spectral composition
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2022 ◽  
pp. 31-40

Purpose. Substantiation and creation of automatic lighting control in interactive rooms using piezoelectric converters. The introduction of this technology will significantly reduce energy consumption during the operation of such premises. The addition of further technological solutions based on the use of phosphor coatings and ultraviolet lighting will create a full range of innovative methods of child interaction in the social space.Methodology. The combination of piezo sensors with design elements such as "live" tiles as a trigger mechanism will create the necessary connection between the physical activity of the child and the regulation of light. The modern level of development and complete safety of materials such as phosphors in combination with specially designed point light sources will make it possible to create additional lighting and a field for the imagination of the child. Since the main attention when lighting children's rooms should be directed to the safe stay of the child, the use of light sources under a translucent floor will solve safety issues with a low level of energy consumption.Findings. An experimental study of the methods has proven the feasibility of using the proposed elements for any interactive children's room. The low cost of both equipment and the energy efficiency of all the technologies used is a significant advantage of this project over other developments with a large use of digital gadgets. The ability of create light of different spectral composition and color temperature is analyzed by using color filters and special light sources.Originality. The technologies and techniques presented in this work will be used for the first time to create interactive activities for a child. Separately, each technological solution was applied individually. This project combines separate developments to create a single interactive and light space. A low level of electricity consumption is achieved by using specially designed piezoelectric elements. Replacing standard ceiling lighting with lower (floor) lighting allows you to achieve the desired illumination using luminaires of lower power.Practical value. Recently, it has been proven that digitalization has a negative impact on the emotional state of the child and the only solution to replace it is to switch the child's attention to other more physically active actions. The proposed solutions in the work will allow their to be involved in group trainings. At the same time, the power consumption for obtaining such rooms will be much lower than the rest of the existing ones. The simplicity of the equipment and the possibility of variation during the operation of the premises make it available for creation in any institution of education, medicine, sports, etc.

2022 ◽  
pp. 147715352110515
Z Li ◽  
F Zhang ◽  
X Song ◽  
R Dang

Spectral energy radiated by light sources is the primary source of colour damage in highly photosensitive artworks (HPAs). However, spectral power distributions differ for different light sources, and the absorption and reflection characteristics of different materials, when irradiated by each narrow spectral energy band, also differ. This could result in large differences in the degree of radiation damage for materials under the same lighting intensity. In this paper, the suitability of different light sources used to illuminate HPAs was experimentally investigated over a long period of time by irradiating nine types of typical HPA materials with 10 different narrow-band light sources. By analysing the colour difference data of the illuminated material against the amount of exposure, a mathematical model relating the spectral composition and the damage to the colour of HPA materials was obtained. Based on this, a colour damage evaluation equation for light sources used for lighting HPAs was proposed. Finally, the equations were discussed using an example.

В.Б. Заалишвили ◽  
Д.А. Мельков ◽  
А.Ф. Габараев ◽  
Т.И. Мерзликин

Исследования нелинейных явлений в грунтах, начатые в России почти 60 лет назад, явились стимулом современного развития исследований сейсмоаномальных явлений в комплексе геофизических показателей, наблюдающихся при сильных и разрушительных землетрясениях. Кроме чисто научных интересов большой интерес вызывает вопрос прогнозирования поведения грунтов и сооружений с точки зрения адекватности ожидаемому проявлению сейсмического воздействия. Адекватное изучение нелинейности, являющейся неотъемлемой характеристикой природных явлений, позволит приблизить соответствующее антисейсмические мероприятия к реальным особенностям проявлений сейсмического эффекта при сильных землетрясениях. Цельюработы являлось построение расчетной модели, описывающей явления, наблюдаемые в грунтовой среде при сильных сейсмических воздействиях и сопоставление расчетных данных с результатами инструментальных наблюдений. Методы. В работе анализируется иснтрументальная запись, полученная на слабых грунтах, на сонове вейвлет нанализа. Моделируются импульсы различной проолжитлеьности в среде с различной стпенью проявления нелинейных свойст (кртутизны нелиненйой заивисисмоти напряжение -деформация) методом конечных элементов. Результаты. В результате установлены различия в спектральном составе моделируемых импульсов. Сильное проявление нелинейных свойств характеризуется резкими изменениями фаз колебаний, в фазах высокой скорости нарастания амплитуд. В нелинейных спектрах происходит перераспределение энергии в более высокочастотную область, кратную основному пику, тем сильнее, чем сильнее нелинейность кривой наряжение-деформация. Studies of nonlinear phenomena in soils, which began in Russia almost 60 years ago, have stimulated the modern development of studies of seismically anomalous phenomena in the complex of geophysical indicators observed during strong and destructive earthquakes. In addition to scientific interests, the issue of forecasting the behavior of soils and structures from the point of view of adequacy to the expected manifestation of seismic impact is of great interest. An adequate study of nonlinearity, which is an integral characteristic of natural phenomena, will make it possible to bring the corresponding antiseismic measures closer to the real features of the manifestations of the seismic effect during strong earthquakes. Aim. The aim of the work was to build a computational model describing the phenomena observed in a soil medium under strong seismic effects and to compare the computed data with the results of instrumental observations. Methods.The paper analyzes an instrumental record obtained on soft soils using wavelet analysis. With the help of the finite element method pulses of different duration are modeled in a medium with different degrees of nonlinear properties manifestation (steepness of nonlinear stress-strain dependence). Results. As a result, differences in the spectral composition of the modeled pulses were determined. A strong manifestation of nonlinear properties is characterized by sharp changes in the phases of vibrations, in the phases of a high rate of amplitude rise. In nonlinear spectra, the energy is redistributed to a higher frequency region, which is a multiple of the main peak and the stronger the nonlinearity of the stress-strain curve is stronger.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Roman O. Yaroshenko

