On The Possibility of an Autonomous History of Modern Southeast Asia

1961 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-105 ◽  
John R. W. Small

It is generally accepted that history is an element of culture and the historian a member of society, thus, in Croce's aphorism, that the only true history is contemporary history. It follows from this that when there occur great changes in the contemporary scene, there must also be great changes in historiography, that the vision not merely of the present but also of the past must change.

1961 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-102 ◽  
John R. W. Smail

It is generally accepted that history is an element of culture and the historian a member of society, thus, in Croce's aphorism, that the only true history is contemporary history. It follows from this that when there occur great changes in the contemporary scene, there must also be great changes in historiography, that the vision not merely of the present but also of the past must change.

Allison Varzally

This chapter tracks the assimilation of adopted Vietnamese and Amerasians through the 1970s and 1980s amid contested memories about wars in Southeast Asia, conceptions of identity, and ideas of community. It traces how they have interpreted their own histories since the 1990s through social media, memoirs, documentaries, reunions, conferences, and calls to Congress. I doing so, they changed the public’s thinking of the past, exposing a history of racial difference, violence, and dislocation.


Dalam penelitian ini, penulis  membahas  ‘Koto Rayo’, sebuah pemukiman kuno di sisi Sungai Tabir, Jambi sebagai sebuah budaya dan kearifan lokal. Penelitian difokuskan pada nilai kearifan lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat dalam kaitan dengan situs ini. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan memunculkan fakta-fakta sebagai berikut. Pulau Sumatera memiliki peradaban tinggi di masa lalu, khususnya melalui Kerajaan Sriwijaya yang mengontrol dan mendominasi seluruh pulau ini dan sebagian besar wilayah Asia Tenggara. Salah satu wilayah Kerajaan Sriwijaya di Pulau Sumatera adalah Jambi, yang dahulu memiliki banyak Kerajaan Melayu. ‘Koto Rayo’ yang terletak di sisi Sungai Tabir ‘mungkin’ salah satu peradaban yang berhubungan dengan sejarah Kerajaan Melayu Jambi dan atau Kerajaan Sriwijaya di masa lalu. Situs ini mempengaruhi beberapa perilaku kearifan lokal pada masyarakat sekitar dalam wujud perilaku yang tegas dalam melestarikan lingkungan dan menjaga warisan budaya. Kearifan lokal ini penting untuk meminimalisir efek negatif globalisasi.The objective of this study is to discuss ’Koto Rayo’, an ancient settlement on the side of Tabir river, Jambi as a culture and local wisdom. The study focused on the value of local knowledge in the communities in connection with this site. Data was collected through observation, interviews and document analysis. The results and discussion led to the following facts. The island of Sumatra has a high civilization in the past, particularly through the kingdom of Srivijaya that controls and dominates the entire island and most of the Southeast Asia region. One of the kingdom of Srivijaya in Sumatra is Jambi, which once had many Malay kingdom. ’Rayo Koto’ located on the side of Tabir river is ’probably’ one of civilization associated with the history of the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya kingdom of Jambi in the past. This site affects some local knowledge on the behavior of the surrounding community in the form of assertive behavior in preserving the environment and maintain the cultural heritage. This local knowledge is essential to minimize the negative effects of globalization.

Volodymyr Hladyshev ◽  
Nataliia Daskal

The creativity of the award winner of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize in the domain of literature Dmytro Kremin (1953-2019) is a vivid phenomenon of modern Ukrainian literature and culture. His poetic heritage has a special meaning after the poet passed away in May of this year. Now it is worth to be considered and conceived as a kind of his testament left to descendants by the outstanding master of the imaginative word. Dmytro Kremin`s legacy has always been in the centre of attention of critical literary practice, his poems evoked a contradictory attitude towards himself, thanks to it the critics` reviewers were so brilliant and emotional. But after the poet`s death, there is a need for a literary study of his heritage and a conclusion to the study of the work of an outstanding poet on a qualitatively new level. Among the poet’s many works, the poem holds a special place. It was created before long after Ukraine gained independence. Appeal to the people and the country`s history, Dmytro Kremin comprehends the origins of their heavy fate. The philosophical approach to understanding concrete historical phenomena allows the poet to look profoundly into the past, to define the influence on the present, and the origins of our young state`s problems. A wide range of historical figures, to which the author refers, characterizes the history of Ukraine in its most noticeable facts. The analysis of the poem is philological. The figurative system of the work is perceived in the unity of form and content. Thus it is possible to identify the aesthetic singularity of the work and its patriotic directivity. The study proves that the appeal of the patriotic poet to history should be received as a kind of poetic admonition, an attempt to draw attention to the tragic mistakes for the people`s fate to avoid them in the contemporary history of Ukraine. The poet’s call to live for the sake of the Motherland, to conscientious service to the country and people reflects his moral and aesthetic position and becomes his contribution to the development of the country. We consider that the article can be useful for researchers, lecturers, school teachers, students, and everyone interested in the creativity of the outstanding Ukrainian poet.

1997 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 689-709 ◽  
David K. Wyatt

Despite the serious studies of the past century, the history of Mainland Southeast Asia is still poorly understood. This is not to say that we do not have numerous studies of particular countries and events in individual countries; but, despite the efforts of Victor Lieberman, Anthony Reid, and others, we still lack a comprehensive sense of the dynamics of the premodern history of long periods on a region-wide basis.

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-136 ◽  
Barbara Watson Andaya

Historians of Southeast Asia have begun to consider the history of women and gender relatively recently, even though the complementary relationship between men and women has long been cited as a regional characteristic. In the last twenty years or so the field has witnessed some important advances, most notably in the study of the twentieth century but also in the preceding periods as well. Generalizations advanced in the past are now being refined through a number of new case studies. The second half of this essay, surveying recent publications primarily in English, focuses on pre-twentieth century history, identifying the areas where research has been most productive and suggesting lines of inquiry that might be profitable in the future.

1982 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 559-570 ◽  
Karl L. Hutterer

Early Southeast Asia is an impressive collection of papers dealing with the archaeology, history, epigraphy, art history, and geography of early Southeast Asian states and their development. The high scholarship of individual contributions notwithstanding, the collection as a whole demonstrates that the past thirty years have seen relatively little progress in understanding this important aspect of the social and cultural history of the region. Archaeologists have made many important new discoveries but have been unable to bring them to bear within a historical synthesis; related disciplines have dealt with other types of evidence but also seem unable to translate them into a common language of cultural and social meaning.

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