scholarly journals New fossil species of Nymphidae (Neuroptera) from the Eocene of North America and Europe

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2157 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68 ◽  

Two new fossil species of Nymphidae (Neuroptera) are described: Nymphes georgei sp. nov. from the Early Eocene locality at Republic, Washington, U.S.A., and Pronymphes hoffeinsorum sp. nov. from Late Eocene Baltic amber. The assignment of the new Republic species to Nymphes Leach maintains some doubt. This is the first fossil record of the genus (or one very closely related), today restricted to the Australian region, and its biogeographical implications are briefly discussed. The genus Pronymphes Krüger is considered to be valid and a diagnosis is provided, as is an amended diagnosis for the wings of Nymphes.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4981 (3) ◽  
pp. 469-480

Continued sampling of the latest Eocene to earliest Oligocene Gries Ranch Formation in Lewis County, Washington State, has yielded new heterobranch microgastropod species. Orbitestella kieli sp. nov., is the third fossil species of this genus and family Orbitestellidae from western North America. Two new species of Ammonicera, A. rolani sp. nov. and A. danieli sp. nov., are together only the second fossil record of this genus and the family Omalogyridae from the northeastern Pacific Ocean. New specimens of two previously recorded species, O. palaiopacifica Squires & Goedert and A. benhami Squires & Goedert, from early Eocene rocks of the Crescent Formation provide new data regarding shell morphology. The fossil record of both Ammonicera and Orbitestella in western North America is restricted to early Eocene to earliest Oligocene age rocks in Washington State. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 87 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-146 ◽  
Vladimir N. Makarkin ◽  
S. Bruce Archibald

The early Eocene green lacewings (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) of the Okanagan Highlands deposits of McAbee, and Driftwood Canyon, British Columbia (Canada) and Republic, Washington (U.S.A.) are treated in detail for the first time. At least six genera are present, one unnamed, three new, with at least 10 new species, six named:Protochrysa fuscobasalisn. sp. (McAbee) (Limaiinae, the youngest known record of the subfamily),Okanaganochrysa coltsunaen. gen. n. sp. (McAbee),Adamsochrysa asperan. gen. n. sp. (McAbee),A. wilsonin. gen. n. sp. (Republic),Archaeochrysa profractan. sp. (McAbee), andPseudochrysopa harveyin. gen. n. sp. (Driftwood Canyon) (all Nothochrysinae, the latter provisionally). The four unnamed species include one assigned toPseudochrysopa, two likely belonging toAdamsochrysa, and one of an unknown nothochrysine genus. Microtholi are detected on the abdominal sclerites ofAdamsochrysa wilsoni, and the spermatheca and spermathecal duct in the abdomen ofPseudochrysopa harveyi, the first reported occurrences of these preserved in fossil Chrysopidae. Structures were detected on the apical wing margins of some species that appear similar to trichosors, which are unknown in Chrysopidae, but are present in some other neuropteran families. This is the richest described assemblage of the family anywhere in the fossil record. Okanagan chrysopids were also morphologically and presumably ecologically diverse, including large species with rich venation and well as those with simplified venation and the smallest known fossil species. This is the oldest reported occurrence of the family in North America.

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-316 ◽  
A. G. Radchenko ◽  
G. M. Dlussky

Abstract Two extinct species of the modern genus Tetramorium Mayr, T. paraarmatum sp. n. and T. kulickae sp. n., are described from the Baltic amber (Poland, ca. 37 Ma). This is the first record of the fossil species of this genus. Described species resemble recent Palaearctic species, and we preliminarily place them to the inerme and caespitum species groups, respectively. Findings of other, previously non-recorded and not described yet fossil Tetramorium species from the Middle (or possibly Early) Eocene and Miocene deposits of Europe and North America are discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 399-408
Sara Gamboa ◽  
Vicente M. Ortuño

Limodromus emetikos sp. n. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) is described and illustrated from Baltic amber (Eocene). Based on its morphological features, the new species is considered a sister taxon of the extant Holarctic assimilis species group. Furthermore, the specimen described here could represent a case of stress-triggered regurgitation, which would represent the first fossil record of such a process in beetles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 150 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-257 ◽  
S. B. Archibald ◽  
Alexandr P. Rasnitsyn ◽  
Denis J. Brothers ◽  
Rolf W. Mathewes

AbstractMost major modern families of Hymenoptera were established in the Mesozoic, but the diversifications within ecologically key trophic guilds and lineages that significantly influence the character of modern terrestrial ecosystems – bees (Apiformes), ants (Formicidae), social Vespidae, parasitoids (Ichneumonidae), and phytophagous Tenthredinoidea – were previously known to occur mostly in the middle to late Eocene. We find these changes earlier, seen here in the early Eocene Okanagan Highlands fossil deposits of western North America. Some of these may have occurred even earlier, but have been obscured by taphonomic processes. We provide an overview of the Okanagan Highlands Hymenoptera to family level and in some cases below that, with a minimum of 25 named families and at least 30 when those tentatively assigned or distinct at family level, but not named are included. Some are poorly known as fossils (Trigonalidae, Siricidae, Peradeniidae, Monomachidae), and some represent the oldest confirmed occurrences (Trigonalidae, Pompilidae, Sphecidaesensu stricto, Peradeniidae, Monomachidae, and possibly Halictidae). Some taxa previously thought to be relictual or extinct by the end of the Cretaceous (Angarosphecidae, Archaeoscoliinae, some Diapriidae) are present and sometimes abundant in the early Eocene. Living relatives of some taxa are now present in different climate regimes or on different continents.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4980 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-156

