Mutual-Fund-Affiliated Analysts and Stock Price Synchronicity: Evidence From China

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 435-460 ◽  
Xuanyu Jiang ◽  
Nianhang Xu ◽  
Qingbo Yuan ◽  
Kam C. Chan

We contend that mutual-fund-affiliated analysts have conflicts of interest in their role of information production. Similar to the investment-bank-affiliated analysts (Malmendier & Shanthikumar, 2014), mutual-fund-affiliated analysts are very likely to speak in two tongues, issuing optimism-biased recommendations to please their mutual fund clients due to the clients’ holdings of the stocks but less optimistic forecasts for their covered firms to provide firm-specific information for mutual funds. The net effect of these mutual-fund-affiliated analysts’ conflicting actions is not clear. We use a unique Chinese dataset that discloses the business affiliations between mutual funds and brokerage firms through commission allocations to examine whether mutual-fund-affiliated analysts produce more (or less) firm-specific information in their research compared with non-affiliated analysts. Our results indicate that mutual-fund-affiliated analysts produce more firm-specific information, manifested by lower stock price synchronicity for the firms they cover. We further find that the mutual-fund-affiliated analyst effects are more pronounced for stocks that represent significant exposure to an affiliated mutual fund’s investment, where mutual funds presumably need more firm-specific information to make investment decisions. Finally, we document that mutual-fund-affiliated analysts conduct more site visits on the stocks held by their mutual fund clients, which explains the greater information dissemination by mutual-fund-affiliated analysts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-120 ◽  
Jiajia Fu

ABSTRACT This study examines the role of mutual funds in the pricing of accruals in China's stock market to evaluate the sophistication of Chinese mutual funds. Using a sample of A-share stocks in China from 2003 to 2011, I find that the mispricing of accruals is concentrated in firms with large mutual fund holdings. This result differs from a number of U.S. studies documenting a positive relation between institutional holdings and stock price efficiency. In an effort to explain this result, I provide evidence that mutual funds in China fixate on earnings and fail to understand the one-year-ahead earnings implication of accruals. Specifically, I find that the persistence of accruals is overpriced in stocks with a high level of mutual fund ownership. The mispricing of accruals in these stocks is largely driven by discretionary accruals and is related to their high stock price responsiveness to earnings. JEL Classifications: M41; G12.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Tim Mooney

PurposeThis study examines whether mutual funds buy or sell the stock of merger targets advised by their investment bank affiliates in advance of merger announcements and withdrawals. Existing literature finds mixed evidence on whether financial conglomerates act on conflicts of interest across divisions.Design/methodology/approachAffiliations between investment banks and mutual funds are identified, and the incidence and characteristics of mergers where funds trade the stock of targets advised by affiliates are examined.FindingsMutual funds buy or increase holdings of merger targets advised by their investment bank affiliate in advance of merger announcements, capturing highly positive abnormal returns. Mergers with this pre-announcement trading by affiliates are more likely to be completed successfully. Furthermore, mutual funds are more likely to liquidate holdings of a target in advance of a merger withdrawal if the fund is affiliated with the target's investment bank advisor, thus avoiding negative abnormal returns surrounding merger withdrawals. Results are robust after controlling for potential sample selection bias.Originality/valueThese findings contribute to the literature on affiliations between investment banking and mutual fund management, M&A outcomes, and to the discussion of potential conflicts of interest within banks. Also, this study is the first to examine trading activities by mutual funds affiliated with merger investment bank advisors during value-sensitive periods beyond the pre-announcement phase, such as the time period leading up to merger withdrawals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-179 ◽  
Haiyan Jiang ◽  
Donghua Zhou ◽  
Joseph H. Zhang

SYNOPSIS Against the backdrop of the Chinese Directive 40 (China's Reg FD) issued in 2007 as an attempt to curb insider trading and to level the information playing field, this study investigates whether analysts' private information acquisition influences the extent to which firm-specific information is impounded into stock prices, i.e., stock price synchronicity, and how the restrictions on selective disclosures imposed by Directive 40 have shaped the relationship between analyst information acquisition and synchronicity. Using a pre-Directive 40 sample, we show that synchronicity is negatively related to analysts' private information acquisition, which provides support for the “information advantage” argument of analysts' information production. However, the ability of analysts' private information acquisition in improving firm-specific information incorporated into stock price is mitigated post-Directive 40 due to a restriction on selective disclosures and/or private communication. Moreover, we find that this regulatory impact varies for firms being followed by affiliated analysts versus non-affiliated analysts. JEL Classifications: G14; G15; G17; G18.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 100
Imen Lamiri ◽  
Adel Boubaker

