Australia’s 2015 Defence White Paper: Seeking Strategic Opportunities in Southeast Asia to Help Manage China’s Peaceful Rise

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 395 ◽  
John Lee
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Muhammad Harry Riana Nugraha

<p><strong>Abstrak – </strong>Isu yang berkembang di kawasan Asia Tenggara (ASEAN) terlihat begitu kompleks dan<strong> </strong>dinamis. Kebijakan pertahanan Indonesia pada periode 2015 – 2020 merupakan suatu fenomena yang menarik. Berdasarkan rentang waktu tersebut dapat dirumuskan perencanaan strategis pertahanan masa depan. Disamping itu, pemerintah sedang giat mengusung pembangunan sektor maritim. Isu pertahanan masa depan erat kaitannya dengan persoalan kedaulatan. Jelas hal ini sangat penting untuk dikaji, walaupun pada masa tersebut diperkirakan kemungkinan adanya ancaman yang berbentuk tradisional (militer), yaitu perang, adalah minim. Pertanyaan kajian ini adalah bagaimana perencanaan strategis pertahanan Indonesia di kawasan strategis Asia Tenggara (ASEAN). Terkait kecenderungan perkembangan lingkungan strategis atau perkiraan minimnya kemungkinan ancaman berwujud tradisional militer ini disebutkan secara eksplisit dalam Buku Putih Pertahanan Republik Indonesia. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan instrumen diplomasi pertahanan menjadi dominan. Disamping melakukan pengembangan kebijakan pertahanan dan perencanaan pertahanan berupa penguatan struktur dan postur pertahanan Indonesia secara komprehensif. Indonesia perlu melakukan penguatan kapabilitas pertahanan di tengah negara-negara Asia Tenggara dengan cara memperkuat basis postur dan struktur pertahanan yang dikaitkan dengan visi poros maritimdunia. Sehingga, tercapai keterukuran atau <em>Minimum Essential</em> <em>Force </em>(MEF) yang berkelanjutan.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci : </strong>ASEAN, kebijakan pertahanan, diplomasi pertahanan, perencanaan pertahanan</p><p><strong><em>Abstract – </em></strong><em>Issues that develop in Southeast Asia (ASEAN) looks very complex and dynamic. Indonesia’s<strong> </strong>defense policy in the period of 2015 – 2020 is an interesting phenomenon. Based on that timeframe strategic planning of the future defense can be formulated. In addition, the government is actively promoting the development of the maritime sector. The issue of future defense is closely related to the question of sovereignty. Obviously, this is very important to be studied, although at that time it was thought that the possibility of a traditional (military) threat, showed by war is minimal. The research question is how does the strategic defense planning of Indonesia in the middle of strategic area of Southeast Asia (ASEAN). Related to the trend of strategic environment in Southeast Asia development or estimation of the minimal possibility of this tangible traditional military threat is mentioned explicitly in the Defense White Paper of the Republic of Indonesia.The results showed that the use of defense diplomacy as defense instruments became dominant. Besides, the development of defense policy and defense planning in the form of comprehensive strengthening of the Indonesian defense structure and defense posture. Indonesia needs to strengthen of defense capability in the midst of </em><em>Southeast Asian countries by strengthening the base of defense posture and defense structure related to the vision of the world’s maritime axis. Therefore, sustainability of Minimum Essential Force (MEF) can be achieved.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>ASEAN, defense policy, defense diplomacy, defense planning</em></p>

1961 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-105 ◽  
John R. W. Small

It is generally accepted that history is an element of culture and the historian a member of society, thus, in Croce's aphorism, that the only true history is contemporary history. It follows from this that when there occur great changes in the contemporary scene, there must also be great changes in historiography, that the vision not merely of the present but also of the past must change.

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