The osmylid subfamily Protosmylinae is revised based on our emended diagnosis: Petrushevskia Martynova, 1958 and Mesosmylidus Jepson et al., 2012 are excluded (both considered Osmylidae incertae sedis), and Sogjuta Martynova, 1958 is transferred to it from the Mesosmylininae. The late Eocene genus Protosmylus Krüger, 1913 is considered a junior synonym of Osmylidia Cockerell, 1908 based on a distinct apomorphy (deeply forked MA in the hind wing), syn. nov. Three new species of Osmylidia from the early Eocene of North America are described: O. donnae sp. nov. from Quilchena, O. glastrai sp. nov. from Republic, Washington, USA, and an unnamed species of Osmylidia is reported from Driftwood Canyon Provincial Park, British Columbia (all localities of the Okanagan Highlands series), and O. taliae sp. nov. from the Green River Formation of Colorado, USA. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2063 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63 ◽  

A new genus and species Allorapisma chuorum gen. sp. nov. is described from the Early Eocene locality at Republic, Washington, U.S.A. The forewing venation of Allorapisma is most similar to that of the genus Principiala Makarkin & Menon from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil and Britain. A new, informal suprageneric taxon consisting of these genera is proposed, the Principiala group. The habitats of extant and fossil Ithonidae are briefly discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 56 (8) ◽  
pp. 803-813
Gerald Mayr ◽  
S. Bruce Archibald ◽  
Gary W. Kaiser ◽  
Rolf W. Mathewes

We survey the known avian fossils from Ypresian (early Eocene) fossil sites of the North American Okanagan Highlands, mainly in British Columbia (Canada). All specimens represent taxa that were previously unknown from the Eocene of far-western North America. Wings from the McAbee site are tentatively referred to the Gaviiformes and would constitute the earliest fossil record of this group of birds. A postcranial skeleton from Driftwood Canyon is tentatively assigned to the Songziidae, a taxon originally established for fossils from the Ypresian of China. Two skeletons from Driftwood Canyon and the McAbee site are tentatively referred to Coliiformes and Zygodactylidae, respectively, whereas three further fossils from McAbee, Blakeburn, and Republic (Washington, USA) are too poorly preserved for even a tentative assignment. The specimens from the Okanagan Highlands inhabited relatively high paleoaltitudes with microthermal climates (except Quilchena: lower mesothermal) and mild winters, whereas most other Ypresian fossil birds are from much warmer lowland paleoenvironments with upper mesothermal to megathermal climates. The putative occurrence of a gaviiform bird is particularly noteworthy because diving birds are unknown from other lacustrine Ypresian fossil sites of the Northern Hemisphere. The bones of the putative zygodactylid show a sulphurous colouration, and we hypothesize that this highly unusual preservation may be due to the metabolic activity of sulphide-oxidizing bacteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 94 (4) ◽  
pp. 696-715 ◽  
Mateusz Zmudzinski

AbstractThe fossil record of the family Camerobiidae has been represented by only one species, Neophyllobius succineus Bolland and Magowski, 1990, described from Eocene Baltic amber. These prostigmatan mites are distinguishable by their distinctly long and slender stilt-like legs, and they are associated with aboveground vegetation where they hunt for other small invertebrates. This paper enhances the knowledge of fossil stilt-legged mites. Two new fossil species, N. electrus new species and N. glaesus new species, are described from samples of Baltic amber, and remarks on their morphology and taphonomy are provided. The discovery is complemented with a discussion on morphological singularities (the shape of the prodorsum, the location of setae h1 and h2 in living specimens, and lengths of genual setae), an anomaly of hypertrophied seta (found in the N. glaesus holotype), and some biogeographical issues.UUID:

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Andrei A. Legalov ◽  
Vitaliy Yu. Nazarenko ◽  
Dmitry V. Vasilenko ◽  
Evgeny E. Perkovsky

Abstract The beetle Ceutorhynchus is used as a proxy for Eocene core Brassicaceae. The age of Brassicaceae has been strongly debated because their fossil record is scanty. There are four species of Ceutorhynchus inaffectatus species-group known in the Priabonian: Ceutorhynchus zerovae new species in Rovno amber and three in Baltic amber. There are numerous extant members of the group, all of which feed on core Brassicaceae. Together with differentiation of Brassicaceae-feeding Pierinae (Lepidoptera) in the Priabonian, the strong presence of Ceutorhynchus indicates at least an early Priabonian age of core Brassicaceae. The oldest fossil Brassicaceae is not known in the late Eocene of Europe, but was recorded in Montana, dated in some studies as late Oligocene, but recently as Priabonian (34 Ma). Ceutorhynchus zerovae n. sp. is very close to C. electrinus from Baltic amber. UUID:

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