<p>This article explores the informational role of three essential modern financial markets actors such IFRS norms, the Big”4” and the financial analysts for a panel of emergent and developed countries during the period from 2001 to 2010. We hypothesis that these mechanisms help improving the quality of specific information incorporated into stock prices measured by the stock price synchronicity (SPS). The main result is that both financial analyst’s coverage and IFRS adoption's effects seem to be stronger for emerging than developed markets. The results also show a negative relationship between auditors’ opinion and coefficient of determination (R<sup>2</sup>).</p>

Owner ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 358-367
Jhon Lismart Benget. P.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of inflation, BI-7 day reverses repo rate, exchange rate, the money supply, and composite stock price index on the net asset value of stock mutual funds. The population of this study is the stock mutual fund which was listed on the financial services authority in 2017-2020. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously inflation, BI-7 day reverse repo rate, exchange rate, the money supply, and composite stock price index affect the net asset value of the stock mutual fund. Partially, this study show BI-7 day reverse repo rate has a positive and significant effect on the net asset value of a stock mutual fund. The exchange rate has a positive and significant effect on the net asset value of stock mutual funds. The composite stock price index has a positive and significant effect on the net asset value of stock mutual funds. The money supply has a negative and significant effect on the net asset value of a stock mutual fund while inflation has no significant effect on the net asset value of a stock mutual fund.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 829-857 ◽  
Hua Feng ◽  
Ahsan Habib ◽  
Gao liang Tian

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the association between aggressive tax planning and stock price synchronicity. Design/methodology/approach Employing the special institutional background of China, this study constructs tax aggressiveness and stock price synchronicity measures for a large sample of Chinese stocks spanning the period 2003–2015. The authors employ OLS regression as the baseline methodology, and a fixed effect model, the Fama–Macbeth method and GMM as sensitivity checks. Matched samples and difference-in-difference analyses are used to control for endogeneity. Findings The authors find a significant and positive association between aggressive tax planning and stock price synchronicity. Because material information about risky tax transactions tends to be hidden in various tax accruals accounts, aggressive tax strategies make financial statements less transparent, thereby, increasing information asymmetry and decreasing stock price informativeness. The authors also find that the firms engaging in aggressive tax planning exhibit relatively high corporate opacity. In addition, the authors find that improvements in the tax enforcement regime, ownership status and high-quality auditors all constrain the adverse effects of tax aggressiveness. Practical implications This study has important practical implications for China’s regulators, who are striving to reduce the tax burden of enterprises. It also helps investors to consider investment decisions more appropriately from a taxation perspective. Originality/value First, this paper contributes to the stock price efficiency literature by identifying the effect of a hitherto unexamined factor, namely, firm-level aggressive tax planning, on the efficiency of stock prices. Second, this study provides further empirical evidence to support the agency view of tax aggressiveness, and the informational interpretation of stock price synchronicity. Third, this study helps us better understand the effects of firm-level tax policy on firm-specific information capitalization in an environment where overall country-level investor protection is relatively weak.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Arthur Delibert ◽  
Lori Schneider ◽  
Megan Clement ◽  
Shane Shannon

Purpose To explain the January 6, 2016 written guidance (the “New Guidance”) issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Investment Management on payments made by mutual funds to intermediaries for distribution and non-distribution-related services. Design/methodology/approach Explains the SEC’s earlier guidance in the 1998 “Supermarket Letter,” the provisions of Rule 12b-1, the practice termed “distribution in guise,” the emphasis in the “New Guidance” on the role of a fund board’s business judgment, how Rule 12b-1 compliance fits into Rule 38a-1 compliance programs, specific fund activities and arrangements with intermediaries that are of concern to the SEC staff, and the focus of the New Guidance on an adviser’s fiduciary duty to mitigate or eliminate conflicts of interest. Findings The New Guidance articulates clear expectations that fund boards will have a process to evaluate the nature of intermediary payments and that fund advisers will provide boards with information in the advisers’ possession that the boards need to carry out that evaluation. Another intent of the New Guidance is apparently to give the SEC a clearer basis to bring enforcement actions concerning the use of fund assets to pay intermediaries for distribution-related activities. Originality/value Practical guidance from experienced investment management lawyers.