The visualisation systems are spread widely as personal computer’s software. The system, that are processing audio data are presented in this article. The system visualizes the ratio of spectrum amplitudes and has fixed frequency binding to colours. The technology of audio signals processing by the device and components of the device were considered. For the increasing information processing speed was used 32bit controller and graphic equalizer with seven passbands. Music visualization it is function, that are spread widely in mediaplayer’s software, on a different operation systems. This function shows animated images that are depends on music signal. Images are usually reproduced in the real time mode and synchronized with a played audio-track. Music and visualization are merges in the different kind of art: opera, ballett, music drama or movies. Dependencies of auditory and visual sensations are used for increasing the emotional perseption for ordinary listeners . In the systems, that are currently being actively promoted, are used several tools for personal computers, such as: After Effects – The Audio Spectrum Effect, VSDC Video Editor Free – Audio Spectrum Visualizer, Magic Music Visuals. The software, that are mentioned above, has a one disadvantage: the using of streaming video is not possible with the simultaneous receipt of audio and requires processing and rendering of the resulting video series. The purpose of the work is to determine the features of spectral analysis of music information and taking into account real-time data processing. Propose a variant of the music information visualization system, which displays the spectral composition of music and the amplitude of individual harmonics, and filling the LED-matrix with the appropriate color depending on the amplitude of the audio signal, with the possibility of wireless signal transmission from the music source to the visual effects device. The technology of frequency analysis of the spectrum with estimation of amplitude of spectrum’s components of the musical data, that is arriving on the device is chosen for this project. The method is based on the analysis of the spectrum in the selected frequency bands, which in turn simplifies the function of finding maxima at different frequencies. The proposed variant of the musical information visualization system provides display on the LED-matrix of colors that correspond to the frequencies spectrum’s components in the musical composition. Moreover, the number of involved LEDs is proportional to the ratio of the amplitudes of the signal’s frequency components. The desired result is achieved by using a Fast Fourier Transform and selecting Khan or Heming windows for providing a better analysis results of the signal spectrum. The amplitudes of the individual components of the spectrum are estimated additionally and each frequency band has its own color. The work of the system is to analyze the components of the spectrum and frequency of musical information. This information affects the display of colors on the LED matrix. The using of a 32-bit microcontroller provides sufficient speed of audio signal processing with minimal delays. For the increasing the accuracy and speed up the frequency analysis, the sound range is divided into seven bands. For this purpose was used seven-band graphic equalizer MSGEQ7. Music information is transmitted to the system via Bluetooth, which greatly simplifies the selection and connection of the music data source.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Elena Selezneva ◽  
Michael Brosch ◽  
Sanchit Rathi ◽  
T. Vighneshvel ◽  
Nicole Wetzel

Pupil dilation in response to unexpected stimuli has been well documented in human as well as in non-human primates; however, this phenomenon has not been systematically compared between the species. This analogy is also crucial for the role of non-human primates as an animal model to investigate neural mechanisms underlying the processing of unexpected stimuli and their evoked pupil dilation response. To assess this qualitatively, we used an auditory oddball paradigm in which we presented subjects a sequence of the same sounds followed by occasional deviants while we measured their evoked pupil dilation response (PDR). We used deviants (a frequency deviant, a pink noise burst, a monkey vocalization and a whistle sound) which differed in the spectral composition and in their ability to induce arousal from the standard. Most deviants elicited a significant pupil dilation in both species with decreased peak latency and increased peak amplitude in monkeys compared to humans. A temporal Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed two components underlying the PDRs in both species. The early component is likely associated to the parasympathetic nervous system and the late component to the sympathetic nervous system, respectively. Taken together, the present study demonstrates a qualitative similarity between PDRs to unexpected auditory stimuli in macaque and human subjects suggesting that macaques can be a suitable model for investigating the neuronal bases of pupil dilation. However, the quantitative differences in PDRs between species need to be investigated in further comparative studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 218-228
L. N. Myasnikova ◽  
A. G. Maratova ◽  
K. Sh. Shunkeyev

