scholarly journals Polskie miejsca pamięci w północnej Bośni

Adeptus ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 35-51
Paulina Anna Wichniewicz

Polish realms of memory in northern BosniaThis article presents the transformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina which began after the war during the years 1991-1995. The most important objective was the liberation and emancipation of the forgotten memory of minorities. These processes are also expressed in relation to the Polish minority which came into existence in the territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century with the government takeover by Austria-Hungary and the announcement of the program of colonization. The changes described were significantly apparent in the reconstruction of Polish realms of memory: Polish shrines in Celinovac, Polish church in Cerovljani, Polish cemeteries: in Devetina and Novi Martinac and also in the Yugoslav-Polish partisan cemetery in Srbac. Of interest, the ‘time of memory’ which took place involved all social actors: the government of the Republic of Srpska and the municipalities of Srbac and Nowogrodziec, the Embassy of the Polish Republic in Sarajevo, representatives of local communities - Serbs and the Polish minority from Ćelinovac. Polskie miejsca pamięci w północnej BośniArtykuł prezentuje przemiany, które od czasu zakończenia wojny 1991–1995 roku dokonują się w granicach Bośni i Hercegowiny. Ich głównym celem jest wyzwalanie i emancypacja pamięci zapomnianych mniejszości narodowych. Procesy te dotyczą również polskiej mniejszości narodowej, która na terytorium Bośni i Hercegowiny pojawiła się pod koniec XIX i na początku XX wieku wraz z przejęciem administracji przez Austro-Węgry oraz ogłoszeniem programowej kolonizacji. Najsilniej ujawniają się w rekonstruowaniu polskich miejsc pamięci: polskiej kapliczki w Ćelinovacu, polskiego kościoła w Cerovljanach, cmentarzy polskich w Devetinie i Nowym Martyńcu oraz partyzanckiego jugosłowiańsko-polskiego w Srbacu. Co ciekawe, „czas pamięci“, który nastał, odcisnął swe piętno na działalności wszystkich aktorów społecznych: władz Republiki Serbskiej oraz gminnych, w tym wypadku gmin Srbac oraz Nowogrodziec, Ambasady Rzeczypospolitej w Sarajewie, przedstawicieli społeczności lokalnych – Serbów oraz polskiej mniejszości narodowej z Ćelinovaca.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 335
M. Halwi Dahlan

AbstrakKolonisatie adalah program perpindahan penduduk versi pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada awal abad XX.  Program migrasi ini awalnya diberi nama Kolonisatieproof dan dijalankan sesuai dengan tuntutan Politik Etis bersama dengan program edukasi dan irigasi. Meski kelihatannya sebagai program yang peduli terhadap perbaikan kondisi masyarakat pribumi, tetapi sejatinya ketiga program tersebut dilaksanakan untuk kepentingan kolonialisme di Hindia Belanda yang telah sekian lama meraup keuntungan sejak masa VOC dan Hindia Belanda. Pada masa pemerintahan militer Jepang juga dilakukan perpindahan penduduk yang disebut kokuminggakari khusus di wilayah Lampung.  Penduduk yang dipindahkan ini adalah para rômusha dari Pulau Jawa.  Setelah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, program perpindahan penduduk ini dilanjutkan dan disebut transmigrasi.  Tidak jauh berbeda dengan kolonisasi, sasaran perpindahan penduduk ini adalah dari daerah-daerah yang dianggap padat penduduknya terutama Pulau Jawa ke daerah lain di Indonesia.  Khusus Lampung, pelaksanaan perpindahan penduduk ini sangat bernilai karena daerah ini menjadi pionir proyek di tiga masa pemerintahan.  Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tiga peristiwa perpindahan penduduk tersebut disertai perbandingan di antara ketiganya. Penulisan ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan sumber melalui studi kepustakaan dan mengenai dampak yang ditimbulkan dianalisis menggunakan teori integrasi.  Abstract In the early twentieth century, the Nederland-Indie  government introduced a program Kolonisatie. At the beginning of its implementation, that program was know as Kolonisatieproof. The program is run in accordance with the Ethical Policy along with educational and irrigation program. Although it seems as programs that concerned to the improvement of indigenous peoples, but is actually that programs were implemented for the benefit of the Dutch East Indies's colonialism. In the reign of the Japanese military, migration program also conducted by goverment which known as kokuminggakari, especially in Lampung. The Population which displacement in kokuminggakari's program is the romushas of Java. After the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, this program continued and know as migration and transmigration. In the era of Indonesian independence, the government carried out the similar program with the colonization program. The purpose of this program is to moved the population from the densely region, especially in Java, to moved to other region in Indonesia. In Lampung, the implementation of this migration  is very important because the area has become a pioneer project in three periods. The purpose of this research was to describe the migration of three events with a comparison between the three events. This study uses the source collection techniques through the study of literature and the data were analyzed using the theory of integration.

Muzikologija ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 227-242
Lana Pacuka

With the arrival of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Bosnia and Herzegovina encountered Western European social trends, which affected the shaping of musical life physiognomy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In this extremely intricate relationship between national and pro-European-oriented cultural trends, Serbian composer Stevan Stojanovic Mokranjac had a special position as a unique musical phenomenon, since he was a composer whose musical talent imposed itself as an authority in strengthening the national musical expression and serving as a guideline for numerous BH artists.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-303
Richard Howard

Irish science fiction is a relatively unexplored area for Irish Studies, a situation partially rectified by the publication of Jack Fennell's Irish Science Fiction in 2014. This article aims to continue the conversation begun by Fennell's intervention by analysing the work of Belfast science fiction author Ian McDonald, in particular King of Morning, Queen of Day (1991), the first novel in what McDonald calls his Irish trilogy. The article explores how McDonald's text interrogates the intersection between science, politics, and religion, as well as the cultural movement that was informing a growing sense of a continuous Irish national identity. It draws from the discipline of Science Studies, in particular the work of Nicholas Whyte, who writes of the ways in which science and colonialism interacted in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century Ireland.

Jonathan D. Teubner

The ‘Historiographical Interlude’ presents a brief overview of the cultural, social, and political changes that occur between Augustine’s death in 430 CE and Boethius’ earliest theological writings (c.501 CE). When Augustine, Boethius, and Benedict are treated together in one unified analysis, several historiographical challenges emerge. This Interlude addresses several of these challenges and argues that trends within late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century scholarship established some unfounded interpretive biases. In particular, this section will discuss the contributions of Adolf von Harnack and Henri Irénée Marrou, focusing on how they contributed, in diverse ways, to the neglect of sixth-century Italy as a significant geographical site in the development of the Augustinian tradition.

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