Law Review ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 246
Yosephus Mainake

<p><em>The Capital Market Law, which carries with it the trust institutions, contains provisions regarding collective investment contract mutual funds (RD KIK) that produce securities in the form of participation units, which are traded on the stock exchange. In RD KIK, there is a trust relationship between the unit holder of the custodian bank and the investment manager. The legal relationship in the concept of collective RD KIK is similar to what happens in trusts. In the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition, mutual funds are often referred to as unit trusts and/or investment trusts, where the sponsor acts as a settlor who hands over his assets to the trustee, the sponsor acts as the settlor in the trusts as well as the unit holder in a collective investment contract mutual fund. In connection with these problems, normative legal research is carried out using a statute approach, a conceptual approach and a comparative approach. The method used in analyzing this research is qualitative analysis. So, it can be seen that the role of the custodian bank and investment manager acts as a trustee, where the custodian bank is given the authority to carry out collective custody of the assets of the joint investment contract unit holder. The investment manager is given the power to manage or control the assets submitted by the sponsor or settlor in the concept of trusts law. Thus, it can be said that the RD KIK concept is similar to the idea of trusts because it fulfills the elements of trusts.</em></p><p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak: </strong>Undang-Undang Pasar Modal yang membawa serta pranata <em>trust</em> di dalamnya terdapat ketentuan mengenai reksa dana kontrak investasi kolektif (RD KIK) yang melahirkan efek dalam bentuk unit penyertaan, yang diperdagangkan di bursa efek. Dalam RD KIK, terdapat hubungan kepercayaan antara pemegang unit penyertaan terhadap bank kustodian dan manajer investasi. Hubungan hukum dalam konsep RD KIK kolektif ini mirip yang terjadi dalam <em>trusts</em>. Dalam tradisi hukum Anglo Saxon, reksa dana sering kali disebut dengan <em>unit trusts</em> dan atau <em>investment trust</em>, yaitu sponsor bertindak sebagai settlor yang menyerahkan harta kebendaanya kepada <em>trustee</em>, sponsor sebagai <em>settlor</em> dalam <em>trusts</em> sama halnya dengan pemegang unit penyertaan dalam reksa dana kontrak investasi kolektif. Sehubungan dengan permasalahan tersebut, dengan ini dilakukan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perbandingan. Cara yang digunakan dalam menganalisis penelitian ini yakni analisis kualitatif. Maka dapat dilihat bahwa peran bank kustodian dan manajer investasi bertindak sebagai <em>trustee</em>, di mana bank kustodian diberi wewenang untuk melaksanakan penitipan kolektif terhadap harta pemegang unit kontrak investasi kolektif dan manajer investasi diberi wewenang untuk melakukan pengelolaan atau penguasaan terhadap harta yang diserahkan oleh sponsor atau settlor dalam konsep hukum <em>trusts</em>. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa konsep RD KIK mirip dengan konsep <em>trusts</em> karena telah memenuhi unsur-unsur <em>trusts</em>.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci: Reksa Dana Kontrak Investasi Kolektif, <em>Trusts</em></strong></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-305 ◽  
Donghua Zhou ◽  
Yujie Zhao ◽  
Philip T Lin ◽  
Bin Li ◽  
Adrian (Waikong) Cheung

We study the relationship between stock price synchronicity and information disclosure of firms listed in the Chinese stock market, using hand-collected data on firms’ official microblogging content in Sina Weibo, a popular microblogging service in China. We find that after controlling for the impact of traditional media, the number of Weibo tweets is related negatively to stock price synchronicity, indicating that stock prices incorporate firm-specific information disclosed in the firm’s official Weibo. Number of microblogging fans can strengthen this negative relationship. Our result is robust to alternative measures of stock price synchronicity, microblogging information disclosure, and to endogeneity issues. JEL Classification: G14, G15

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