed this type of binaural interaction. Another 10% (5/49) showed facilitation at some interaural level differences and suppression at others, and another 10% (5/49) showed facilitation at some interaural level differences but no suppression.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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