This paper studies deformation-stimulated features of radiative relaxation of self-trapped excitons and recombination assembly of exciton-like luminescence in RbI crystal. Methods of research were luminescence and thermal activation spectroscopy. The identity of the mechanism of manifestation of the X-ray luminescence, tunnel luminescence and thermally stimulated luminescence spectra were found in the elastically deformed RbI crystal, interpreted by the luminescence of self-trapped exciton, tunnel recharge of F′, VK -pairs and thermally stimulated recombination of e−, VK -centres, respectively.The temperatures of the maximum destruction peaks of thermally stimulated luminescence, their spectral composition and activation energies were determined experimentally, on the basis of which the mechanisms of recombination assembly of exciton-like luminescences in a RbI crystal were interpreted. Uniaxial elastic deformation leads to the effective formation of point radiation defects ( F′, HA, VK -centers) in comparison with an unbroken lattice, where the predominant mechanism is the association of interstitial atoms ( H -centres) with the formation of I3−-centres.

Joseph D Wagner ◽  
Alice Gelman ◽  
Kenneth E. Hancock ◽  
Yoojin Chung ◽  
Bertrand Delgutte

The pitch of harmonic complex tones (HCT) common in speech, music and animal vocalizations plays a key role in the perceptual organization of sound. Unraveling the neural mechanisms of pitch perception requires animal models but little is known about complex pitch perception by animals, and some species appear to use different pitch mechanisms than humans. Here, we tested rabbits' ability to discriminate the fundamental frequency (F0) of HCTs with missing fundamentals using a behavioral paradigm inspired by foraging behavior in which rabbits learned to harness a spatial gradient in F0 to find the location of a virtual target within a room for a food reward. Rabbits were initially trained to discriminate HCTs with F0s in the range 400-800 Hz and with harmonics covering a wide frequency range (800-16,000 Hz), and then tested with stimuli differing either in spectral composition to test the role of harmonic resolvability (Experiment 1), or in F0 range (Experiment 2), or both F0 and spectral content (Experiment 3). Together, these experiments show that rabbits can discriminate HCTs over a wide F0 range (200-1600 Hz) encompassing the range of conspecific vocalizations, and can use either the spectral pattern of harmonics resolved by the cochlea for higher F0s or temporal envelope cues resulting from interaction between unresolved harmonics for lower F0s. The qualitative similarity of these results to human performance supports using rabbits as an animal model for studies of pitch mechanisms providing species differences in cochlear frequency selectivity and F0 range of vocalizations are taken into account.

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-61
P. M. Zamyatin ◽  
S. O. Beresnev ◽  
L. V. Provar ◽  
E. M. Khoroshun ◽  
I. F. Mikhailov ◽  

The aim of the research is to determine and analyze the X-ray spectral composition of capsules around foreign bodies (CT) of soft tissues of fire origin. Materials and methods. As a material for X-ray spectrometric examination, soft tissues were removed, surgically removed together with an encapsulated foreign body of gunshot origin in 36 wounded in the period from 2 months to 23 years after the wound, who were treated at the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region of Ukraine. and in the State Institution «IZNH them. V.T. Zaitseva National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine». Research results and their discussion. According to the results of X-ray diffraction analysis, the largest changes in trace elements were found, which show that heavy metals in the soft tissues of the body are broken down at the latest, but they can be identified most resistant to protective chemical processes: copper, zinc, lead (first group), which only 10 and 24 months after injury change their concentration twice. Conclusions. The data of X-ray spectral analysis in combination with morphological studies substantiate the expediency of removing CT of soft tissues of fire-fighting origin together with the capsule.

2021 ◽  
M. Nilsson Tengelin ◽  
A.K. Jägerbrand ◽  
P. Andersson ◽  
S. Källberg

This paper presents a novel method for studying threshold levels for positive phototaxis of insects and smaller mobile organisms. Outdoor lighting affects light sensitive species and there is a need to evaluate the effect of light levels, spectral composition of the light and light distribution to mitigate the ecological impacts of the artificial light. For this purpose, a test box investigating the effect of light on insects in a controlled manner has been constructed. The box is equipped with a luminance source and the light levels can be varied from a maximum value continuously down to zero. The spectral composition of the light can be varied by changing the lamp or using optical filters. For visibility of the insects the box has infrared light emitting diodes in the ceiling and two wide-angle cameras monitor the light response. The functionality of the box is tested with the species greater wax moth.

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